



1、Test Paper . Filling the blanks:1.Generallyspeaking,intermsofcontextuality,thecommunication in the West islow-contextualwhile that in the East ishigh-contextual2.Generallyspeaking,in termsofworldviews,theWestadoptsDualistic view, whilethe East adopt s holistic view3.Generallyspeaking,in termsofthoug

2、ht patterns,theWestfollowsAnalytic andabstract thinking, while the East followssynthetic and concrete thinking4.Generally speaking, in terms of discourse patterns, theWest uses Deductive pattern,while the East usesinductive pattern5In the Axial Age, the great thinkers in China areConfucius, Lao Tze,

3、 Mo Tze , and thegreat thinker in India isSiddhartha Gautama, the great figure in Palestine areHebrewprophets, and the great thinkers in the West arePlato , Homer and Archimedes . Choose the best answer:1.Non-verbalmessages are classifiedintotwocomprehensivecategories:those thatare primarilyproduced

4、bythebody,suchas_,_,_;andthosethattheindividualcombineswiththe setting,such as _,_,_. DA. physical contact, eye contact, paralanguage; space, time, manB. facial expression, touch, taste; space, time, silenceC. appearance, movement, gesture; surrounding, occasion, manD. movement, smell, paralanguage;

5、 space, time, silence2.InChinesewriting,thereare usuallymoreadjectives,proverbsandallusionsthaninEnglishwriting.SomeWestern scholarsname thisstyle “flowery”,statingthatits aim is to give a more fanciful impression than information, and the informationisusuallyofbeauty, fragrance, happiness,and any o

6、ther “goodness ”aspectsso astoattractpeople.We mayterm this style as_-oriented.Westernwriting ismoredirectwithobjectiveinformation.Tothem, much-repeatedwordsmaymeanless after a while. We may term the Western writing as _-oriented. CA. adjective, objectiveB. Chinese, WesternC. impression, information

7、C. indirect, direct3.Astothehumannatureorientation,thetraditionalWesternbeliefholdsthat_, while the Asian people believe that_.BD. unknown4. As to the Man-Nature orientation, the traditional Western belief holds that _, while the Asian people believe that_.DA. subjugation to nature; harmony with nat

8、ureB. harmony with nature; mastery over natureC. harmony with nature; subjugation to natureD. mastery over nature; harmony with nature5.Astotimeorientation,generallyspeaking,theUSAis_,thePhilippines,Mexico,andLatinAmericaare_,andAsia,Britain,Greece,Franceare_.CA. on-time oriented; in-time oriented;

9、late-time oriented B. youth-oriented; adult-oriented; elderly-orientedC. future-oriented; present-oriented; past-orientedD. present-oriented; future-oriented; past-oriented6.Intermsofactivityorientation,the USAis_,thePhilippines,Mexico,andLatin America are _, and Asia is _.DA. doing-oriented; playin

10、g-oriented, being-orientedB. playing-oriented; being-oriented; doing-orientedC. being-oriented; doing-oriented; being-in-becoming orientedD. doing-oriented; being-oriented; being-in-becoming oriented7.Thedividingworldviewisalsoreferredtoasmechanisticview.Itgoesbythefollowing different names:DA. reas

11、on versus result; religion versus art; objectivity versus imaginationB.instinctversusintuition;scienceversustechnology;imaginationversussubjectivityC. tuition versus intuition; region versus religion; subjugation versus subjectivityD. reason versus intuition; science versus religion; objectivity ver

12、sus subjectivity8. The Greek thinks in order to _.It is speculation. The Hindu thinks in order to_.Itismeditation.The Chinesethinksinorderto_.Itiscontemplation.CA. do; die; liveB. spectacle; meddle; contemptC. understand; think; self-cultivateD. think; self-cultivate; understand9.“Your body doesntkn

13、ow how to lie”indicates_B10. Generally speaking, in the US, people make friends by sharing _, while in China, people make friends by sharing _.BA. personal relationship; activitiesB. activities; personal relationshipC. love; bloodD. blood; love11. Intermsofphysicalcontact,thehighcontactcountriesare_

14、,whilethelowcontactcountriesare_.CA. the US, Britain,most NorthernEuropeancountries;Arabworld,Mediterraneancountries, IndonesiaB. the US, Britain, Japan; East European countries, Russia, Middle EastC. Arab world, Mediterranean countries,Indonesia; the US, Britain, most NorthernEuropean countriesD.Ar

15、abworld,Mediterraneancountries,China;theUS,Britain,mostNorthernEuropean countries12.Generallyspeaking,intermsofcontextualityofcommunication,thehigh-contextualpeopleare _,whilethelow-contextual countries are _AA. Latin Americans, Chinese, Japanese; the Americans, German, SwissB. the Americans, German

16、, Swiss; Latin Americans, Chinese, JapaneseC. Native Americans, Chinese, Koreans; the Americans, Japanese, BritishD. the Americans, Japanese, British; Native Americans, Chinese, Koreans13.Each personhas a “bubble ”of space (territory).Studiesshowthatpeoplefrom_,_,_havea smallerpersonalterritorythan

