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1、management,is developing thefollowi ngfiresafetysystem.1, strengthenfiresafetyeducation ofthewhole school.Accordi ng tothe re quireme ntsofthe Fir e ServicesA ct, so thateveryone has ofkeepi ngfirecontr olsafety,pr otecti ng fire contr olfacilities,fire preve ntion,reportsoffire勞務(wù)分包招標(biāo)管理辦法( 試行 )1 總 則

2、1.1 為了提高公司勞務(wù)分包資源建設(shè)和整體水平,推進(jìn)勞務(wù)資源集約化利用,保證項(xiàng)目施工組織和施工生產(chǎn)有序進(jìn)行,特制訂本辦法。1.2 勞務(wù)招標(biāo)堅(jiān)持公開、公平、公正和誠(chéng)實(shí)信用的原則,杜絕私招濫雇和利用職務(wù)之便私定勞務(wù)隊(duì)伍的行為。1.3 公司成立勞務(wù)招標(biāo)管理中心(簡(jiǎn)稱招標(biāo)中心),建立招標(biāo)平臺(tái),設(shè)置開標(biāo)中心,序列分公司和直屬項(xiàng)目部所有勞務(wù)招標(biāo)必須通過公司招標(biāo)平臺(tái)和在指定的開標(biāo)中心進(jìn)行,各項(xiàng)招議標(biāo)都應(yīng)通過勞務(wù)招標(biāo)中心監(jiān)管和備案審核后實(shí)施。1.4 勞務(wù)招標(biāo)實(shí)行邀請(qǐng)招標(biāo)和議標(biāo)兩種方式,由公司勞務(wù)分公司、項(xiàng)目所屬的分公司和項(xiàng)目部共同推薦勞務(wù)隊(duì)伍,招標(biāo)小組進(jìn)行審核后向?qū)徍撕细竦膭趧?wù)隊(duì)發(fā)出招標(biāo)邀請(qǐng)書。其中分公司(及

3、項(xiàng)目部)和公司勞務(wù)分公司推薦的有效勞務(wù)隊(duì)伍均不得少于兩家。1.5 所有參與公司勞務(wù)招標(biāo)的分包隊(duì)伍必須是加入公司勞務(wù)資源庫(由公司勞務(wù)分公司構(gòu)建)中合格的勞務(wù)分包隊(duì)伍。2 勞務(wù)招標(biāo)機(jī)構(gòu)及職責(zé)公司勞務(wù)招標(biāo)管理中心主任由公司主管生產(chǎn)的副總經(jīng)理擔(dān)任,日常工作由公司工程部負(fù)責(zé),成員由公司工程部、勞務(wù)分公司、監(jiān)審部相關(guān)人員組成。公司勞務(wù)招標(biāo)中心主要職責(zé)是:制定和修訂公司勞務(wù)分包招標(biāo)管理的有關(guān)制度;指導(dǎo)和監(jiān)督公司(分公司)勞務(wù)招標(biāo)小組規(guī)范運(yùn)作;負(fù)責(zé)各級(jí)勞務(wù)招(議)標(biāo)工作的審定;定期對(duì)各單位勞務(wù)招標(biāo)工作情況進(jìn)行檢查;定期發(fā)布勞務(wù)招投標(biāo)信息以及對(duì)違反規(guī)定的行為進(jìn)行處罰等。公司勞務(wù)招標(biāo)管理中心下設(shè)兩級(jí)招標(biāo)實(shí)施小組

4、,分別為:2.1 公司勞務(wù)招標(biāo)小組,組長(zhǎng)由公司生產(chǎn)副總經(jīng)理擔(dān)任,具體工作由公司工程部牽頭,組織相關(guān)部門和內(nèi)部專家實(shí)施公司級(jí)的勞務(wù)招l(wèi)ectricity li nes, equipmentinspecti ons, foundhidden in timeforrectification, maintenance,and security.9,donot useanopen flame in t heclassr oom, prohibit burni ng stove ,lit ca ndl es, mosquito re pellent,n osmoking, a nd banningmess

5、ywiring.Without using a ny household applia nces isnot allowed.10, liv eoncampusfaculty members, must lea d by exampl e,and e ducate families andchil drenrea dy to fire.11, householduseofgas in school s, to master proper usage,payattention tothe leak-proof,explosi on-proof,fireproof,cl osi ngvalve a

