英文翻譯 形合與意合(課堂PPT)_第1頁
英文翻譯 形合與意合(課堂PPT)_第2頁
英文翻譯 形合與意合(課堂PPT)_第3頁
英文翻譯 形合與意合(課堂PPT)_第4頁
英文翻譯 形合與意合(課堂PPT)_第5頁
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1、1Lecture One1、Personal Introduction2、Introduction to the course3、Introduction to assessment(考評)4、Requirements and rules 5、Subject-prominent and topic prominent2Personal IntroductionName屈典寧 JoannaProfessional statusassociate professorTeaching experience1996-Educational backgroundOn-the-job Ph.DWays o

2、f contacPublic mail- 201120113Introduction to the course Purposes of the course Students will 1) know the major differences between Chinese and English 2) learn to use the related translation skills properly 3) cultivate bilingual(雙語的)translation ability4Textbook and reference books 教材:

3、 彭萍,實用英漢對比與翻譯M,中央編譯出版社,2009參考書: 杜爭鳴、陳勝利,英漢互譯原理與實踐教程M,北京,中國經(jīng)濟出版社,20085Assessment(考評) Make up of the final score: Total Mark(總評成績) = 70%期末考試成績+ 30% 平時成績 平時成績: attendance: 30% participation in class : 30% assignments: 40%6Final Exam Time: 90 minutes , within the class, 16th week Place: to be confirmed

4、Form: 1) Translation single sentences 2) Translation paragraphs 80% : from the textbook 20%: outside the textbook7 重要概念 Important concepts 原語 : source language (SL) 目的語 : target language (TL) 原文: source text 譯文: target text 翻譯腔: tranlationese 口譯:interpretation interpret 口譯人員:interpreter 筆譯:translati

5、on translate 筆譯人員:translator 直譯:literal translation 意譯: free translation 8直譯的例子直譯的例子: crocodile tears 鱷魚的眼淚 armed to the teeth 武裝到牙齒 chain reaction 連鎖反應 gentlemens agreement 君子協(xié)定 paper tiger 紙老虎 go to ones external rest 安息 sleep the long sleep 長眠 see Marx 見馬克思 go west 上西天 go to heaven 上天堂9意譯(free tr

6、anslation) Adams apple 喉結 at sixes and sevens 亂七八糟 It rains cats and dogs. 大雨滂沱/傾盆大雨 10 直譯字對字翻譯 word for word translation : 直譯要近情理,便于讀者理解、接受,否則就會變成硬譯、死譯。 How are you? *怎么是你? How old are you? *怎么老是你? He is lying on his back . *他臥在他的背上。 心花怒放 *heart flower angry open be wild with joy/ be elated feel ex

7、uberantly happy burst with joy11 Free translation wishful translation (to add or delete the content of the original, or add personal emotion) 意譯應當注重事實依據(jù),不能無中生有、隨意杜撰,否則就會變成胡譯、亂譯。12 Translation standards 翻譯標準 傅雷:以效果而論,翻譯應當像臨畫一樣,所求的不在形似在神似-重神似不重形似Spiritual resemblance錢鐘書:把作品從一國文字轉變成另一國文字,既能不因語文習慣的差異而露出

8、生硬牽強的痕跡,又能完全保存原來的風味。 化境Sublime adaptation13奈達:(Eugene Nida): 動態(tài)對等/功能對等 在譯語中用最貼近最自然地對等語再現(xiàn)原語的信息,首先是意義,其次是風格。 嚴復: “信、 達、雅” 信 :忠實 faithfulness 達: 流暢 smoothness 雅: 古雅 elegant科技翻譯:信: Faithful in content (內(nèi)容上忠實于原文)順:Smooth in expression (表達上通順) 14 Translation Steps理解 表達 校對 理解階段:幾層意思? 邏輯關系? 表達階段: 順序:照搬原文邏輯順

9、序 OR 重組? 表達:直譯 OR 意譯 校對: 意思是否譯出 表達是否通順, 是否符合目的語的規(guī)范15Why will the comparative method be taken?英漢對比的重要性1、語法對比: 英漢句法結構的差異 英語的主語顯著與漢語的主題顯著 英語的形合與漢語的意合 英語的被動與漢語的主動 英語的靜態(tài)與漢語的動態(tài) 英語的末端開放與漢語的首端開放 英語的演繹與漢語的歸納 英語的抽象概括與漢語的具體形象 英語的樹狀結構與漢語的竹式結構2、語義對比 my uncle3、文化對比 to laugh off ones head: *笑掉腦袋? Do you see any gr

10、een in my eye? *你在我眼睛里看到了綠色嗎? 你以為我幼稚可欺的嗎?16譯者的素質(zhì)1、扎實的語言功底 bilingual competence(雙語能力)2、廣博的知識3、嚴謹?shù)墓ぷ鲬B(tài)度 4、善于使用合適的工具書 英漢詞典、英英詞典、百科全書、網(wǎng)絡17Procedures of the classStep 1: Revision / homework- checking 3 students present their translation exercises and explain why they do so Step 2: New stuff introduction S

