1、視譯練習(xí)( Sight Translation)Unit OneTask 1你在英語學(xué)習(xí)上投入很多, 也有很好的自制力。你上課認真聽講,按時完成作業(yè)??赡闶欠窀械侥愕挠⒄Z還是不盡人意?甚至有時候感到沮喪,想要放棄?嘗試一下張強的學(xué)習(xí)方法吧, 它也許會使你的英語學(xué)習(xí)大有收獲。 不像一些只花時間背單詞的學(xué)習(xí)者, 張抓住一切機會練習(xí)英語 ,了解英語文化。他參加課堂活動,他去校園里的英語角與人用英語交流, 他還喜歡看英語影片。 相信我吧,這方法值得一試。You don t lackcommitmentand disciplineinEnglishlearning. You listen to the
2、teacher carefully in class and hand inyour assignments on time.Do you feel your English is still farfromwhatyou expect? Do you feelfrustrated, evenfeellikegivingupsometimes?TrythelearningmethodofZhangQiang. You might reap the benefits of it. Unlike other Englishlearners,spendingalmostalltheirtimemem
3、orizingvocabulary,Zhang getsaccesstoeveryopportunitytopractice his English and gain insights into the English culture.He activelyparticipatesinclassactivities,hecommunicateswith others at English corners, and he likes English movies very1much. Trust me, his positive method is well worth trying!Task
4、2學(xué)生社團是大學(xué)新生 溝通中學(xué)生活與大學(xué)生活的 橋梁。這些社團在幫助學(xué)生 強化舊知識,吸收新的知識中 扮演著重要的角色 。除此之外,老師的經(jīng)驗知識,與 同齡人的溝通,在困難阻礙了你的進步, 犯了大錯誤,或者是在碰到 重大的挑戰(zhàn) 時,對你克服各種學(xué)習(xí)和生活上的困難和 障礙也會對你的大學(xué)生活有 積極的影響!隨著活動范圍的 擴大,你會越來越發(fā)現(xiàn)各個社團的特點,并最終選擇 參加一兩個社團。Student communities can bridge the gap between life in middle school and that in college. These communities
5、play an essential role in helping you reinforce your established knowledge and assimilate the new knowledge. In addition, teachers experience and knowledge and the communicationwithyourpeerscanexert apositiveinfluenceonremovingyourdifficultiesandbarriersbothin life and study. Thishappens whenyourpro
6、gressis hindered bythedifficulties,big mistakes that are committed or critical challenges that areconfronted.With theexpansion of youractivities,you mightbe able to understand the characteristics of each association.Therefore, you can choose one or two of them to participate2in.Unit TwoTask 1當父母躺下來聽
7、柔和的音樂的時候, 年輕人會 開大重金屬音樂的音量。當父母 伸手拿雨傘的時候,年輕人已經(jīng) 沖到雨中去了。為什么年輕人要 故意聽令人不快的 音樂,留很奇怪的發(fā)型,畫很濃的妝,吃惡心的東西呢?許多父母會 難以忍受他們的子女的行為。 但是這些家長們忘記了他們自己年輕時也曾經(jīng)做過 一模一樣 的事情,希望能夠 引起年長的一代對他們的注意。 密切關(guān)注年輕人的成長并與他們進行有效地交流是 消除代溝的最有效的途徑。When the parents lay listening to some soft music, the young tend to turn up the heavy metal. When
8、the parents reach for an umbrella, the young bolt out into the rain. Why dothe young people have to listen to offensive music, wear weird hairstyle and heavy makeup, and eat disgusting stuff? Many parents cannot stand their children s behaviors. However,thoseparentsseemtoforgetthatthey,whenyoung,wer
9、edoingdefinitelythesameintheirattemptstoattracttheattention of the elder generation. To pay close attention to the growth of the young and communicate with them effectively is the best way to get rid of the generation gap.3Task 2相互尊重與信任 是彌和代溝 的關(guān)鍵。對于父母來說, 始終對他們已經(jīng)很熟悉的子女 采用一種好奇的態(tài)度 不是一件容易的事情。 當孩子的感受被 疏忽
