1、邢唷? ?ce?b欹? #鳵?鑄bjbj?8?Q1o?TTTT?)8t)?Dx?2? * * *?$?h34:?TT * *?S0?LT8 *? *?-?/ *?惸迶?)?L/d/$i00? /,m4G,?m4/m4?/$?xxx?)xxx)?T?TTTTTTH Y P E R L I N K h t t p : / / w w w . 4 j u an . c o m / k e . h t m ZP 諎槝,THh?N 陙 3 6 5 , Q!hT:NO 鎷苸銐 T! hQ 齎 2 0 0 9 t1g 陙 鼅T 駛韹(N) 諎槝z 鉔x0 0 7 9 4鲖 THhkX(WT槝竳鴙擽 MOnN
2、!韹誰孴蛬 Gl 0 蜰 A0B0C0D 踁*N恲?N 慂 Q N*N gsOTHh 0 ?0 Y ?b*g 怗 W 鄀 R 0( ,gY 槝 qQ2 0槝蟢槝 1 RqQ2 0 R)1 .D a r k n e s sd o e s n tt r o u b l ec a t s ,f o rt h e yc a ns e e_ _ _ _ _ _ .A .i nd a r kB. in the darkC. in a darknessD. in darkness2._ work has been done to improve people 抯 living standard.A. Man
3、yB. A great manyC. A large number ofD. A great deal of3. All the reference books should be made _ to the teachers and students in ouruniversity.A. concernedB. availableC. relatedD. flexible4. 揋 ood-bye, Mr. Wang. I 抦 pleased _ you.?A. to meetB.meetingC. to have been meetingD. to be met5. We tried to
4、 _ the nervous old lady that flying was safe.A. secureB. ensureC. assureD. certify6. You can 抰 hear what I 抦 saying _ you stop talking.A. only ifB. unlessC. lestD. except that7. Mr. Holmes called at many schools _ he lived to ask them to accept his son,but he was refused everywhere for being a black
5、.A. thatB. around whereC. near whichD. which8. My wallet is nowhere to be found. I _ when I was on the bus.A. must stop itB. should have drooped itC. must have dropped itD. had dropped it9. _ , we should be glad.A. They arrive tomorrow B. Were they arriving tomorrowC. They were to arrive tomorrowD.
6、Were they to arrive tomorrow10. _ the places I have been to, I enjoyed the restaurant here the most.A. From allB. All ofC. Of all D. All11. The quality of this kind of computer is _ to that of imported computers.A. worseB. inferiorC. indifferentD. much better12. If you don 抰 go, I shall not _.A. eit
7、herB. tooC. alsoD. yet13. Before joining the army, he spent a lot of time in the village _ he belonged.A. to whichB. whichC. to whereD. at which14. There was nothing they could do _.A. but to waitB. only to waitC. but waitD. unless they waited15. If Dorothy had not been badly hurt in a car accident,
8、 _ in last month 抯 OlympicGames.A. she would participateB. she might participateC. she would have participatedD. she must have participated16. Not only _ be interesting to us, but also its language will help us incomposition.A. the novel willB. will the novelC. is the novelD. the noveloliticians to
9、stick to handshake because_.A. it is popular at home and abroadB. it is their traditionC. it saves timeD. Russian women have a strong love of it22. By mentioning Brezhnev, the author _.A. wants to show his respect to BrezhnevB. admires Brezhnev for his skills at kissingC. just shows the media made f
10、un of pictures of politicians kissingD. praises Brezhnev 抯 good relation with Honecker23. If the tsar kissed a Russian woman, she would feel _.A. nervousB. proudC. shamefulD. curious24. We can infer from the last two paragraphs that _.A. Kleshko is strongly against any kind of kissB. Kleshko is a ma
