1、L4 Unit 1-1Liste ning旅游Christina was on the 2 weeks vacation. This is the first vacation she Siad for a long time. the last vacation she took was more than 2 years ago. Now she is visiting her friend in San Francisco. Her friend and her husba nd are livi ng in the cen ter of thecity. He works at a s
2、tart-up compa ny at Silic on Valley.|While he was working, she worked part time at the department store.Christiana hasn t seen her friend for long time. The last time they saw each other was 3 years ago. Atthat time, they were both working at a department storeThe n Christ ina quit her job and start
3、ed her own bus in ess. She desig ns wome n s clothi ng. She has 2employers now and her compa ny is slowly grow ing.Christina has come to San Francisco by herself. Her husband didn t come becaushe has to work. Hetried the compa ny 2 years old but it did n t work ou.t His compa ny failed only after on
4、ly few mon ths. So |he works in an another company and save money. Once he saved enough money he plans to start | another company. He doesn t want to give up.This is the second time Christina has been to San Francisco. The first time was when she was a highschool stude nt. That was 10 years ago. Dur
5、i ng that trip, she was only in San Fra ncisco for few days.|After that, she went to Los An gles and New York. This time, she and her frie nd pla n to relax and have|fun.Christina arrived 2 days ago, the day before yesterday. Her friend met her at the airport and drove her to her apartment. Her apar
6、tment is just north to the airport about 20 minutes from San Francisco. It s asmall apartment but it s on a hill and it has a great view.Yesterday they went dow ntow n and rode the cable cars. Christi na was surprised by how steep the hills|are. The n they walked along the ocea n and ate lunch at th
7、e seafood restaura nt. From the restaura nt|they could see the Golde n Gate bridge.Tomorrow they pla n to drive to Yosemite Nati onal park. By carwas only 4 hours away. Christ ina hasn ever bee n there before so she was excited. She has heard the park was very beautiful. Her frie nd has|be en to Yos
8、emite several times. She says it s one of the most beautiful places in the world. Christina justhopes that her friend is a good driver.L4 Unit 1-1 vocabulary傷病和地貌地形Headache can be very painful and can last for a long time. If you had, your head hurts.A spra ined an kle can be so painful that you can
9、 t walk. Some one with a spra ined an kle may n eed tothe crutches to walk.Crutchesn.拐杖;支持物;精神上的寄托;胯部vt.支撐支持sprainvt.扭傷關(guān)節(jié)n.扭傷ankle n.踝,踝關(guān)節(jié);腳脖子if you had a sore throat, it may be painful to swallow . A sore throat can be caused by viruses orbacteria .A burn is an injury to the skin, cause by fire or
10、heat. If you get too close to a fire, you will be burned.An earache is a sharp, dull or burning pain in the ear. Common causes of an earache include an infection, a changing air pressure or water in the ear.Mountains are landforms higher than 2000 feet or about 600 metersabove sea level . Hills are
11、likemountain, but not as tall. Mountains are formed by the forces deep within the earth and are made of many types of rocksRivers are stream of water that usually begin at mountains and flow into the sea. Many early cities were built alongside rivers.Most of the world s water is in the ocean, whicah
12、re the large bodies of salt water. The oceans are alsoan important source of oxygen.Deserts are areas of land that receive little or no rainfall. The amount of rainfall in some deserts is so low that only a few plants can survive.A valley is low, relatively flat area between hills and mountains, oft
13、en with the river running through it.Some valleys are formed by flowing river and others are formed by glaciers .L4 Unit 1-1 dialogue 談?wù)摮燥埡皖A(yù)約Have you eaten yet.Not I haven t and I hungmry.Me too. Let s go out for dinner.Where toWhat about joe s Italian.How many times have you eaten there.I eat there
14、 a lot. It s one of my favorite places.I went there two weeks ago and the service was terrible.Really, then lets go some placlsees. eWhat do you suggest?How about the royal Indian. It s not far from here.I ve never heard of it. Is it good?Yes, I have been there several times and I ve never been disa
15、ppointed.Ok, let s try it. I ve never eaten Indian food for a long time.You won t be disappointed and the prices are reasonable.Ah, so you mean I m going to pay.Well, that will certainly be nice.What about reservations.If you get there early enough, we won t need them.I hope you re right.Don t worry