10、了,意見被置之不理 ; 當長輩無法 容忍年輕一代相同或者相似錯誤的時候, 年長的一代人 毀掉的是自己在年輕一代人心中的可信度。這也是為什么孩子們有什么問題更傾向于征求 同伴的意見 ,而不是父母的觀點。 許多家長在發(fā)現(xiàn)自己 失去了對孩子的 影響力,無法接近孩子的時候,往往把責(zé)任歸咎于 不同的價值觀和信仰 。Anattitudeof mutualrespectandtrustisthekey tobridge the generation gap. It would be a difficult job for theparents to adopt an attitude of curiosit
11、y to children familiar tothem.When children s feelingsare neglected,whentheiropinions are ignored and when no tolerance is shown to thesimilar or same errors committed by the younger generation,the elder generation ruins their own credibility. This might bethe reasonwhykidswouldratherturntoconsultop
12、inionsfrom their peers, instead of that of their parents. Many parentsput the blame on the different values and beliefs, when theyfind that they have lost influenceon theirchildrenandthattheir kids are hard to approach.Althoughitisraretoseeconsistentconflictinone family, itis stillverynecessaryfor4b
13、oth generation to evaluate themselves, and use the results ofthe evaluation as a guidance to bridge the generation gap.Unit ThreeTask 1杰克嚴重跛足 ,經(jīng)常承受屈辱和 壓力,但他卻從不 抱怨或嫉妒別人。即使天氣惡劣,他也能上班;并且盡量 參加活動。所有這些常常令他的同事從 內(nèi)心里感到驚訝。他們都不 拒絕和他一起走路, 雖然他們的步伐很難 協(xié)調(diào)一致 。同事們讓他把手 搭在他們的肩膀上以 保持平衡。他們按杰克的 步速,跟著他走 Jack isseverelycrip
14、pled, whichsubjectshimto greatshame and stress on many occasions. But he never complainsabout or envies others. He goes to work despite nasty weatherand tries his best toengage in some activities. All this oftenmakeshiscolleaguesinwardlyamazed. Sotheyarenotreluctanttowalk together withhim,thoughit s
15、hardtocoordinate their steps. They urge Jack to put his hand on their shoulders for balance. They ask Jack to set the pace and they try to adjust to him.Task 2有位老人穿過馬路時 暈倒在地 ,一位過路人把他急送到位于附近的醫(yī)院。醫(yī)院的護士在他口袋里發(fā)現(xiàn)了錢包,便通知了他的兒子。他5的兒子匆匆趕到病房, 伸手抓住老人的手指。老人 顯然病得很重。護士說些表示 同情的話,卻被他的兒子 打斷了。他問她老人什么時候才會醒來。An elderlyma
16、nhadcollapsedwhilecrossingthestreetanda passerbyrushedhimto a hospitallocatednearby.Awallet in his pocket enabled a nurse in the hospital to informhis family. His son hurried into the ward and extended his hand to grasp the old man s fingers. Apparently, the old man was severely sick, the nurse offe
17、red words of sympathy occasionally. She urged the son to rest for a while, but he interrupted her and asked how long it would take for his father to come to.Unit FourTask 1要成為成功的銷售人員有些 素質(zhì)必不可少,從聰明到幽默,從態(tài)度到堅持。由此判斷 ,邁克似乎永遠也不可能被 提拔為銷售部經(jīng)理。顯然,以上諸項他都 缺乏,除了堅持。然而,事實證明他的堅持確實讓我們難以忘記。有一天,他簽下了一單三千萬美元的合同,只是因為客戶說“我
18、就是喜歡他那 堅持勁 ”。這份合同可是迄今為之本公司最大的一筆交易,取得如此的 成績也不過因為兩個字: 堅持。而今,身為銷售部經(jīng)理,邁克 意氣風(fēng)發(fā) ,事業(yè)蒸蒸日上 ,現(xiàn)在他真的集諸多6優(yōu)秀品質(zhì)于一身了。Itrequiressomebasicqualitiestobea successful salesperson,ranging fromintelligence tohumor, from attitudetoconsistency . Basedonthe judgment ,Michael,seemingly ,would never getpromotedand become a sal
