



1、第一部分選修 7Unit 3. 完形填空(2014 江西 )“Mum, can I invite my classmate Brett over to stay tomorrow night, please ?It's Friday, and we don't have any_1_.Can I,please ” Mum was sitting at thekitchentable.Dadwas_2_nexttoher , restinghisheadonhisarms.Mumcould_3_that James wanted so badly to have his frie

2、nd over.“I'm so sorry , James ” she said.“I'mnever allowedto have friendscome to thehouse? Why, Mum ” James askedsadly , almost in_4_.“I know it's_5_foryou ” Mumsaid softly.“ButI'm justworriedotherpeoplemight think we're a littlestrange.And then they would make fun of you.”“No, t

3、heywouldn't, Mum ” James protested.“We'renot_ 6_at all.We'rejustordinary people.”Mumsighedheavily.“To tellyou the truth , James, my neck has been so painfulthatit'sgivenme a heavy_7_.And your poor father he doesn'tfeel_8_.Hereallyneeds a rest.”“I can help, Mum ” James said. “_ 9_

4、I can make you and Dad feel better,can Brett come over? Please ”“Well ” Mum began.“Great ! Thanks, Mum ” James almost shouted. “Justsitthere ,don'tmove.”Herushedovertothekitchendrawerand_10_whatheneededtwospanners(扳手) “ Hang on,Mum ” he said. “Thiswon'ttake a second. ”Aftersome_11_,Jameswas

5、finished.With a smile of_12_on his face he said “ There! How does thatfeel ”“ Oh, James ” Mum said. “That's much better!How did you do it ”“Easy ” James said_ 13_. “Dad had tightenedyour neck bolts( 螺栓 )toomuch!I just_14_them slightly!I learned that in robotic science at school.”“What about your

6、 father ? Can you_15_him ” asked Mum.“I'll try ” James replied.He_ 16_up Dad's hair at the back of his neck,and pluggedthe electric wireinto Dad'shead.Then he turnedthe_17_on.Dad openedhis eyes and_18_immediately.“He justlet his_ 19_run toolow ,that's all ”Jamessaid “ Shall I tell Br

7、ett to come over straight after school tomorrow ”1 / 9“I guess so ,” replied Mum. “Your friends will just have to_a very unusual family.Thanks, son!”()1.A.chanceB messageC homeworkD difficulty()2.A.asleepB readingC aloneD standing()3.A.explainB seeC agreeD doubt()4.A.terrorB tearsC surpriseD silence

8、()5.A.fairB easyC goodD hard()6.A.strangeB normalC popularD anxious()7.A.headacheB lossC taskD day()8.A.illB funnyC sorryD well()9.A.AsB IfC SinceD Before()10.A.keptB controlledC foundD returned()11.A.requestsB thoughtsC repairsD instructions()12.A.sympathyB satisfactionC bitternessD politeness()13.

9、A.embarrassedlyB gratefullyC impatientlyD proudly()14.A.adjustedB collectedC producedD covered()15.A.greetB accompanyC helpD ask()16.A.liftedB caughtC gaveD filled20_that we are2 / 9()17.A.televisionB powerC lightD gas()18.A.grew upB lay downC broke downD sat up()19.A.foodB temperatureC batteryD blo

10、od()20.A.proveB expectC suspectD accept【主旨大意】 詹姆斯懇求他媽媽讓他的朋友Brett 周六到他們家玩。 媽媽說他們的家與別人的不同, 爸媽是機器人并且身體都不好。為了能夠獲得媽媽的同意,詹姆斯運用在學(xué)校里學(xué)到的機器人知識對他的爸媽進行了“修理”。最終,詹姆斯得到了媽媽的同意。1【答案】 C【解析】 根據(jù)上文“ It's Friday”可知明天是周六不上課,沒作業(yè)。2【答案】 A【解析】 根據(jù)下文的“ resting his head on his arms”可知爸爸正在休息睡覺。3【答案】 B【解析】 根據(jù)上文詹姆斯的“ Can I , pl

11、ease ?”的語氣,媽媽可以“看出”詹姆斯很迫切想讓他的朋友過來。4【答案】 B【解析】 根據(jù)上文“ I'm so sorry ,James”媽媽拒絕了詹姆斯的請求,所以他很傷心,幾乎都哭了。5【答案】 D【解析】 根據(jù)上文可知“這對你來說比較難”。6【答案】 A【解析】 根據(jù) 上文“ But I'm just worrie d other people might think we're a little strange. ”可知選 A。7【答案】 A【解析】 根據(jù)上文媽媽的脖子疼以至于引發(fā)了頭疼。8【答案】 D【解析】 根據(jù)下文詹姆斯對他爸爸也進行了“修理”可知爸

