1、文檔供參考,可復(fù)制、編制,期待您的好評與關(guān)注! 英語作文高考必備命制人;夏一帆進入正題之前,先教你們幾個當時我最喜歡我最喜歡用的裝酷小技巧,首先就是very這個單詞,以后不要再用了,弄哪個那,extraordinary!這個單詞高中生會用的不多,不用掌握什么用法,就記住用very的地方都可以替換成這個,絕對比用very拉風!然后那,however這個單詞不知道你們掌握得好不好,教大家一個玩賴的技巧,一個句子+逗號+however+另一個句子,這里面however是沒有實際意義的,就是表轉(zhuǎn)折,但你可以用這招把兩個簡單句捏在一塊啊!短句子成長句了!第三個,第三個,就是把很簡單的句子,用一點小技巧,
2、改成比較無恥的倒裝句!舉個例子,我不光唱歌,而且跳舞怎么說?i not onle sing,but also dance,改動一下,not only do i sing,but also dance.倒裝句?。m然簡單且無恥,但誰敢說這不是倒裝句?)此方法最適合倒裝句掌握的不好的同學(xué)寫出來騙批卷老師:大哥(姐)我會倒裝句!important?這是土人用的!牛人用什么?牛人用significant!由于怎么說?as a result?土人!牛人用什么?牛人用as a consequence. 所以怎么說?so?土人!牛人怎么說?牛人用therefore?。▌e看therefore這個單詞簡單,知道
3、用它代替so的同學(xué)不多?。。┡e個例子,I got up early,therefore i waslate. 類似的替換的單詞很多,比如以后set這個單詞不要用了,替換成establish。 越來越好怎么說? 土人也許會用better and better,牛人只用一個單詞:enhance 造個句子 we need to enhanceour English,就等于better and better。 好怎么說?土人用good,比他們強一點的人也許會用great好怎么說?土人用good,比他們強一點的人也許會用great , wonderful,但牛人用什么?牛人用gorgeous,更牛的人用
4、fabulous,簡單的替換一下,水平立刻顯現(xiàn)出不一樣了。不想要怎么說?土人會用unwanted,牛人用unsatisfactory。改變怎么說?土人用change,牛人用transform。類似的替換技巧有很多,但由于時間太長了多數(shù)都忘了,你們自己也可以總結(jié)積累一下,不要做土人,做牛人!以上的問題解決了,我們來說一下語法,從句。相信很多同學(xué)掌握的不是很好,我教大家一些簡單的技巧?首先弄清句子的最主要成分是什么?主語加謂語。不管大家寫多復(fù)雜的句子,一定記住不管寫多復(fù)雜的句子,沒有謂語動詞不叫句子!接下來具體地說語法的技巧:· 有一個很簡單的從句,叫賓語從句,I think that.
