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2、列交錯井網(wǎng)為最佳井網(wǎng)形式。裂縫穿透率并不是越大越好,應和壓裂成本綜合考慮,模擬得出的最優(yōu)穿透率為相對較大的0.75。關鍵詞低滲透油氣藏;水力壓裂裂縫;井網(wǎng)形式;數(shù)值模擬中圖分類號T E348文獻標識碼A 文章編號1000-9752(200804-0124-05水力壓裂最初的單井壓裂僅考慮提高早期產(chǎn)量,加快壓裂投資費用的回收,在壓裂設計、壓裂材料應用與壓裂施工工藝等方面均未考慮形成的水力壓裂裂縫系統(tǒng)將對整個油田開發(fā)造成的影響,僅將其視為孤立的工程問題。低滲透油藏在開發(fā)過程中井網(wǎng)形式與裂縫特性密切相關,低滲透油藏開發(fā)方案的編制必須考慮人工裂縫的作用,應從相互交叉、耦合的方式去研究井網(wǎng)系統(tǒng)與裂縫系統(tǒng)




6、183;石油天然氣學報(江漢石油學院學報2008年8月第30卷第4期Journal of Oil and Gas Technology (J .JPI Aug .2008Vol.30No .41模型的建立和參數(shù)的選取1.1地質(zhì)模型的建立圖1模擬井組井網(wǎng)井位及網(wǎng)格劃分圖根據(jù)研究區(qū)的地質(zhì)構(gòu)造圖,選取面積為0.5482km 2(1040m ×560m 的一個井組作為研究對象,建立地質(zhì)模型。在模型建立過程中,將主力油層的2個小層合并為1個模擬小層,合并后小層數(shù)據(jù)表中靜態(tài)資料(包括有效厚度、孔隙度、滲透率、飽和度的確定是根據(jù)2個小層的靜態(tài)資料利用有效厚度加權(quán)平均求得的,合并后模擬小層的砂體厚度

7、和有效厚度為2個小層的疊加值。所選的模型井組,其形狀在平面上為一矩形,選取網(wǎng)格步長d x =23.0m ,d y =12.5m ,縱向上為合并的1個模擬小層,模型中采用規(guī)則塊中心網(wǎng)格,總的模擬網(wǎng)格節(jié)點數(shù)為2025個(45×45×1,對應的網(wǎng)格劃分如圖1所示。考慮人工裂縫方向即最大主地應力方向為NE75°,為便于模擬過程中使裂縫主方向位于X 方向,在建立模擬模型時將原始井位網(wǎng)格順時針旋轉(zhuǎn)15°。1.2參數(shù)選取地層及流體參數(shù)主要包括原始地層壓力,儲層巖石、油氣水的壓縮系數(shù),油氣水密度,油氣水粘度,油藏原始油水及油氣界面。本次模擬計算所采用的地層及流體參數(shù)如表

8、1所示。相滲數(shù)據(jù)見圖2和圖3,流體高壓物性數(shù)據(jù)如表2所示??紤]地層的各向異性,初始模型建立時取I 方向滲透率是J 方向滲透率的2.5倍,取K 方向滲透率為J 方向滲透率的0.1倍。模擬過程中采用定壓生產(chǎn),注水井井底最大注入壓力應保持在20M Pa 左右,采油井最低井底流壓約為5M Pa ,為了保持充足的地層能量,壓力應該保持在原始地層壓力附近。根據(jù)低滲透油田低孔隙度、低滲透率、低豐度、低產(chǎn)量、低效益以及初始含水率低等這些特點,在進行不同方案模擬計算時,選擇50年作為模擬計算時間。表1模擬區(qū)油藏地層及流體基本參數(shù)參數(shù)名稱及單位符號參數(shù)值參數(shù)名稱及單位符號參數(shù)值含油面積/km 29.6油藏溫度/5

9、0模擬計算地質(zhì)儲量/104t 520.1飽和壓力/M Pa 7.4豐度/104t ·km-254.18脫氣原油粘度/mPa ·s4.8單儲系數(shù)/104t ·km-2·m-14.52地層原油粘度/mPa ·s 2.45油層深度/m1500原始地層壓力/M Pa 11.8平均滲透率/10-3m 22.6原始含油飽和度/%52平均有效厚度/m 12.0原油體積系數(shù)1.198孔隙度/%13.01原始氣油比/m 3·t -171.5脫氣原油密度/g ·cm-30.84·125·第30卷第4期張旭東等:低滲透油藏水力

