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1、Finding the Main Idea: the authors message about the topic.Where are the main ideas found?Use the hints below to determine the correct main idea of this paragraph.After reading a paragraph ask, What point is the author making in this passage?It is easy to identify a main idea that is directly expres

2、sed in the text.Main ideas are often found at the beginning of paragraphs. The first sentence often explains the subject being discussed in the passage.Main ideas are also found in the concluding sentences of a paragraph. The main idea can be expressed as a summation of the information in the paragr

3、aph as well as a link to the information in the next paragraph.The main idea is not always clearly stated. It is more difficult to identify a main idea when it is inferred or implied. It can be implied through other words in the paragraph. An implied main idea can be found in several ways.Several se

4、ntences in a paragraph can imply the main idea by introducing facts about the topic before actually stating the topic.Implied ideas can be drawn from facts, reasons, or examples that give hints or suggestions concerning the main idea. These hints will be clues leading you to discover the main idea i

5、n the selected text.Try the passage below to see if you can pick out the main idea.To many parents, the infants crying may be mainly an irritation, especially if it continues for long periods. But crying serves important functions for the child as well as for the parents. For the child, crying helps

6、 improve lung capacity and the respiratory system. Perhaps more important, the cry serves as a signal of distress. When babies cry, they indicate that they are hungry or in pain, and this is important information for parents.Ask the following questions:Who - Does this passage discuss a person or gro

7、up of people?When - Does the information contain a reference to time?Where - Does the text name a place?Why - Do you find a reason or explanation for something that happened?How - Does this information indicate amethod or a theory?How can I determine if I have selected the correct main idea of a par

8、agraph?If you are able to summarize the information in the passage in your own words,you have absorbed the correct main idea. To accomplish this goal, try the steps listed below after reading a short section of your textbook.Write a short summary in your own words about what you have read.Does your

9、summary agree with this general topic?Does your summary contain the same ideas being expressed by the author?Could you write a headline (or textbook subheading) that would express your summary in less than five words?If you are able to rephrase your choice of a topic sentence into a question and the

10、n determine if the passage answers your question, you have been successful at selecting a main idea.An swers:1 The clouds were dark purple.2 Thun der becamelouder and louder.第1頁共10頁3 The rain drops fell one after ano ther.The main idea sentence of a paragraph tells what the paragraph is about. The o

11、ther sentences are details. Read the story and find the main idea.1. When you take a multiple-choice test, do you ever change your answers? Some scientists think that it is a smart thing to do. They found out that most stude nts who cha nge their answers make the right decision and make better score

12、s on their tests.The story main ly tellshow to study for testswhat scie ntists think about an swershow to score better on a multiple-choice testwhich an swers to cha nge on a test2. Because lambs are sometimes eate n by coyotes, ran chers may hunt or trap the coyotes. However, killing coyotes may up

13、set natures balanee. Scientists have found a way to protect sheep without killi ng coyotes. Coyotes are fed lamb meat treated with a drug. When they eat the meat, they get sick. Later, coyotes wont even go n ear lambs. Theyll hunt rabbits in stead.This story mai nly tellswhy coyotes prefer rabbits t

14、o lambswhy killingcoyotes upsets naturesbala neehow scie ntists protect sheep and coyotes what kind of people dont like coyotes3. Dolly Madis on was the wife of Preside nt James Madis on. She was quite a brave First Lady. When the White House burned dow n, Dolly rescued importa nt gover nment papers

15、. She also saved the portrait of George Washington that hangs in the East Room today.who Dolly Madis ons husba nd was how the White House burned dow n about Dolley Madis ons courageous acts where the portrait of George Wash ington hangs4. Every year hungry deer do millions of dollars worth of damage

16、 to young pine trees. Scien tists in Wash ington have found a way to protect the trees. They use a substa nee called selenium. Selenium produces a bad smell when dissolved. A bit of this eleme nt is put i n the ground near trees. Rain dissolves the selenium, and the trees absorb it. The bad smell ke