11、n out of dateC. Gorlove shares the same view with Kleshko in single-sex kissesD. Gorlove won 抰 kiss any man in any form25. What does the last sentence mean?A. It 抯 OK for the men-to-men kiss afer work.B. Men-to-men kiss violates the rule of decency especially at work.C. Men-to-men kiss advocates the
12、 rule of decency especially at work.D. It 抯 normal for the woman-to-man kiss at work.Passage TwoEven before my father left us, my mother had to go back to work to support our family.Once I came out of the kitchen, complaining, 揗 om, I can 抰 peel potatoes. I have onlyone hand.?Mom never looked up fro
13、m sewing. 揧 ou get.yourself into that kitchen andpeel those potatoes,?she told me. 揂 nd don 抰 ever use that as an excuse for anythingagain!?In the second grade, our teacher lined up my class on the playground and hadeach of us race across the monkey bars, swinging from one high steel rod to the next
14、.When it was my turn, I shook my head. Some kids behind me laughed, and I went home crying.That night I told Mom about it. She hugged me, and I saw her 搘 e 抣 l see about that?look.The next afternoon, she took me back to school. At the deserted playground, Mom lookedcarefully at the bars.揘 ow, pull u
15、p with your right arm,?she advised. She stood by as I struggled to liftmyself with my right hand until I could hook the bar with my other elbow. Day afterday we practiced, and she praised me for every rung I reached. I 抣 l never forget thenext time, crossing the rungs, I looked down at the kids who
16、were standing with theirmouths open.One night, after a dance at my new junior high school, I lay in bed sobbing. I couldhear Mom comeinto my room, 揗 om,?I said, weeping, 搉 one of the boys would dance withme.?For a long time, I didn 抰 hear anything. Then she said, 揙 h, honey, someday you抣 l be beatin
17、g those boys off with a bat.?Her voice was faint and cracking. I peekedout from my covers to see tears running down her cheeks. Then I knew how much she sufferedon my behalf. She had never let me see her tears.26. Which of the following expressions can be used most suitably to describe Mom 抯attitude
18、 when she made the child peel potatoes?A. Cruel.B. Serious.C. Strict.D. Cold.27. From the passage, we know monkey bars can help a child train _.A. the skill to throw and catch thingsB. the speed of one 抯 hand movementC. the strength and skill to hang and sway D. the bodily skill to rotate round a ba
19、r28. What does the sentence 揑 saw her 憌 e 抣 l see about that?look?imply?A. Mom believed every aim could be achieved if you stuck to it.B. The race across monkey bars was not difficult enough for a child to give up.C. Mom was determined to prove she herself was better than the teacher.D. What the chi
20、ld had said brought Mom great attraction and curiosity.29. When the child looked down at the kids, they were standing with their mouths openbecause _.A. they felt sorry for what they had done beforeB. they were afraid the author might fall off and get hurtC. they wanted to see what the author would
