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1、湖北省建筑工程消耗呈定額及統(tǒng)一基價(jià)表基礎(chǔ)結(jié)構(gòu)屋面建筑工程建筑面積計(jì)算規(guī)范1、總則1.0.1.為規(guī)范工業(yè)與民用建筑工程的面積計(jì)算,統(tǒng)一計(jì)算方法,制定規(guī)范。1.0.2.本規(guī)范適用于新建、擴(kuò)建、改建的工業(yè)與民用建筑工程的面積計(jì)算。1.0.3.建筑面積計(jì)算應(yīng)遵循科學(xué)、合理的原則。1.0.4.建筑面積計(jì)算除應(yīng)遵循本規(guī)范,尚應(yīng)符合國家現(xiàn)行的有關(guān)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)規(guī)范的規(guī)定。2、術(shù)語2.0.1. 層高:上下兩層樓面或樓面與地面之間的垂直距離。2.0.2. 自然層:按樓板、地板結(jié)構(gòu)分層的樓層。2.0.3.架空層:建筑物深基礎(chǔ)或坡地建筑吊腳架空部位不回填土石方形成的建筑空間。2.0.4. 走廊:建筑物的水平交通空間。2.0.

2、5.挑廊2.0.6.檐廊挑出建筑物外墻的水平交通空間。設(shè)置在建筑物底層出檐下的水平交通空間。2.0.7.回廊:在建筑物門廳、大廳內(nèi)設(shè)置在二層或二層以上的回形走廊。2.0.8. 門斗:在建筑物出入口設(shè)置的起分隔、擋風(fēng)、御寒等作用的建筑過渡空間。2.0.9.建筑物通道:為道路穿過建筑物而設(shè)置的建筑空間。2.0.10.架空走廊:建筑物與建筑物之間,在二層或二層以上專門為水平交通設(shè)置的走廊。2.0.11.勒腳:建筑物的外墻與室外地面或散水接觸部位墻體的加厚部分。2.0.12.圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu):圍合建筑空間四周的墻體、門、窗等。2.0.13.圍護(hù)性幕墻:直接作為外墻起圍護(hù)作用的幕墻。2.0.14.裝飾性幕墻:設(shè)


4、23.飄窗:為房間采光和美化造型而設(shè)置的突出外墻的窗。2.0.24.騎樓:樓層部分跨在人行道上的臨時(shí)街樓房。2.0.25.過街樓:有道路穿過建筑空間的樓房。.prove, se cuiy prevent on capa cly obvi ouSy enhance、se .yhi_ea i d secuiy accde it obv ousy reduce d efective guaa ntees .formal on heal deveipmel XX Educcain Ce nte e.ory cay out d>yto dy new o. se cury moniori ng .f

5、ma.na. equ,met(y Ie a ppr opriae techni cal staff XX .ewo. eg ne room maitea nce saf onSle ma nagemet a nd maite nance .nar.ula bass,scef. vie. of netwis,systems, d - base s ad associated e qUpmet opeaig condl ons, ad make a ecd.Cmpue amanbeai ce man.esr.uary un a variey of devices ile school ifmaio

6、n system pa-ee* server systems ad valous daa ba dip, st hat thee w as a hadwae lai u. i a sy stemc h ca nesume qu cky adeft y. Cmpue ama ntena nce ma nages -a blsa new ork ant system, Avia V . sys» on aregular bass, aid ativius sofwae secuiy assessmet, time toupga Cmputer a .mattena nce maageme

7、11 for al equipme nt i the room a reg ular dust e pace Ie od a belRegulay host servers, new o. i Ues, ccre rouig fieals, har are mate nance, suc as e qu pmet lakeon new0r. and ifrmain1ysem.ucatpn efctvformace e iI n, e duain ase seti nfmain wor. moe t ha t cut gt 10.on,Iduain iformain seeing, sterng

8、 sterng wtt he e id, pricia s of educcain ifmatI nit operorma nce a sesmet a nd scool e- l moni orig and ealat on, to deve op a scentfc opeainal Id - aton i nfmain se eig asesme I t metods tacUg manget ofIduat on i nfmaina id apl cains Fy larc206 100 of te ttaces, I pat ciatd ina nnltona educcaina e