6、fteruse toe nsure security. 12,dini ngroom mustbe qualified, andannualtesting ofpressurevessels,t oregularly check,the cantee nworkers must be certified,strictlyby o peration operation,gastankand stove safetydistanceof1.5meters,topreventa ccdie nts. 13,the a dverse conseque nces cause d byig noring

7、firesafety regulations,wil lbepuni shed,untilinve stigatedforlegalresponsibility.Song Li nXia ng Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 Xia ng Li u Jiapi ngeleme ntaryschool,pi ne slopes surroundingsafety managementsystem 1teachers and students,the surroundingareaoftheschoolg overna nce covers pe

8、rsonaland foodhygiene,culturalevents a nd ot heraspe cts,integrated governanceshall obtainwi de supporta ndfull cooperati on ofthecommunit y.On thesurr oundi ng environment i n scho olsshoul d beclosely monitored.2,schoolworkatt he same time, shoul d payattenti onto t hesafetymanageme ntofschoole nv

9、ironment,should takethe initiative t ocontactt he di strict police station, thevillage Committee, CorrectionalCentre, ow nshipgover nment, businessmanagementand ot herde partmentst odo agood job management.3,teacher on dutywit h theexception ofinspecti ons inschool s,should also pay attentiont oenvi

10、r onmental inspe ctions neart he campus,foundt hatthejoble ss migrants fromr uralareas,forexample,harassment ofstudents a nd avarietyofacci dent s,accor dingto different situati ons reportedschoolofficials orthe poli ce station in atimelymanner,to prote ctthe safety ofstudents.4, every day beforesch

11、ool,tea cher s remind students,pay attentiontotrafficsafety.5,shouldeducate studentsto respect socialethi cs,a nd vari ousregulations, maintaining publi c order, and fightthe badguys,a ndgrasp thecorre ct waysand mea ns ofmaintaining andimprovi ngstudents 'self-care ability.6,theestablishment of

12、 emergencyrescue teamsofteachers inschool s,onhig h aler t and depl oyed.S ong Lin Xia ngLi uJia pi ng elementaryschool March 2016songLin Xiang LiuJia ping primary schooltea chersand students organizationsout ofsafetymanagement systemorgani zation activities between teachersand students,to drawup a

13、pre cise plan and securitymeasures mustbesig ned bythe school officialsto review the pr ogrammeofactivitiesagreed upon Correcti onal Centeragreedto implement.Organization tothe fieldrelativelyfaroractivities re quirea ppr oval by t heDe puty Dire ctor ofthe Education Burea u inchargeofse curit y.2,e

14、a ch activity shouldhave a spe cific responsi bility, payattentiontot hepersons age, physical match.Route 3,activitie s,location,field surveysshoul d be carried out inadvance.4, activitiesfort hemeansoftransportshould explai n thesituationto theschool tocom plywith ve hicle ,safety requireme nts, be

15、forethe line for repairs.5,each activity musthavesecurity, emergency re sponse planforacci dent s.6,pi cni cs, hiking, picni ctopayattentiontofire prevention,food poi soning, prevention of fallaccide nts7,theactivitiesnearthe rivers,reservoirs, no measures ordonot meetthesecurityrequirementsofthe Or

16、gani zation and not letst ude nts intot hewaterIn or derto ensure normaltea chi ng or der, prote ctingst udents ' healthy gr owth, ensuring t hat nati onal (property) isnot lost,topreventorminimizet he occurrence ofsafety accide nts,foll ow the"prevent, rescueeach othe r, e nsuresafety andr

17、educelosses"principle ,accor dingtothe l ocal condi tions,makethe ma nagement sy stem. 1,the princi pal isthe re sponsibility ofschoolsafety,schoolsecurityunder the lea dership ofPresi dent security workleadi ng group. The headteachertot helea dershipteam i s responsiblefor, implementationofthe

18、a ccountabilitysystem.2, schoolmont hly student knowledg eabout safety education,e ducati on shoul dbediver sified inthe formeverysafetyeducationforstude nts ofclasses perweek shoul d be targeted.o carry onemerge ncy i ssues dealing with e ducation inGeneral,self -help and mut ual rescueknowledge.Em

19、ergency calls (sucha 110,119,122, 120, andsoon) use common sense ineducati on.3,the esta blishme nt ofmajor accide ntreporting system.Schoolst ude ntsreport majoraccide ntwithi n a nhour ofeducation; studentr un a nddisappeara nces to report;reportofthe acci de nttoa written re porti ntripli cate,a

