1、JG020>數(shù)據(jù)中心統(tǒng)一編號:<0>Unified Serial No. from Data Centre:<00>中華人民共和國海關(guān)出口貨物報關(guān)單<0>Customs Export Declaration Form of the Peoples Republic of China<0No. of Pre-record:0>申報現(xiàn)場:<0>Declare of Place<00>海關(guān)編號:<0>No. of Customs:<00>出口口岸<0>Port of Export<
2、0 0>備案號<0>Record No. for Checking<00>出口日期<0>Date of Export<0 0>申報日期<0>Date of Application<00>經(jīng)營單位<0>Executive Company<0 0>運輸方式<0>Mode of Transportation<00>運輸工具名稱<0>Description of the Transpotaion Tools<00>提運單號<0>Deliver
3、y Numbers<00>發(fā)貨單位<0>Entrusting Company<0 0>貿(mào)易方式<0>Mode of Trade<0 0>征免性質(zhì)<0>Kind of Tax<0 0>結(jié)匯方式<0>Ways of Payment<00>許可證號<0>License No.<00>運抵國(地區(qū))<0>Name of Destination Country (Region)<0 0>指運港<0>Designated Destinati
4、on Port<00>境內(nèi)貨源地<0>Original Place of Delivered Goods<00>批準文號<0>Number of Approved Documents<00>成交方式<0>Trade terms<0 0>運費<0>Freight<00>保費<0>Insurance Premium<00>雜費<0>Additional Expenses<00>合同協(xié)議號<0>Contract No.<00&g
5、t;件數(shù)<0>Number of packages<0 0>包裝種類<0>Type of Package<00>毛重(公斤)<0>Gross Weight (kg)<00>凈重(公斤)<75>Net Weight (kg)<00>集裝箱號<0>Container No.<00>隨附單據(jù)<0>Attached Documents<00>生產(chǎn)廠家<0>Manufacturer<0 0>標記嘜碼及備注<0>Marks, N
6、os and Remarks<0 0>項號<0>Item No.<00>商品編號<0>Commodity No.<00>商品名稱、規(guī)格型號<0>Description of Commodity and Specification<00>數(shù)量及單位<0>Quantity and Unit<00>最終目的國(地區(qū))<0>Final Destination Country (Region)<00>單價<0>Unit Price<00>總價<
7、0>Total Price<0 0>幣制<0>Currency<0 0>征免<0>Kind of Tax<0 0>稅費征收情況<0>Tax Paid or Not<00>錄入員<0>Input Person<00>錄入單位<0>Input Company<00>茲聲明以上申報無訛并承擔法律責任<0>The undersigned hereby Declares that the above statement are correct and le
8、gal liability.<00>海關(guān)審單批注及放行日期(簽章)<0>Customs Examination Endorsement and Release Date (signature)<00>審單 審價<0>Documents check Check price<00>報關(guān)員<0>Custom Broker<00>申報單位(簽章)<0>Declaration Company(signature)<00>征稅<0>Tax Levy<00>統(tǒng)計<0>
9、;Statistics<00>單位地址<0>Company Address<00>郵編<0>Post Code<00>電話<0>Telephone No.<00>填制日期<0>Filling Date<00>查驗 放行<0>Identification Release<0Customs Declaration Form 報關(guān)單 An exporter has to apply to the customs for declaration of the co
10、mmodity before the shipment. The customs officer will sign on the customs declaration form and release the goods if the goods are up to the requirement. 出口方必須在裝運前對出口貨物進行報關(guān),如果貨物符合要求,海關(guān)官員就簽署報關(guān)單對貨物進行放行。 The person who asks for declaration is required to be qualified, that is to say, he/she
11、should have the certificate of customs declaration. The examination is held by the General Administration of Customs of P.R.C. 申請報關(guān)的人要求具備資質(zhì),就是說他或她應(yīng)有報關(guān)證??荚囉芍腥A人民共和國海關(guān)部署舉行。 The customs declaration form is in different colors, for example: the white one is made out for general trade and the
12、pink one is used for processing trade. The contents of these documents are similar. We take the specification of an export customs declaration form for general trade as an example to show the method of making out the document. 報關(guān)單有不同顏色,如白色報關(guān)單按一般貿(mào)易繕制,粉紅色報關(guān)單用于加工貿(mào)易。這些單據(jù)的內(nèi)容相似。我們以一般貿(mào)易的出口貨物報關(guān)單的內(nèi)容為例介
13、紹該單據(jù)的繕制方法。The Main Contents and Notes of Customs Declaration Form: 報關(guān)單的主要內(nèi)容及注釋: 1. 預(yù)錄入編號:No. of Pre-recordIt is given by the customs while the exporter is applying to customs. It is given by computers automatically. 出口方申請報關(guān)時由海關(guān)給的編號,是由計算機自動編制的。2.