10、壓裂裂縫與井網(wǎng)組合優(yōu)化研究 圖2油水相對滲透率曲線圖圖3油氣相對滲透率曲線圖表2研究區(qū)油藏流體高壓物性數(shù)據(jù)表序號壓力/M Pa 溶解油氣比/m 3·t -1原油體積系數(shù)原油粘度/m Pa ·s10.8921.81.093422.5341.12433452.*71.51.2451.9751071.51.242.4561571.51.2252.8672071.51.2162.982571.51.2053.03注:*表示泡點壓力。2相同裂縫特征條件下3種井網(wǎng)單元的比較為了研究不同井網(wǎng)形式的開發(fā)效果,設計了3種井網(wǎng)形式,如圖4所示,井排距為520140,以定

11、壓控制方式進行生產(chǎn),保持注采壓差為10M Pa 。圖4a 為菱形反九點井網(wǎng)單元,模擬井組內(nèi)共有生產(chǎn)井13口,其中采油井8口,注水井5口。有效井數(shù)為8口,其中采油井6口,注水井2口,注采井數(shù)比為13。圖4b 為排狀交錯井網(wǎng)單元,模擬井組內(nèi)共有生產(chǎn)井13口,其中采油井4口,注水井9口。有效井數(shù)為8口,其中采油井4口,注水井4口,注采比11。圖4c 為矩形井網(wǎng)單元,模擬井組內(nèi)共有生產(chǎn)井9口,其中采油井4口,注水井5口。有效井數(shù)為6口,其中采油井4口,注水井2口,注采比12。模擬采油井裂縫穿透率(裂縫縫長與井距的比值為0.5時的縫長260m ,注水井裂縫穿透率為0.4時的縫長208m ,模擬裂縫等效導

12、流能力為25m 2·cm 。3模擬研究結(jié)果根據(jù)模擬區(qū)塊的低滲透油藏井網(wǎng)演化歷史,此區(qū)塊曾采用250300m 正方形反九點面積注采井網(wǎng),由于裂縫存在,井距較小,注水井離采油井的距離相同,注水井排上沿裂縫方向的角井見水快,過早水淹,注水井排上的地層壓力大大超過原始地層壓力;而垂直裂縫方向的采油井由于儲層基質(zhì)滲透率低,致使注水井排兩側(cè)的油井受效程度差。實踐證明此種井網(wǎng)的開采效果較差,因此沒有將其列入對比。·126·石油天然氣學報(江漢石油學院學報2008年8月 圖4定裂縫穿透率的3種井網(wǎng)組合方式示意圖菱形反九點井網(wǎng)相對擴大了地層主應力方向(裂縫方向上的注采井距,縮短了垂




16、量分布圖為了研究不同壓裂裂縫長度對低滲透油田開發(fā)指標的影響,選用井排距為520m ×140m的排狀交錯井網(wǎng),分別模擬采油井人工裂縫穿透率為(0.40,0.75,0.85時,注水井人工裂縫穿透率為0.4時,等效導流能力為25m2·cm 時的開發(fā)指標。經(jīng)過模擬計算,得出該區(qū)塊在不同穿透率下的累計產(chǎn)量如圖6??梢?隨著穿透率的增加,累計產(chǎn)量也相應的增加。但是,當穿透率增加到0.75時,其累計產(chǎn)量的增加幅度就較小了,當穿透率為0.85時,與穿透率為0.75相比累計產(chǎn)量幾乎相等。所以,當穿透率為0.75時,即使再增加裂縫的長度,累計產(chǎn)量也不會有大幅度的增加了。原油累計產(chǎn)量的增加必然帶


18、最優(yōu)穿透率為相對較大的0.75。參考文獻1姜瑞忠,蔣廷學,汪永利.水力壓裂技術(shù)的近期發(fā)展及展望J .石油鉆井工藝,2004,26(4:5256.2李道品.低滲透油田高效開發(fā)決策論M .北京:石油工業(yè)出版社,2003.3丁云宏,陳作,曾斌等.滲透率各向異性的低滲透油藏開發(fā)井網(wǎng)研究J 石油學報,2002,17(2:4450.4S mith M .B .Effect of fractu re azimuth on p rodu ction w ith application to the Wattenberg Gas Field J .SPE8298,1979.5Holditch S A .Th e

19、 optimization of w ell spacing and fracture length in low permeability gas reservoirs J .SPE7496,1978.6Britt L K .Optim ization oil w ell fracture of moderate permeability reservoir J .SPE14371,1985.7Elbel J L .Designing hyd raulic fracture for efficient res erve recovery J .S PE15231,1986.8M eehan