19、es manager. Itsobviousthat helacked almost all thesequalitiesexcept onething:consistency . However, it turned out that heimpressedusverymuchwiththis consistency . One dayhegotanestimated$30, 000,000 contract just because the client said,“ Ilikedhis consistency! ” It sthebiggestcontractthecompanyhass
20、igned.Onlyonethingcanaccountfortheachievement: consistency. Nowat the bestof his career asanaggressivesalesmanager,Michaelhas almostallthequalities .Task 2一天,我去工作 面試。讓人感到驚訝的是,我發(fā)現(xiàn) 我要見的人居然是我中學(xué)同班同學(xué)。他當時正 認真看著 一份文件。 我真是 太沮喪了。對這樣的 邂逅我的第一 反應(yīng)就是逃掉! 在學(xué)校時我就嘲笑他扭扭捏捏 ,連一個課堂 陳述也作不好。但我轉(zhuǎn)念一想, “也許他認不出我了呢?” 畢竟畢業(yè)后我們就沒 聯(lián)
21、系了。我前思后想,快要 瘋掉了。最終,我 下決心冒個險。正當我 集中注意力 并開始放松之時,7我聽到了有人說,“嘿,湯姆。世界可真小啊。 “One day, I went to a jobinterview. Surprisingly, I foundthe interviewerwasmymiddleschoolclassmate, whowasabsorbedinsomedocumentatthatmoment.Iwassodepressedthat my firstreactionto thisencounterwas to runaway! AttheschoolI hadlaughe
22、dathim becausehewasalways soself-consciousand couldnt finish hispresentationin class. But “Maybe he doesn t recognize me?”, I thought , afterall,wehadnevercontactedeachothersincegraduation.Thehesitationalmostdrove mecrazy . Finally Imade up mymind to take this risk. I managed tofocus onthe interview
23、 and began tofeel at homewhen I heard a voice“Hi, Tom. It s a small world! ”Unit FiveTask 1艾滋病 是人們最不 希望感染 的疾病。盡管現(xiàn)在科技發(fā)展迅速, 治愈艾滋病的 方法據(jù)說十年內(nèi)可以研制出來, 但是現(xiàn)在療法 的缺失 仍然使得許多人身處 驚恐無助之中 。盡管 人們開始特別 注意避免 艾滋病通過性行為 傳播,但是大多數(shù)人忽略了艾滋病通過輸血和注射毒品的 傳播的另外兩條途徑。結(jié)果,現(xiàn)在仍然有大量的人群因此而 感染艾滋病。8The last disease that a person would expect
24、 to be infected with would be AIDS. Regardless of the fast development of the modern science, the solution to aids is expected to be found in ten years. Its absence today still leaves people in deep fear and helplessness. Despite their special attention to stop aids from spreading by sexual behavior
25、s, the majority of the populationareneglectingtheothertwoimportantchannels bloodtransmitting and drug injecting. As a result, a large number of people are still being infected with this deadly disease.Task 2如果你被告知, HIV 的測試呈陽性。 你的反應(yīng)會是怎么樣的呢?害怕被別人用異樣的眼光看你, 而辭掉工作放棄生活?把自己鎖在家里等死?沒了你大家也會一樣繼續(xù)生活。或者你可以積極一些, 利
26、用自己身上攜帶的病毒來幫助艾滋病研究者,嘗試著做一些艾滋病的療法?沒有人知道你是否會成功,但是你仍然可以為你的生活作出選擇。If you are informed that you are HIV-positive. what might be your response? Would you, for fear that you be stared in an odd way, quit your job and your life, lock yourself in and wait for the time to come? people would continue to live t
27、heir life without you. Or you may live a more positive life to assist the9researchers with the virus inside to have a shot at some newtreatment experiment? Nobody knows if you will make it or not. But you still have a choice in deciding what kind of a life you lead.Unit EightTask 1創(chuàng)造性通常 代表著人類思想的偉大之處