14、 海關(guān)編號:No. of CustomsIt is given by the computer system automatically or given by the custom officer. 由計算機系統(tǒng)自動編制或由海關(guān)人員給出。3. 出口口岸:Port of ExportIt refers to the name and code of the customs at final port of export. 指最后口岸的海關(guān)名稱及代碼。說明:若出口貨物在設(shè)有海關(guān)
15、的發(fā)運地辦理報關(guān)手續(xù),出口口岸仍應(yīng)填寫出境口岸的名稱。如在深圳辦理報關(guān)手續(xù),陸路運輸至上海出境的貨物,其出口口岸為上海。同時加注關(guān)區(qū)代碼。 4. 備案號:record number for checkingIt refers the number of “Register Manual” or the number of “Certificate of Paid or Free Tax” 指登記手冊編號或征免稅證明編號。5. 出口日期:Date of
16、ExportIt refers to the date of shipment. It is the applied date of departure of the vessel. 指發(fā)運日期,也就是船申報出境的日期。6. 申報日期:Date of ApplicationIt is the date that the exporter applies for declaration. 指出口方向海關(guān)申報出境的日期。7. 經(jīng)營單位:Executive
17、companyFill in the companys name who signs and executes the S/C in Chinese, (generally refers to the exporter), and the customs code of the company. 用中文填寫簽訂和執(zhí)行合同的公司(一般指出口人)名稱及經(jīng)營單位代碼。說明:如果總公司簽訂合同,由分公司執(zhí)行,則填分公司名稱。出口企業(yè)間相互代理,以代理方為經(jīng)營單位。注意填寫全稱,注明經(jīng)營單位代號,該代號是出口企業(yè)辦理海關(guān)注冊登記時,海關(guān)設(shè)置的編碼,共10位數(shù)字。 8.
18、 運輸方式:Mode of TransportationIt refers to the final departure mode of transportation , such as sea, road, railway and air, etc. 指貨物出境的最后運輸方式,如江海、公路、鐵路及航空等。9. 運輸工具名稱 Name of Transportation ToolIt refers to the name of departure tool of transportati
19、on (for example, sea for vessel and number of voyage, railway for the number of train and air for the number of flight). 指貨物出境的運輸工具名稱 (如江海填船名及航次,鐵路填車次,航空填航班號)。10. 提運單號 Delivery NumbersIt refers to kinds of transportation documents numbers. Such as sea for B/L No., air for flight bill No.
