1、敦煌學(xué)術(shù)語英漢對照表1. 藍(lán)寶石金剛杵 blue diamond vajra staff2. 斯坦因Aurel Stein3. 伯希和Paul Pelliot4. 景教N(yùn)estorianism5. 回鶻Ughur6. 觀音avalokitesvara7. 大勢至菩薩mahasthamaprapta8. 如意寶珠cintamani9. 因陀羅indra10. 梵天brahma11. 熾盛光如來tejaprabha12. 法輪dharma cakra/the wheel of dharma13. 契丹khitan14. 阿彌陀amitabha15. 萬字符svastika16. 法華經(jīng)saddha
2、rmapundarika/lotus sutra17. 舍利塔sarihani/stupa of the Buddha's ashes18. 佛定尊勝陀羅尼經(jīng)變illuatrations of the Buddhosnisah Darani19. 十輪經(jīng)變illustration of Ten Wheels Sutra20. 祆教zoroastrianism21. 摩醯首羅天mahesvara22. 那羅延天naraya23. 帝釋天indra24. 印度教Hinduism25. 婆羅門教brahmanism26. 大自在天mahamahesvara27. 鳩摩羅天kumara28.
3、毗那耶迦vinayaka29. 三叉戟trident30. 濕婆shiva31. 風(fēng)神veshparkar/wind god32. 娜娜nana33. 貴霜朝kushan dynasty34. 密特拉mitra35. 日天aditya/sun deva36. 月天candra/moon devi37. 水天 varuna/water devi38. 穹廬頂/圓頂dome ceiling39. 東漢畫像磚eastern Han carved tile40. 石棺sarcophagus41. 人非人non-human image42. 粟特Sogdiana/Sogdian43. 突厥Turk/Tu
4、rky44. 薩珊王朝sasanian dynasty45. 五方佛B(yǎng)uddhas of the Five Directions46. 蓮花生Padmasambhava47. 普賢samantabhadra48. 佛、法、僧buddha dharmasangha49. 文殊 majushri50. 大日如來mahavairocana51. 金剛手 vajra pani52. 手印 mudra53. 卒堵坡/塔stupa54. 菩薩boddhisattva55. 彌勒maitreya56. 外道heterodox?57. 千佛化現(xiàn) illusion of thousand buddhas58.
5、白沙瓦peshawa59. 菩提樹bodhi tree60. 盧舍那佛vairochana61. 金剛vajra62. 龜茲kucha63. 法衣cassock/monastic robe64. 六道圖six paths of rebirth65. 八相變eight aspects of Buddha life66. 大乘mahayana67. 犍陀羅gandhara68. 釋迦shakya69. 波羅奈國varnanas70. 法輪dharma-cakra71. 三寶three jewels72. 小乘hynayana73. 匈奴hun74. 戒律commandment/monastic d
6、isciplines75. 薩倕太子本生故事Jataka of Prince Mahasattva76. 夜叉yaksha/yakshi77. 業(yè)karma78. 護(hù)法dharmapala/guardians of the Law79. 閻浮提主 Lord of Jambudvipa80. 力士warrior81. 阿難ananda82. 迦葉kasyapa83. 涅槃nirvana84. 維摩詰Vimalakirti85. 曼陀羅mandala86. 天蓋canopy87. 金剛鈴vajra bell88. 天女celestial lady89. 閻魔天yama90. 吉祥坐auspicio
7、us pose91. 降魔坐krisssword pose92. 除蓋帳菩薩sarvanivaranavishkambin93. 不空娟索菩薩amoghapsa94. 與愿印wish-granting mudra95. 無畏印fear-not mudra96. 密宗tantric/esoteric sect97. 觸地印earth-touching mudra98. 世俗化 vulgarization/secularization99. 青銅像bronze statue100. 本地佛教regional Buddhism101. 陀羅尼Dhrans102. 護(hù)身符 amulet103. 印章
8、seal104. 仙丹 elixir105. “四苦” Four Miseries106. 凈土歌贊Pure Land Carol107. 六祖壇經(jīng) The Sutra Spoken by the Sxith Patriarch108. 作孽 sin-committing109. 降魔 demon-conquering110. 空間結(jié)構(gòu) the spatial structure111. 藏經(jīng)洞 Library cave112. 靈驗(yàn)記 An Efficacious Record113. 行像活動(dòng) tht statue events114. 三階教 three-stage religion11
9、5. 神仙 immortal being116. 妙法蓮華經(jīng) the Lotus Sutra117. 吐蕃統(tǒng)治Tibetan Reign118. 佛像東傳 the transmission of buddhist images to East Asia119. 敦煌山水畫Dunhunag landscape paitings 120. 空間表現(xiàn)the representation of space121. 供養(yǎng)人patron122. 造像 image-making 123. 人物畫 figure painting124. 絹畫 silk painting125. 八大菩薩曼陀羅 the Eig
10、ht Mahaboddhisattva Mandala126. 視覺聯(lián)系 visual links127. 胡化因素 foreign elemnts128. 波羅王朝Pala Dynasty 129. 地藏菩薩Ksitigarbha 130. 虛空藏菩薩Akasagarbha 131. 菱形印 rhombus seal132. 花供養(yǎng)菩薩flower-offering bodhisattva 133. 香供養(yǎng)菩薩incense-offering bodhisattva134. 燈供養(yǎng)菩薩lamp-offering bodhisattva135. 舞供養(yǎng)菩薩dance-offering bodh
