



1、|SADM 5/ed - CASE STUDY 1 - Milestone A: Object ModelingP age: A-lPrep ared by Kevin C. Dittman forSystems An alysis & Design Methods 5edby J. L. Whitten, L. D. Bentley, & K. C. DittmanCop yright Irwin/McGraw-Hill 2001ESSSmm 日;AMILESTONE A -OBJECT MODELING The object modeli ng milest one can

2、 be done as a substitute for Milest ones 3-5 (in a p ure 00 p roject), or as a compl eme nt to Milest ones 3-5 (to compare and con trast structured and object methods).Synop sisbject-orie nted an alysis tech niq ues are best suited to p rojects that willOimp leme nt systems using emerg ing object te

3、ch no logies to con struct, man age, and assemble those objects into useful compu ter app licati ons. The object- orie nted app roach cen ters on a tech nique referred to as object modeli ng.The object-orie nted app roach to system devel opment is based on the concept of objects that exist within a

4、system' s environment. Objects are everywhere. Letcon sider your en vir onment. Look aro und. What are some of the objects p rese nt within your en vir onment? P erha ps you see a door, a win dow, or the room itself. What about this book it ' s an object, and so is the very page you are read

5、ing. And of course, don ' t forgou tayou you are an object. Perhaps you also have a student workbook with you and there are other in dividuals in the room. You may also see phone, a chair, and p erha ps a table. All of these objects rep rese nt objects that may be clearly visible within your imm

6、ediate en vir onment.In p erform ing Object Orien ted An alysis (OOA), like any other systems an alysis method, the purpose is to gain a better un dersta nding of the system and its fun cti onal requireme nts. In other words, OOA requires that we ide ntify the objects, their data attributes, associa

7、ted behavior, and relati onships that support the required bus in esssystem fun cti on ality. We p erform object modeli ng to docume nt the ide ntified objects, the data and behavior they encap sulate, plus their relati on shi ps with other objects.In this milest one you will first con struct variou

8、s object models used to com muni cate the scope and requireme nts of the p roject. First, you will create a con text model. Second, you will p erform use case modeli ng to docume nt the bus in ess requireme nts and ide ntify the n ecessary objects required by the system. Fin ally, you will con struc

9、t a class structure diagram to grap hically dep ict the object classes that make up the system as well as the objects' relatio nships with each other.ObjectivesAfter comp let ing this milest one, you should be able toCon struct a con text model in order to com muni cate p roject scope and boun d

10、aries. Prep are use case diagrams to dep ict the scope and boun daries of a system in terms of actors and use cases.:Document a usecase ' s course of events.Con struct a class structure diagram to dep ict the objects of the system and how they are related to each other.P rerequisitesBefore start

11、i ng this milest one the followi ng top ics should be covered:1. Object Modeli ng Module A.Assig nmentThe two gen eral activities whe n p erformi ng object orie nted an alysis are as follows:1. Finding and ide ntify ing the bus in ess objects.2. Organizing the objects and identifying their relations

12、hips.Activities1. Con struct the con text model using the acco mpanying n arrative. Make assu mp ti ons where n ecessary.2. Con struct the use case model. Make assu mp ti ons where n ecessary.3. Document a use case ' s course of events based upon the provided narrative describ ing the eve nt of

13、submitt ing an empio yee p rofile. Make assu mp ti ons where n ecessary.4. Con struct the object class diagram using the use case course of eve nts compi eted in Activity 3 above. Make assu mp ti ons where n ecessary.Your in structor will sp ecify the deliverable format and software to be used. Deli

14、verables should be n eatly p ackaged in a bin der, sep arated with a tab divider labeled“ Milestone A,” and accompanied with a Milestone Evaluation Sheet.References:ESSS Scope NarrativeExhibit A.1ESSS Submit Empio yee P rofile NarrativeExhibit A.2Tem platesSee the on li ne lear ning cen ter website

15、for the textbook.Deliverables:Context Model:Due: Time:Use Case Model:Due: Time:Course Of Events:Due: Time:Class Structure Diagram:Due: Time:Milestone ' s Point Value:Exhibit A.1Use the follow ing n arrative to con struct the Con text Model for the Empio yee Self-Service System (ESSS).s curre ntT

16、he purp ose of the Empio yee Self-Service System (ESSS) is to pro vide a si ngle cen tral rep ository of empio yee in formati on. The Staffi ng Dep artme nt requests that job offers be sent to poten tial empio yees who in turn can res pond by acce pti ng, decli ning or submitti ng a coun teroffer. O

17、nce an empio yee is hired, the Staffi ng Dep artme nt submits the new empio yee p rofile in formatio n. The Staffi ng Dep artme nt also pro vides any status cha nges for curre nt empio yees. In res pon se, the system gen erates staffi ng rep orts on a weekly, mon thly, and yearly basis for the Staff

18、i ng Dep artme nt. The empio yees p rovide empio yee p rofile cha nges, as well as Un ited Way and Savings Bonds con tributi on activity .In res pon se, the system gen erates on request Empio yee P artic ip atio n Rep orts for man ageme nt, and Savings Bonds and Un ited Way Con tributi on rep orts f

19、or the Empio yee Relati ons Dep artme nt. The empio yee con tributi on activity records are sent to the P ayroll System and ESSS accesses the P ayroll database to retrieve the empio yee salary. Fin ally, an empio yee tele phone list ing can be gen erated for any empio yee who requests it.Exhibit A.2

20、“Submitti ngUse the followi ng n arrative to con struct the use case course of eve nts for Empio yee P rofile.”O(jiān)nce a can didate acce pts a job offer, a member of the Staffi ng dep artme nt accesses the systems ing the can didate ' s social security nu mber to see if the can didate was a p ast empio yee. If not, the Staffi ng member en ters the new empioyee ' s first, middle, and last names, the date hired, birth date, marital status, the dep artme nt assig ned to, and the man a


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