1、2019屆江蘇南京玄武區(qū)九年級5月測試(二模)英語試卷【含答案及解析】姓名_ 班級_ 分數(shù)_題號-二二三四五六七八總分得分、單項填空1.I have studied here for n early 3 years and I feel soproud _ my school.A.of_ B.with_ C.for_ D.by2.Who is that girl sta nding _ by the win dow?Well, her n ame is JennyA.friendlyB.sleepy C.lovely D.quietly3.Seas ons in Australia are d
2、iffere nt from those in the USA.When it is fall in New York, it is _ in Syd ney.A.summer B.spri ng C.autu mn D.wi nter4.Nearly two-thirds of dogs are lucky eno ugh to _ agift from their masters for their birthday and Christmas.A.raise_B.record_C.receive D.reply5.Its better to _ your notes before you
3、 do yourhomework every eve ning.A.look through B.look for C.look after D.look around6.It is reported that nearly_ foreig n kids joined aBritish board ing school last year,a nd a third of them camefrom Chi naA.nine thousand_ B.nine thousa nds7.When _ you _, Nancy?Im not sure. There is a lot of traffi
4、c on the road today.Ahave; arrived Bdid, arrive Cdo, arrive Dwill,arrive8.If we cannot reach an _ on the program, we willhave to vote.Aagreement Bdevelopment Ctreatment Dimprovement9. _I see your ID card, sir?No problem. Here you areACan_ BMay_ CNeed_ DMust10.What beautiful flowers! I cant decide_ f
5、or mymom.For Mothers Day, it cant be better to buy some carnations.Awhen to choose _ Bwhich to chooseChow to choose _ Dto choose what11.The _ you work, the more trust and praise youwill get from your workmates.Amore careful _ Bmore carefullyCmost carefully_ Dmost careful12.Dont touch the instruments
6、 in the laboratory _the teacher allows you to do that.Aunless Bwhen_ Cthough Dbecause13.Why is Sandy absent from school today?He is in hospitalHe hurt _ when doing DIY athome yesterdayCnine thousand of_Dnine thousands ofMy America n frie nd Sam is quite in terested in Nanjing, won ders.whe n was the
7、 Con fucius Temple built How high is the Purple Moun tai n that Nanjing wasvery rich in an cie nt times who built Dr. Sun Yat-se ns MausoleumLucky you! You should take good care of your thi ngs duri ng the trip.A.Well done B.Thank goodnessC.Forget it D.My pleasure、完形填空16.What is Saint Patricks Day?
8、Saint Patrick was a priest hundreds of years ago who mademany Irish peopleChristianity(基督教).He wasactually born in Brita in, but he has become an importa nt_ in Irishculture. There are many stories about him, killi ng all the sn akes inIreland and speaking with Irish ancient kings. Saint Patricks Da
9、y is areligious holiday to remember , but today it is also a day for celebrat ingIrela nd and Irish culture in gen eral. So_ do people celebrate it? Themost way is to wear somethi ng gree n. Gree n is one of the colors of the Irish flag, and Ireland ishisB.heC.himself D.him14.He15.stillhere.! I left
10、 my camera in the cafe and its Day arenEvery year on March 17, hun dredscelebrate this Irish_ allparades in New York, London, parties instreets ofare someSai nt Patrickof thousa nds of people thet Irish.overandThere areArge nti na. PeopleAustralia and New Zeala nd. Andcelebrati ons in Irela nd, too.