17、do peoplefrom _, _, _.AA.SouthAmerica,Arabcountries,andmanyAsiancountries;NorthAmerica,Britain, GermanyB.NorthAmerica,Britain,Germany;SouthAmerica,Arabcountries,and manyAsian countriesC. SouthAmerica,Britain,Germany;NorthAmerica,Arabcountries,and manyAsian countries.D.NorthAmerica,Arabcountries,andm

18、anyAsiancountries;SouthAmerica,Britain, Germany14. In _ culture, the nuclear family is much more important to the individual than the extended family, while in _, _, _,_ culture, the extended family is very important.CA. Hispanic; American, Asian, Arabian, AfricanB. Arabian; American, Asian, African

19、, HispanicC. American; Asian, African, Arabian, HispanicD. African; American, Asian, Arabian, Hispanic15. In nuclear-family culture, people rely mainly on _, _, _forhelp,while in extended-family culture, people rely mainly on _for help.CA. families, friends, professionals; familiesB. families, frien

20、ds, professionals; institutionsC. friends, professionals, institutions; familiesD. friends, families, institutions; professionals16. Innuclear-familyculture,_usuallycomesfirst,whileinextended -familyculture, _ usually comes first.BA. family; individualB. individual; familyC. husband; wifeD. wife; hu

21、sband17.When it comes to friendship, an American friend would feel that they had _ifthefriendgaveupa realneedtostudytogoshopping.One s dutiesandobligationstowardfriends,even best friendsare understoodto _;one doesnot expect friends to assume burdensome, _ responsibilities toward oneself. Aclose frie

22、ndin the US is a personthat one feelsfree to ask forhelp,recognizing,however, that the friend may _, if they give you a reason.This is maybe that intheWest,peopleprefertobe_,sotheydonotfeelcomfortableinarelationship in which one person is _ more and the other is dependent on whatis beinggiven.ForWes

23、ternersfriendshipis mostlya matterof providing_support and _. BA. dependedtoo much;limitless;small;say “OK ”; dependent;receiving;material;get separateB.imposedtoomuch;havelimits;long -term;say“No ”; independent;giving;emotional; spend time together.C. imposed too little; have limits; short-term; sa

24、y“Yes”; free; earning; financial; getinvolvedD. dependeda little;limitless;big;say “Sorry ”; independent;giving;spiritual;gettogether.18. In China, the duties and obligations of friendships seem virtually _ for allpracticalpurposes.Chinesefriendsgiveeach other much _helpand assistance than Western f

25、riends do.For example, they give each other _and might help each other _for a _period of time. A friend in China issomeonewho,sensingthatyouare inneedinsomeway,offerstoassistyou_.CA. impossible; more spiritual; things; practically; short; when being askedB. enormous; less spiritual; money; financial

26、ly; long; unwillinglyC. unlimited; more concrete; money; financially; long; without waiting tobe askedD. limited; more concrete; things; materially; certain; if required19. In timesof trouble,both Americanand Chinesefriendsgive each otheremotionalsupport, but they doit differently.A Chinesefriend is

27、 more likelyto be _to give_adviceto a friend,whilean Americanfriendwillbe _togive_advice,insteadshe may raise questionsto encourageher friendtoconsider carefully what may happen if she does one thing instead of another.C20. When it comes to the relationshipbetweenparentsand marriedsons, inChina,aman

28、 s relationship with his parents is _ than that with his wife.Thus in theevent of any quarrel between his wife and his mother, a man should _.Atmosthe might hopeto_,andthiswas regardedas_.InAmerica,a man s relationshipwithhisparentsis _thanthatwithhiswife.Hewouldbe expectedto_.Hemightevenbecounseled

29、to_ the vicinity of his parentshome to ease the conflict.DA. more important;side withhis mother;sidewith hisfather;honorable;moreimportant; side with no one; move intoB. less important;side withnoone;saysomething;honorable; less important;sidewith his father; get away fromC. less important;side with

30、hiswife;remainsilent;dishonorable;more important;side with his wife; move intoD. more important; side with his mother; remain neutral; dishonorable; less important; side with his wife; move away . True or false:1. Generally speaking, China is an equal society, America is a hierarchy society. ( F )2.

31、 Generally speaking, in Chinese society, the power distance is small, while in America, the power distance is large. ( F )3.Both the Asian and Western countries have the concept of“face ”, and “face ”has thesame social significance for thesecountriesin thatone s faceis also the face ofone s group.(

32、F )4.The dividing worldview relies strongly on“facts ”as opposed to“opinions ”. ( T )5.A very rough generalization is that thinking for the Greek is to look upward, for theHindu is to look inward, for the Confucians isto look outward. (F)6.Values are explicitly stored in our mind. We are always aware of them, and we makejudgments according to them. (F)7.Values are separate from each other. Each one work alone. ( F )8.Valuescanbecompared ona continuumratherthano ne ofonlytwopossiblechoices.Peopleeverywherepossess the same values to differentdegrees,andtheimportanc


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