9、cnolgy ta .ig for p - ay a id sconnary ichool ta chr, the ta ce sha<e mlde to cu 80 prmay a nd mideichool taces' Id - atona te chnol ogy profi cency tes cceliate Ape-nt al scoos hhae aces tbr oadad ne works Tra I ig cl-siicai on tai nig ea ces scool teches a ccdoic eaes, ifmaionecnolg y ea ce

10、 taii ng and net wrk mangement pesnne frmte County wti ntescool ba - to scool trani ng once ta nig s cm pleepplcain ca pal iy taiig of tta ces i nou ciyrra ce d XX seismanagementsystemsequi pmentCe ntre XX nrelease ofprandmeasure sXX netw ork netwovisions is prohibitee sestablishe dby,a nda numberof

11、 pragmatic,combietw ork se curitya nd i nformation security.A ccor ding totd, such as leaks,investigatedforresponsibility.Accordinedpart-timew orkforcee ducationinformati on,t he pr otection ofthedigitalcampusconstruction andsustainabledevel opment.SixBureau attaches greatimporta nce to informati on

12、te chnol ogyse curity, inforheinformati ontechnologysecurityrequirements, issue d adocument requires schools (units) impleme nt, defi ned theinformationse curitygui deli nes, spe cific work practi ces,pr oce dures,and worka cce ssto allr ooms;一一 -1.11 一education reand implemesources

13、fullntation.Accordi ngto pnt levelobviouslyfacilityXXeducati on metropolita.I . . _.cover proje ctimplementatir ovinces arrangemeon view sofnotificatints,I Cngtow ho is i n charge ofwho's in area network center machine roome,I Centerhaon(chuasarrangeme nts Gongn taught letter(2013)18th,) requirn

14、charge,who isrdthe r oles a nd responsibilitie s ofinformationmation technology security, entrust XXCity Centerfore ducational informati on a nd equipment dedicatedt o the work. Netw ork se curitylea dinggrClearindustry i nformation security incide nts (acci de nts)todetect ,reporta nd disposa l pro

15、cesses.A ccor dingto self-examinati on,theschool(unitsecurit y,assuranceresponsibilitiesto schools. XXcityschools(units) totalsite20,19ofwhich were notclassified security prote ctionasse ssment,oupwas set up,chaire d by the Educati on BureauC hief, hea d,for XX education Metro-network a s) basice st

16、abli shed has network security managementsy stem;theschool(units)accordi- > - L . . >1一 .一 1 .一ofwhich 1 (XXeducation and resour ce netw ork)forclassified se curity protection level s,withouttng to th.II Ind informationse curity emerge ncyresponse leader ship.De puty group l eaderfor XXeducati

17、 onalmetropol itan area netw orkand informationsecurityemergency response coor dination, command.T heteam assistlea derathi s units act ual,esta blishedha s unitsper sonnel m anagement,i nformationsystem roommanagement, andequipme ntmanagement,a nd me diamanageme nt,andnetw ork se curityconstr ucti

18、on manag ement,and shippedII. 1ILL L.I - -. L L I . I - - - - - .- II III J I . II hird -levelinformationsystems.otaleducation information systems 1 (XXe ducation cloud platform), contains featureswithe-Government,resource li brary,testdatabase,mailservices, such as e-books,all ind deputyleader, re

19、sponsiblefor netw ork XX network security andinformation .T dimensi on ma nagement,a nd service outsour cing, ma nagement system;d andevaluati onntranetservi ces.Noforgrade protectiongrading recorTeam.Information securitywork Confere ncehe ldea ch semester,andde ployme ntofinformati on sdevel oped h

20、as com puter andthe network of networ ksecurityre sponsi bility heldsystem, signe dhas network.I . I . I 一 - - -. _ II . L . L I . L.-.-一 . I -IL. . . I 一.-n ofschool(units),requirements theschool(units) according to i nformationsecuritygrade pr otectionaboutpolicy andstandard,organizati on carried

21、out information security asse ssment s included in t he annual index. Strictlyimplementt he informati on security budget to ensure informatint personnel isre sponsiblefor confi dentialma nagement, passw ord manag ement,on computer enjoy sindepe ndentright,on securityofinvestme nt.ByXX,e ducation inf

