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1、顧家北0813精品班作文大作文Manypeople think it is very important to protect the environment but they make no effort to do it themselves. Whydo you think it is the case? What actions can be done to ensure that individuals protect the environment?顧家北Environmental problems have threatened the world but few people

2、have chose n to take any acti on to deal with these problems, although th realise the impact of these environmental woes on their lives. Weshould implement some changes to improve the situation.Many people spe nd money wisely, so they are not willi ng to purchaseenvironmentally friendlyproducts , de

3、spite the fact that these productscan help preserve the en vir onment. These products are n ormally more expensive than conventionalcounterparts . For example, LED lightingdevices are energy efficient,but normally charge consumers a higher pricetha n traditi on al light bulbs.Electric cars are n orm

4、ally likely to costmore moneythan those vehicles powered by petrol . As consumers do not opt for these gree n products, it is not easy to con serve resources and reduce polluti onAno ther reas on is that many people are not willi ng to cha nge their waysof life, even though these lifestyles can be h

5、armful to the environment.led to a sharp rise in electricityThe use of electrical equipme nt hasconsumption , which means that the power generation sector has a higher dema nd for fossil fuels . People also prefer to travel by car, but car emissions can cause global warming, which is a threat to the

6、 environment. The relianee on different electronic products including mobile phones is another issue, since many of these productsend up in Iandfill sites .These problems can be tackled by two policies. Governments can enact laws to forbid those behaviours which can cause damageto the environment, s

7、uch as disposing of waste carelessly . Those who drop litter should be fined, so the en vir onmen tal impact of this behaviour can be reduced. Ano ther solution is to offer subsidies to encourage people to go green. For example, those con sumers who buy fuel efficie nt cars can be subsidised, so car

8、 emissi ons can be reduced sig nifica ntly.Currently,more and more people are aware of the importanee ofen vir onmen tal protect ion but the public n ever give priority to protect environment during their daily life.One reas on acco unts for the phe nomenon is that people live carefully without spe

9、nding their money on en vir onmen tal products. Households livewith a tight budgetare not willing to spend their money these products,whose prices are higher than other similar goods. For instance, LEDlights are energy saving, but they are more expensive than incandescent bulbs. Similarly, prices of

10、 electric vehicles are higher than those of traditional vehicles averagely. For the sake of money, people quit buying green products and this is contrary to our purpose of environmental protection.Another reason can be that people are not willing to change their living styles, which need to consume

11、various kinds of energy. For example, electronic appliances consumeelectricity while driving consumespetrol. Especially those who are fond of plenty of materials consume more.Personally, the government are supposed to establish relevant laws to ban citizens from doing detrimental behaviours to envir

12、onment. Punishments are imperative for those who littered. On the other hand, it is also imperative for the government to give subsidies to encourage environmental protection. Some countries, such as China, provide subsidies for those who purchasing vehicles under 1.6L.All in all, only through the j

13、oint efforts of government and individuals can we live in a sustainable environment.Currently, a large proportion of children are exposed to an ocean of commercial advertisements day to day. I amon the side that the ads, which purposely incite kids to buy snacks, toys and electronic games, should be

14、 limited or even, banned.Suppose that ads aim to kids were rectified, children will not request their parents to buy what they want day in and day out. Kids lack sensitivity to price, nevertheless, parents tend to satisfy their material needs. For instance, somechildren like expensive toys and girls

15、 are in favor of clothes. This will bring a heavy burden for the middle-class families. Only by minimize the impact of ads on kids can the problem be avoided.Children may have eccentric behaviours and bad living habits due to the ads. Somekids are fans of fast food, since they see ads of it every da

16、y. Others are in bad temper, due to the violent games they play daily. The predominance of games is also resulted from merchants' propaganda. Allthese problems will influence the healthy growth process of kids both physically and mentally.However, we cannot deny that some ads do have their adva

17、ntages to kids.Some advertiseme nts promote nu trie nt food, such as milk, wheat, etc.Mean while, someadvertise books, gamesa nd educati onal toys. Pare nts, who are not familiar with these products, can have a comprehe nsive verdict accord ing to advertiseme nts.In a nu tshell, I stron gly suggest

18、the gover nment ban ads whose targetconsumers are kids, especially if their products are harmful to children.But if the products the advertisements focus on are beneficial, then the ads should be allowed.小作文第篇第 篇The table illustrates the proportion of people who are laid off in Poland,Denmark, Germa

19、ny, Italy and Hungary. The two colons are the figures ofyoung people (aged from 15-24) and all citize ns respectively.The highest unemployment rate for young goes to Poland, which reaches 37% and is twice more tha n the rate of its overall rate 15%. Comi ng next is Italy. The proportion of its young

20、 citizens who are out of work is 23% and its un employme nt of whole country comes to top at 18%. Hun gary shows mediocre rates of 21%and 17%. And Germanfigures are 4%and 3%lower than Denmark respectively. Denmark keeps both figures lowest, with the unemployment rate for 15-24 age group 8% and for o

