



1、小學生英語名人名言摘抄小學生英語名人名言摘抄篇一1、家庭和睦是人生最快樂的事。歌德Family harmony is the happiest thing in life.2、讀者的好惡能決定書的命運。莫魯斯Readers likes and dislikes can decide the fateof books.3、責任感與機遇成正比。威爾遜Sense of responsibility is directly proportionalto opportunity.4、藜羹麥飯冷不嘗,要足平生五車書。陸游Quinoa rice is not cold, it needs five book

2、s.5、為中華之崛起而讀書。周恩來Reading for the rise of China.6、蠶吐絲,蜂釀蜜,人不學,不如物。俗語Silkworms spin silk and bees make honey.7、莫愁前路無知己,天下誰人不識君!高適Mo Chou has no friends before, and no one knows who is in the world!8、立志是讀書人最要緊的一件事。孫中山Ambition is the most important thing for a scholar.9、出淤泥而不染,濯清漣而不妖。周敦頤Grown from sludg

3、e but unstained, posing elegantly without being flirtatious.10 、聰明的人有長的耳朵和短的舌頭。弗萊格A wise man has long ears and short tongue.11、君子之交淡如水,小人之交酒肉親。俗語Friendship between gentlemen is like water.12 、窮則獨善其身,達則兼濟天下。孟子Poverty is the only way to help others.13 、千里之行,始于足下。老子The journey of a thousand miles begin

4、s with a single step.14 、敏而好學,不恥下問。孔子Be sensitive and eager to learn.15 、路漫漫其修道遠,吾將上下而求索。屈原There is a long way to go, and I will go up and down. 小學生英語名人名言摘抄篇二1、不要人夸顏色好,只留香氣滿乾坤。王冕Don t exaggerate the color, only leave the fragrance full.2、讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神。韓愈Reading is broken.3、先生的責任是教人做人。陶行知The duty of a

5、gentleman is to teach people how to behave.4、天下興亡,匹夫有責。梁啟超Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world.5、讀書百遍,其義自現。三國志Read a hundred times, and its meaning is present.6-坦白是誠實和勇敢的產物。一一馬克吐溫Confession is the product of honesty and courage.7、誠實是智慧之書的第一章。杰弗遜Honesty is the first chapter of w

6、isdom.8、忽如一夜春風來,千樹萬樹梨花開。岑參Suddenly, like a spring breeze, thousands of trees and flowers will bloom.9、舊書不厭百回讀,熟讀精思子自知。蘇軾Old books are never tired of reading.10 、勿以惡小而為之,勿以善小而不為。劉備Do not be evil, but not good.11、紙上得來終覺淺,絕知此事要躬行。陸游The paper is so shallow that we must learn to do it.12 、無志之人常立志,有志之人立長志

7、。俗語A man without ambition will always aspire, and a man with ambition will set up a long ambition.13 、機遇只偏愛那些有準備的頭腦。巴斯德Chance favors only those minds that are prepared.14 、君子贈人以言,庶人贈人以財。荀況A gentleman gives a man a word, and a common man gives money to a man.15 、與肝膽之人共事,無字句處是讀書。恩來People who work with

8、 the liver and gallbladder are reading without words. 小學生英語名人名言摘抄篇三1、聰明在于勤奮,天才在于積累。華羅庚Cleverness consists in diligence, and genius in accumulation.2、鞠躬盡瘁,死而后已。諸葛亮Keep loyal and devoted to the last.3、長風破浪會有時,直掛云帆濟滄海。李白I will mount a long wind someday and break the heavy waves, and set my cloudy sail

9、straight and bridge the deep, deep sea.4、人不可有傲氣,但不可無傲骨。徐悲鴻One must not be arrogant, but not arrogant.5、學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆??鬃覮earning without thought is useless; thinking without learning is perilous.6、以誠感人者,人亦誠而應。程頤Honest and touching, people should be honest.7、誠實是最豐富的傳代物??藸朒onesty is the most abundant p

10、asser.8、做好每一件該做的事就是責任。王愛珍The responsibility is to do everything well.9、立志宜思真品格,讀書須盡苦功夫。阮元Aspire to be true and true, and study hard.10 、讀書而不回想,猶如食物而不消化。伯克Reading without reflecting is like food without digesting.11、老老實實最能打動人心。莎士比亞Honesty is the best way to move people.12 、用自己的眼睛去讀世間這一部書。魯迅Use your own eyes to read this book in the world.13 、一言之美,貴于千金。葛洪In a word, beauty i


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