20、 and road for receipt No., etc. 指各類貨運單據(jù)號碼。如海運提單,空運航單及陸運承運收據(jù)等。11. 發(fā)貨單位:Entrusting CompanyIt refers to the manufacturer or exporter 指生產(chǎn)方或出口方。12. 貿(mào)易方式:Mode of TradeFill in the mode of trade stipulated in “Customs Modes of Trade Numbers” in brief style.說明:貿(mào)易方式共分為七種:一般貿(mào)易(即正常貿(mào)易),寄售
21、、代銷貿(mào)易,對外承包工程,來料加工,免費廣告品、免費樣品,索賠、換貨、補貿(mào)和進口貨退回等。一般貿(mào)易的編碼為0110。 13. 征免性質(zhì):Kind of taxFill in the kind of tax in brief style stipulated in “the Customs Tax Kinds”. Such as general tax or free of tax. 按海關(guān)征免稅性質(zhì)代碼表中確定的征免性質(zhì)簡稱填寫。如一般征稅或免稅。14. 結(jié)匯方式:Payment styleIt refers to the payment sty
22、les of L/C, D/P, D/A, T/T, etc. 指信用證、付款交單、承兌交單、電匯等付款方式。說明:結(jié)匯方式代碼表 結(jié)匯方式代碼 結(jié)匯方式 結(jié)匯方式代碼 結(jié)匯方式 1 M/T 6 L/C 2 T/T 7 先出后結(jié) 3 D/D 8 先結(jié)后出 4 D/P 9 其他 5 D/A 15. 許可證號 License No.If the export license is required, fill in the license number. 如果需要出口許可證,填寫許可證號。16. 運抵國(地區(qū)) Name
23、of Destination Country (Region)It is the final destination, generally the import country. 最后運抵國家或地區(qū),一般是進口國。17. 指運港 Designated Destination PortIt is the destination of port. 指目的港18. 境內(nèi)貨源地 Original Place of Delivered Goods19. 批準文號:Number of Approved DocumentsFill in
24、 the approved documents and numbers except the export license (If there is no other approved documents, it does not need to fill). 填寫除出口許可證外的其他批準文件及編號(如無其他批文則不用填寫)。說明:在出口退稅專用聯(lián),此欄要注明出口收匯核銷單編號。 20. 成交方式:Trade termsFill in according to the code of price terms stipulated in “Customs Trade Te
25、rms Codes”, for example, FOB, CFR, CIF. 按海關(guān)成交方式代碼確定的價格條件編碼填寫,如:FOB, CFR, CIF。21. 運費:FreightThey are the charges paid to the shipping company for transportation. Indicate type of the foreign currency. 指付給承運人的運輸費用。標明外幣種類。說明:運費標記:“1”運費率“2”運費單價“3”運費總價 例如:5%的運費率填報為5/1,24美圓的運費單價填報為502/24/2,700
26、0美圓的 運費總價填報為502/7000/3 注意貨幣代碼部分只須掌握以下常用代碼即可 美元(502)港幣(110)日元(116)英鎊(303)歐元(300)人民幣(142) 22. 保費: Insurance PremiumThe premium is paid for the goods insurance on CIF or CIP terms. Indicate type of the foreign currency. 在CIF和CIP條件下所付的貨物保險費。標明外幣種類。23. 雜費:Additional ExpensesIt ref
27、ers to the other charges except the freight and insurance premium. Fill in with RMB. 指運費和保險費以外的他費用。以人民幣填寫。24. 合同協(xié)議號:Contract No.25. 件數(shù):Number of packagesTotal number of packages 包裝總件數(shù)26. 包裝種類:type of packageFill in carton, bale, drum, case, etc.27. 毛重:
28、Gross WeightIt refers to the gross weight with packing weight, the unit is kg. 指帶包裝的總毛重,用千克表示。28. 凈重:Net WeightIt refers to the net weight without packing weight, the unit is kg. 指不帶包裝的總凈重,用千克表示。29. 集裝箱號:Container No.30. 隨附單據(jù):Attached DocumentsThey are the other d
29、ocuments except customs declaration form, such as copy S/C, Invoice, Packing List, etc. 除報關(guān)單外的其他單據(jù),如合同副本、發(fā)票、裝箱單等。31. 生產(chǎn)廠家:ManufacturerIt is the final firm that produces the goods for export. It may be filled in the exporter if it is unknown. 指生產(chǎn)出口產(chǎn)品的最后生產(chǎn)企業(yè)。如無法知曉,可填出口商。32. 標記嘜
30、頭及備注:Marks, Nos and RemarksFill in the shipping marks printed on packing. “N/M” is made out if there is no marks. 填包裝上印制的嘜頭。如無標記,請?zhí)睢癗/M”。33. 項號、商品編號:Item No. and Number of CommodityItem No. is refers to the order of this type of commodity in this customs declaration form. The number of commodity is
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