20、P N .Effects of reservoir h eterogeneity and fracture length and w ell spacing J .SPE17606,1988.9Veatch R W .An overview of recen t ad vances in hydraulic fractu ring techn ology J .SPE14085,1986.編輯蕭雨·128·石油天然氣學報(江漢石油學院學報2008年8月HUANG Zhong-xin ( Lunnan Oi l f i el d , Tar im Oi l f ield Co

21、mp any , Pet roChi na , K or la 841000 , X in j ian g , China Abstract : By est ablis hing a non-st eady percolati ng model con sideri ng t he actual well radiu s , ski n ef f ect of s to rage of geologic reservoi rs , dif feren t solu tion s w ere selected for solving it , w hi le t he Du ham el su

22、 perposi tion w as n ot ap propri ate f or i t s li mit ed applicati on ranges . Dougl as-Jones predi cti ng and connect ing meth od w as sui table f or s olvi ng it , but i ts calcu lation w as big and ti me consum pti on , w as not sui table for int erp ret ing w ell t est. A n ef f ective w ell r

23、adiu s model w as int roduced , by w hich t he curve of dyn ami c response of b ott omh ol e pressu re was easily obt ai ned , th e p robl em of dif ficult solu ti on by usi ng actu al well radiu s model w as ef fect ively avoided , i t provi des a basis f or s tudyi ng t he prob lem of n on linear

24、percolation in compl ex medi um and compl ex boundary reservoirs . Key words : qu adrati c gradient ; nonlinear percolati on ; Laplace t ransf orm ; superpositi on p ri nciple ; numeri cal solut ion ; ef fect ive radi us 124 Hydraulic Factures in Low Permeability Reservoirs and Optimization of Well

25、Pattern Assemblage ZHANG Xu -dong ( Dow nhol eOp era tion Co . o f J iang han Petro leum A dmi nist rat ion Bur eau , Qian j ian g 433123 , H ubei , Ch ina CUI Rui-rui ( Facu lt y o f Oi l and Gas E ngi neer in g , Ch ina Universi ty o f Petr oleum , Beij ing 102249 , Chi na Abstract : A ccordi ng t

26、o t he result of geologic data and l abo rat ory phy sic experiment s , a geologic model w as est abli shed f or selecti ng rati onal parameters , by w hich simu lated calcu lation was made on t he developmen t ef fect s of 3 w ell pat terns by usi ng num erical simul at ion sof t ware , su ch as di

27、amond shaped and i nvert ed ni ne-spot patt ern , row and s taggered w ell pat t ern and rect an gular pat t ern , t hey w ere used f or evaluati ng t he simulat ion resu lt s under the condit ion of di ff erent w ell pat t erns and diff erent param et ers . T he resul t in di cates t hat t he row a

28、nd st aggered w ell patt ern i s t he opt imal on e , w hi le t he penet rating rate of f act ures is not t he high er t he bett er , it s hould be considered i n combinati on w it h f ract uring cost. The opti mal penet rati ng rat e ob tained by simulat ion is 075 of t he relat ive higher permeabi

29、li ty. Key words : low permeabili ty reservoi r ; hydraulic f ract uring f ractu re ; well pat tern shape ; num erical simu lation 129 Experimental Study on the Blocking Performance of Nitrogen Foam in Porous Medium ra tory o f Petr oleum En gi neer ing , Chi na Un iver sit y o f Petro leum , Bei j

30、i ng 102249 , China PANG Zhanxi ( Facult y o f P et roleum E ngi neer in g , Ch ina Universi ty o f Petr oleum , Beij ing 102249 , Chi na Abstract : In order t o st udy th e blocki ng ch aract eri st ics of fl ow foams in p orou s medium , af f ects of f oam qu ali ty , shear acti on , permeabilit y

31、 of porous mediu m , t em perat ure , oi l s at urati on w ere s tu di ed . Bl ocking m ech ani sm of ni trogen f oam w as an alyz ed b ased on experiment dat a . T he research indicat es t hat t he shear st ress f rom pore s t ruct ure , obst acles and ot her bu bbles i s t he act ual role of foam

32、b locking in porous mediu m . Bl ocking ef fect i s t he best w hen th e foam has higher qualit y and low er sh ear action . Key words : foam ; b lockin g mechanism ; s urfactant ; shear acti on ; f oam qualit y LIU Xinguan ( Facu lt y o f Petro leum En gi neer ing , Chi na Un iver sit y o f Petro l

33、eum , Bei j i ng 102249 , Ch ina CHENG Lin -song ( Facul ty o f Petr oleu m Eng ineeri ng , China Universi ty o f Pet roleum , Bei j ing 102249 , Ch ina ; MOE K ey Labo- 134 Study on Connectivity of An Injection-production System TANG Liang ( S chool o f Energ y Resources , Chi na Un iver sit y o f