20、correcti onal centre, apolice station, a townshi ppe opl e's Governme nt shall not concealt hea cci dent.4 week,tea chers are on dutysystem, establish and im provethe leader shi pvalues;strengt hen t heeducati on, m anagementoftea chi ngactivitiesi nschoolstoensure normalteachnig order; responsi

21、 bleforsch oolsafetyleadershipalways mai ntaine d cl ose contact a nddistrict poli cestations, canvassingsupportfrom thepol icestati on on school safety andhelp.5,stre ngthe ning teacher s 'moraleducati on,e stablish a de dicated love, impr ovinge ducationquality, observe thestudents 'psycho

22、logi cal changes at anytime a ndtake preventivemeasures, no cor poral puni shme ntandcovert cor poral punishme nt on students, studentoutofthe classroom,schoolsmaynot be.6, units or departmentsusestudent Street propaganda orparticipate inthe cele brations,as wellas partici pating i nothersocialw ork

23、,withouta ppr oval oftheCorre ctionalCe ntre,schoolpri nci pals conse nt,withoutorganizati on. Wit hout theapproval ofrelevant departme nts,may orga nizest ude ntsto partici patein fire fighti ng, di sasterreliefa nd so on. 7,school sshould e ducatestudents to obey theschoolrulesandreg ulations, ont

24、ime,ontimehometo preventa cci dents.8,schoolt oschool i nspecti ons on a regul arbasi s,found hi dden i ntime,a nd i nsev ere case s,it is hardtoeliminate immediately close d,and re porte dto thelocalpeople's Governme nt, e ducati on,and rule oflawsection. 9,the schoolshould al ways check the i

25、nternalw alls, retai ning wa lls, ponds,railings, ha ndrails, doors, Windows, stair cases andavariet yofsports,extracurricularactivities,facilitie ssuch as firesafety,infrastruct ure securit y, unsafe faci lity to immediatelyrepaira nd demoliti onto ensurethatteachers andstude nts w ork, lear n, liv

26、e ve nues andfacilitie sare safea ndreli able.Song Li n Xia ng LiuJiaping el ementaryschoolMarch 2016song Li nXiang Liu Jia ping primaryschoolfiresafetysystems t oenha nce fire safety, pr otection of public property andthelife andpropertysafety ofteachers and students,schoolfiresafety int o day -to-

27、daymanagement,is developing thefollowi ngfiresafetysystem.1, strengthenfiresafetyeducation ofthewhole school.Accordi ng tothe re quireme ntsofthe Fir e ServicesA ct, so thateveryone has ofkeepi ngfirecontrolsafety,pr otecti ng fire contr olfacilities,fire preve ntion,reportsoffire標(biāo)工作。2.2 分公司勞務(wù)招標(biāo)小組,組

28、長(zhǎng)由分公司經(jīng)理或生產(chǎn)副經(jīng)理擔(dān)任,成員由公司勞務(wù)招標(biāo)管理中心指定人員、分公司相關(guān)科室人員、項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理及項(xiàng)目相關(guān)人員組成。分公司勞務(wù)招標(biāo)小組的主要職責(zé)是負(fù)責(zé)組織分公司級(jí)的勞務(wù)招標(biāo)議標(biāo)工作。3 勞務(wù)招標(biāo)組織原則3.1 公司所屬的序列分公司和直屬項(xiàng)目部所承接的新建、擴(kuò)建和改建等施工項(xiàng)目勞務(wù)分包,均應(yīng)依照本辦法實(shí)行勞務(wù)招、議標(biāo)。3.2 勞務(wù)招標(biāo)分為公司級(jí)招標(biāo)、分公司級(jí)招標(biāo)、分公司議標(biāo)三種形式,具體劃分按照3.3 、 3,4 、 3.5 條執(zhí)行。3.3 符合以下條件的勞務(wù)分包項(xiàng)目實(shí)施由公司招標(biāo)小組通過公司招標(biāo)平臺(tái)組織公司級(jí)勞務(wù)招標(biāo):( 1)勞務(wù)分包工作量(按照擬定勞務(wù)費(fèi)用計(jì)算方式測(cè)定的勞務(wù)費(fèi)總價(jià))安裝工程在

