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1、100:00:46,630 > 00:00:52, 630海洋:我們的藍色星球200:01:36,150 > 00:01:39, 730不可控制浩瀚強大Untameable and mighty.300:01:47, 370 > 00:01:50,610海洋是我們最后的真正荒野The oceans are our last true wilderness.400:01:51,500 > 00:01:55,410覆蓋了我們星球百分之七十的地表They cover 70% of the surface of our planet.500:02:04, 390 > 00

2、:02:07, 090海洋的力量讓我們充滿敬畏Their power can fill us with awe.600:02:12, 770 > 00:02:14, 480而且有時充滿恐懼And, at times, fear.700:02:43,380 > 00:02:48,840但是今天我們也開始揭示海洋隱藏的奇跡But, today, we are also beginning to reveal their hidden wonders.800:02:58,230 > 00:03:01,270在南非的海岸外Off the wild coast of South Afr

3、ica,900:03:01,360 > 00:03:05, 850 寬吻海豚面對著地球上最洶涌的海洋bottlenose dolphins face some of the roughest seas on earth.1100:03:13,960 > 00:03:17, 950但對海豚來說大浪是個玩耍的機會But for them, big waves are an opportunity for play.1100:03:27, 260 > 00:03:28, 670為什么要這么做And why do they do it?1200:03:31,310 > 00:0

4、3:35, 050建立友誼鞏固家庭紐帶To build friendships and strengthen family bonds.1300:03:40,730 > 00:03:44, 070而且也是為了純粹的快樂And, also, for the sheer joy of it.1400:04:00,340 > 00:04:03, 950關(guān)于海洋以及其對我們的重要性There is so much more to discover about our oceans1500:04:04,510 > 00:04:06,500還有很多東西有待發(fā)現(xiàn)and their impo

5、rtance to us.1600:04:11,560 > 00:04:15, 720超過仃分之四十的人 生活在距離海洋609英里以內(nèi)Over 40% of us live within 609 miles of the seas.1700:04:16, 270 > 00:04:19, 480但仍然是地球上最不為人知的部分But it is still the least known part of our planet.1800:04:27,900 > 00:04:31,020今天 科學(xué)家和電影制作人Today, scientists and film makers1900

6、:04:31, 120 > 00:04:34, 110 正前往七大洋探險are heading out to explore the seven seas.2000:04:43,710 > 00:04:45, 920 他們裝備了最新的技術(shù)Equipped with the latest technology,2100:04:47,010 > 00:04:50, 670 他們的使命是帶給我們their mission is to bring us a new understanding2200:04:50,760 > 00:04:53, 130對水下生活的新理解of li

7、fe beneath the waves.2300:05:00, 980 > 00:05:05,440 在我們海洋的健康日益受到威脅的時候At a time when the health of our oceans is increasingly under threat,2400:05:06,690 > 00:05:08, 980 這是前所未有的緊迫this has never been more urgent.2500:05:28,340 > 00:05:32, 750 我們的旅程始于熱帶溫暖清澈的淺灘Our journey begins in the warm, cl

8、ear shallows of the tropics.2600:05:37, 680 > 00:05:40, 100珊瑚礁的家園Home to coral reefs.2700:06:04, 920 > 00:06:08,410只占據(jù)了不到百分之一的海底They occupy less than 1% of the ocean floor.2800:06:14, 390 > 00:06:18, 850然而 卻是四分之一的海洋物種的家園Yet, they are home to a quarter of all marine species.2900:06:24,980 &g

9、t; 00:06:28,440在這些擁擠的水下城市競爭非常激烈Competition is fierce in these crowded underwater cities.3000:06:42,330 > 00:06:44,700我們正在利用最先進的We are learning just how noisy they are3100:06:45, 580 一00:06:48, 500水下麥克風(fēng)了解珊瑚礁的嘈雜with state-of-the-art underwater microphones.3200:07:08,060 > 00:07:11,520令人驚奇的是魚可以彼此