16、, if I have to wait, Ithe bill.ll payL4 Unit 1-2 Listening旅游 2Today, Christina and her friend are enjoying themselves. This morning they got up very early and drove out of San Francisco. They crossed the Bay Bridge before the early morning commute and drove south. Because it was so early, there was
17、not cars. After driving an hour and a half, they stopped to have breakfast. They ordered pancakes and coffee. They also had some fresh fruits. When they finished eating, there was 7:00. Then they got back into the car and drove south. Christina wanted to listening to music, so she turned on the radi
18、o. An hour later, they stopped for gas. They noticed that there was a charging station for electric car.It nsow 1:15 and they are in Yosemite Park. They vebeen there for 2 hours since 11:15. They are looking at the Yosemite falls, which is the highest waterfall in the park. The water dropped total o
19、f 740 meters from the top of upper fall to the base of the lower fall.In another 15 minutes, they planned to eat dinner at the magnificent old hotel in the park. It was builtin 1927 and has a great view. They wanted to stay there but they couldn t get the reservation. To get aroom at that hotel, you
20、 usually need to make reservation several months in advance.They planned to stay in the park until around 4:00. By then, they will have been in the park for nearly 5 hours. Then they will get back into the car and drove back to the San Francisco. They planned to eat dinner somewhere along the way. I
21、f the traffic isn t too back, they should bneSbaanckFriancisco by 10:00.Early tomorrow morning, they re going to cross the Golden Gate bridge and go north along the coast. From some places, you can look out on the ocean and see whales and other sea lives. Christina has never seen a whale before, so
22、she is looking forward to it. And tomorrow night, they have something special plan. They are going to watch a baseball game. Christina has never seen a baseball game, but she has heard that it is very popular in the US. And the San Francisco baseball team is one the best.L4 Unit 1-2 vocabulary 力學(xué)、幾何
23、The force is the push or a pull on the object. A force changes the motion of a moving object.A force can be strong or weak and it always has a direction.The earth is a planet that goes around the sun in the circular orbit . The speed of its motion doesn tchange and the direction of its motion does.
24、The earth has a layer of gas above its surface, which helps to support life.Atoms are the building blocks of matter. At the center of an atom is its nucleus, which has a positive electric charge. Outside the nucleus are electrons, which have a negative charge.Asteroids and comics are object that orb
25、its our sun, but are smaller than planets. Asteroid that pass close to the earth are called the near-earth objects. The layer of gases, just above the earth surface, is our atmosphere. The layer of atmosphere is made up of gases, such as oxygen and hydrogen . Without an atmosphere , there would be n
26、ot life on the earth.Asteroid n. 天小行星 ;海盤車 ;海星adj.星狀的orbitn.軌道;眼眶;勢(shì)力范圍;人生的旅程,生活過程vt.& vi.在軌道上運(yùn)行,環(huán)繞軌道運(yùn)行vi.盤旋;繞軌道運(yùn)行vt. 繞軌道而行 ;進(jìn)入軌道The two lines on the left in tersect each other at a right an gle which is 90 degrees. The 2 lines on the right are parallel, which means they n ever cross. The adjace nt s
27、ides of recta ngle are perpe ndicular, which means they meet at a 90-degree angle. The opposite sides of the rectangle are equal a parallel, which means they never cross. The area of a rectangle is the length times the width.In tersectvt.橫斷,橫切,橫穿vt.& vi.指線條、道路等相交,交叉a circle is the 2 dimensional figu
28、res with radius and circumferenee which is the distanee around the circle. The area of the circle is n R square, where r is the radius and n is the ratio of the circle s circumferenee to its diameter.Radius n.橈骨泮徑范圍 泮徑距離;用半徑度量的圓形面積Dimensional adj.維的;尺寸的;物 量綱的;數(shù) 因次的A sphere is a 3 dime nsional figure
29、 with the a ratio the same the volume, which is thethree-fourth冗 Rcube . All points on the surface of the sphere are equidistanee fromits center.Cuben.立方形,立方體;立方,三次幕;小房間vt.求的立方 把食物切成小方塊;測(cè)定的體積equidista nee 等距離的A right triangle is a 2 dimensional figure with 3 sides, 2 of which are perpendicular. To f