34、Geosciences , B ei j i ng 100083 , Ch ina YIN Yan-ling ( School o f Energ y Resou rces , Chi na Universi ty o f Geosci ences , Bei j in g 100083 , Chi na ; I nsti tu te of Geosciences , S heng l i Oi l f i eld Compan y , S I N OPE C , Dong yi ng 257015 , S hand on g , China ZHANG Guicai ( Col leg e

35、o f Petro leum En gi neer ing , Chi na Un iver sit y of Petro leum , Dong yi ng 257061 , S han don g , Chi na Abstract : A t th e late s tage of w at erf looding produ ct ion , it w as im portant to u nderstand th e connecti vi ty am on g w ell s and adjus t t he development plan . Based on PI deci

36、sion - making and f luid f low in porous media , t he correlation value ( Aof w el ls w as defin ed and u sed to clarit y t he connect ivit y among w ell s , t he great er t he A w as , t he bet t er t he connecti vi ty of w ells was , th us the oil well di rection was th e main wat erf looding dire

37、cti on of wat er well . The param et er A is ou tli ned from th e in jection well s t o corresponding produ ct ion w el ls , w hich p redict s t he con nectivit y of t he inject ion - syst em , hi gher t he values i s , th e bet ter t he conn ectivit y i s . Whereas , f or product ion w el ls t o co

38、r respondin g inject ion w ell s , higher A i ndi cates i t s con nectivit y and mai n sou rce . By t aki ng W el l G roup C hen 15 -13 f or example , t he value of A is calcu lated and t he connect ivit y i s ju dged . Based on t hose , the development pl an of “ plugging of high permeabl e zones ,

39、 producing middle- low permeable layers” is developed . A f ter th e field test , oi l produ ct ion i s raised and w ater cut i s reduced . Key words : i njecti on -p rodu cti on sy st em ; connect ivit y ; w ell ; correlative value ; di rect ion of w at er f looding ; dynami c analysi s 137 Analysi

40、s on Water Breakthrough in Carbonate Reservoirs with Edge Water and Bottom Water ny , CN PC , K or la 841000 , X i nj i ang , Chi na RONG Jie ( Col lege o f Petr oleu m En gi neer ing , Y angt z e Uni ver sit y , J i ngz hou 434023 , Hubei , Ch ina Abstract : Carbonate reservoirs w ere m ult iple me

41、dium and dis solved f ractu re reservoirs . G eneral ly , reservoi rs pres ent ed block di st ri buti on w ere cons tit ut ed by a lot of independent accumu lat ed syst em s . Independent developm ent uni t w as creat ed based on one w ell or a group of w ell s . A naly zing th e w at er break t hro

42、ugh characteris tics and types of oil w el ls was very i mport an t fo r cont rollin g t he advancement of edge and bot t om w at er as w ell as bot tom wat er coning , meanw hile the geologi c f eat ures of t he reservoi r sw ere analyzed according t o t he w ater b reakt hrough featu re of w ells

43、. The w at er b reakt hrough charact eri sti cs and ty pes are analyzed by t he exam ple of Lungu Well Block 2 and Sangnan W est Block , res ervoir f eat ure can b e k now n according t o t he wat er break th rou gh characterist ics , at th e sam e t ime t he measu res to cont rol oil w ell cont ain

44、i ng w at er and ad vancement of edge and bot tom wat er are proposed . Based on diff eren t types of accum ulati on sy stem as reservoi r management t arget , dif f erent development poli cies are deployed f or dif ferent diss olved f ract ure reservoirs. Key words : carbonate reservoi r ; edge and

45、 bot t om wat er ; w ater b reakt hrough characterist ics ; mu lti ple media LIU De -hua ( Col leg e o f Petro leum En gi neer ing , Y angt z e Uni vers it y , J in gz hou 434023 , Hubei , Ch ina CHEN Li-xin , MIAO Chang-sheng , YANG Lei (Inst it ute o f Petr oleu m E xp lora tion an d Develo pment

46、, Tar im Oi l f ield Compa- 141 Dynamic Analysis on Pressure from Vertical Fracture Well in Vugular Reservoirs CAI Mi n g-jin ( Col leg e o f Petro leum En gi neer ing , Sou thw est Petr oleu m Universi ty , Cheng d u 610500 , S ich uan , Ch ina ZHANG TAO ( Lu li ang Operat ion Reg ion , X inj iang Oi l f iel d Com pany , CN


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