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1、二 Understand a long conversationW: Wow, you really look great. Have you been working out?M: Everyday. I'm preparing for the Olympic Games.W: Oh, no.M: What? What's the matter? Ybu don't think t can do it?W: I don't know how ta tel! y>u,M: You don't think fm strong enough to en

2、ter, do you? Well Til have you know I'm plenty strongAnd tf you say otherwise, you don't know what /ou're talking aboutW: I know yoire strong. Thats not the problemM: Then you think my heart is weak Butthat isn't so! I have amazing determination. I swear, my pas&ion is unmatched

3、by any other amateur athlete in tlie world一 I defy you to say otherwise W: J wculdnl dare. I've seen you run and not qdL and I know your heart is strong. But that isn't the problem.M: WhaCs the problem then?W: The Olympics ended yesterday.2. How does the man feel about hrs own strength?3. Wh

4、at does the man say about his passion?4 How does the woman know the man has a strong heart?5. What i s the man's problem, according to the wo its n?In the summer of 1936, Jesse Owens became famous alf over the world. That summer, Jesse Owens, a btack American, joined the best athletes from 50 na

5、tions to compete in (he Olympics in Berlfn, Germany.There was spectaI interest in the OtympiG Games that year because Adolph Hitler was then the leader of Germany. He and his Nazi party betieved that white people were better thar other race亀 especially tliose with dark skin. They were all very surpr

6、ised when Owens won four gofd medals and set new world records.Years tater,esse Owens wrote that he was most praud of showing Hitler and the world how great a black man could b% Through everything, he never lost confidence in himself. Nor did he lose pride in himself. Ta (his day, Jesse Owens is rem

7、embered ss 白n amazino man who fullvexpressed the Ol/mpic spirit.1 Why were so many people interested in the 1935 Ofympic Games?2. According to lhe 卩日呂sage h what did the Nazi party believe?4. What made Jesse Owens most proud?5. Why is Jesse Owens remembered as 占 great man?四 Movie speechFrankie: Tm g

8、onna need that speed bag back.Maggie: This bag?Fr;jnkie: Yes, that bag. That's my bag. And if you're hitting it, people will ttiinlc rm training you.Maggie: Is that such a bad thing, boss?Frankie:Yes, it is. Every time you touch it, youYe losirig me business out here.Maggie: I gotta agree, I

9、 am embarrassing myself.Frankie: Well, lcanpt just land it to anybod/, you know?Maggie: I understand.Frankie: Look, you seem like a nice girl, Can I give you some advice?FJaggie: I'd appreciate thatFrankie: Vbu're gonna find a trainer either in this gym or somewhere else that's gonna wan

10、t to train a girl, it's the latest freak shew out there. But the only trouble is they're gonna be wasting your tine because you're too old.Maggie: I don't fee! that old.Frankie: WflL neither do I, but you don't se me fighting 21-yea r-lds, do you? Takes about four years to train

11、a fighter How old are you?Maggie; Thirty-one until my next birthday,Frankie: There you go. 31. Vt)u wouldn't start trarnir>g to be a ballerina at 31 now, would you? Maggie: Already been working it for three years.Frankie And you can't hit a speed bag? What kind of training rs that?Maggie:

12、 I've never had any boss*Maggie: No, you need itFrankie No, take the bag. I haven't seen it ir 20 years, anyway, fve had three since then, Just+ just enjo/it will you?Maggie; tl just borrow it fill I buy my own.Frankie: Yfeah. Just don't lose itHomework1M: Have you ever tried scuba divin

13、g?W: No, fm kind of scared of the whole diving thing, I mean. I hear all these stories about getting sick from coming up too fast and dang&rotis fish and stuff. I dorft think it's for me,M: 1 guess there's a lot that coutd go wrong, but if you've been trained pnd you follow the rules

14、, there's really nothing to worry about,W: Idonl know.M: ffs really worth trying, Bs a whole other world down there. It's such an amazing experience.W: ThaCs what a lot of people tell me, but I think fd prefer to stick to surfing rattier than take m/chances in the deep.M: To be honest I thin