11、have fun inof course,all-nighttherealso famous for its beautiful green countryside. If you forget to wear gree n, you may get pin ched(捏、掐),pin chi ngpeople wh o forget to wear green is another Saint Patricks Day tradition. Butperhaps the sec ond most com mon way to celebrate, if you are_ eno ugh,is
12、 to drink lots and lots of Irish beer. Remember only adults can drink beer.Otherwise, you will be puni shed for being too young.1. A.habitB.holiday C.paradeD.game2. A.drinkB.smoke C.fightD.swim3. A.take inB.handin C.bring in D.believe in4. A.soldierB.heroC.hun ter D.king5. A.for exampleB.along withC
13、.in stead ofD.suchi as6. A.herB.himC.themD.7. A.howB.whyC.whe nD . where8. A.in teresti ngB.specialC.com monD stra nge9. A.thoughB.soC.un tilD.as10A.brave B.oldC.stro ng D.excited三、閱讀理解17.p18. ly:宋體;font-size:10.5pt1. Posted by: Monica, Canada_April 24 10.41 Black bread with ho neyA frie nd of mines
14、tayed in a hotel in In dia and the man ager gave this toher for stomachache. It really worked. Just take a pieceof bread and toast it until its black. Then put honeyon the bread and eat it. It doesnt look good, but itcan really help. So if you get stomachache, try thistherapy. 2. Posted by: Norma, U
15、SA_ April 249.25 Anonion If you get a high temperature, use an onion. It sounds stra nge but it helps. Cut onelarge onion intohalves and tie the half onion to the bottom of each ofyour feet. You shouldnt wear socks of course! I use thison my kids and it works every time. The therapy came from a rela
16、tive from down south. 3. Postedby: Hell,Australia_ April 23 18.03 A wet teabagHere is my tipfor toothache. You should put a wet teabag on the soretooth. I always have a wet teabag in the fridge so its there when I need it. 4. Posted by: Lameed,EnglandApril 23 16. 15 Salt waterWhen I was a child, I g
17、ot alot of headaches and my grandmother always did this for me.Put a few drops of warm salt w ater in your ears. Dont use really hot water. Do this three or fourtimes for both ears. Then lie down and close your eyes for aboutten minutes. 1.The above advice is about _ .Ahome problems _ Bhome therapie
18、sCfood and drinks _ Dmedicine2._gave a tip for a fever.AHell from Australia_ BLameeds grandmotherCA friend of Monicas DNorma from America3._According to the postings, you canif youhave a toothache.Atie half an onion to your feetBdrop warm salt water in your earsCeat a piece of bread with honeyDput a
19、 wet teabag on your sore teeth19.Nlav 219Dear Eda隔IDogs ar色wot king animals, rot pers They belong to the fertiL rounding up sheep and cattle J nthe city they arc just a kind of smdly noisy trouble.If we must have d_o英in thf city; thfy need io be trained properly Pitre are homeleu dogs andthe barkers
20、, there ar甘also th亡chasers and the bcundMS(野狗)一1These Terrible creatures lush up and aJmast knock you dovu before you tiave rimeTOdecide if thjty aiegreeting or attacking you.Farm dog? earn their keep, but the city ones have too mueh from their owTiers. Their food snot just dogfood It s delicious do
21、g food which th亡city dogs can eat happily Irom lheir dogg)rtoils.They also have a home-visit haircut which makes them different from comm on dos and fur-linedbaskets which thev 1膽doTi and hae a good fildep m.Sarah WilLisionFXfay 28i Dear Editor,1AVs:Sarah lllistoti (May 21)i we do gj、弋dogs a good Sf
22、e?but they pay us backI gnerpuily. afftettpu. and imclligrac-? aod gcod huoiour. Do第aic lovai and cau be i Zud&rfulc-omparions(同伴)一They占ill play safely訥th th亡Inds. or ftav patientand old people all day long. Dogs ar史increasingly being used in mining homes and hospitals a a companion, and in soni
23、c places,teachers eve口have a pct dog in cclassrcKHTL. It is true that trairung ait. Taking: care of a d&g builds characttfr騫well於offering a lot of pleasure-.SincerelyToirnBorLavi血1.According to Sarah, which of the following dogs is worth keeping?A.Barkers. B.Chasers. C.Farm dogs. D.Homeless dogs
24、.2.Both of the two people thi nk that_.A.dogs should have good foodB.dogs should be properly trainedC.dog owners spe nd too much on dogsD.dog owners should play with kids3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the two passages?A.Dogs can work well on farms._B.City dogs can have a home-visit hai
25、r-cut.C.Dogs may appear in the classroom in some places.dog takes consailerable time and effort, but it】EworthD.City dogs cannot be trusted when they are left alone.20.Florida tee n band The Garbage-Me n is performi ng on the stage. The band has five members.They are Jack Berry, Ollie Gray, Harris o
26、n Paparatto, Austin Siegel and Eva n Tucker. The fivetee ns are making music from waste. The Garbage-Me n bands in strume nts are made fromrecycledthi ngs. The guitarsare boxes. A horn(號)is made from pipes. The keyboard is formed from old bottles.The band started about two years ago. Jack Berry who
27、wasin eighth grade at the time decided to make a playable, home-made guitar, after sometrial-and-error(反復試驗),he endedup buildi ng it from a cereal box, a yardstick and toothpicks. After Jack showed his creati on to hisfrie ndOllie Gray, Ollie had the idea to form a band using other home-made in stru