10、交談Amazingly, fish can talk to each other.3300:07:27,710 > 00:07:30, 950但有時最好保持安靜But sometimes it's better to stay quiet.3400:07:44,810 > 00:07:46, 890在澳大利亞的大堡礁On Australia's great barrier reef,3500:07:47,350 > 00:07:52,440有一個特征正在挑戰(zhàn)我們對魚類智能的理解one character is challenging our understan

11、ding of fish intelligence.3600:07:56, 150 > 00:07:58, 400這是一條豬齒魚This is a tusk fish.3700:07:59,320 > 00:08:02, 820做了一些很少有人相信魚能做的事He does something few would have believed a fish could do.3800:08:06,920 > 00:08:10, 870每天早晨都要游蕩在礁石的邊緣Every morning, he makes a journey out to the edge of the ree

12、f.3900:08:26, 560 > 00:08:29, 390去尋找早餐He is looking for breakfast.4000:08:47, 660 > 00:08:48, 900蛤蝌A clam.4100:08:52,540 > 00:08:55, 750但如何打開吃到里面的肉But how to crack it open and get to the meat inside?4200:09:01,970 > 00:09:06, 680一路帶著蛤蝌回到那特別的廚房He carries it all the way back to his special

13、 kitchen.4300:09:12,810 > 00:09:14, 550一個碗狀的珊瑚A bowl shaped coral.4400:09:16,940 > 00:09:20,310里面有一個經(jīng)常用的凸起With a particular bump inside that he always uses.4600:09:33,460 > 00:09:36, 750如果沒有手那就很不容易了It's not easy if you have no hands.4600:09:42, 970 > 00:09:43, 970哎喲Oops.4700:09:45,51

14、0 > 00:09:47, 000又掉了Dropped it again.4800:09:58,650 > 00:10:01,310但決心很大But he,s got great determination.4900:10:08, 450 > 00:10:09,490最后At last.5000:10:13,040 > 00:10:16, 330這是一條會使用工具的魚So here, s a fish that uses a tool.5100:10:19,590 > 00:10:23, 880有些魚比我們想象的要聰明得多Some fish are much cl

15、everer than we ever thought.5200:10:38,360 > 00:10:41,570即使是我們已經(jīng)知道聰明的海洋生物Even ocean creatures that we already knew where smart5300:10:43,030 > 00:10:45, 020也在不斷地給我們帶來驚喜are continuing to surprise us.5500:10:53,330 > 00:10:55,540這只寬吻海豚的媽媽This bottlenose dolphin mum5500:10:55, 630 > 00:10:5

16、8,740即將在紅海給小海豚is about to teach her calf an important lesson5600:10:58,840 > 00:11:00, 830上一堂重要的課here in the red seas.5700:11:14, 390 > 00:11:17, 350把它帶到一種特殊的灌木狀珊瑚She leads him to a particular bush-like coral5800:11:17,440 > 00:11:18, 900叫做柳珊瑚called a gorgonian.5900:11:26,160 > 00:11:29,

17、740這家人在珊瑚上蹭來蹭去The family rub themselves through the fronds.6000:11:35, 330 > 00:11:38, 870小海豚在觀察和學(xué)習(xí)The calf is watching and learning.6100:11:53,310 > 00:11:56, 180柳珊瑚的葉子上覆蓋著Gorgonian fronds are covered with a mucous6200:11:56, 270 > 00:12:00, 560一層具有消炎和抗微生物特性的黏液that can have anti-inflammato

18、ry and anti-microbial properties.6300:12:04, 900 > 00:12:09, 190 所以 也許海豚這樣做是為了保護自己免受感染So, maybe, the dolphins are doing this to protect themselves from infection.6400:12:21,590 - 00:12:24,120 小海豚可能還太小不明白The calf may be too young to join in,6500:12:25,090 > 00:12:28,460 但它家人對珊瑚礁的秘密知識 but his fa

19、mily's secret knowledge of the coral reef6600:12:28,590 > 00:12:32,300 也教會我們在這里尋找新藥is teaching us to search for new medicines here, too.6700:13:14,760 > 00:13:18,800 我們離開熱帶進入涼爽的水域As we leave the tropics and head into cooler waters,6800:13:19, 640 > 00:13:22, 230 就進入了溫帶海洋we enter the tem