12、爸也感覺不舒服。9【答案】 B【解析】 如果“我”能讓你和爸爸感覺好點,能讓Brett來嗎?10【答案】 C【解析】 找到了他需要的東西兩把扳手。3 / 911【答案】 C【解析】 根據(jù)下文可知,詹姆斯對媽媽進行了“修理”。12【答案】 B【解析】 干完了活,詹姆斯帶有滿意的表情。13【答案】 D【解析】 媽媽感覺好多了,對詹姆斯進行了夸獎,他當然感到很自豪。14【答案】 A【解析】 螺栓太緊了,詹姆斯對它們進行了調(diào)節(jié)。15【答案】 C【解析】 媽媽問他能幫爸爸嗎。16【答案】 A【解析】 詹姆斯掀起爸爸后腦勺的頭發(fā),把電線插入爸爸的腦中。17【答案】 B【解析】 把電線插入爸爸的腦中,之后要

13、打開電源。18【答案】 D【解析】 剛才爸爸在睡覺,現(xiàn)在他坐起來了。19【答案】 C【解析】 爸爸電池的電量太低了。20【答案】 D【解析】 你的朋友們要接受“我們”是不同尋常的家庭。. 閱讀理解A(2014 廣東, D)Scientiststoday are making greatereffortto studyocean currents( 洋流 ) Mostdo it using satellites and other high-tech equipment.However, ocean expert CurtisEbbesmeyer does it in a special way

14、 by studying movements of random floatinggarbage.A scientist with many years' experience, he started this type of researchin the early1990s when he heard about hundredsofathleticshoes washing up on theshores of the northwest coast of the United States.There were so many shoes thatpeople were set

15、ting up s to try and match left and right shoes to sell or wear.Ebbesmeyerfoundoutinhisresearchesthattheshoes about60,000intotal fell into the ocean in a shipping accident.He phoned the shoe company andasked if they wanted the shoes back.As expected, the company told him that theydidn't.Ebbesmey

16、errealizedthiscouldbe a greatexperiment.Ifhe learnedwhen and4 / 9where the shoes went into the water and tracked where they landed, he could learna lot about the patterns of ocean currents.The Pacific Northwest is one of the world's best areas for beachcombing (海難搜尋 ) because winds and currents

17、join here, and as a result, there is a group ofseriousbeachcombers in the area.Ebbesmeyergot to know a lotofthem and asked fortheir help in collecting information about where the shoes landed.In a year hecollected reliable information on 1,600 shoes.With this data, he and a colleaguewere able totest

18、and improve acomputerprogram designed tomodel ocean currents,and publish the findings of their study.As the resultof hiswork,Ebbesmeyer has become known as the scientistto callwith questions about any unusual objects found floating in the ocean.He has evenstartedan associationof beachcombers and oce

19、an experts,with500 subscribersfromWest Africato New Zealand.Theyhave recordedalllostobjectsrangingfrom potatoesto golf gloves.()1.The underlined phrase s in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to_.A fitting roomsB trading fairsC business talksD group meetings()2.Ebbesmeyer phoned the shoe company to f

20、ind out _.A what caused the shipping accidentB when and where the shoes went missingC whether it was all right to use their shoesD how much they lost in the shipping accident()3.How did Ebbesmeyer prove his assumption?A By collecting information from beachcombers.B By studying the shoes found by bea

21、chcombers.C By searching the web for ocean currents models.D By researching ocean currents data in the library.()4.Ebbesmeyer is most famous for _.A traveling widely the coastal cities of the worldB making records for any lost objects on the seaC running a global currents research associationD phoni

22、ng about any doubtful objects on the sea【主旨大意】本文是一篇說明文。在研究洋流方面,許多科學(xué)家都借助高科技設(shè)備,而5 / 9海洋專家柯蒂斯·埃貝斯邁爾卻獨辟蹊徑,利用海洋漂浮物研究洋流并且取得了突破。1【答案】 B【解析】 詞義猜測題。根據(jù)第一段最后一句畫線詞后的句子“ to sell or wear”可知,鞋子非常多, 以至于人們建立了一個能把鞋子配對并且出售的展銷會。fittingrooms意為“試衣間”; trading fairs意為“展銷會;集市”; business talks意為“商業(yè)談判”; group meetings意為“