28、me nts as a way toimprove recycli ng.“We want to show people there is more to recycli ng tha n throwi ng thi ngs awa y in the bin.” Jack, 16, told TFK.“You can actually reuse materials.”Last year, the Garbage-Me n played at local eve nts, in cludi ng festivals, farmers markets.Typically, the tee ns
29、set up on the street and performed popular songs from the 1960s, includingclassic Beatles and crowd favorite“Wipe Out”.They talked about recycli ng and offered tips for how to improve the environment. Whiletheywere performing, Jackslittle brother Trent, 11, gave out leaflets about recycli ngand help
30、ed sell the bands CDs and other musical products.The band don ated the money from sales to charity. They have raised more tha n $2,500 forHeifer Intern ati on al. The orga ni zati on gives farm ani mals, seeds and agricultural training topeople in poor coun tries to help end poverty and hun ger.“Its
31、 a good, sustainable -development(持續(xù)發(fā)展的)charity,”Jack says,“By donating oneanimal, you help the whole community.”The band, all tenth graders, tries to play a show every week. Theyve alsoplayed on a Florida radio station. The teens hope to take their shows on the road by touring inother states.“Music
32、 is a really good way to get a goodmessage across to people because its really close.”Jack says. Theirinstruments may be rubbish, but their message isnt.1._ They are all members ofthe Garbage-Men band EXCEPT _ .AOllie Gray BTrent Berry CAustin Siegel DJack Berry2. Which of the following is the corre
33、ct order of what the teens have done?1The Garbage -Men played at local events.2Jack Berry made a playable, home-made guitar.3The band donated the money from sales to charity.4Ollie decided to form a band using home -made instruments. A B C D 3. Whats the best title for the passage?AClassical music a
34、nd rubbishBA special bandCHome-made musical instrumentsDA pioneer of country music4._ The five teens formed the bandwith the purpose of _ .Amaking musical instruments from rubbishBearning more money to help support their own familiesCasking more people to recycle daily rubbish around themDmaking the
35、ir musical products known all around the world21.Do you sometimes find you want to eat chocolate or ice cream very much?Do you then make it but feel guilty about it later?The next time this happens to you, think back if you have had enough sleep over the last 3-5 days.Many adults and even teens have
36、 noticed that they crave midnight snacks when working orwatching TV late.New research shows that lack of sleep could lead us to have an increased appetite (食欲)-especially for theunhealthy kind.Recently, researchers at the University of Chicago carried out a study that clearly shows that alack of sle
37、ep actually changes our brain chemistry! Studies were done ontwo control groups over four days. Both groups had their food and sleep strictly controlled. All ofthem received three meals. The only difference was that one group was allowed to sleep for 7.5hours while the other group slept for a little
38、 more than four hours.During the following visit, their sleep patterns were exchanged. After the last night of the session,the volunteers were offered as much food as they wanted to eat. Researchers noticed that in bothsessions, people who sleep less ate on an average 300 calories more than those wh
39、o had sleptmore. This was much more calories than what their bodies would need to make up for the threefewer hours of sleep.What Is Going On?The researchers then analyzed the chemicals(化學成分)in the blood of the people in the study.What they noticed was surprising. High levels of ghrelin (a chemical t
40、hat makes us hungry) andlower levels of leptin(the chemical that tells the brain that it is satisfied)were found in the peoplewith less sleep.Even more surprising was that this group had higher levels of endocannabinoids - the samechemical that is caused by drugs such as cannabis(大麻) . The endocanna
41、binoid system causesa craving for sugar and fatty foods and leads to overeating even when the body is not hungry. Thisstudy suggests that sleep changes help produce chemicals in the body that are similar to takingdrugs!Furthermore, researchers noticed that food cravings continued for a long period o
42、f time, well afterthe lack of sleep. This increases the risk of over-eating for longer periods, leading to obesity (肥胖).Your body needs 7-8 hours of sleep each night. So, the next time you reach for a bag of chips or aslice of decadent cake, think of the amount of sleep you have had recently!1. Acco
43、rdi ng to the passage, people want to eat more whe n they_.A.work B.watch TV C.sleep less D.sleep more2. The wordcravei n paragraph 2 most probably means_A.hope B.want C.hate D.dislike3. From the passage, we can lear n that _ .A.people feel guilty about eat ing chocolateB.un healthy food makes peopl
44、e sleep less and lessC.a persons sleep has nothing to do with his/her appetiteD.a study about sleep and obesity was carried out at the Uni versity of Chicago4. The chemical that makes us feel hungry is called_ .A.ghrelin_ B.leptimC.cann abis D.en doca nnabino ids5. This article is mai nly about_.A.r