20、perate seas.6900:13:23, 940 > 00:13:28, 270 這里是神秘的海底森林的家園These are home to mysterious undersea forests.7000:13:42,710 > 00:13:45, 700巨大的海帶一種海草Giant kelp, a seaweed,7100:13:45,800 > 00:13:48,160高達兩百英尺towers 200 feet high,7200:13:49,590 > 00:13:53, 430在夏天的陽光下每天生長兩英尺growing two feet a day u

21、nder the summer sunshine.7300:14:06, 480 > 00:14:09, 940海洋植物是我們星球的肺Marine plants are the lungs of our planet.7400:14:10,610 > 00:14:13, 230排出的氧氣They pump out as much oxygen7500:14:13,320 > 00:14:16, 860和陸地上所有的森林和草原一樣多as all the forests and grassy plains on land.7600:14:22,710 > 00:14:27,

22、 950在錯綜復(fù)雜的灌木叢中等待著的是非凡的發(fā)現(xiàn)Within their tangled undergrowth, extraordinary discoveries await.7700:14:44, 600 > 00:14:47,810在南非鯊魚密布的海帶林中In the shark-filled kelp forests of Southern Africa7800:14:49,650 > 00:14:52, 360生活著一只勇敢的小章魚lives one brave little octopus.7900:15:01,120 > 00:15:05, 450帶紋長須貓鯊

23、是章魚最可怕的噩夢Pyjama sharks are every octopus* worst nightmare.8100:15:18,100 > 00:15:21, 130但章魚有錦囊妙計But the octopus has a trick up her sleeve.8100:15:31,480 > 00:15:34,440這是科學(xué)界以前未曾了解的In a behaviour previously unknown to science,8200:15:35,410 > 00:15:38, 070用貝殼來偽裝自己she disguises herself with sh

24、ells,8300:15:38,910 > 00:15:41,620創(chuàng)造出一套盔甲creating a suit of armour.8400:15:51,800 > 00:15:54,210鯊魚能感覺到獵物The shark can sense its prey.8500:16:04, 980 > 00:16:06, 430但貝殼保護著它But the shells protect her.8600:16:21, 160 > 00:16:26,280高超的智慧讓這只章魚活了下來Superior wits allow this octopus to stay alive

25、.8700:16:46,850 > 00:16:49,390就在我們了解這些森林的同時But just as we, re getting to know these forests,8800:16:49,480 > 00:16:51,770 也認識到它們的脆弱性we're recognising their vulnerability.9000:16:59,490 > 00:17:04,940在北美太平洋海岸大量的海帶正在Off north America's pacific coast,great stands of kelp are being fell

26、ed9000:17:07, 960 > 00:17:11,290被貪婪的海膽大軍砍伐by armies of ravenous sea urchins.9100:17:18,130 > 00:17:21,920它們用鋒利的牙齒咬斷根部They much through the roots with razor-sharp teeth.9200:17:33, 440 > 00:17:38,400但是這里的海帶森林未必沒有守護者But some kelp forests here have unlikely guardians.9300:17:50,000 > 00:17:

27、51, 160海獺Sea otters.9400:17:58,130 > 00:18:02, 220一生都生活在這樣寒冷的海水中Because they live their entire lives in such cold waters,9500:18:02, 300 > 00:18:06, 750每天需要吃掉體重百分之三十的食物來保暖they need to eat 30% of their body weight a day to stay warm.9600:18:22, 950 > 00:18:26, 570最喜歡的食物之一是海膽One of their favo

28、urite foods is sea urchin.9700:18:57,110 > 00:18:58, 970通過清除海膽B(tài)y removing the urchins,9800:18:59,070 -> 00:19:02,100海獺讓海帶森林繁榮起來 the otters allow the forests to flourish.9900:19:06,200 > 00:19:11,240有了這些食物 海獺迎來了生育高峰And with all this food, they, re having a baby boom.10000:19:40,730 > 00:1

