



1、本文格式為word版,下載可任意編輯【關于真誠的英語名言作解釋】關于夢想的英語名言 真誠很重要,當今世界的全部惡劣品質中,不真誠是最危急的。下面是我為你細心推舉的關于真誠的英語名言作解釋的內容,盼望你喜愛! 關于真誠的英語名言作解釋最新 不信任任何人人的人知道自己無信用。 dont believe anyone everyone knows no credit. 要我們買他的誠懇,這種人出售的是他的名譽。 want us to buy his honesty, this kind of person is selling his reputation. 失去信用等于碎了的鏡子,不行能修復。 l

2、osing credit is equal to the broken mirror, impossible to repair. 守信的人是最歡樂的,誠懇是最天真的。 is is the most happy, honest and trustworthy is the most naive. 自己活著,就是為了使別人過得更美妙。 oneself live, is to make others a more beautiful. 走正直誠懇的生活道路,定會有一個問心無愧的歸宿。 integrity of the life road, will have a home to return to

3、 have a clear conscience. 生命不行能從謊言中開出絢爛的鮮花。 lies in the life cant leave from the bright flowers. 誠懇的人必需對自己守信,他的最終靠山就是真誠。 honest man must be faithful to himself, his last patron is sincere. 誠信是質量的前提,質量是誠信的保證。 honesty is the premise of quality, the quality is the assurance of integrity. 沒有誠懇何來尊嚴。 no h

4、onest no dignity. 假如習慣于說空話,最可敬的人也會失掉尊嚴。 if used to empty talk, the most respectable one will lose dignity. 你憎恨被別人哄騙嗎?那就不要去哄騙別人。 you hate to be cheated? then dont to deceive others. 難聽的實話賽過悅耳的謊言。 ugly truth is better than a beautiful lie. 人類最不道德訂戶,是不誠懇與軟弱。 human is the most immoral subscribers, disho

5、nest and cowardice. 對外也要透亮,這樣外部對你也有誠信,別人看你不會往壞里想。 foreign is transparent, so the external to you also have the good faith, you wont see others think at worst. 生命不行能從謊言中開出絢爛的鮮花海涅 the brilliant flowers can not be opened from lies in your life。 惟誠可以破天下之偽,惟實可以破天下之虛薛瑄 only honesty can break the falsehood

6、 in the world, only the truth can break the falsity. 關于真誠的英語名言作解釋推舉 言不信者,行不果墨子 practice and cultivation cannot be successful without keeping ones word. 人背信則名不達劉向 those who betray their honesty will lose their established credit. 誠懇是力氣的一種象征,它顯示著一個人的高度自重和內心的平安感與尊嚴感艾琳?卡瑟 honesty is a symbol of strength

7、; it shows a persons high self-respect and inner sense of security and dignity. 虛偽的真誠,比魔鬼更可怕泰戈爾 false sincerity is more terrible than the devil. 工作上的信用是最好的財寶。沒有信用積累的青年,非成為失敗者不行池田大作 credit on work is the best wealth. young people without credit accumulation will likely become a loser. 民無信不立孔子 a count

8、ry can not exist without peoples trust. 走正直誠懇的生活道路,定會有一個問心無愧的歸宿高爾基 walking the upright road in life, there will be an unashamed end result. 以誠感人者,人亦誠而應程頤 a person moving people with sincere will receive a sincere response. 失信就是失敗。 credibility is the failure. 言不信者,行不果。 not keeping ones word, mandator

9、y self-censorship. 沒有誠懇哪來尊嚴。 no honest what to dignity. 一言之美,貴于千金。 the beauty of a word, your daughter. 一言不實,百事皆虛。 its a false, pepsi is true. 人無忠信,不行立世。 a man without the faithful, not made. 真誠是一種心靈的開放。 sincerity is a kind of open mind. 坦白是誠懇和英勇的產(chǎn)物。 frank is the product of honesty and courage. 百慮輸一

10、忘,百巧輸一誠。 legalism lose a forgotten, best to lose a sincere. 不寶金玉,而忠信以為寶。 not good treasure, and the faithful thought treasure. 丈夫一言許人,千金不易。 her husband a word franchisee, daughter is not easy. 關于真誠的英語名言作解釋大全 誠,五常之本,百行之源也。 honestly, the p, one hundred lines of source also. 信,國之寶也,民之所庇也。 letter, count

11、ries also treasure, whod also. 閃光的東西不肯定都是金子。 all is not gold that glitters. 信是立身之本,恕乃接物之要。 faith is the foundation of this, will is the will of the connector. 誠不至者物不感,損不極者益不臻。 if not the content is not feeling, loss very benefits . 處己、事上、臨下、皆當以誠為主。 place oneself, on, under, when is given priority to

12、 with honesty. 命不行能從謊言中開出絢爛的鮮花。 lies in the life cant leave from the bright flowers. 假如要別人誠信,首先自己要誠信。 if want others to honesty, to the good faith yourself. 沒有一種遺產(chǎn)能像誠懇那樣豐富的了。 there isnt a legacy can be as rich as honesty. 信用既是無形的力氣,也是無形的財寶。 credit is invisible power and intangible wealth. 誠懇是人生的命脈,是

13、一切價值的根基。 honesty is the lifeblood of life, is the foundation of all values. 男人對男人要誠懇,男人對女人要忠實。 a man for a man to be honest, be loyal to the woman. 失去了誠信,就等同于敵人毀滅了自己。 to destroy themselves lost integrity, is equivalent to the enemy. 人間私語,天聞若雷;暗室欺心,神目如電。 human whisper, day smell if ray; deal a darkro

14、om, god orders, such as electricity. 千教萬教,教人求真;千學萬學,學做真人。 thousands of teach all teach the truth; thousands of learning to learn, learn to do a reality. 虛偽永久不能憑借它生長在權力中而變成真實。 the false can never grow into truth by growing in power. 當今世界的全部惡劣品質中,不真誠是最危急的。 in todays world of all the bad quality, not sincerity is the most dangerous. 生命的短促,只有美德能將它留傳到遙遠的后世。 life short, only virtue can be handed it to the distant future. 要誠懇。那是重要的事情,誠懇地生活著,別騙人! to be honest. that is


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