15、k you have more chance of meeting with an accident surfing than diving.W:As lor*g as you don't do anything stupid, you'd be okay.M: Diving's the same. Ybu just have to follow the rules. Say Ton going next weekend. Why don't you come along? ThermW a pool that isn1t sc deep where you c

16、an see alJ kinds of fish and things. ft1s perfect for a noGe diver.»W: Well, if ifs not too deep, it can't be too bad. Why not? Sure, TH go with you.M: Great!Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversalion you have ju宮t heard.1. According to the woman, what makes diving scary?2. What measure

17、s might help ensure lhe safety of diving?3. According to the conversation, what has the woman heard about diving?4. What does the man think about surfing?5. Why does the woman decide to join the man in diving? Some people say that aerobic dancing is a sport and others say it's not I've begun

18、 a class that teaches aerobfcs. and i would like to tell you about it. I think you'll be ver/exceed about this vigorous exercise and will agree with me that its a sport.Aerobic ci白ncing is like other sports tn that it 匕白n help you improve your mental strength. Often, when doing it you'll wan

19、t to quit. ConSnuing. despite your desire to stop, forces you to be strong. The encouragennent that ycu receive from those aromd you helps you to carry on for the entire 45 minutes until the end. itds somethtng tike running a long race.Like swimming, aerobic dancing makes your body stronger. It quic

20、ken your hearl beat and helps you to lose fat. M倉(cāng)ny footbalt players, as well as athletes in Other sports! do aerobic dancing to improve theirfitress Many other people enjoy it as well.Aerobic dancing can change your life. If you participate regularly, itll make you a better person, both mentally an

21、d physicaify. 1 recommend it to anyone who wants a little bit more out of life.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage ycu have just heard.1H According to the passage, haw do people feel about aerobic dancing?2. In which way is aerobic dancing sinnilar to other sports?3- Who will encourage you not

22、 to quitwhen doing aerobic dancing?4, How is aerobic dancing like swim mi ng?5. Accord i ng to the speaker, who should take part in aero bid dancirig?3Now here are some common expressions from baseball Someone who is "on the bair is intelligent and to do a good job, but a person who "Wew a

23、 Curve ball" d泊 soinethi>g unexpected. SQrn&Qne who "steps up to the plaie"1 is ready to do his or her job. 'A pinch flitter" tk已§ the ptace of someone efse at the job or activity. A person who "strikes outN or "goes dou/n swinging attempted something bu

24、t failed. We atso might tell the person that,hthree strikes and you are out ", but someone who "hit a home run" or " hit it out of the park1' did something extremely wetL Sometimes I have to give information quickly without time to think it over, then 1 would say something li

25、ght off the bat". If someone is doing an extremely good job and is ver/ successfuL you might say he or she is Mbat!ing one thousand' If I say 1 want to "touch b ase with you: I will talk to you from time to time about something we plan to do. I might say I touched all the bases' if

26、 t did what is necessary to complete a job or activity. And if I "covered my bases" I was well prepared How呂*er; someone who is "way off base'' did something wrong or maybe even dishonest ar immoral A person with strange ideas mcght be described as out in the left fieldw. Let

27、us sa/1 want to seH my car, but I do not know exactly how much it s worth. If sonneone asks me the price, I might give "a baflpark figure" ar *a ballparkestimate"* If someone offers me an amount that is close to my selling price, 1 might say the amount is "in the ball park Unit 4

28、一.Understanding short conversations1W: Excuse me. Yoit've been here for six hours* A re you waiting for someone?M: I'm afraid so. Irm supposed to meet m/new girlfriend-1 can (believe how late she is! Q; What surprises the man?2 M; I heard a song on the radio by Efvis, salted *'A Big Hunk

29、 oLove".W: I know that song ftfs realhappy though, which rs why I don't like it Love songs should be sad, like ove.Q: Why does the woman NOT like the sorig? W: You found love in India? How romantic! Ifs my dream to fait in love in a foreign country! M: It was really excit ng at first After

30、I got used to it though, it was ki nd of boring.Q: Haw did the man's feeling oftave change?4W: More than once. I thought about killing myself after I lost my boyfriend.M: Just about everyone gets depressed, but you can*t let those feelings get ttie better of you. Q: According to the man, what do