45、esearchers working on peoples sleepB.how peoples sleep in flue nces their appetiteC.how much people n eed to eat after sleep ing lessD.A research about chemicals in the blood of people四、單詞拼寫22.根據(jù)括號中所給的漢語寫出單詞,使句子意思完整正確,并將答案填寫在答題卡標 號為4145的相應位置上。1. Look! The stude nts are practis ing hard to _ (for the
46、 PE exam.2. Leonardo DiCaprio _ (成功地)won his first Oscarfor his leadi ng role in movie The Reve nan t.3. The _ (行星)Mars is con sidered to have air which is very similar to that on theearth.準備)4. Many factories have moved away from the_ (part of Nanjing to reduce the pollution.5.With the development
47、of public transport, we can get to the other side ofthe Yangtze River quickly_ (通過) the tunnels connecting the twosides.23.根據(jù)句子意思,用括號中所給單詞的適當形式填空,并將答案填寫在答題卡標號4650的相應位置上。1.Do you know the _ (high) of the Greenland Square Zifeng Tower?About 450 meters.2. After waiting for two hours, passengers were be
48、coming_ (patient).3. In high schools, all _ (Canada) students take partin a very exciting activity called Take Your Children toWork Day.4._ (compare) the different effects of mobile phoneson teenagers , our teacher made a survey among us.5._ The (art) painting style was so special that all the peopl
49、e atthe show could not help discussing his painting excitedly.五、選詞填空24.根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,從下面方框中選擇適當?shù)膯卧~或短語填空,使對話內(nèi)容完整正確, 并將答案填寫在答題卡標號為5155的相應位置上。p25.ly:宋體; font-size:10.5ptregret_ will pass away_ iscaused by_ plays a main role_ get married Lifecomes in a package. This package includes happiness and sadness, fail
50、ure and success. Life is alearning process.Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person.Love 1. in our life. Love makes you feel wanted. In the early stage of our life, our parents are theones who show us love and care. They teach us about what is right and wrong, good and ba
51、d. Butwe dont always care about it. It is only after we 2. and have kids that a person understands othersfeelings.Happiness can bring people a peaceful mind. Sadness 3.the death of a loved one or the failure. But all of these things 4. .Failure is the path to success. it helps us to touch the sky, t
52、eaches us to survive and shows us aspecific way. Life teaches us not to 5. over yesterday. So the only way is to work hard today, sothat we will enjoy a better tomorrow.北部的)六、閱讀理解26.閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)所讀內(nèi)容,在文章后第56-65小題的空格里填入一個最恰當?shù)?單詞,并將答案填寫在答題卡標號為56-65的相應位置上。 _注意:每個空格只填 一個 單詞。Everyone needs a break, and holid
53、ays are a great way to take a break and enjoy a good book.Summer vacation is coming so this is the perfect time to discuss some great English literature totake on a long train journey while youre hanging out with the family.If youre at the beginner level, there are two choices: reading a childrens b
54、ook orreading a book that youveread in Chinese translation. This will help you understand better, since youve already known thestory. If youre atthe middle level, popular books like novels and mysteries are good choices, as they are attractiveenough to increase the possibility of your understanding
55、of the book. For top readers, sciencebooks, classical books or prize winners, such as Nobel, Pulitzer are good choices.The most important thing is to pick a book that yourereally interested in. When I pick up a new book in Chinese, the first few pages are always reallyhard to get through, as I have
56、to get used to the way the writer uses the language. But after that,things get a lot easier, especially if I like the story.Another great way to help you read in the holiday is to find a friend whos interested in readingthe same book.You can make goals that you both want to achieve and talk about th
57、e book with each other by QQor e-mail.Im doing that with my friend Laura. Weve done this since we wereclassmates in Chinese at college.Some quick recommendations: Harry Potter, start with the first book and go on from there; theNarnia series; and if you like horror, Stephen Kings novels are alwaysun
58、usual and fun. But really you should just find a topic or writer that youre interested in, and therest will go from there. Happy reading!27.ly:宋體; font-size:10.5ptTitle Enjoy 1. English books during the journey 2. of booksBeginners may pick a 3. bookor a book whose story is familiar to them.Popular
59、books may mak e it 4. for middle-level readers to understand.Science books, classical books or prize winners may be5.for top readers. 6. to keep you readingPick a bookthat is interesting enough to keep you reading. After 7.used to the language, things get easier.Read along with a friend and 8. views
60、 with each other. 9. of some booksHarry Potter seriesNarnia seriesThe 10. by Stephen King七、單詞拼寫28.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容及首字母提示,填寫所缺單詞,并將答案填寫在答題卡標號為66-75的相應位置。Once upon a time, there was a man with a? ne house,healthy animals and fertile land. He also had a handsome, lovely son. But the man was worriedabout his son, b 1. the boy g
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