30、ind its area, multiply the len gth of the 2 perpe ndicular sides, A and B and divided by 2, A equates one half A B.Perpe ndicularadj.垂直的,成直角的;直立的,險(xiǎn)陡的;建垂直式的;謔直站著的n.垂直線,垂直面;直立,直立姿勢(shì),廉直;垂直測(cè)器,錘規(guī);建垂直式建筑,絕壁Equatevt.等同使相等;相當(dāng)于the electric force betwee n the nu cleus and the electr ons holds the atom together
31、.L4 Unit 1-2 dialogueHave you finished eating yet.Not, I haven t.Why are you in such a hurry.I m sorry, but you are such a slow eater.A low eater? Well I try to enjoy my food. You just eat and swallow. I don t see how you can even tasteit.Ok, I m sorry. Do you mind if I get another glass of vine.No,
32、 go ahead. I don t want you to sit there putting pressure on me. I thought we were going to have a relax ing eve ning.Yes, you are right. I d like to relax, but I had onlomy mind.What created?Yes. it is. I vbeen getting some strange emails from my boss. He wants me to cut down on my expenses . Maybe
33、 he wants to fire me.Is bus in ess bad?Yes, it is. But I donwant to talk about it.Ok, but I m a good listener. You can tell me if you d like to.Tha nks, maybe some other time.I ll try to start thinking about it and deal with it tomorrow.Good idea. You need to take a break from work. Your health is i
34、mportant and so am I. Yes, you are.I don t know what would I do without you.L4 Unit 1-3 listening旅游 3Harry is American businessman. His job requires him do a lot of travelling. He takes 9 or 10 trips a year.In the late 6 months, he has made 5 trips. 3 were to Asia and 2 were to Europe.The purpose of
35、 his trip is to attend meets and make presentations. Harry loves to travel and he has travelled to many countries. Most of his trips are for one or 2 weeks.His first international trip was 15 years ago, when he was 20 years old. He really wanted to see Asia so he and his friend flew from Tokyo, Japa
36、n. From Tokyo, they travelled around Japan for 2 weeks.The people they met very nice, but most of them didn t speak English. Harry tried to speak a littleJapanese, but it was difficult. He didn t do very well.When he spoke to people, most of them just looked at him. They didn t understand what he wa
37、s tryingto say.From japan, they went to Korea for a week and then they went to China. In China, they visited the Great Wall in Beijing. He stayed in Beijing for a few days and then they boarded a train for shanghai. It was an overnight train, with sleeping cars.During the journey, they enjoyed looki
38、ng out of the window at the countryside. The view from the train was wonderful. Harry would never forget watch the sun go down in the evening.It was a beautiful sunset.The journey to shanghai took many hours, but it was an unforgettable experience. On the train, he met a Chinese Professor who spoke
39、English. He was middle-age man, whose hair was turning grey. He told them about how things were changing in China. It was wonderful to watch him as he was speaking. His eyes were full of energy and excitement.They only stayed in shanghai for a couple of days. Then they returned to US and went back t
40、o school.They had one more years to finish their studies.Harry s next new trips were to different parts of the world. They went to Europe twice, each time to different countries. On one trip, he travel through the UK and France. On the next trip, he went Italy and Greece. After the Europe, he travel
41、 to Mexico and south America. In south America, he went to Argentina and Brazil . He enjoyed watching some great soccer matches.Then he decided to go back to Asia. But this time, he went to southeast Asia. He visitedVietnam ,Thailand and Singapore. Each country had a charm of its own.After this trav
42、el, harry decided to make travel part of his career. He didnt want etoUwSo.rk only in thHe didn t work only with Americans. he wanted to experience other countries and other cultures. His dream was to work for international company.5 years ago, his dream came true. Now he was working for a German hi
43、gh-tech company. As part of his job, he has to travel a lot. As a result, he has been to many cities and counties. And he has met many interesting people.cavity n. 腔,洞 ;蛀牙,齲洞A dental cavity is a hole in the tooth. A cavity is caused by bacteria in the mouth. Brushing your teeth frequently and regula
44、rly can help prevent cavities.cracked adj. 有裂縫的 ;聲音沙啞的 ;精神失常的v破裂崩潰crack的過去分詞;發(fā)沙啞聲A cracked tooth can be caused by biting down on some hard. Dentists the treat cracked tooth by covering it with a crown 牙冠 .crown n.王冠;花冠有時(shí)象征勝利 王權(quán);某物的頂部vt.尤指通過增添成就、成功等使圓滿;為加冕;使圓滿完成;給以榮譽(yù)vi. 露頂A dental X-ray is a picture