17、eps the deer away until the trees are fully grow n.This story mai nly tellshow much damage deer do to trees how trees can be protected from deer what sele nium is why deer eat pine trees5. In real life, rattlesnakes try to avoid people and seldom attack. Most people are bitte n only after they step

18、on these sn akes. A rattlesnake may not even inject its poison when it bites. In fact, more America ns die from in sect sti ngs tha n from sn akebites!This story mai nly tellshow rattlesnakes arent as dangerous as every one believeswhy in sects kill peoplewhen rattles nakes use their pois onhow sn a

19、kes bite6. Imagine testing glass by throwingchickens at it? Sometimes fast moving airplanes fly through flocks of birds. If the birds hit the windshield of a plane, the glass could shatter and cause a crash. Airplane manufacturers have made a chicken cannon that fires rubber chicke ns at glass win d

20、shields. If the win dshield does nt break whe n the rubber chicke n hits it, the desig ners know that the glass can withstand the force of a real crash.This story mai nly tellswhy birds can be dan gerous to airpla nes how a chick cannon tests glass how big a bird has to be to damage an airpla nehow

21、the chicke n cannon works7. The diam ond is a hard eleme nt that can cut through almost any metal. That is why it is ofte n used for in dustrial purposes. Whole diamond stones are set into tools. Dust from crushed diam ond stones is used for coati ng the edges of tools. Care must be taken when expos

22、ing diamonds to extreme heat because heat can turn them into graphite. Graphite is the soft material used in the manufacture of lead for pen cils.This story mai nly tellshow to turn a diamond into a graphite how diam onds are used in in dustry how diam ond dust coats tool edges whe n diam onds are u

23、sed in pen cils8. Alfred Nobel inven ted dyn amite to help builders, but it was used for war, which made him feel very guilty about the misuse of his invention. He was a rich man, so he set up a $9 million fund. Today the fund is used to reward people who have improved huma n life. Nobel Prizes are

24、awarded in six fields, in cludi ng peace, medici ne, and chemistry.This story mai nly tellswhat the Nobel Prizes are awarded for why Nobel founded the Nobel Prize fundhow much money was set aside for rewardswhat inven ti on Alfred Nobel created9. The temperature of Antartica once fell to 128 degrees

25、 below zero Fahrenheit. In the summertime, temperatures average well below freez ing. Most of the land is covered with ice that is up to 2 miles thick. Only a few strong mosses and sturdy spiders can live on this big block of ice. Since very little snow or rain falls there, An tartica is a desert.Th

26、is story mai nly tellsabout a desert with extremely cold temperatureswhich pla nts and in sects live in An tarticahow much snow and rain fall therehow low the temperature once fell10. The Marines had a problem in World War II. Orders were sent in code, but the enemy kept learning the code. Nothing c

27、ould be kept secret. The n some one thought the Navajo soldiers could help the Marines. Since very few other people could speak Navajo, this Ian guage was used as a code. No one on the enemy side knew Navajo, so the messages stayed secret.how Navajo people kept secrets whe n the secret code was used

28、 how the Marines used Navajo as a code why the origi nal code had to be cha nged11. Sharks have a keen sense of hearing and can smell blood from almost 2,000 yards away. Sharks also have a special system of channels in their skin that helps them feel the vibrations of a splashing swimmer. We know th

29、at in clear water, sharks can see dinner from about 50 feet away. If you ever spot a shark, always swim away smoothly!This story mai nly tellshow well sharks hearwhy sharks have poor visi onhow sharks sense foodwhe n to swim away smoothly12. Trousers are a recent style in the history of fashion. Men

30、 wore tights under short, loose pants until the early 1800s when the first real pants for men appeared. Un til the 1940s few women wore long pants. During World War II, wome n factory workers started weari ng long pan ts. The fashi on caught on.The story main ly tellsthat long pants are a somewhat n