21、do on the barsD. they were astonished to find the author 抯 progress30. The most probable conclusion we can draw after reading the passage is _.A. the last incident was sad enough to make Mom weepB. the child 抯 experience reminded Mom of that of her ownC.Momcouldsolveanyproblemexceptt h eo n ei nt h
22、el a s tp a r a g r a p hD .i nf a c tM o ms u f f e r e dm o r ei nt h ep r o c e s so ft h ec h i l d sg r o w t hb!h 髼 0(u 齎 E 栿?hh 鶴N RUS 蛬-N R 縹 W蚹 bW蚹膥T 剉麐髼 0( ,gY 槝 qQ2 0槝, 蟢槝 0 . 5 RqQ1 0 R) ( 鑜a uO(u 癳_ b_髼hGW 颯)3 1 .n e e d3 2 .t h i s3 3 .a n y t h i n g3 4 .m a r c h3 5 .w o o d36. sharp
23、37. couple38. bridge39. bound40. voice41. merely42. compare43. yellow44. without45. use46. guide47. touch48.person49.trouble50.friendsc!孾 b_kXzz( cknxTHhkX(WT槝竳鴙擽剉 MOnN) ( ,gY 槝 qQ2 0槝蟢槝 0 . 5 RqQ1 0 R)A蜰N RUS 蛬-N愰 bpS_剉蛬 kXzz蟢*N 蛬闟齹(u N!k 0d u r i n gf r e q u e n t l yh a l fc r o s sm a n a g ew
24、h e t h e rp a r t i a lh a r d l T釺鎀? )_?,y? e? 8d?- ?,X? dhgd!H? ?b? B?,?1-o-?0t?+? dhgd!H? +f?!H!v!?!1=?b%?u?*)Y)? *m*?G+? dhgd!H? ?,m,? -k-?.?P/? 050Z00?12? 3? dh $Ifgd!H? dhgd!H? ? M侻2N哊郚ZO糘PP漃QyQhR楻? dhgd!H? Ykd? $ $IfT?敵? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?a?奣 ?555A5?66? 7 7?U8V8? 9 9U9W9Y99?:L L LL$L孡怢朙楲篖糒 M MhMj
25、MR R:RRFRJR闟鬝 T TTT T T T T T蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯覦蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯蹯廩廩廩廩 h!H? j h!H? U U h!H? h!H? CJ h!H? h!H? CJo(Ty o ui n t oa6 9y o uh a v en o tth et i m et ot r a v e li nl i t e r a lt i me .A7 0m i n di so n et h a tc o nt a i n sm a n ys u c hl i v e sa n dm a n ysu c hw o r l d s .d!9hncbf
26、噀匭筟孾 bN R 錝 PvkX(WT槝竳鴙擽剉 MOnN 0( ,gY 槝 qQ1 0槝蟢槝 2 RqQ2 0 R)7 1 .T h eP r i n c et o l dA n d e r s e nI ti so n et h i n gt oa c ti np l a y s ,another to write them.?He means that_.72. By the well-known story Ugly Duckling, Andersen wants to tellus_.73. Sidney抯 main problem when he was on the stage
27、 for the first time is that_.74. In Night Watch, the Marine became the right son at the right time. He has provedin a very human way that_.75. By talking about fiddle tunes, and playing the violin, Agent X finally succeedin_.76. In Story of an Hour, Louise Mallard finally died because of_.77. In The
28、 Day I Was Fat, Lois never realized that she was fat because_.78. Mr. Budd helped the police arrest the criminal by_.79. To other Europeans, the best-known quality of the British, and in particular, ofthe English, is_.80. In Thank You, Ma 抋 m, the woman not only gave the boy money to buy a pair of s
29、hoesbut gave_.e!錝 P?褘 0 N R 錝 P褘 b 駛韹vkX(WT槝竳鴙擽剉 MOnN 0( ,gY 槝 qQ1 0槝蟢槝 2 RqQ2 0 R)8 1睌坃蛻亯FO NN 貜 g 詋睌蛻亯梍 Y 剉 N?08 2鲖 I NN bg 郠*N 顣槝亯顣O 08 3諲*Y 賍哊g 鰁魰鑜a 購 7h 剉婲 08 4SbW:g 騗蟸珗梴:gb 諷鉔 08 5 b 霳 ck(W簨繬 HN 鰁 P珟 08 6諲籗?齎MR騗蟸f哊5 t駛韹 ?D猩陏?寕? K?嗌陏?寕? K?8h t t p : / / w w w . 4 j u a n . c o m / k e . h t m?
30、$ $If? !vh5? ?#v?:V敵 ? ? ?5? ?4?a?奣?N?Nck 噀 $ 1$ a$ CJKHPJ_H aJmH nHsH tHHHh 槝1 $ $? & a$5丅*乸 hJ J!H?h 槝3$ $ d? ? ?&5丆 J乤 J$ A? $貫祂=刉SOF i? Fnf 恏?h:V ?4?4? l a?k ?鄀 Rh?2 Z? 2瘇噀,gOJQJJaJN Nu?w $? 9 r &dG$ P?a$CJaJ*B* ph?貓?貓?貓?貓?貓?貓?貓?貓?貓?貓?貓?貓?貓?貓?貓?貓?貓?貓?貓?貓 ?貓 ?貓 ?貓 ?0? j?v:?_?Hhw?D?;V? Fg? ?)_?,y?e?8d?-?,X?b?B?&? D?I?;k?
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