22、 ormation a ndUser nameand password ofthecomputerforits proprietary, andqui pment i nthe Mi nistryofe ducation standardizatiements,I city6 ateaching pointsimon management platform,the Ceplementati onteachingntralLi braryofaudio-visua- - .- -1.11poi ntsdigitale ducation releducationresources,seta Chi

23、 nesetea cher educationclau ovsuae uca onresources,seupa nese ea cereucasources full cover proje ct,combine d Icity specificsit uation,develoud platform, implemented link sthe two platforms.Aoped issued hasXXCity Bureau on tea chi ng pointsdigital represent,t he city' sprimary andmiddle school-I

24、.I - .一sourcesfull cover proje ct ofimplementationprstudentsto com puter3198,vitalitytha- . -.一n 10:1; 809 equipmein modernt classes t hrough the classr oom (primarya 一 “ 一一 -n dista ncee ducation teachi ng pr oject lea dnd secondary);36ofthe.I > - .一 一 - .campus network.Theestablishmentofanadvan

25、ced,practical Gigaa bit educationalmetrdista nce e ducation teachiarea netw ork, thecity's school s havea ccesstoe ducationalmetropolitan areng, XXfull coverage pr oje ct group,XX, Director oftheCenterforeducatia netw ork,schools havecomputer. I.Lonal informationanetw orks,cl ose d-circuittelevi

26、si on network,- .- - . _II - LJ-nd e qui pment chaire d Zhu Guiya n,responsiblbroa dcast networksefordistancee ducation digitalresourceintot hecla ssrooms,realizethe triplepla -.1.Is cov eringpr ojectw ork.paProjects inSchools shareInternetXX cityschool digitalresourbandwidtces inmoderh, can meet th

27、e .needs oftea ching oftheschool一. _ _n dista nce e ducationteaching full-covofficeand at anytime.erageprojectleading group,network,a nd l ocalbroa dcastingn etwork compa ny cooperation, using br -L I - -一. > 一 .11oadcastTVnetwork, willphysica.- -plementati on tea chi ng poi nts digital education

28、resourcelfiber layi ngtoeasfull coverpr oject ofnotificati.I-L . I. .- - -.-ch school ,tominim umof costachieved一.一. 一 .- II -.1. L -.一.dership a nd orga nization, ina ccorda nce with the unified arraon(taug httechnica l letter(2012) 74th,)and XX Pr.一 -I .1 1- -一ngementofthewhole provihas physicalfi

29、ber schoolschoolpass;Eachschoolconstructi 1.1 .一 一ovince De partment ofeducati . -n standardsnce,responsibl e foruniver sity education digitalresourn on issue d XX provinceteaces coveringofcampus network a> -ndchi ng point s digitac ngpon sgaproje ctmanagement計(jì)算建筑面積的規(guī)定3.0.1 單層建筑物的建筑面積,應(yīng)按其外墻勒腳以上結(jié)構(gòu)

30、外圍水平面積計(jì)算,并應(yīng)符合下列規(guī)定:1 、單層建筑物高度在2.20m 及以上者應(yīng)計(jì)算全面積;高度不足2.20m 者應(yīng)計(jì)算1/2 面積。2 、利用坡頂內(nèi)空間時(shí)凈高超過2.10m 的部位應(yīng)計(jì)算全面積;凈高在1.20m 至 2.10m 的部位應(yīng)計(jì)算1/2 ;凈高不足1.20m 的部位不應(yīng)計(jì)算面積。3.0.2單層建筑物內(nèi)設(shè)有局部樓層者,局部樓層的二層及以上樓層,有圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu)的應(yīng)該按其圍護(hù)外圍水平面積計(jì)算,無圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu)的應(yīng)該按其結(jié)構(gòu)底板水平面積計(jì)算,層高在 2.2m 及以上者計(jì)算全部面積;層高不足2.2m者應(yīng)計(jì)算1/2 面積。3.0.3 多層建筑物首層應(yīng)按其外墻勒腳以上結(jié)構(gòu)外圍水平面積計(jì)算;二層及二層以上樓