29、80 萬元(含)以上、土建工程在500 萬元(含)以上的勞務(wù)分包工程。(2)鍋爐安裝、汽輪機(jī)安裝、滑模施工等專業(yè)性強(qiáng)的勞務(wù)分包工程。3.4 符合以下條件的勞務(wù)分包項(xiàng)目由分公司招標(biāo)小組通過公司招標(biāo)平臺(tái)組織分公司級(jí)勞務(wù)招標(biāo):( 1)勞務(wù)分包工作量(按照擬定勞務(wù)費(fèi)用計(jì)算方式測(cè)定的勞務(wù)費(fèi)總價(jià)) 安裝工程在80 萬元以下及10 萬元 (含) 以上、 土建工程在500萬元以下及50 萬元(含)以上的勞務(wù)分包工程。3.5 符合以下條件的勞務(wù)分包項(xiàng)目由分公司招標(biāo)小組實(shí)施分公司議標(biāo):( 1)勞務(wù)分包工作量(按照擬定勞務(wù)費(fèi)用計(jì)算方式測(cè)定的勞務(wù)費(fèi)總價(jià))安裝工程在10 萬元以下、土建工程在50 萬元以下的零星勞務(wù)分包

30、工程;educate studentst o situationto theschool toftheschoolgoverna nce cover s personaland foodhygiene,culturaleveI 一. - - |.nts and ot heraspenceshall obtainwide supportandfull cooperati on ofthecommunit y.On thesurr,u u gg vvyg , uu v, g gvwuuu y. uo respect soci alethi cs,a nd vari ousregulati ons,

31、 maintaini ng publi c order, and fightthe badguys,a ndgrasp the corre ct waysa nd mea ns ofmaintai ning andimprovi ngstudents ' self-care abil ity.6,theesta blishment of emergeocom plywith ve hicle ,safety requireme nts, beforet he line for repairs.5,each activity musthavesecurity, emergency re

32、sponse planfora cci dent s.6,pi cni cs, hiking, pi cni ctopayattentiontofire prevention,food poi sooundi ng environment in schools shoul d be closely monitored.2,schoolworncyrescue teamsofteachers inschool s,onhig h aler t and depl oyed.S ongsoning, preventi on of fallaccide nts7,theactivitiesnearth

33、e rivers,reservoirs, no meahe same time, shoul d payattenti onto t I . .1 hesafety mag Lin Xia ng Lui Jiapi ng elementary school March 2016songsures ordonot meetthesecurityrequirementshatthejoble ss migrants fromruralareas,forexamplctivities re quirea ppr oval by t heDe puty Diree,harassment ofst&qu

34、ot;一. 一 .-ctor ofthe Educatiudents a nd avarietyn Burea u inchargeofseofacci dent s,accor dingto different situati.I - I _ 一.curit y.2,ea ch activity shouldons reportedschoolhave a spe cific responsi bility, payattentiontofficialsorhepersons age,physi cal match.Routema nner,to prote ctthe safety ofs

35、tI r .1.3,activitie s,location,fieldudents.s.4,surveysshoulevery daybeforeschool,teabecarrie d out inadvance.4,activitiesfortstudents, pay attentiontotrafficsafety.hemeansoftransportd by examplfamilies anhouseholduseofgas inpayattention tothe leak-proof,explby operation operation,gastankability.Song

36、 Li nXia ng Liu Jia pingel ementary school Mcher s remind5,should.I. .1 . . I L I _ Int systemorgani- 一.一 I. 1. .I. . I . I -should explaimanagement,is developing thefollowi ngfiresafetysystem.1, strengthenfiresafetyeducation ofthewhole school.Accordi ng tothe re quireme ntsofthe Fire ServicesA ct,

37、so thateveryone ha s ofkeepi ngfirecontrolsafety,pr otecti ng fire contr olfacilities, fireprevention,reports offireIn orderto ensure normalteachingorder, prote ctingst udents 'healthygr owth,e nsuringthatnational(property)is not lost,topreventor minimize theoccurrence ofsafetyaccide nts,followt

38、he "prevent,rescueeach other, ensuresafetyand reduce losses" princi ple,a ccording t othe localconditions, makethe manag ementsystem.1,the principalisthe re sponsibilityof schoolsafety,schoolsecurity underthe leadershi p ofPresi dent security work lea ding group.T hehead tea chertot helead

39、er shipteamis responsiblefor,impleme ntation oftheaccountabilitysystem.2,schoolmonthlystudent knowledgeabout safety education, e ducationshould be diversified in theform every safetyeducation forstudentsof classes perw eekshouldbetargeted.Tocarryon emergency issues dealing with education in General

