



1、對比轉(zhuǎn)化表:不遺余力spare no effort toWe will spare no effort to promote democracy and strengthen the rule of law.( 促進(jìn)民主和加強法治 )大事化小小事化了resolve the conflicts過猶不及We have gone too far on sth.功夫不負(fù)有心人Our efforts have eventually paidoff.和氣生財Harmony brings wealth大開眼界broaden our horizons /canopen your eyes to sth.The

2、 preceding two marketing experts' reasoning analysis has indeed made us broaden our outlook.不能好了傷疤忘了疼 bitter lessons.By no means should we forget those前事不忘后事之師 bitter experiences.We are supposed to learn from those活到老學(xué)到老One is never too old to learn既往不咎let bygones be bygones.(Our attitude is one

3、 of letting bygones be bygones.)腳踏實地be down-to-earthPeople should be down-to-earth, instead of being over-ambitious.腳踩兩只船sit on the fenceWe've each got to comedown quite sitting on the fence.definitely on this matter; it's no goode s about what theThe results, however, do not always support

4、past clich differences in question actually are.然而這個結(jié)果并不一定都支持過去那些關(guān)于性別差異的論調(diào)留得青山在不怕沒柴燒Where there is life, there is hope.謀事在人成事在天Man proposes, God disposes.拋磚引玉 discussion,generate more publicstimulate more ideasfrom othersThe following proposalsmoreare put forth in the hope that they would generatepu

5、blic discussion.千里之行始于足下proceed step by stepThe movement must proceed step by step after due preparation.前怕狼后怕虎be plagued / overtakenby fearsWe shall get nowhere if we are plagued by fears.世上無難事只要肯攀登Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.-Thomas Heywood塞翁失馬焉知非福 ( 禍兮福所倚 )Misfortune mayis a blessing

6、 in disguise.時不我待Time and tide wait for no man.It has often been remarked that time and tide wait for no man.實事求是be practical and realisticWemust be realistic inbelittlingour self-estimation,neither being conceited norourselves.歪風(fēng)邪氣unhealthy practicesThese unhealthy practices call for our close atte

7、ntion.屋漏又逢連陰雨Misfortunes never come singly.以人為本people-orientedPeople-oriented leadership can create happy and productive staff.優(yōu)勝劣汰Herbert Spencersurvival of the fittest-Isn't our business about the survival of the fittest? 我們的商業(yè)不就是最好的生存嗎 ?致命要害Achilles' heel小菜一碟a piece of cakeDon't think

8、 this job a piece of cake. You'll have to rack your brains once youstart on it.欲速則不達(dá)Haste makes wast.This is a dangerous situation that can result in a total failure, and is really a casewhere " haste makes waste".先入為主predetermined opinionsA good journalist should be free of any bias o

9、r predetermined opinions.息事寧人make concessionsSome people would rather make concessions to avoid trouble than stir up trouble.有些人寧愿息事寧人 , 而不愿惹是生非 .昭然若揭 , 不言而喻It is apparent / self-evident thatIt's obvious that such foods are no longer suitable for humanconsumption.重中之重muchcan't emphasize the

10、importance of .tooWe cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.精益求精pursue excellenceAs far as quality is concerned, we must not make do with what we have, but mustconstantly pursue excellence.受益非淺sb.)benfit a lot from ( sth. be beneficial toPersonal contact is beneficial to the promotion of understanding. 面談有助于增進(jìn)了解。毋庸置疑undoubtedly, there's no denying that,Undoubtedly, we recognize it because of our tool-manipulating nature. 毋庸置疑,我們之所以知道是因為我們使用工具的天性。按部就班stick to traditional waysTraditional ways of thinking have changed dramatically.安然無恙safe and soundThe fragile china


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