31、層按其外墻結(jié)構(gòu)的外圍水平面積計(jì)算。層高在2.2m 及以上者應(yīng)計(jì)算全面積;層高不足2.2m 者應(yīng)計(jì)算1/2 面積。3.0.4 多層建筑坡屋面內(nèi)和場館看臺(tái)下,當(dāng)設(shè)計(jì)加以利用時(shí)凈高超過2.1m 的部位應(yīng)計(jì)算全面積;凈高在 1.2m至 2.1m 的部位應(yīng)計(jì)算1/2 面積;當(dāng)設(shè)計(jì)不利用或室內(nèi)凈高不足1.2m 時(shí)不應(yīng)計(jì)算面積。3.0.5 地下室、半地下室(車間、倉庫、商店、車站、倉庫等),包括相應(yīng)的永久性頂蓋的出入口,應(yīng)按其外墻上口(不包括采光井、外墻防潮層及其保護(hù)墻)外邊線所圍水平面積計(jì)算。層高在2.2m 及以上者應(yīng)計(jì)算全面積;層高不足2.2m 者應(yīng)計(jì)算1/2 面積。3.0.6 建于坡地的建筑物利用吊腳

32、空間設(shè)置架空層和深基礎(chǔ)地下架空層,設(shè)計(jì)加以利用并有圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu)的,層高在 2.2m 及以上的部位應(yīng)計(jì)算全面積;層高不足2.2m 的部位應(yīng)計(jì)算1/2 面積;設(shè)計(jì)加以利用、無圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu)的建筑吊腳架空層,應(yīng)按其利用部位水平面積的1/2 計(jì)算;設(shè)計(jì)不利用基礎(chǔ)架空層、坡地吊腳架空層、多層建筑坡屋頂內(nèi)、場館看臺(tái)下的空間不應(yīng)計(jì)算面積。3.0.7 建筑物的門廳、大廳按一層計(jì)算建筑面積。門廳、大廳內(nèi)設(shè)有回廊時(shí),按其結(jié)構(gòu)底板水平面積計(jì)算。層高在 2.2m 及以上者應(yīng)計(jì)算全面積;層高不足2.2m 者應(yīng)計(jì)算1/2 面積。3.0.8 建筑物間有圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu)的架空走廊,應(yīng)按其圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu)外圍水平面積計(jì)算。層高在2.2m 及以上者應(yīng)計(jì)算

33、全面積; 層高不足2.2m 者應(yīng)計(jì)算1/2 面積。 有永久性頂蓋無圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu)的應(yīng)按其結(jié)構(gòu)底板水平面積的1/2 計(jì)算。3.0.9立體書庫、立體倉庫、立體車庫,無結(jié)構(gòu)層的應(yīng)按一層計(jì)算,有結(jié)構(gòu)層的應(yīng)按其結(jié)構(gòu)層面積分別計(jì)算。層高在2.2m 及以上者應(yīng)計(jì)算全面積;層高不足2.2m 者應(yīng)計(jì)算1/2 面積。3.0.10有圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu)的舞臺(tái)燈光控制室,應(yīng)按其圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu)外圍水平面積計(jì)算。層高在 2.2m 及以上者應(yīng)計(jì)算全面積;層高不足2.2m 者應(yīng)計(jì)算1/2 面積。3.0.11 建筑物外有圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu)的落地櫥窗、門斗、挑廊、走廊、檐廊,應(yīng)按其圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu)外圍水平面積計(jì)算。層高在 2.2m 及以上者應(yīng)計(jì)算全面積;層高不足2.2m

34、 者應(yīng)計(jì)算1/2 面積。有永久性頂蓋無圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu)的應(yīng)按其結(jié)構(gòu)底板水平面積的1/2 計(jì)算。3.0.12 有永久性頂蓋無圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu)的場館看臺(tái)應(yīng)按其頂蓋水平投影面積的1/2 計(jì)算。3.0.13建筑物頂部有圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu)的樓梯間、水箱間、電梯機(jī)房等,層高在2.2m 及以上者應(yīng)計(jì)算全面積;層高不足 2.2m 者應(yīng)計(jì)算1/2 面積。3.0.14設(shè)有圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu)不垂直水平面而超出底板外沿的建筑物,應(yīng)按其底板面的外圍水平面積計(jì)算。層高不足 2.2m 以上者應(yīng)計(jì)算全面積;層高不足2.2m 者應(yīng)計(jì)算1/2 面積。3.0.15建筑物內(nèi)的室內(nèi)樓梯間、電梯井、觀光電梯井、提物井、垃圾道、管道井、通風(fēng)排氣豎井、附墻煙囪應(yīng)按建筑物的自然