45、of your teeth and gums. An X- ray shows what can t be seen on the surfaceof teeth and gums.Braces are used by dentists to straighten teeth over a periods of years. Those braces are usually for children. they can also be used for adults with crooked teeth.Bracevt.支撐;系緊;準(zhǔn)備,預(yù)備;振作起來vi.準(zhǔn)備好;支持;打起精神n.支持物;鐵
46、鉗,夾子;語大括號(hào);繃緊身體部位的肌肉Straightenvt.& vi.變直,把弄直整理,整頓;使改正;使好轉(zhuǎn)vi.變好起來crookn.騙子灣曲鉤;詭計(jì)vt. 使成鉤狀 ;使彎曲vi.彎曲adj. 不正當(dāng)?shù)?;騙人的 crooked adj. 彎曲的 ;不正當(dāng)?shù)?;歪扭的 ;用不正當(dāng)手段得來的To extract tooth means to remove it from the mouth. Dentists have to pull hard to extract tooth.The heart pumps blood to all parts of bodies through a
47、system of arteries and vein. It s located in the chest, between the lungs and it beats about once per second.Arteryn.解剖動(dòng)脈;干線,要道toxin n. 毒素 ;毒質(zhì)The kidneys remove waste and toxins from the blood. They have been shapedand about 10 cmlong, and 6 cm wide.The lungs exchange oxygen from the air with CO2 fr
48、om the blood. Theyexpand when inhaling airand contract when exhaling air.Inhale vt.& vi. 吸氣;吸入 ;非狼吞虎咽Exhale vt. 發(fā)散出 ;放出,放射 ;使蒸發(fā) ;醫(yī)滲出vi.呼氣;發(fā)散;放出The stomach is below the heart and it s part of the digest system. It uses acids to digest food beforepassing it to the small intestine .Small intestine n. 小
49、腸The bladder is a balloon-shaped organ that collects urine from the kidneys. In an audit, the bladder can hold about half a liter of urine.urinen.尿;小便;下泉a liter of 公升L4 Unit 1-3 dialogue談?wù)撡V賂Good evening, sir. You were driving too fast.Really. Was i.Yes, you were going well above the speed limit.I m
50、sorry, officer.Ok, I n eed to see your driver licenses .Here is my driver s license.Your lice nse is expired. Are you aware of that?No, sir. That s a surprise. I didn t know.It expired more tha n a year ago.Is this your car.No, sir, it s a friend nbdrrtswing it for the night.Get out of the car and p
51、ut your hands beh ind your back.Why officer, what have I done.Just do as I say.Ok, officer, I m cooperating. Please don t push me. Get your hands beh ind your back.Ok! ok!I mot ask ing you. I m orderi ng you.Please officer, I haven t done anything wrong.Stand still and don t say anything. This is a
52、stolen car, are you aware of that. Are you going to arrest me.What do you think. That s what we do with car thieves.t hurt an ybody.s nothing I can do.If you let me go, I will give you a couple of thousand dollars. I haven So now you re trying to bribe me. How stupid can you be.I just don t want to
53、go back tjail. Give me a break.Sure, you are a nice guy. I d like to give you a break. But thatPlease officer.Ok, where is the mon ey. Let me see it and I will thi nk about it.L4 Unit 1-4 liste ning家政效勞Quick service is successful home repair compa ny .It provides quick, reliable repair services to h
54、omes. It was established 5 years ago and has bee n expa nding rapidly .In the last 2 years, it has ope ned offices in 3 new cities.Because of its rapid growth, it has to hire many new employers .In the last 6 mon ths, it has hired 50 new employers. The total nu mber of the employers in the compa ny
55、is now over 500. And the nu mber of the customers has in creased to more tha n 5000.The compa ny has only improved its bus in ess model. I nstead of offeri ng only repair services, tit can now help customer upgrade their appliances. Quick service does this by giving a choice. Customers can choose re
56、pair their appliances or upgrade it by buying a new one. If they choose to buy a new one, they would get a discount in price. So a customer can either repair a broken refrigerator for a small fee or buy a new one. If they buy a new one, they will get a discounted price, along with free installation
57、. This is possible because several appliance manufactures have agreed to give quick service big discounts. Quick service then installs the new appliance and remove the old one. Feedback from customers has been positive.A high percentage of customers have taken advantages ofthis new service. As a result, quick servicehas dwell the great reputation.Its dedication to the high quality service has proved to be successful.Its word-of-mouth approach to advertising has been cost-effective. The appliance manufactures have also been happy with the results. Their
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