5、 沒有人不會用吧,不過我奉勸大家盡量別這么用,老師批10張卷子看到了8張里面有I think that不煩嗎?如果一定要用賓語從句的話換一種說法:I have a thought that.別看只改動了一點,同位語從句!同樣I hear that誰都會用吧,不過同樣誰都會用所以我們不要用!厲害一些的人會用:It is reported that. 不過真正的牛人用There is a piece of news that 同樣的意思,但明顯比I hear that要帥!還有一種從句叫定語從句很多人也愿意用,不過我建議大家不要用,因為其實在英語里,定語從句是種挺白癡的句子,沒人說的?。銈兛疵绹?/p>
6、大片時發(fā)現(xiàn)過有人說定語從句嗎?)不過如果大家非要用我教大家一個必殺!很少有人知道的!其實定語從句是可以并列排比的!這招湊字數(shù)最好使,寫出來也挺酷的。這招湊字數(shù)最好使,寫出來也挺酷的。舉個例子,我喜歡玩籃球,然后籃球有很多種特點,就可以把這些特點用定語從句的形式并列出來:I love basketball,which is.,which is.,which is.其實在上千年前,我們的老祖宗就會這么用了,大家學(xué)過韓愈的師說吧,里面有句話:師者,所以傳道授業(yè)解惑也。這就是個經(jīng)典的定語從句,翻譯過來就是teacher is a job who傳道,who授業(yè)and who 解惑。這種定語從句你要是用
7、出來絕對能嚇批卷老師一跳! 8還有種用法叫后置定語有人感覺挺難吧,其實記住個例子就行了,穿著比基尼的女孩a girl who wears a bikini,變成a girls wearing a bikini就行了,這就是后置定語,很簡單吧語法的問題不也解決了嗎,接下來就教大家一些細節(jié)地方上的技巧,首先因為什么怎么說?because 絕大多數(shù)人都用這個單詞,教大家一個很絕的用法,逗號+for 就可以代替because!舉個例子,我總聽李孝利的歌,因為我喜歡李孝利:I often hear the songs of 李孝利,for i love her 中間的逗號+for就相當于bec
8、ause,同樣,掌握這個用法的同學(xué)不多!盡管怎么說?土人們although,而牛人用In spite of 舉個例子,盡管你是女生你也不能欺負我!In spite of thefact that you are 女生,you can't 欺負 me!時間狀語大家掌握的都不錯吧,一看到她媽媽,小女生一下就哭了,用when就是土人!直接寫seeing her mother,zhe girl cried還有首先是first吧,以后大家可以寫first and foremost,和first一個意思,但看上去牛X的多,另外,用到這個用法時還可以用到一個簡單的插入結(jié)構(gòu) 主語,first and
9、foremost,謂語這就是一個插入結(jié)構(gòu),我在前面還講了一個however吧,這個單詞放到句子中是沒什么意義的,就是為了裝酷!同樣可以用到這:主語,however,謂語插入結(jié)構(gòu)!有一個句式說:“for the simple reason that”表示某種現(xiàn)象的原因是什么。然而,很多同學(xué)一談到原因仍然是“because”如果要表示“總是能夠”的概念,很多同學(xué)提筆就會寫can always,但理想的句子應(yīng)該是用雙重否定表示強烈的肯定,用never fail to。注意英語中一些表達上的習(xí)慣。比如在正式文體的寫作中,很少用 “it isnt”這樣的略縮形式,而是 “it is not”。同理,在正
10、式文體中的日期一般不縮寫,阿拉伯數(shù)字一般會用英文表達(特別長的數(shù)字除外)。許多同學(xué)在寫作文時,習(xí)慣于把 “since” “because” “for”這樣的詞放在句首引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句。事實上,在我們見到的英語報刊雜志文章中,這樣的從句一般都是放在主句之后的。另外, “and”也常常被誤放在一句話的開頭,表示兩個句子之間的并列或遞進關(guān)系。其實,經(jīng)常留心地道的英語文章能發(fā)現(xiàn),如果是并列關(guān)系,完全可以不用連詞;如果是遞進關(guān)系,用 “furthermore”“what is more”更為普遍Accordingto(根據(jù))題目大意Ibelieve that(我認為) 你的觀點2.As far as w
11、e know(我們都知道)題目大意from my point of view (我認為)你的觀點First (首先)second(其次)at last (最后)First(首先)andthen (然后)inconclusion(最后,總之)Asfar as we know(我們都知道)moreover(而且,此外)specially(特 別是)inconclusion(最后,總之)表并列:similarly同樣的 / in the same way 以同樣的方式表轉(zhuǎn)折:however/but但是表對比:notthat but that不是而是/ one hand.on the other ha
12、nd一方面另一方面/ unlike與不同/not so much.as與其不如表目的:forthe.為了表因果:therefore因此,所有/ so 所以表例證:forexample例如表假設(shè):if如果表讓步:although雖然(注意:后不可接but!雖然但是不可這樣連用)/of course 當然/clearly顯然allin all(總的來說)byand large (總的來說)+inmy opinion(我認為)nomatter how(不管怎樣)onthe whole(總的來說) 相關(guān)過渡語1).表示時間順序:first, then, afterwards, meanwhile, l
13、ater,first of all, finally, atlast2).表示空間順序:near, next to, far from, in front of, on the left, on one side3).表示比較、對照:like, unlike, such as, but, however, on the other hand, on the contrary,nevertheless, otherwise4).表示因果關(guān)系:because, for, as a result, therefore, thus5).表示遞進關(guān)系:besides, whats more, what
14、was worse, moreover, furthermore, in addition, ontop of6).表示并列關(guān)系:and, as well as, also7).表示總結(jié)性:in general, in a word, in short, on the whole, to sum up, in brief, to conclude1occur 替換 think ofSuddenlyI had an idea that someone had broken into my house. Anidea occurred to me that someone had broken i