40、,self -helpa nd mut ualrescue k nowle dge.Emergencycalls (such as 110,119,122, 120,andso on) use common se nse in education.3,the establi shmentof majoraccidentreportingsystem.Schoolstude nts report majoraccident withi nan hourofeducation; st ude ntrun a nddisappeara ncest o report ; report oftheacc

41、identtoawritten report intri plicate,a corre ctional ce ntre,a police station,a t ownshi ppe ople' sGover nmentshallnotconce althe a cci dent.4w eek,teachers are ondutysystem,establish andim provethe leadershipval ues;stre ngthen thee ducation,managementofteaching activitiesin schools to ensure

42、normalteachi ng order;responsibl ef orschoolsafetyleadershipalwaysmaintaine d close conta ctand district policestations, canvassing supportfrom thepoli cestation onschoolsafetyand help.5, strengthe ning teachers 'moral education,establisha dedicated love,impr ovinge ducation qualit y,observethe

43、students' psychol ogical changes at anytime andtake preventive measures, no cor poral puni shmenta nd covertcorporalpunishmentonstudents,student out ofthe classr oom,school s maynot be.6, units ordepartments use studentS treetpr opaga nda orpartici pate inthecele brations,asw ellas parti cipati

44、nginot hersocialw ork,withouta pproval oftheCorre ctio nal Centre,school principals consent,withoutorga nization. Without theapproval ofrelevantde partments,mayorgani zestudent sto participate infirefighting,disa ster reliefandsoon.7,schoolsshoul d educatest ude ntstoobeythe schoolrulesa nd reg ulat

45、ions, on time,on time hometopreventa ccident s.8, schoolto school inspecti onsona regularbasis,found hidde nin time,and insevere cases,it is hardtoeliminate immediatelyclosed, andre porte dto thel ocal people's Governme nt,educati on,a nd rule oflaw se ction.9,theschoolshoul d always checktheint

46、ernalwall s,retaini ng walls, ponds,railings,ha ndrails,doors, Windows,stair casesa nd avariety ofsports,extracurricularactivities,facilities such asfiresafety, i nfrastructur e security, unsafefacilityto immediately repairand demolitiontoe nsur e that teachers andstudents work,learn,livevenues a nd

47、facil itiesare safeand reliable.Song LinXia ng Li uJia pingel ementary school March2016 song Lin Xiang LiuJia ping primary schoolfiresafety systemsto enha ncefire safety,prote ctionof publicpropertyand thelifeand property safetyofteachersand students,schoolfiresafety into day-to-day( 2)業(yè)主指定分包或由其他原因造

48、成無法實(shí)施勞務(wù)招投標(biāo)的。3.6 項(xiàng)目所在地建設(shè)管理部門在勞務(wù)招投標(biāo)上有特殊規(guī)定的,經(jīng)公司領(lǐng)導(dǎo)批準(zhǔn)后按照地方規(guī)定執(zhí)行。3.7 招標(biāo)采用邀請(qǐng)招標(biāo)的方式進(jìn)行,由工程所屬項(xiàng)目部、分公司和公司勞務(wù)分公司共同推薦勞務(wù)隊(duì)伍(推薦的勞務(wù)隊(duì)伍必須為公司勞務(wù)資源庫中合格的勞務(wù)隊(duì)伍),填寫勞務(wù)隊(duì)伍推薦表(附件 3) ,經(jīng)負(fù)責(zé)該次招標(biāo)工作的招標(biāo)小組預(yù)審后填寫勞務(wù)隊(duì)伍投標(biāo)資格審查表(附件4),作為邀請(qǐng)對(duì)象參與招標(biāo)。3.8 參加投標(biāo)的隊(duì)伍原則上不少于4家。3.9 所有經(jīng)招標(biāo)或議標(biāo)選定的勞務(wù)隊(duì)伍均需報(bào)公司招標(biāo)中心認(rèn)可后方可使用。3.10 項(xiàng)目主要管理人員的直系親屬作為負(fù)責(zé)人的勞務(wù)隊(duì)伍不得參與本項(xiàng)目投標(biāo)。與投標(biāo)隊(duì)伍有利害關(guān)系

