



1、【六1】Directi ons: Suppose you are asked to give advice onwhether to major inscie nee or huma nities at college , write an essay to state your opi nion.You are required to write at least 150 words but no more tha n 200 words.The heated discussi on about the best choice in select ing the major:huma nit

2、ies or scie nce has n ever stopped in the past few years. Opin io ns on the topic vary greatly among people. Some believe that it is a better choice to acquire knowledge in science, but others consider it better to dig into the huma nities.As for me, I totally agree with the former choice with the f

3、ollowi ng reas ons prese nted below. In itially, one of the most importa nt reas ons cited by people is that to major in scie nce can not only improve one's logicalthi nki ng ability but also sharpe n one' s in sight in daily routi ne,which is of great importa nce in one ' s growth. Addi

4、ti on ally, acquiri ng scie ntific kno wledge con tributesgreatly to one' s success in this worldwith rapid developme nt of scie nce and tech no logy.From my perspective, it is crucial that modern education shouldencourage people to be practitioners. What' s more, one of the mostcritical fac

5、tors we should take into considerationis that people shouldunderstand the meaning and value of scientific knowledge. Only in this way can we achieve greater success.解析:這是一篇無提綱式議論文-大學(xué)選擇文科專業(yè)還是理科專業(yè),這是六級中常見的 二擇一的議論文屬于校園題材,因此寫起來并不難。首先要開宗明義,表明觀點, 但是重點在第二段論證自己的觀點上,此段可以給出兩方面論證選擇哪科的原因。 最后,在結(jié)尾段自然總結(jié)觀點或者升華主題?!痉?/p>

6、解練習(xí)】邏輯框架如下:第一段開題第1句如今,選擇文科專業(yè)還是理科專業(yè)這個話題一直都是熱議的話 題。引出討論的話題。第2, 3句人們對這個話題意見不一。一些人認(rèn)為理科是好的選擇,而有 些人認(rèn)為文科是好選擇。存在爭議第二段重要性第4句對于我而言,我選擇理科,有以下理由個人評價第5.句首先,人們想到的選擇理科最為重要的原因為,理科不僅可以 提升一個人的邏輯能力,還可以提高自身在日常生活中的洞察 力,這是非常有助于學(xué)生的成長的。論據(jù)1第6句而且,學(xué)習(xí)理科知識可以極大的幫助學(xué)生在這個科技快速發(fā)展 的世界中獲得成功。論據(jù)2第三段結(jié)論第7,8句從我的角度出發(fā),現(xiàn)代教育鼓勵學(xué)生成為實踐者是非常關(guān)鍵 的。而且,

7、我們應(yīng)該考慮到的重要原因之一是人們需要理解科 學(xué)知識的重要意義。只有這樣,我們才可以更好的獲得成功。結(jié)尾段重申觀 點,給出建議?!玖?】Directi ons: Suppose you are asked to give advice onwhether to atte nd avocational college or a university , write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more tha n 200 words.Nowadays, th

8、ere is a prevale nt debate over whether to atte nd a vocati onal college or a university. Those who choose to attend a vocational college claim that it is just a waste of money and en ergy to go to uni versity because what the college students learn from books is theoretical but not practical while

9、others believe that the value of going to uni versity should be stressed. I support the latter for the follow ing reas ons.To beg in with, many a pers on ben efits econo mically from uni versitybecause it equips them with the necessary expertise and innovative ideas for their career life. Moreover,

10、university also gives us mentalsatisfactionbecause wecan get along with our peers, pursuing friendshipas well as love. Last but not least, the ben efits of college educati on will last for a lifetime or eve n for gen erati ons because well-educated people tend to be compete nt both in their work and

11、 in rais ing their offspri ng.In con clusi on, eve n though uni versity educati on may not assurein sta nt econo mic retur n, it is rewardi ng in the long run. Just as the famous say ing goes, kno wledge is power. If one spe nd his college years con structively, he will lead a happier life in the fu