11、isattva136. 歌供養(yǎng)菩薩song-offering bodhisattva137. 金剛索vajra noose 138. 如意輪cintamani cakra139. 凈瓶water bottle140. 西魏 the Western Wei Dynasty141. 克孜爾石窟 Kizil Grottoes142. 黎北嵐 Penelope Riboud143. 窯前殿堂palaces and halls in front of the cave144. 平面圖plane figure145. 立面圖elvation drawing146. 華爾納Langdon Warner147
12、. 敦煌文物研究所Dunhuang Historic Relic Intitute148. 國立敦煌藝術(shù)研究所the State Dunhuang Art Institute149. 石窟檔案室 grotto file library150. 腳手架架穴 scaffold holes 151. 抹泥plaster 152. 瘞窟 tomb cave153. 僧房窟 Biddhist quarter cave154. 多室禪窟 multi-room Buddhist cave155. 廩窟storage cave156. 西夏文 Wester Xia Language157. 八思巴文Phags
13、-pa158. 敘利亞文Syrian 159. 木活字 wood type160. 通道 passage161. 八瓣蓮花 eight-lotus 162. 夯土 rammed earth163. 條磚 soap brick164. 建筑木構(gòu)件 timber components 165. 石門枕 crossdrift pillow166. 鎏金銅菩薩 fine gold bodhisattva167. 三維激光掃描技術(shù)the three-dimensional laser scanning system 168. 全景數(shù)碼攝影the panoramic digital photography
14、 169. 九層樓 the Nine-storey Building170. 北大像North Buddha Statue171. 重飛四級 four-storey eaves172. 下寺 the Lower Temple173. 上寺 the Upper Temple174. 結(jié)社造窟 building caves by societies175. 法身佛 Dharmakaya Buddha176. 鹿野苑the deer park177. 執(zhí)金剛神 sorcerer178. 天神deity179. 笈多朝 the Gupta Dynasty180. 薩爾納特Sarnath 181. 蓮花
15、座 the Lotus Throne182. 菩薩裝天眾Heavenly Beings in Bodhisattva Csotumes183. 焰肩佛 Buddha with flames on the shoulders184. 背屏back screen185. 修行 cultivate/ cultivation186. 縵網(wǎng) silk fabric187. 大司馬 minister of war188. 四壁 the four walls189. 中心柱 the center pillar190. 九色鹿本生故事 the story of nine-color deer191. 因緣故事
16、 karma story192. 東王公龍車 the Dragon Chariot of East Duke193. 歇山頂the slanting top194. 三遠(yuǎn)法 three ways of perspective in Chinese traditional paintings195. 護(hù)國宗教N(yùn)ational Religion 196. 高麗八萬大藏經(jīng) Tripitaka Koreana197. 八角座octagonal throne198. 阿彌陀三尊 Amitabha triad199. 上品三生the upper three levels of rebirth 200. 護(hù)
17、國神 the nation-protecting deities201. 往生俗人reborn devotees202. 弩家crossbar maker 203. 都料 commander-in-chief204. 臥佛the reclining Buddha205. 西域技法 the Western Region Drawing Techniques206. 飛天Apsaras207. 漢簡Bamboo Slips of the Han Dynasty208. 烽燧遺址the beacon tower site209. 懸泉置遺址 Xuanquanzhi Site210. 天龍八部或天部類
18、 the demi-gods and semi-devils211. 畏獸frightening animals 212. 佛爺廟 Buddha Temple213. 葡萄紋 grape pattern214. 蔓草紋turnip pattern 215. 小圓毯a small round woolen carpet216. 舞筵 dancing mat217. 洞窟功德主cave merits and virtues owner 218. 中亞the Central Asia219. 韋陀希 Vaidehi220. teaching mudra 221. reasoning mudra222
19、. 覺勝印S upreme Enlightenment Mudra 223. 轉(zhuǎn)法輪印turning-the-wheel-of-law mudra 224. 說法印exposition mudra 225. 合掌 verneration mudra 226. 伽藍(lán) samgha-arama227. 僧伽藍(lán) sangharama228. 主尊 the main image229. 阿胡拉·瑪茲達(dá)Ahura Mazda 230. 巴米揚(yáng) Bamiyan231. 護(hù)火圖像 fire-protecting pictures232. 不空成就 amoghasiddi233. 禪定 dhyana
20、sana234. 脅侍菩薩 flanking Bodhisattva235. 神變miraculous transformations236. 蓮莖 the lotus stalk237. 上求下化238. rhat239. 法身如來 dharmakaya(doctrine) buddha240. 色身佛 physical body buddha241. 菩薩萬行 法身常往242. 世尊lord of worlds243. 一乘法 the one yama/ the vehicle of one-ness244. 尊格status245. 佛傳故事 the stories of Buddhas life246. 政權(quán)regime247. 朝臣courtier248. 思益梵天249. 游戲坐250. 觀無量壽變經(jīng)amitayu
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