23、小組會議”。 B 項最符合題意。故選B 項。2【答案】 C【解析】 細節(jié)理解題。 根據(jù)第二段第二句可知,柯蒂斯·埃貝斯邁爾給公司打電話詢問他們是否要回收事故中丟失的鞋子。在得知公司不準備回收之后,他就可以利用這些鞋子研究洋流了。故選 C 項。3【答案】 A【解析】 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段第二句“ Ebbesmeyer gotto know a lot of them andasked for their help in collecting information about where the shoes landed.”可知,埃貝斯邁爾讓海灘流浪者幫忙,搜集海里漂浮的鞋子的流向信

24、息。故選A 項。 B、C、 D項均未在文中出現(xiàn)。4【答案】 D【解析】 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)最后一段第一句可知,由于他的工作, 埃貝斯邁爾已經(jīng)因為專門打電話詢問有關(guān)海上漂浮物的問題而出名。故選D 項。B(2016 安徽合肥 168 中學(xué)高三第二次段考, A)Here's how you can takeactionand make sure you are doing what you can toreduceyour personal carbon footprint when traveling this year.Before you goTurn off and unplugall

25、of your non-essentialelectronicappliances.Expertssaythat5-10percentoftheaverage family's electricbill is from electronicappliancesthatarepluggedin24 hours a day.Televisions,computers,coffee makers,toastersand even lamps can suck up power.If you are gone for any extended period, considerturning d

26、own thetemperatureon your water heater since there is no sense inkeepingthat water hot if you are not going to be around to use it.Choose a different wayIf you have a little extras time to spare, driving or taking a train to yourdestination might be an option.And there are always the long-haul optio

27、ns like Megabus.If you do have to take a plane, fly non-stop.If you want to have a lower carbon footprint, avoid private jets even if you can afford them.6 / 9At the hotelUtilizeevery conservationprogram thatthe hoteloffers.Reuseyour towelsandturn off your air conditioning or heat before you leave f

28、or the day.Bring your ownsoap,shampoo andmoisturizer,oratleasttakewhateverisleftofthehotel-suppliednotionshome withyou to finishusingthere.Skipthe morningprintednewspaper and read it on your Tablet PC, phone or computer.DrinkingCarry a water bottlewith you so thatyou don'thave to buy plasticbott

29、les.Travelto certain parts of the world and you will understand why.There's nothing moredisturbingthanseeingsomethingmade up ofplasticbottlesand bags.HalongBay inVietnam is a great example where this kind man-made pollution is clearly visible.()5.What should you do at the hotel in order to live

30、a low-carbon life?A Use different towels every day.B Obtain information in the morning.C Bring the leftover soap for later use.D Keep your tablet, phone or computer on.()6.Halong Bay is mentioned by the writer to tell us _.A it is polluted seriouslyB it is an attractive destinationC it is full of pl

31、astic productsD it looks beautiful with plastic bottles()7.The text is most probably from_.A a science reportB a business magazineC an advertisementD a website on green life【主旨大意】 本文告訴讀者外出旅行時的一些小竅門,幫助讀者樹立環(huán)保意識,減少碳排放,從一點一滴做起。5【答案】 C【解析】 事實細節(jié)題。根據(jù)At the hotel部分, C 項 ( 把剩余的肥皂帶回家以后使用)與原文第三句相符。而A 項 ( 使用不同的

32、毛巾) 與第二句相悖,B 項 ( 早晨了解新聞) 敘述不明確, D項與最后一句相悖。6【答案】 A【解析】細節(jié)理解題。 根據(jù)最后一段可知“越南下龍灣被塑料制品污染了”,所以選 A。7 / 9而 C 項沒有突出“污染”,敘述不準確。7【答案】 D【解析】推理判斷題。 根據(jù)文章第一段可知: 本文教給讀者一些減少個人碳排放的方法,那么它應(yīng)該出自于關(guān)于綠色生活的媒體。. 短文改錯Read Englishnewspapers is myfavoriteactivity.WhenI enteredintohigh school,I began to enjoy doing such work. With

33、the teachers' help, I realize that readingEnglisharticlesare of greatimportant.It'sa good way to improve my English.I'velearned more new words and expression by doing so. I also get many information,including news about China and the world outside. It opens my eyes widely. Which I love most is the section about TV programs in the coming week. I dislike reading long articles there are many new word. I will work hard to keep on as if it's a particularly hard task for me.【答案】ReadR


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