31、ew fashi onwhe n men stopped weari ng pan talo ons who wore tightswhy wome n dont wear trousers13. A scie ntist believes that milli ons of ani mals have died every 26 millio n years. He thinks that comets are responsible for those deaths. Comets would explode on impact as they slammed into Earth. Du

32、st from the explosions blocked light and heat from the Sun. Plants and animals on Earth could not withsta nd such con diti ons, so they died.This story mai nly tellshow ofte n ani mals diedwhy comets may come n ear Earth where the dust comes from about a possible cause of ani mai deaths in the past1

33、4. The rare Chinese panda lives on tender, young bamboo shoots. Most bamboo plants die right after flowering. Without the bamboo the pan das starve. Because some people fear that the rare pan das may die out, in some places food is given to the hungry ani mals. Some pan das are airlifted to places w

34、here bamboo is still ple ntiful.This story mai nly tellswhat the Chin ese pan das usually eat how the bamboo pla nts flower how people are keep ing pan das alive why pan das sometimes starve to death15. Bob Geldof talked to the top musical tale nts of the world and asked them to sing at a con cert t

35、o raise moeny. The stars agreed. Geldof found a stadium, arran ged for TV coverage, and set up a trust fund. He said that none of the stars would get special treatme nt. Every one would work together. In 1985, the Live Aid concert raised more than $100 million for starving children.This story mai nl

36、y tellshow Geldof found a stadiumhow many musical stars agreed to sing why people are hungry in Africa how a concert ben efitedstarvi ngchildre n16. Can fish climb trees? It sou nds like a fishy story, but mudskippers living in the swamps of Asia really can climb trees. After filling their gills wit

37、h air and water, they climb onto land. Mudskippers use their front fins to move along the ground. Suckers on their fins help them climb trees.This story mai nly tellswhere mudskippers livehow they fill their gillshow mudskippers can climb treeswhere mudskippers have suckers17. Probably the best-know

38、n rodeocowboy in the world isLarry Mahan. Mahanwas the national champion six times before he was 30. He was good at every eve nt and was so successful that he had his own pla ne. When he got too old to be in the rodeo, he did nt stop doing rodeo work. He started a rodeo school.The story main ly tell

39、swhere to ride bulls and rope calves about the most famous rodeo cowboy in the worldhow to get rich in the rodeowhere to go to rodeo school18. The pea nut is a humble pla nt with hun dreds of functions. Most pea nuts are roasted in their shells and lightly salted. About half the pea nuts eate n in t

40、he Un ited States are ground into a thick paste called pea nut butter.The rich oil made from pea nuts is good for frying foods and is used for oiling machines and making soaps and paint. Even pea nut shells are used to make plastics and to fertilize soil.This story mai nly tellswhy pea nut oil is us

41、ed for fryinghow much pea nut butter is eate n in the Uni ted Statesabout the many uses of the pea nut why pea nut shells make good fertilizer19. Tap dancing started in America. It began as folk dancing that had much kicking and stamp ing. Over time two kinds of dancing developed. In one kind the da

42、ncers wore hard shoes and danced very fast. I n the other they wore soft shoes and dan ced slowly and easily. There was nt really any tap in tap dancing un til 1925. Thats whe n some one put metal pieces on the toes and heels of tap shoes.The story main ly tellshow there are two kinds of tap dancing

43、 how tap shoes are made where some folk dances came from how tap dancing developed20. Native America ns dried strips of meat, poun ded it into a paste, and the n mixedit with fat. Sometimes they added berries and sugar. The n they pressed it into small cakes. They called thse cakes pemmmica n. Pemmi

44、ca n did nt spoil, and it provided lots of energy for people traveling or goint hunting. Today explorers still carry and eat this food.who uses pemmica n todaywhat can be put into pemmica nhow pemmica n was prepared by Native America nswhy people eat pemmica n today21. Dogs have been called our best