35、層計(jì)算。3.0.16雨蓬結(jié)構(gòu)的外邊線至外墻結(jié)構(gòu)外邊線的寬度超過2.1m 者, 應(yīng)按雨蓬結(jié)構(gòu)板的水平投影面積的1/2 計(jì)算。3.0.17 有永久性頂蓋的室外樓梯,應(yīng)按建筑物自然層的水平投影面積的1/2 計(jì)算。3.0.18 建筑物的陽臺(tái)均應(yīng)按其水平投影面積的1/2 計(jì)算。3.0.19有永久性頂蓋無圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu)的車棚、貨棚、站臺(tái)、加油站、收費(fèi)站等,應(yīng)按其頂蓋水平投影面積的1/2計(jì)算。3.0.20高低聯(lián)跨的建筑物,應(yīng)以高跨結(jié)構(gòu)外邊線為界分別計(jì)算建筑面積;其高低跨內(nèi)部連通時(shí),其變形縫mprove, se curitypreve ntionca pacity obviouslye nha nced,se cu

36、rity hidden a nd securitya ccdient obviouslyreduced,effective guarantees information health development. XXE ducationCentre reg ularlycarry out day -to-daynetw orkse curity monitoring i nformation and e qui pment. By thea ppr opriatetechni calstaff,XXnetworke ngine roommaintenancestaf f on sitemanag

37、eme ntand maintena nceona reg ularba sis,sche dule dviewi ngof netw orks, systems, databa ses andassociatedequipmentoperatingconditions, and make arecord. Computer lab maintenancemanag ers regularly r una va rietyofdevices i nthe school i nformationsy stem parameters,serversystemsandvarious databack

38、up,so that therewa s ahardware failure inasystem crash can re sumequickly a nd efficiently. Computerlabmai ntena ncemanagersestabl isha network a ntivirussy stem,AviraV irussystem on a regularbasis,a nda nti-virussoftware security asse ssment,time to upgrade. Com puterla b maintena nce managementfor

39、allequi pmentin t he rooma regulardust,replace theold label.Regularly host server s, netw ork switches, corerouting ,firewalls,har dware mainte nance,such as equi pment failure,should bepr ocessedi na timelymanneri n ordertoensuresafe andreliableoperationofthe system. InXXcity information a ndequi p

40、mentwase stablished within t heCentre,educati onalmetropolita n area netw orkce ntermachineroom XX.Serversand data stores and a pplicationstoset up inXX Citymetropolita n areanetw ork ce ntermachine room.Window sServer2003,wi ndowsServer2008,windowsServer 2012, Linux,the operati ng system,the data b

41、aseforS QL Server 2008, Officesoftware, suchasMicrosoftOfficesoftware.School s(units) ofcomputer,information systemsecuritypr oductsfordomesti cproducts,i ncl udi ng theuse of360 a nd ki ngsoftInter netse curity software.XX educati on metropolita n areanetw ork used by t heserverforHP , firewalland

42、information securitypr oductfor Huaweiand Cisco products. Intheir dailywork,topublici zerelatedk nowledgeand information se curity considerations.Enhance dglobalawarene ssof networkand informationsecurit y,and strivetoachieve networkevery one k now s security andvirusbeforethe g uard,to im provenetw

43、orkand informationsecurity,ensure thatt he XX educati on systemnetworkand inform ation systemsecurit y. Tracki ng reporti ngsystem requiresallpartiestostrengthencolla borati on,w orkcl oselywit h emergency safety plan developed XXe ducationmetropolitan areanetwork,reg ularlycarry outemergencydrill s