21、verall only 3%.All of the five countries show 35% rates lower of overall unemployment than those of the young, except Poland which has the largest gap between the two figures.第二篇 第二篇The bar charts provide us information about how families in an Asian country spent their money in 1998 and 2021.A glan

22、ce at the charts tells thatexpenditure on different goods in 2021overweighed that in 1998 except that spent on clothes. People gave much more priority to spiritual enjoyment which lead to a huge increase of expenditure on holiday, eating out, reading (newspapers and magazines) and going to cinema, r

23、ising from 8% to 15%, 6% to 15%,3% to 8% and 3%to 5% respectively. The costs for electronic goods also increased from 12% to14% during the decade.The only difference is expenditure on clothes which was totally opposite to the mainstream. The proportion of it was 10%in 1998; however it dropped to hal

24、f of its original rates in 2021.All in all, the past 10 years witnessed a huge change of the expenditureon various of aspects for households.第三篇The charts tell the proportion of different categories of house people live in three parts of Australia in 2001 and 2006.In 2001, Victoria had 76%residents

25、in house, 12%in semi-detached house, 11%in apartments and the rest in other types. In NSW,house also accounted for the largest part of 66%, with 10% and 13% in duplex and flat respectively. And more people lived in other kinds. Tasmania had largest proportion of house living population, which reache

26、s 88%.Five years later, the rates for house all dropped 2%in the three regions. As for semi-detached house, Victoria, NSW and Tasmania saw 1% increase, 1percent decrease and stability respectively. The figures of flat all had a slightly increase. And for the rest unmentioned types, they remained the

27、 same at 1% except NSW rose from 11% to 12%.The table compares five Europea n coun tries in terms of the proporti ons of un employed people as well as the figures for those young people out of work.Poland had the highest youth unemployment rate at 37%, nearly five times the level in Denm ark. The le

28、vels of un employme nt for young people were similar in other countries, with the highest seen in Italy 23% and the lowest in Germa ny at 17%.It is clear from the table that in all these coun tries, the un employme nt rate for the younger generation was higher than the overall unemployment figures.

29、Interestingly, Poland, Germany, Italy and Hungary had similarun employme nt rates, ra nging betwee n 15% and 18%. The figure for Denmark was sig nifica ntly lower at 3%.Overall, youth unemployment was more serious in Poland than in othercountries. Denmarkhad the lowest figures for both youth unemplo

30、yment and overall unemployment, while other countries had similar figures for these problems.流程圖寫作The chart illustrates howto use cocoa beans to produce several food items for customers.Firstly, whole bea ns are carefully pick ing before drying in the shell.Then they are pressed into cocoa liquor, w

31、hich is the main material ofthe second stage. Then cocoa liquor is further pressed until it becomes a coca cake, which is directly sent to industry to make cakes and drinks or is sold to the con sumer after grin ded into cocoa powder. The cocoa liquor can also convert into cocoa and the n be sent to

32、 releva nt in dustry. Cocoa liquor, after further refining, mix with cocoa and sugar turns to industry chocolate.Finished chocolate products will be put on the shell,before the final process.All in all, cocoa bea ns can be used to produce cocoa powder, chocolate products and in gredie nts for releva

33、 nt in dustry through three simple stages starti ng from pre-process ing raw material to final packag ing for sell.顧家北The whole bea ns are picked at the first stage with shells removed, andthen dried and pressed until cocoa liquor is created. This marks the start of the second stage , which invoIves

34、 three processes. The cocoa liquor can be used to make coca cakes in the first option. Ano ther choice is the manufacture of cocoa, while cocoa liquor is refined in the third process to produce in dustrial chocolate.In the final stage, these materials are processed further to createdifferentend prod

35、ucts for either corporate clients or ordinary consumers.Coca cakes are ground into cocoa powder for in dividual con sumers, ordirectly delivered to cateri ng bus in esses which provide drinks and cakes. Cocoa in the sec ond procedure men ti oned earlier is also tran sported to these bus in esses. In

36、 con trast, the in dustrial chocolate is flavored with sugar, and finished chocolate productsare subsequently available forcon sumers.第篇第 篇The table provides us with data of the percentage of consumer expenditure on different items in five countries in 2002.The biggest number existed in Turkey, wher

37、e people spent 32.14% of their in come on food, drink and tobacco, almost five times the nu mber of percentage spent on clothing (6.63%) and eight times the figure of perce ntage spe nt on spiritual enjoyme nt. Coming n ext is Irela nd, whose perce ntage of n ati onal con sumer expe nditure of eati

38、ng was 28.91%. Costs for clothi ng and footwear acco un ted for on ly 6.43%, three times the expe nditure of leisure and educati on. Spain took the third place though the proportion of its national consumer expenditure was the lowest (1.98%).Expenditure of food items in Spain accounted for 18.8%, th

39、reefold the figure of its clothing spending. Italy and Sweden citizens had small perce ntages of in come spe nt on food(16.36% , 15.77%), only about half the figure of Turkey. However, their clothing costs (9%, 5.4%) and spiritual pay-outs (3.2%, 3.22%) were relatively high.In a nutshell, the percen