11、tep 3: PracticeStep 4: Summary 18英語的形合(hypotactic)與漢語的意合(paratactic)美國翻譯家奈達在譯意(Translating Meaning)譯書中指出:“就漢語和英語而言,也許在語言學上最重要的一個區(qū)別,就是形合和意合的對比。” 英語的“形合”: hypotactic 是指通過形式手段表達句中的語法意義以及詞與詞之間、分句與分句之間的邏輯聯(lián)系 英語的語法意義、以及詞與詞、句與句之間的聯(lián)系呈現(xiàn)出外外顯性顯性(Explicitness)。漢語的漢語的 的的“意合意合”: paratactic 則指詞語或分句之間不用或較少使用形式手段進行連接

12、,句中的語法意義和邏輯關系通過詞語或分句的內(nèi)在的含義來表達。 漢語的語法意義、詞與詞、句與句之間的聯(lián)系呈現(xiàn)出內(nèi)隱內(nèi)隱 (implicitness )的特點、19Tips on translation 漢譯英時:仔細分析并挖掘句子的內(nèi)在邏輯聯(lián)系,然后采用適當?shù)脑~匯和語法形式將內(nèi)在的邏輯聯(lián)系表示出來。 內(nèi)隱型(漢語) 外顯型(英語) Chinese(意合) English (形合)英譯漢時:根據(jù)漢語的特點,省略不必要的連詞和形式手段。 外顯型(英語) 內(nèi)隱型(漢語) English(形合) Chinese (意合) 20Preliminary EXAMPLES Sentence translati

13、on 1、冬天來了,春天還會遠嗎? 2、施恩勿記,受恩勿忘。 3、留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒。 4、燕子去了,有再來的時候;楊柳枯了, 有再青的時候;桃花謝了,有再開的時候。 5 、熱脹冷縮是所有物質(zhì)的共性。21EXAMPLES Sentence translation 1、冬天來了,春天還會遠嗎? 2、施恩勿記,受恩勿忘。 3、留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒。1、If winter has come, will spring be far behind?2、If you do somebody a favor/confer a benefit, never remember it; if you rec

14、eive one, remember it always/ never forger it. 3、As long as the green mountains are there, you neednt worry about the shortage of firewood. 22EXAMPLES Sentence translation 4、燕子去了,有再來的時候;楊柳枯了,有再青的時候; 桃花謝了,有再開的時候。 5 、熱脹冷縮是所有物質(zhì)的共性。4、If swallows go away, they will come back again. If willows wither, the

15、y will turn green again. If peach blossoms fade, they will flower/bloom again. 5、It is common for all matters/ a common property of all matters to expand when (they are) heated and contract when (they are) cooled. 23Intermediate examples1、1995年,我出生于北京,是老三,上面有兩個姐姐。后來,又生了個弟弟,爸爸這才決定不生老五了,有老四繼承香火就行了。2、李

16、立:男,現(xiàn)年25歲,畢業(yè)于北京大學中文系。二十歲時開始發(fā)表作品,已發(fā)表小說二十余篇。該同志有一定的組織領導能力,擬提升為文藝科科長(the section of literature and arts) 。 組織領導能力: leading and organizing talent24Intermediate examples1、1995年,我出生于北京,是老三,上面有兩個姐姐。后來,又 生了個弟弟,爸爸這才決定不生老五了,有老四繼承香火就行了。Reference translation:1: I was born in Beijing in 1995. With two elders sis

17、ters, I was thethird child in the family. Later, with the birth of a boy intothe family, my father decided that there would be no more child in the family as it was enough for my brother to carry on the family name. 25Intermediate examples2、李立:男,現(xiàn)年25歲,畢業(yè)于北京大學中文系。二十歲時開始發(fā)表作品,已發(fā)表小說二十余篇。該同志有一定的組織領導能力,擬提

18、升為文藝科科長。 Li Li, a 25-year old male, graduated from the Chinese Department of Beijing University. Starting to publish creative works at the age of 20, he has now published about 20 novels. With considerable leading and organizing talent, he is therefore/hereby recommended to be the director for the s

19、ection of literature and arts. 26Intermediate Examples 3.As I walked along the sand, I was captivated by the warm breeze, the sound of the ocean, and the light glinting off the water. 4. Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips, computers with in-built personalities will be rega

20、rded as workmates rather than tools, and the digital age will have arrived.(2001年研究生英語入學考試)27 5. This Above All is a story of great emotional conflict between a girl who knew and loved the England of hunting, cricket, and afternoon tea, and a man who knew and hated the England of slums, mines, starv

21、ation and disease. Above All:電影名頭等大事Intermediate example28Intermediate Examples 3.As I walked along the sand, I was captivated by the warm breeze, the sound of the ocean, and the light glinting off the water. 4. Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips, computers with in-built p

22、ersonali-ties will be regarded as workmates rather than tools and the digital age will have arrived.(2001年研究生英語入學考試)參考譯文:1、漫步沙灘,暖風輕拂,海濤陣陣,海面波光粼粼,我不由沉醉其中。2、孩子們玩的娃娃里裝有個性化芯片;個性化配置的電腦將成為人們的工作伙伴而不僅僅是工具。我們將步入數(shù)字時代。29Intermediate example 5. This Above All is a story of great emotional conflict between a girl who knew and loved the England of hunting, cricket, and afternoon tea, and a man who knew and hated the England of slum


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