31、es everyone experience after a breakup?5W; Ybu look sc happy) What's going onto make you smile like that?IM: For the first time in years, ni/stster has found love, rm goi ng to meet the guj/today. Q; Why is the man happy?6W; I can help you find your old girlfriend if you can give me more informa

32、tion about her.M: Name, old address., thafs all i can tell you. But maybe it doesn'tmaQer I probably should try to forget herQ: Why can the man's old girlfriend NOT be found?7M: Hey! You look great? Am I wrong, or hds something changed about you?W: Something big! I found a man who really mak

33、es me happy. He's brightened up my life. Q: What do we know about the woman's new boyfriend?8M: Ybu've been writing me letters for years. When are you going to admit your love forme? W: What? Love? No, I'm just being friendty; bu think everyone loves you!Q: According to the woman, wh

34、at mistake has the rrari made?9W; Soh what makes you think that your marriage will la&t when 50 percent fait?M: Fifty? Nah. That number is more like 30 or 40 percent And in my family there are no divorces.Q: What is the divorce rate in the man's family?10M. Haney, don't you have any obje

35、ctions to Qur daughter having a boyfriend?W: None whatsoever Having at boyfriend wvll teach her how to become a Eoving wife somedayQ: What fs the relationship between the man and the woman?二 Understand a long conversationW: Another letterM: Forme?W: Who else? It's fromM : Hey; don't look at

36、that! It's private! Give it here!W: OK! Sorryl I was just a bit curious. You've been getting a lol of these letters lately And they1 re always in these pink envelopes It makes me wander if you've got a girtfriend That's a ILM; If you must know, yeah, 1 have a girlfriend.W: I thought

37、sc! So, what does she look like?M: I don't really know. So fiar, wehve only communicated by mail. I've never seen herW: Not much of a girlfriend, then, is she?M: 1 think Tm tn levs with her isn't that what it means to have a gfrtfnend?W: Well that wouldn't have been enough for your f

38、ather and meJ We wouldn't have falte口 in love without meetirrg, lb be in love, you have loses a person, at eastM The love I have for my girlfriend ts spiritual; 1 don't l)ave to see hen You wouldn't understarKi,1. Why does the woman vue口t to see the letter? According to the man, what doe

39、sn't he know? According to the woman, what must all people in love have?5. What j s the relati on ship between the speakers?"Going to war was the greatest thing to have ever happened to me/' said Albert TTiomson. a farmer soldier. Some people might find this strange, es peer ally consid

40、ering that Thomson lost an arm and the use of both tegs in combat "Of course, I didn't hke the fighting," Thomson said. What he did like was that, by going to war, he met the woman who would become his wife and the inoth&r of his four children.One effect of Wortd War 11 was that it

41、 brought many young people from different Gauntries together. When peace was achieved, thes young people often fell in lave with people of different ratiofialites. During World War II, an estimated 1,000,000 American soldiers married women from overSO different countries. In the Pacific, 16,000 of l

42、he 1.000,000 American soldiers married Australian and New Zealand women, Of these, 12,000 went to th總 U.S. Many cf the relatiorehips failed, but some were as happy sb Ihom5on'5 What did Thomson lose during the war?2. What did Thomson enjoy about the war?3. What is spoken of as a positive effect

43、of World War II?4. How many U.S. soldiers married Aust a It a n or New Zealand women?5. What do we know about these marri ages?四 Movie speechEtig: bulsnow, ladies and gentlemen, one of the rea( Gompensations of achieving a certain notoriety, if only as a rugby player, is that ah, occasranatlyyouhre

44、asked to ccme along and give things away;It's often said that giving beats receivir>gH Well, let me tell: you, the lock of delight ontho宮e little bays' faces is worth ten af any of the tin pots I've got gathering dust at my Edin burgh sideboard.When we were in China, iry father, here,

45、 was always waxing lyrical about hrs wee home in the glen, but ah, being oriental born myself, like my brothers and my sister, here, I suffered from a natural incredulity. But lookin' about me now, the heather on the hills, I can see be was right ltrs very specialThank /ou for welcoming us home.