40、tages of national consumer expenditure by category in 2001 varied a lot among the five countries. But all shared some similarities, namely, largest proportion of expenditure on food, drink and tobacco and smallest percentage of leisure and education costs. 第二篇 第二篇The bar charts show the number of ma

41、rriages and divorces in USAand marital status of American adults during the period of 1970 to 2000.The number of marriages remained at 2.5 million in 1970 and 1980, after which it had a slightly decrease to 2 million in 2000. The divorces number started form 1 million in 1970 and suddenly increased

42、to almost 1.5 million during that decade. Then it dropped to nearly 1 million in 1980 and finally reached to its start ( 1 million ).The percentage of never married adults was 15% in 1970 and the figure inclined to 20% thirty years later. The proportions of both married and widowed adults saw drops

43、during the three decades. Married adultsaccou nted for 70% in 1970 while the figure was less than 60% in 2000. Asfor divorce rate, it had a significantrise form nearly 0%to almost 10%.All in all, the period from 1970 to 2000 wit nessed a huge cha nge ofmarriages and divorces in America. Both the tot

44、al nu mber and perce ntageof marriage decreased while the proportions of never married and divorced people saw an upward trend.流程圖The two diagrams illustrate how to produce ceme nt and how to use ceme nt to produce con crete.Ceme nt product ion is relatively complex and uses two materials. Firstly,

45、limest one and clay are placed in the crusher, where these materials are crushed by the crusher. Then powder is mixed by the mixer, before being heated by the rotating heater. At the next stage, heated powder is sent to the grind, where it is groun ded into ceme nt. And fin ally ceme nt is packed in

46、 the bags.Con crete product ion is relatively simple. 15% of ceme nt, 10% of water,25%of sand and 50%of gravel, namely small stones are mix in the concrete mixer, where they turned out to be concrete.All in all, ceme nt product ion in eludes 5 stages and the outcome ceme ntis one of the four raw mat

47、erials of the con crete product ion.地圖The maps show how an area cha nged duri ng the period of 1780 to 2000.In 1780, there were 100 homes located on the north-eastern corner withwoods to the south. A river crossed the area from south to north with four farms in the middle of the regi on.80 years lat

48、er, the number of dwelling places doubled to 200, while thenumber of farms dropped by half and woods also shrank in size. A road was built in the north area, connecting the living place to the river. Another major cha nge is that a bridge was con structed over the river.In 2000, the nu mber of homes

49、 sudde nly in creased to 500 and a n ewly builtroad, headi ng towards south replaced farm and woods area, which lin kedthe dwelli ng places to the school and sports field in the south. Severalshops opened to the right side of the downstream river with a wetland for birds to their south.Overall, this

50、 area saw an in crease in con struct ions such as dwelli ngplaces, schools and facilities, although farmla nd and forests wereremoved for new buildi ngs and tran sport in frastructure.大作文We live in cities or tow ns which have museums displayi ng historical andculturalimportanee, but people do not vi

51、sit them. Whydo you think peoplemuseums to society?顧家北Visitingmuseumsis hardly a rewarding experienee for many people, so they willnot consider this option when they can spend leisure time on other activities.These museumsdo not organize new exhibitions that can keep up with the trends, or provide a

52、ny form of en terta inment like in teractivegamesto attract the youngaudienee. This is why a trip to a museum can hardly compete for attention with sports, picnics and parties. Another reason is that people can gather information about those artefacts on display on the Intern et. They willin crease

53、kno wledge |about the stories behind and the cultural value of each item, without having to visit ing the museum in pers on.Museums can encourage visitors ' interest in their cultural heritage anddissem in ate kno wledge about a city o r a county ' s cultural assets. Some exhibiti ons may sh

54、ow an cie nt ute nsils used by previous gen erati ons, so people who atte nd these exhibiti ons may have a good idea of how traditi onal food was cooked. Some historical docume nts and pain ti ngs might show the architectural style which used to predo min ate, and many visitors might be impressed by

55、 the architectural achieveme nts of their an cestors. With such kno wledge, these visitors may make an effort to preserve some traditi ons and keep some old-fashi oned cook ing skills or buildi ng tech niq ues alive.Museums have also bee n operati ng as a cen ter of lear ning, where young people can

56、 keep up to date with the cutt in g-edge tech no logy in differe nt fields. The aviation museums, for example, give children aglimpse of the airline industryand even space travel, including spaceships and equipment supporting astronauts who explored the outer space. The museum of archeology can show

57、 them how some species have died out, and possibly in spire them to do research in biology and exte nd our kno wledge of how to preserve our ecosystem. They could n ot make contributionsto social progress, if they did not have access to such knowledge.Rece ntly, an in creas ingnumber of people refus

58、ed to pay a visit to museumsreasons mayaccount for thein their local places. Pers on ally,follow ing phe nomenon.Somepeople reckon museumsas boring places so that they are never willing to visit. For example, the historical and cultural importance displayed there has never changed and there is no en

59、tertainment, such as interactive games. All these tend to left people a boring feeling. In contrast, people prefer to join someinteresting activities such as ball games, picnic and dining out. Another reason is that nowadays people learn history and acquire science knowledge through internet rather than go to library in person. In


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