29、9:43,600現(xiàn)在在一些偏遠的海域Now, in a few remote areas,10100:19:44,400 > 00:19:47,360海獺就像海上漂的筏子sea otters are creating vast rafts10200:19:48,030 > 00:19:50,940 數(shù)量是一個多世紀以來前所未有 in numbers not seen for more than a century.10300:20:15,810 一00:20:18, 850我們離開海岸前往公海As we leave our coasts and head for the high

30、seas,10400:20:20, 480 > 00:20:22, 270進入了遼闊的海洋we enter the open ocean.10500:20:28,070 > 00:20:30,980 覆蓋了地球一半的表面Covering over half our planet's surface, 10600:20:31,080 > 00:20:34,280是世界上最大的荒野it's the world's greatest wilderness.10700:20:40, 290 > 00:20:42, 880一片空曠A vast empty

31、void10800:20:42, 960 > 00:20:46,710無處藏身無物可食where there* s nowhere to hide and little to eat.10900:21:01,860 > 00:21:05, 350然而這里是大量海豚的家園And, yet, it's home to vast numbers of dolphins.11000:21:17, 160 > 00:21:18, 950長吻原海豚Spinner dolphins.Ill00:21:30,510 > 00:21:33,340多達五千條的強大種群They sw

32、eep this marine desert for food11200:21:33,430 > 00:21:36, 970在這片海洋沙漠中搜尋食物in a superpod 5,000 strong.11300:21:48,490 > 00:21:52, 980正帶領(lǐng)這艘研究船前往罕見的進食盛會And they're leading this research vessel to a rare feeding event.11400:21:57, 450 > 00:22:00,700但要找到速度必須夠快But to find it, they have to be

33、fast.11600:22:10,630 > 00:22:14, 550利用回聲定位 它們鎖定了獵物Using echolocation, they lock on to their prey.11600:22:19,390 > 00:22:21,630一大群燈籠魚Great shoals of lantern fish.11700:23:00,060 > 00:23:02, 720通過將魚群固定在海面上By pinning the school against the surface,11800:23:02,810 > 00:23:06,140 海豚利用這一短暫的機會

34、得以延續(xù) the dolphins keep this fleeting opportunity alive.11900:23:14, 160 > 00:23:17, 110但是這些食物會吸引其他捕食者But all this food attracts other predators.12000:23:17, 740 > 00:23:19,280黃鰭金槍魚Yellowfin tuna.12100:23:29,420 > 00:23:31, 130它們以每小時They rip through the lantern fish12200:23:31,260 > 00:23

35、:34, 670四十英里的速度撕開旋轉(zhuǎn)的燈籠魚群in a whirling carousel at 40 miles an hour.12300:23:36,840 > 00:23:39, 380現(xiàn)在海水開始沸騰了Now, the sea begins to boil.12500:24:02, 580 > 00:24:07, 330最后擁有十英尺翼展的蝠鰻俯沖進來Finally, mobula rays with ten foot wing spans swoop in.12500:24:33,860 > 00:24:39, 020短短十五分鐘剩下的只有銀色的鱗片屑In ju

36、st 15 minutes, all that,s left is a silvery confetti of scales.12600:24:47, 870 > 00:24:50,990隨著我們繼續(xù)在公海上過度捕撈These fleeting events are becoming rarer12700:24:51,090 > 00:24:54,790這些轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝的事件正變得越來越罕見as we continue to overfish our high seas.12800:25:18,030 > 00:25:20,810遼闊的海洋也許毫無特色The open ocean

37、 may be featureless12900:25:22, 620 > 00:25:27, 780但是孤立的火山山峰突然從深海中升起but isolated volcanic peaks rise abruptly from deep water.13000:25:35,460 > 00:25:38, 420暗示著下面的秘密世界Hinting at a secret world below.13100:25:51,980 > 00:25:56, 470深海的探索和太空一樣具有挑戰(zhàn)性The deep ocean is as challenging to explore as