15、nto my house.Itoccurred to me that someone had broken into my house.2devote替換spendHespends all his spare time in reading. Hedevotes all his spare time to reading.3seek替換want / look forTheysought ( wanted ) to hide themselves behind the trees.4average 替換ordinaryIman average ( ordinary ) student.5but替
16、換veryThefilm we saw last night was very interesting. Thefilm we saw last night was nothing but interesting.Thefilm we saw last night was anything but boring.6seat 替換sitOnhis way to school, he found an old lady seated (sitting) by the road, lookingworried.7suppose 替換shouldHeis supposed to ( should )
17、have driven more slowly.8appreciate 替換thankThankyou very much for you help. Weappreciate your help very much. / Your help is much appreciated.9the case替換 trueIdont think it is the case ( true ).10on替換as soon asAssoon as he arrived, he began his research. On his arrival, he began hisresearch.dueto替換b
18、ecauseofHearrived late due to ( because of ) the storm.12cover替換walk/readAftercovering (walking) 10 miles, we all felt tired.13contribute to替換 be helpful/usefulPlentyof memory work is undoubtedly helpful to English study. Plentyof memory work will undoubtedly contribute to English study.14round the
19、corner 替換 coming soon/nearby The summervacation is round the corner ( coming). Do you have any plans? Li Ming studiesin a school round the corner (nearby).15aaae to light替換discoverThefamily were so pleased when they discovered the lost jewels. Thefamily were so pleased when the lost jewels came to l
20、ight.havea ball替換havea good time/ enjoy oneselfAftervisiting the workshop, we went back to school. Every one of us had a ball ( hada good time ).17aaae up with替換think ofJackis very clever. He often comes up with ( thinks of ) new ideas.18set aside替換saveSomestudents think that they should set aside s
21、ome of their pocket money for books.(2004天津卷)19be of + n. 替換adj.Theproducts are of high quality (very good ) and are sold everywhere in China.20refer to 替換talk about/of,mentionTheprofessor you referred to (talked about ) is very famouscannot but / can not help but替換have to doIcould not but (had to)
22、go home.22more often than not替換usuallyMoreoften than not (Usually), the meaning of many words can be easily guessed.23lest替換so that /in orderthatIwrote down his telephone number so that I would not forget it. Iwrote down his telephone number lest I (should) forget it.belong for sth. / be long to do
23、sth. 替換want to do sth./wish for I want to see youvery much. I am long to see you. 25be caught up in/becrazy about/be absorbed in/be addicted to替換be interested in He is caughtup in ( very interested in ) collecting stamps 26more than替換very Im very glad to learn that you arecoming in September. Im mor
24、e than glad to learn that you are coming inSeptember. Ifthere is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to helpperfect(ly) 替換good/very well He speaks perfect ( good ) English./ He speaksEnglish perfectly ( very well ). 28do sb a/the favor 替換help Would you please dome the favor ( help me ) to turn down the radio? 29the other day替換a few days ago The other day mybrother and I went to the cinema by bicycle. 30in the course of替換during In the course of(During) the mountain-climbing, please help each other and
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