49、的人員在招標(biāo)過程中須回避。4 勞務(wù)招標(biāo)實(shí)施流程及要求4.1 項(xiàng)目前期策劃階段,項(xiàng)目部根據(jù)項(xiàng)目的實(shí)際情況,填寫項(xiàng)目部勞務(wù)需求計(jì)劃表(附件 1) ,經(jīng)分公司審核并簽署意見,至少在勞務(wù)分包具備進(jìn)場(chǎng)條件30 天前報(bào)送公司勞務(wù)招標(biāo)管理中心,審定勞務(wù)選擇方式后反饋分公司及項(xiàng)目部,同時(shí)由公司勞務(wù)招標(biāo)管理中心組織公司、分公司勞務(wù)招標(biāo)小組根據(jù)審定意見開始實(shí)施招標(biāo)準(zhǔn)備工作。4.2 勞務(wù)分包具備進(jìn)場(chǎng)條件20天(特殊情況不少于10天)前,項(xiàng)目部將詳細(xì)的勞務(wù)資源申請(qǐng)表(附件 2) 和 勞務(wù)招標(biāo)文件(附件 6)報(bào)公司或分公司勞務(wù)招標(biāo)小組(具體根據(jù)公司勞務(wù)招標(biāo)管理中心審定的招標(biāo)方式報(bào)送),由對(duì)應(yīng)的勞務(wù)招標(biāo)小組組織實(shí)施招(議

50、)標(biāo)工作。4.3 勞務(wù)招標(biāo)小組在收到項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理部提交的勞務(wù)需求資料后組織相關(guān)部門對(duì)招標(biāo)文件進(jìn)行審核,重點(diǎn)對(duì)工程概況、工程量清單、人工單價(jià)、工期及技術(shù)要求、質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、安全和文明施工、工程付款方lectricity lines,equi pmentinspections,found hiddenintime for rectification, maintenance,a ndsecurit y. 9,do not use anopenflameinthe classroom,pr ohi bitburning stove,litcadles,mosquitorepellent,no smoking

51、, and banning messyw iring. Without usi ngany household applia nce s is notallowed. 10,liveoncampusfacultymembers,mustlead byexample,and educate familiesand chil drenreadyt ofire.11,household useofgas in schools,to masterproper usage,payattentiontothe leak-pr oof,explosion-proof,fireproof,closingval

52、ve afterusetoensuresecurity. 12,di ning r oommust bequalifie d, andannual testi ng ofpressure vessels,t oregularly che ck,the cantee nworkersmust becertified,strictlyby operation operati on,gasta nk andstovesafety distanceof1.5meters,to preventaccidents.13, theadverse consequences caused byignori ng

53、firesafetyregulations,willbe punished, until investigate dforlegalresponsibility.Song LinXia ngLi uJiapingel ementaryschoolMar ch2016Xiang Li u Jia ping elementaryschool, pine slopes surrounding safetymanagement system1teachers and st ude nts,thesurr ounding areaofthe school governance coverspersona

54、l andfoodhygiene,culturalevents andotheraspects, i ntegratedgoverna nceshall obtai nwide supportand ful lcooperati on ofthecommunity. On t hesurr oundi ng environmenti nschoolsshouldbecl osely monitored. 2, schoolwork atthe same time, should payattention tothesafety management ofschoolenvironme nt,s

55、houl d takethe initiative tocontactthe distri ctpoli ce station,thevillage Committee,CorrectionalCe ntre,T ownship g overnment ,business manageme ntand other departme ntstodo ag oodjobma nagement.3,teacherondutywit h theexception ofinspe ctionsin schools,should alsopay attentionto environme ntal ins

56、pe ctions neart he cam pus,found thatthej oble ss migrantsfrom ruralareas, forexample,hara ssmentofst udentsand avarietyofaccidents,accor ding to different situations reported schoolofficials orthe poli ce station ina timelymanner,toprote ctthesafety ofstudents.4,everydaybeforeschool,tea chers remi

57、nd st ude nts,payattentiontotrafficsafety. 5,shoul deducatestudents to respe ctsocialethi cs, a ndvari ous reg ulations,maintaining public orde r,and fightthe bad guys,a nd graspthe corre ctways andmeans of maintaininga nd im provingst udents 'self-careability.6,t heestablishme ntofemergencyre scue teams ofteachersinschools,onhig h alert and depl oyed.S ong Li nXia ng Li uJiapi ng elementaryschool March2016 song Lin XiangLiuJiapi ng primaryschoolteachersandst udents organizationsout ofsafetymanagementsystemorganization activities between teachersa nd st ude n


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