44、,and carrie d outspe cialfunds every yeartoprote ctthese curity ofinformation.A nnual2 -3 pr ofessionaltraini ngfornetw orkmanagers in t hecit y,formingtechnologywitha strong professi onala ndte chnicalteam,s chool networkma nagerson commonnetworkfailures and becapable ofsolvi ngse curityissues.Issu

45、esthatca nnot be resolved,timelyformsofmeetings,such as meetings,analysi s,andsolutionst hroug h ameeting, withoutrolling upt he abi litytosolveproblems, a nd feedbackt osuperior s in writi ng departments toresolve.T hrough self-examinati on,w earewell aware, relative l ack of investme nt ineducatio

46、n,facilitiesa nde qui pment forfurtherupdates,education devel opment isstill uneve n,ne weducation conceptsnee dto befurt her enhancedt osomeextent a nd restri ctingthe devel opment ofcityeducation.Wewilltakethe opportunityofgovernmentsupervisi on,tostriveforthe province e ducation dem onstration co

47、untiesasa drivingforce, furtheri ncrease inputin e ducation,effortsto promotethelongwing,andLiWanfu,a nd Mi chael Jenkins,and Chen Jian,and Songand xiaochuany un, 7bitcom rade parti cipate i n provi nce back boneface -to-faceor network learning, do ea chtea chnigpoints are has teachersparticipate i

48、n training, October 17, 2013,issuedXX cityeducati oninformati on and e qui pmentCe nteronre quireme ntstheteachi ng pointsschoolfor good satellite groundstati on i nstallation pre pared ofnotification,requirements schoolrelated management personnelfam iliarXX pr ovince teaching pointsdigitaleducatio

49、n re sour cesfull cover pr oje ctconstruction management manual,Particularly with regard to installati on preparation partsa ccordi ngtothe point ofXX province full coverageofdigital e ducationalresource s inthe proje ctconstr uction management manual.Devi cesare a ble to re ceive TVsigna ls andIPda

50、ta,t he schools haveschooltraini ng and school-base d applicati onto usegood.A ctivelyorgani zeimpleme ntation of adivision ofa class,ateacherin one classactivity.XX in XX city first to completefullregistrationofteacher sworki ng in this city, XX,Sun class rate of 54 percentrespectively,theforefont.

51、ixX, a divsi on of a class a class atota raked Is i IDtsin advles was awa dthenational minsea lone, 2 provicai se cond prZ, th- prze at Ie prov ncai eve 3. Active,oga nze impl ementain of Ie e earni ng space t he work of every one.At pesnt, i the opesa ce of publ c service piatformof provi i u a e -

52、 caina esucs eaCes number 2444, 83 tthe totanumber of teaches, s_e nt number s 6569 of Ie ope nsace, Ie clys tta s _e ns 831to (junior hgh school su- i s i K above, stde ns not riquei) egstatonnumber t o meet the e - .emesof teacher s ad sUdets i i XX iis pla ce., ,iformain technoi ogy appl i oncapa

53、 bih as a means to booS ul ng of teaches tuse InfrmalLn, Educcaion Furou of xx tie ad cational echnoi ogy teacher ase smetievei s like d to teixaminain; a unUe d a provi nciai mode school of mode neducal on teCnolgy seecti on, advance, uni i n . in a year(.idual award. T oexpeile e du .n.fo

54、maizlin wk, the ch a b,hed Ie scCool runing eve of supevsi on a nd assessment system. Informatin e-cat on、schoolperformanceevaluation,e ducation a ssessment informati on w orkmore tha n to cut weight 10.Practice isa regular room supervision, e ducation informationsteering,steering ,steering wit h th

55、e e nd, principal sofeducation information intoperformance assessme nt andschoollevel monitoringandeval uation,to develop asci entific, operati onale ducation i nformation steering assessment methods, trackingmanageme ntofeducation information and applicati ons. By M arch 2016, 100of thetea chers,Ip

56、artici patedi n anationale ducationaltechnol ogytraining for primary andsecondary schooltea cher s,the tea chers have made to cut80 primary and middleschool teachers'educationalte chnol ogyprofici ency testcertificate.At present,allschool shave a ccessto br oadband netw orks.Traini ng cla ssificati on traini ngofteachers,


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