12、ture.解析:這是一篇無提綱式議論文-選擇職業(yè)院校還是綜合大學(xué),這是六級中常見的二擇 一的議論文屬于教育題材,因此寫起來并不難。首先要開宗明義,表明觀點,但 是重點在第二段論證自己的觀點上,此段可以給出兩方面論證選擇職業(yè)院?;蛘?綜合大學(xué)的原因。最后,在結(jié)尾段自然總結(jié)觀點或者升華主題?!痉纸饩毩?xí)】邏輯框架如下第一段開題第1句現(xiàn)在,關(guān)于是否要上一所職業(yè)學(xué)院或大學(xué)的爭論一直很激烈引出討論的話題。第2句那些選擇上一所職業(yè)學(xué)院的人聲稱,上大學(xué)只是浪費金錢和精二選一的爭論力因為大學(xué)生們學(xué)到的理論而非實踐,而有人則認(rèn)為上大學(xué)的價值很重要。第3句我選擇后者。個人評價第二段重要性第4句首先,很多人在大學(xué)里學(xué)

13、會了以后職業(yè)生涯中必備的專業(yè)知識 和創(chuàng)新思維,從而受益匪淺。論據(jù)1第5.句此外,大學(xué)也給了我們精神上的滿足,因為我們可以和我們的 冋齡人相處,追求友誼和愛情。論據(jù)2第6,句最后,大學(xué)教育的好處將會持續(xù)一生甚至幾代人,因為 受過良好教育的人往往既能勝任工作,又能養(yǎng)育子女。論據(jù)3第三段結(jié)論第7句總之,盡管大學(xué)教育可能不能保證即時的經(jīng)濟(jì)回報,但從長遠(yuǎn) 來看,這是值得的。總結(jié)價值第8句正如一句名言所說,知識就是力量。升華第9句如果一個人以建設(shè)性的態(tài)度度過他的大學(xué)時光,他將在未來過 上更幸福的生活。主題升華【六3】Directi ons: Suppose you are asked to give ad

14、vice onwhether to atte ndcollege at home or abroad , write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.文:In rece nt years, an in creas ing atte ndcollegeabroad,whiler not, still regard going to choice. It isobviousthatnumber of studentschoo

15、se tosome, finan ciallychalle ngingoschool at home as their firstthisphenomenon has been the concern of many people. From my perspective of view, to stud y abroad has bothben efitsand drawbacks.There isno doubt that stude ntsareben efit ingtreme ndouslyfrom attendingcollege abroad.Those who studyat

16、a world famous university can not onlybroaden theirhorizonsbut also gain betterjob opportunities. As exposed to foreign cultures and customs, overseas students can immerse themselves in the nation 'sIanguage.As to studying abroad,certainly,some drawbacks does exist. First, living away from home

17、can be challengingand even frustratingto some extent.Moreover,the Ianguage barrier may cause difficulties forstudentswhose Ian guageskillisnotgoodeno ugh. Inadditi on,some stude nts eve nexperie neecultureshockin thealie nen vir onmentas a resultofun familiarityandmaladjustme nt.All in all,inorderto

18、achieve acolorfulaswellas meanin gfulexperie neeinyourlife,stude ntshav ingtheidea ofstudy ing abroadmustbewellprepared forallthepossibilities they may encounterbefore making finaldecisions.解析:這是一篇無提綱式議論文-選擇出國留學(xué)還是國讀大學(xué),這是六級中常見的二擇 一的議論文屬于教育題材,因此寫起來并不難。首先要開宗明義,表明觀點,但 是重點在第二段論證自己的觀點上,此段可以給出兩方面論證選擇出國留學(xué)或者 國留學(xué)的原因。最后,在結(jié)尾段自然總結(jié)觀點或者升華主題?!痉纸饩毩?xí)】邏輯框架如下:第一段 第1句近年來,越來越多的學(xué)生選擇出國留學(xué),然而,不管經(jīng)濟(jì)條件引出討 論的話開題如何,一些學(xué)生仍然把在國上大學(xué)作為首選。題。第2, 3句很明顯,這種現(xiàn)象一直受到人們的關(guān)注。在我看來,出國留學(xué) 有利有弊。個人評價第二段重要性第4句毫無疑問,出國留學(xué)讓學(xué)生受益匪淺。那些在世界名校讀


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