38、 space.13200:26:06,830 > 00:26:11,820我們對火星表面的了解比對深海的了解還要多We know more about the surface of Mars than we do about the deep sea.13300:26:22, 590 > 00:26:25, 680現(xiàn)在“阿盧西亞”號研究船Now, from the research vessel alucia, 13400:26:26,600 > 00:26:29, 050正要潛入這些未知的深淵we can dive these uncharted depths 13500:

39、26:30,560 > 00:26:33, 350發(fā)現(xiàn)我們最后的疆域to discover our final frontier.13600:26:48,540 > 00:26:52, 950我們下降時壓力持續(xù)增加As we descend, the pressure increases relentlessly.13700:26:55, 920 > 00:27:00,910六百英尺下我們進入了一個陌生的世界Six hundred feet down, we enter an alien world.13800:27:02, 340 > 00:27:03, 880暮色地

40、帶The twilight zone.13900:27:21,490 > 00:27:23, 150一只火體蟲A pyrosome.14000:27:23,240 > 00:27:26, 230一管六英尺長的果凍A tube of jelly six-feet long.14100:27:33, 580 > 00:27:36, 490還有陌生的桶眼魚And, stranger still barrel eye.14200:27:39,420 > 00:27:41,660 一種頭部透明的魚A fish with a transparent head,14300:27:41

41、,760 > 00:27:44,710 這樣就能通過頭骨向上看so that it can look up through its skull.14400:28:02,320 > 00:28:04,900最終 我們到達了深海海底Eventually, we reach the deep sea floor.14500:28:07, 990 > 00:28:11,530 一層厚泥有的地方一英里厚A layer of mud. In places, a mile thick.14600:28:20, 630 > 00:28:24, 170 隨著時間的推移這里的泥土慢慢腐爛

42、Over time, the mud here slowly decays.14700:28:34, 390 一00:28:37, 680制造出甲烷氣體的火山噴發(fā)Creating volcanoes of methane gas.14800:29:14,430 > 00:29:16,590海底也許充滿敵意The deep maybe hostile,14900:29:17,980 > 00:29:20,970但也是怪異和美妙的家園but it's also home to the weird and wonderful.15000:29:25, 900 > 00:29

43、:28,810舞動的螃蟹叫雪人蟹Dancing crabs called yetis.15100:29:29,030 > 00:29:31,070毛茸茸的螯足Because of their hairy arms15200:29:31,160 > 00:29:34, 070養(yǎng)殖細菌以供食用on which they farm bacteria to eat.15300:29:50,720 > 00:29:52,210一只小飛象章魚A dumbo octopus.15400:29:53,390 > 00:29:56, 800揮舞耳朵狀的鰭在泥濘的海底懸停With ear-

44、like-fins to hover above the muddy sea floor.15500:30:10,650 > 00:30:12, 860這里也有珊瑚There are also corals here.15600:30:12, 950 > 00:30:15,910種類比熱帶淺海珊瑚礁多With more species than on shallow tropical reefs.15700:30:19,910 > 00:30:24, 870令人驚訝的是我們現(xiàn)在發(fā)現(xiàn)這里的生命Astonishingly, we're now finding there,

45、 s more life down here15800:30:24, 960 > 00:30:27,540比地球上任何地方都多than anywhere else on earth.16000:30:38, 560 > 00:30:40, 670這似乎是一個陌生的世界This may seem an alien world, 16000:30:42, 230 > 00:30:44,840但我們與深海的聯(lián)系but we are more closely connected to the deep16100:30:44,940 > 00:30:46,800比想象的更緊密th

46、an we ever thought possible.16200:30:52, 280 > 00:30:55, 690多虧了強大的洋流Thanks to great ocean currents.16300:31:07,710 > 00:31:10, 870這些都是從冰凍的兩極開始These begin at the frozen poles.16400:31:15, 720 > 00:31:17, 580在南極洲Here in Antarctica,16500:31:17, 720 > 00:31:20, 430地表水又冷又重the surface waters a

47、re so cold and heavy-16600:31:21,730 > 00:31:22, 970因此下沉that they sink.16700:31:32, 780 > 00:31:37, 520這就產(chǎn)生了巨大的河流流入深海That creates immense rivers of water that flow into the deep16900:31:37,620 > 00:31:41,230為全球洋流網(wǎng)絡(luò)提供動力where they power a global network of currents.16900:31:57, 590 > 00:32