45、 frien ds, but they are also good helpers. They can be used in many ways. Some dogs hunt while others guard animals and property. Boxers and German sheperds are trained to lead people who are bli nd. A dog n amed Laika was the first ani mal in space.This story mai nly tellshow many types of dogs the

46、re are what the n ame of the space dog was what kind of dogs can lead people who are bli ndhow dogs are useful22. Kitty ONeil wan ted to become a stunt pers on. She performed in credible stun ts, such as 100-foot falls. ONeill has been deaf since birth. She says she can concentrate better tha n most

47、 people who can hear. She is not bothered by the sounds around her.This story mai nly tellswhen ONeill fell 100 feethow long ONeill has bee n deafhow ONeils disability has helped her careerhow to become a stunt pers on23. For years food chemists have tasted hot peppers used for chili sauce, catsup,

48、and pizza, but people had a hard time figuring out the spiciness of the peppers. After eating two or three, their taste buds were burning. Now a mach ine can test differe nt kinds of hot peppers. It measures the chemicals that provide the spicy taste of the peppers.This story mai nly tellshow scie n

49、tists measure chemicalshow hot and spicy peppers are usedwhy people have trouble tasting hot peppershow a machine helps the hot-pepper in dustry24. Computers have changed quite a bit through the years. An early model could add 18 millio n nu mbers per hour. One pers on would have n eeded many years

50、to do the same job. A moder n computer can add 1 1/2 trillio n nu mbers in less tha n three hours.This story mai nly tellswho uses computershow long one pers on takes to do a job how computers have gotten faster over timehow fast moder n computers can add25. There are many ways to learn about people

51、. You can lear n a lot about people by simply watching or talking to them. Looking at the floor can also give you information about people. You can tell where people walk most frequently because of the worn carpet. The next time youre riding in some one elses car, no tice the music on the radio. The

52、 type of music played on the stati on can tell a lot about the pers on!how to guess where people walkhow to lear n about peoplehow to listen to the radiohow to watch people26. Ages ago living things like bugs and leaves got trapped in soft tree resin. The resin harde ned into what we know as amber.

53、It kept the trapped bugs and leaves in perfect shape. Now scie ntists are lear ning much about the distant past from amber samples. Some scientists say they are more useful than fossils.This story mai nly tellswhere bugs and leaves got trappedwhat hard resin is calledwhy amber samples are important

54、to scie ntistswhat scie ntists think of fossils27. Air plants, such as mosses and liche ns, grow on buildi ngs and stones and get their food and water from the air around them.Other plants such as mistletoe get their food and water from the trees they live on. Sometimes these trees die if the plants

55、 take away too much food or water.This story mai nly tellswhat kinds of pla nts grow on buildi ngs why mistletoe sometimes kills trees how some pla nts dont live in soil how mosses and lichens get food and water28. The spots on a fawns coat let ithide in shady areas without being seen. The viceroy b

56、utterfly looks like the bad-tasting mon arch, so birds avoid both. The hog nose snake hisses and rolls on its back when it fears ano ther ani mai. When the opossum is attacked, it plays dead. Distressed turtles hide in their shells until theyre sure its safe to come out aga in.This story mai nly tel

57、lshow some ani mals protect themselves why some harmless ani mals look dan gerouswhy spots or stripes make animals less visiblewhy birds dont like mon arch butterflies29. The harmless hog nose sn ake is a champi on bluffer. Whe n this sn ake is threatened, it hisses and acts as if it will bite.If yo

58、u dont run away, the hog nose sn ake plays dead. It rolls over on its back, wiggling around as if its in distress. Then it dies with its mouth open and tongue hanging out. If you tur n it on its stomach, the sn ake will roll over on its back aga in.This story mai nly tellswhere the hog nose snake is found what things frighte n the hog nose sn ake how dangerous the hog nose snake is how the hog nose snake bluffs30. Ittakes more than food to makebabies grow up


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