46、 And thank you for reminding me that lam. and will be whilst I breathea Scot.Homework1M: Hit Sandy. How are your finals going?W Oh hi. Mike 1 finished my last exam this morning And (also firished my twe term papers. I finally feel ike I can see the lightM: Greatl So. how about doing something differ

47、ent for a change? Fve got two tickets for the new art show at the modern art museum downtown. Do you want to go with me?W: Not real!/ I don't know anything about modern art, and rm no artist.M: bu don't have to be an artist to enjoy a good exhibition. Besides, it'll be anice change from

48、studying.W; Ybu're right Have you been yet?M: No, but le heard it's great The show was in New *)k. last summer and inChicago after that And next vweek it goes to Los Angeles.Wi Oh Weil it should be good then.M:Arrfr besides, next door to the modern art nriuseum 海 白 i>ew Asian art museum-

49、So, we Goufd hit bath of them at the same tirre - if you wantW: OK. When shouki we go?M: Well, if you have nothing going on. lrm ready right now- It's 12;30.W; That wonl do. fm starving. Let's meet after we eat How bout we meet al1:30 right here?M: Sounds goad to me. See youthen.Questions 1

50、to 5 are based on the conversation yvu have just heard.L How does the woman feel now?2. What was the womans first response to the naris suggestion?3. Which cityis the art show going to next?4 What did the man suggest they do after going to the modem art museum? & What time will they meet?2There

51、are approximately four things in this world that I qvq.川 put them in order for you from first to fourth: No. t m/family; No. 2, m/work; No. 3, my friends; and No, 4, my books. On the other hand there are three things that I hate: No. 1, the suffering caused by war and violence; No. 2, drugs; and No.

52、 3t my ex-boyfriend. And my hate for my ex-boyfriend is growi r>g. By the end of next year (might hate him evenmcr呂 than drugs.But how does this happenWe continue aur series for students around the world who want to attend college in the United Stales. This week, we 白口swer a question from Nigena.

53、 SegunBadagry wants to knowth& general admission requirements needed to study sociology at an American university.Each uni varsity has its own requirements for students to be admitted But we will use as an example the University of Oregon in Eugene. The University of Oregon requires an intematio

54、 n® student to send copies of all school records after the ejghth grade, including translations if necEssaryL A financial s怡怕ment and a bank letter showing the students ability to pay are aho required,Rie student must aFso send the results of the TOEFL, the Test of English as a Foreign Language

55、, or other English language tests.The Uni vers it/ of Oregon says its mtnimum acceptabte TOEFL score on the paper test is 500, On the computer test it is 173. Some international students mu&ttake mn other Engli sh test after arriving at the university. A low score on this test will require addit

56、ional English training. Students with high TOEFL scores do not have ta take this test I once loved this man. How is itthatiove can change into hate? 1 think that hate must be grounded in love. In my case I loved my ex-boyfriend more than i had ever laved an/one efse. ever I suppose that if I hadnl l

57、aved him so the bad things that he did to me wouldn't have disappointed rre so much. As it was. everytime he did something hurtful to me, he really caus&d me pain. When he lied to met I fett as if someone had kicked me in the face. When I found out that he was seeFng another woman, I felt as

58、 though I would die.Questjons 1 to 5 are based on the passage you have just heard.1. What does the speaker love better than her job?2How many things does the speaker hate?3 Where does the speaker think hate comes from?4. What ts the main cause for the speaker's present feelings towards her exboy

59、friend?5. Whv did the woman feel like she would die?3The U ni vers ity of Ore gon says it may conditionally accept students who do not meet its English tanguage requErement. These students must take classes at the universit/s Amencan English Institute before taking regular classes 也怕匚The University

60、of Oregon does not requke SAT or ACT test results for admissio n: except from students who plan to study architecture. Its website provides more information about admissions, costs, and financial 曰id The address es yvww LForeqQ Click on "AdmissFons *. then ''International". Similar information should abo b&found on websites of other universitiesThe socrology department is usually n part of the university called the College of Liber


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