28、。今天 , 人們花大量的時間研究創(chuàng)造性的觀點是如何 形成的,是如何作用于人的思想并且如何改變一個人甚至一群人的命運的。但是,在進一步研究之后,就不難發(fā)現(xiàn)創(chuàng)造性觀點的 一閃而過 或者是 迸發(fā)很大程度上取決于 之前的大量的知識積累和 高強度的 訓(xùn)練。當我們 沉迷于創(chuàng)造性觀點的形成時,我們很有可能會忘記了讓自己的雙手去 工作,這樣反而妨礙了我們獲得這些寶貴的東西。Creativity is usuallytakenasthe representativeofthegreatness of human minds. Today people spend huge amountof timedoingr
29、esearchinto howcreativeideastakeshape,how they have an effect on ones mind and how they changethe life of a person or a group of people. However, after weobservecloser,itis notdifficulttofindthatthe flashorexplosion of creative ideas depends, in some degree, on thelarge amountofaccumulationofrelated
30、knowledgeand10intensified excises. When fully occupied in composing creative ideas ,we might forget to set our hands at work, which on the contrary prevent us from obtaining these precious things.Task 2據(jù)某一科學(xué)雜志 宣布,白日夢有助于心理健康和幫助人們獲得成功。許多人對此 鼓掌喝彩 并打算身體力行 ,并不因為這一理論有 說服力,而是因為這個借口可以被利用并且有奇效。 白日夢的確有可能幫助我們強
31、化自己成功的意向,并幫助我們?nèi)〉贸晒?。但是,在我?評價一個理論時,通常無法立刻就看到它的功效。 只有我們 開始著手 去做了,才有可能 捕捉到其中的有用的暗示。It is claimed in a certain scientific magazine that daydreaming help to maintain psychological health and to achieve success. Many people applaud and determine to actupon it, obviously not because this theory is convinci
32、ng, but this is the excuse that comes their way and works amazingly. Daydreaming does help to enhance our image of success, and helps us to achieve our success finally. However, when we are evaluating a theory, we usually can not see its effect at once. Only when we take it up, can we have a chance
33、to capture the useful hint in it.Unit Nine11Task 1很多中國的大學(xué)生在中學(xué)時候都是班上的優(yōu)秀生, 有著出色的學(xué)習(xí)成績和宏偉的夢想。令許多老師和學(xué)生自己感到 難以理解 的是,相當部分的中學(xué)高材生卻無法 適應(yīng)大學(xué)的學(xué)習(xí)生活。其中的一個理由很有可能是,大部分的中國的中學(xué)生在中學(xué)的時候只需要 專注自己的學(xué)習(xí)就可以了。沒有了諸多生活上的困擾, 他們在中學(xué)的時候可以 輕松地完成作業(yè)并取得很好的成績。 在大學(xué),他們需要突然學(xué)會自己安排自己所有的事情。 他們發(fā)現(xiàn) 無論他們多么努力,作業(yè)總是完成得很 艱難,不能給教授們 留下比較突出的印象 。Many Chines
34、e universitystudentsweretop studentsintheir middle schools, with remarkable academic performanceand magnificent dreams. What sounds weird to the teachersand students themselves is that many of those top students inmiddleschoolscannotadaptthemselvestotheir academiclife in college. One of the possible
35、 reasons might be that mostChinesemiddleschoolstudentsonlyhad tofocuson theirstudyintheir middleschoollife. Withoutdistractionsinlife,they canaccomplishtheirschoolworkwitheaseandgotfantastic scores. While in the university, all of a sudden, theyhave to learn to arrange everything for themselves. They findno matter how hard they plow through their assignme
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