48、:00,510這些洋流從冰封的兩極These currents flow from the frozen poles17000:32:00,600 > 00:32:03, 260流向溫暖的熱帶然后乂返回to the warm tropics and back again,17100:32:04, 180 > 00:32:06, 700連接著每一個海洋linking every ocean.17200:32:11,480 > 00:32:14, 100在地球上重新分配熱量They redistribute heat around the planet17300:32:14, 9

49、00 > 00:32:19,240維持有利于地球上生命的氣候maintaining a climate favourable for life on earth.17400:32:27, 250 > 00:32:32, 110從制造我們呼吸的氧氣到控制我們的天氣From producing the oxygen we breathe to controlling our weather,17500:32:32, 550 > 00:32:36, 160海洋是我們的生命維持系統(tǒng)the oceans are our life-support system.17600:32:44,

50、520 > 00:32:48,380但是 就在我們發(fā)現(xiàn)我們是多么依賴海洋時But just as we' re discovering how dependant we are on the oceans,17700:32:48,980 > 00:32:51,720有一些令人擔(dān)憂的跡象表明there are worrying signs that they are warming17800:32:52, 020 > 00:32:55,610海洋正在以人類歷史上前所未有的速度變暖at a faster rate than every before in human hi

51、story.17900:33:01,410 > 00:33:03,740沒有比在北極And nowhere is this more extreme18000:33:04, 660 > 00:33:06, 150更能表明的了 than in the arctic.18100:33:12,880 > 00:33:16, 120海象喜歡在海冰上休息 Walrus prefer to rest on sea ice.18200:33:18, 050 > 00:33:20,460由于冰比以往任何時候都要少But with less ice than ever before,18

52、300:33:20,550 > 00:33:25,910數(shù)百名爭吵不休的母親現(xiàn)在不得不在陸地上忍受煎熬hundreds of quarrelsome mothers now have to haul out on dry land.18400:33:30,020 > 00:33:32, 350這遠非理想的托兒所It's far from an ideal nursery.18500:33:47,330 > 00:33:50,240在北極熊的威脅下這里也不安全Nor is it safe from polar bears.18600:33:54,290 > 00:

53、33:58,250成年雄性海象太大北極熊無法對付A full-grown male walrus is too big for a bear to tackle.18700:34:03, 430 一00:34:06, 260只好尋找小海象So, it's looking for a walrus baby.18800:34:45, 100 > 00:34:46, 430這位年輕的母親This young mother18900:34:46,510 > 00:34:49, 350需要找個地方讓小海象休息needs to find somewhere for her pup t

54、o rest.19000:34:56, 820 > 00:34:58, 730唯一安全的地方The only safe places19100:34:59, 360 一00:35:02, 020是最后剩下的浮冰are the last remaining pieces of floating ice.19200:35:17, 170 > 00:35:18, 170麻煩的是The trouble is.19300:35:19,880 > 00:35:21,460這些浮冰不夠大That they' re slippery.19400:35:30, 260 > 00:

55、35:32,210搖搖欲墜And wobbly.19500:35:39,230 > 00:35:43, 020有些海象幼崽太重了And some walrus pups are just too heavy.19600:35:51,620 > 00:35:54, 110最好的浮冰已經(jīng)滿員了The best icebergs are already full.19700:36:07,640 > 00:36:10, 520只要加上一頭一噸重的母海象It only takes another one-ton mum19800:36:11,430 > 00:36:12, 890

56、就能打破平衡to tip the balance.19900:36:53,310 > 00:36:56, 220在這些融化的海岸上找到Finding a safe place on these melting shores20000:36:56,850 > 00:36:59,810安全的地方變得越來越難becomes harder and harder.20100:37:37,680 > 00:37:42, 680共同解決這些問題有助于建立一種牢固的關(guān)系Solving these problems together helps create a bond so strong20200:37:42, 770 >


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