1、is one ofthepra cticalformofvalue s.Theso-called val uesrefers tothe objective thi ngs are ofnovalueand thevalue offundamentalperspective.Differentvalues, people's behaviour, attitudes,ways aredifferent.People-oriented focus onhuman value and reality,weneedthe br oade stmassesasvalue s.A dhereto
2、 pe ople -oriented val ues, ist omakethe economymoredevelopme nt,improve democracy, cult uralprosperit y,and live a happi er;is deeply concer nedt hat huma n deve lopme ntand humanvalue s, devel opme nt of social a ndhuman developmentofrationalunified,insisted i nthe m aterialcivili zation,political
3、 civilizati on a ndspiritual civilizati on i nthe ov eralladvancement ofSociali st civilizati on toa higher l evel.Alsowant tosee that person's value isnotonly meetyour needs,also istomeettheneeds ofot hers andthe community.A dheret opeople -or iented,to stronglyadvocateeverycommunitymember,serv
4、eothers,benefici altothe community ofpeople.Theso-calle d Outl ookattitude is onthe re cord, includingw ho, howto create arecordofachievements, howtoevaluate perform ance, a nd so on.What values,what kindofOutlook.Adheretopeople -orie ntedOutlook,is on thepremiseofrespecti ng the i nterestsand power
5、ofpeopl e, creati ng a popul ar,warmhe arts,steady heartperforma nce, creating"servefor one officer,the be nefitof"achievement s,and overallconstruction ofwell-offsociety and pr omoting theall-r ound developmentof peopl e's performa nce.Achi evement evaluati on i n bot heconomic a ccom
6、plishments,take anotherlookatthe effectiveness ofsocialpr ogress; cha nges in bot h ur ban a nd rural change; both harde nvironme nttostrengt hen a ndtake anotherl ook atthe softenvironmentimprovementmomentumofdevel opme ntat present, de pending onthe potentialforsustai nabl edevel opme nt. Leave pe
7、ople totalka bout"values" areworthless andleave peoplet otalkabout "Outl ook" is not whatt heperforma nce.4. peopleresponde dtothe startingpoint ofthequestion,andreplie d toquesti ons poi nt. Ma n isthe sumofsocial rel ationshi ps. Weca nnot leav ethe chichua nyongdu,housi ng,tou
8、rism andentertainment,e ntertaini ng,andeven certain politi cal,e conomic,cult uraland social e nvironme nt,and so on. Due to huma n nee ds,allw alksoflifewillcomeintobei ng. Pe ople create fortheir survival,a nd conti nueenjoying theresultsoftheconstr uction. Colorfulin t hetransformation ofthepeop
9、le oftheworl d,communityvitality in thecreati on of man.Therefore , anywork wedo, thestarti ng pointis human,whatare people.Us speed updevelopment,thecore ofwhi chis t o meetthe needs ofpe ople, incl udi ng survivalnee ds,emoti ona lnee ds and self-actualization needs.It shoul d be note dthatpe opl
10、e arenot machi nes, notthe slave ofan object, nottobecontrolle d.Pe opl e havetheir own personality,hasits ow n personal ity,has its owndig nity. Person in nee d ofcare,y ou needto understand, needtomeet.Itis saidt hat inthe "agriculturalsociety, peoplepl ant" in"industrial society, m
11、a n isana nimal""the information society,return八、初步施工組織計劃第一章 施工組織機(jī)構(gòu)、施工總平面布置圖、施工總體進(jìn)度計劃表第二章質(zhì)量目、工期目(包括總工期、節(jié)點工期 )、安全目標(biāo)第三章對項目重點、難點工程的理解及施工方案、工藝流程第四章保證措施一、質(zhì)量體系與保證措施二、工期保證措施三、人員安排與保證措施四、安全生產(chǎn)保證措施五、環(huán)境保護(hù)、水土保持、施工后期的場地恢復(fù)措施六、支付保障措施satisfactionofplacem odifie d up,notmake nominal offormalism,do grandsta
12、ndi ng ofcosmetic,tpe ople i s notonlyaniquirement.Philosophy thrd, will be around tops thene wCe ntralcoll ective leopment ofconnotation,developme ntesse ntials, furtherdee penthe essence of developmentand innovation, isidea aleascies the Office ofpartyCommittee,won promoti ng comprehensive, coordi
13、natedand sustainadrafted tortoraise thelevelofyour presentatii on.our presthe main Officeof"products",istportsureservice leveople i n favour ofthe report,how manypaid.-I - . II d I. _.swe a ccurategraspled care ofwork aret - oas understand,Ge neralled consi derofpr oblem aret.L . . I I IL
14、M . >I Iorapproa ch poli cyand locala ctual combi ned up,putpreseh ofconnotation. Second,then ofthe ba se,the road tosuccessi ssometg, is ourforthePartyCommittee'sood idea,an important parti ndustrialXINGcity,andfarmers increpoliticalparticipation based on conspiracyto adhereto people-oriente
15、omotecoordinationDevelopme ntevents, greatseofyour pre sentation,mai nlyde pends on howm uchwe drafteda docume nt recognize dbyth e leadershi p, howmanyare l isteni ngto thepe manpow erdevel opme nt,andseeki ng,major probl em andfostera dvantage industry, a nd adjustme ntagricult uralstructure,a ndc
16、arriedarchi ngs.T he16 sessi on oftheparty's scientific Outlookdividendsinton development, iI_- hepracticalw ork. Improvepreve leadershiptothe develsentati on draftinglevel,requirement- 一- - LId intent,Generalle-I- - . I -ourparty' s ruling i din-depth tnot do ghinki nki ng;rep.Atprese nt,es
17、tablishi ngand implemee quirement swehighlightplace features,nting theputsuperidea,iti s ajob rentationoftheme t hrust a nd masses ofbythought- - II IIby wants to combined up; r equireme ntswe seeks tostreamlined clear,with simpleoflanguage expression deepoft houg ht,with short oflength hostedriore
18、suggestions,do more research,summarizedthe typical.One is-Ihing, ispolicydesentationicision ag o-. he ba siccarrierstaffserviceervice,is im一一.r,tofocusar or ound i nLLJt antto meals.Thequalityase,and at m.I s - tha in the、-uluasoc ypeple pl ant" i "i_s_lsoiey ma n s a anima" "he
19、if0rmain .一,S one of tela cicl fmof <alesIe so did vl -s r s tteai - es on lere crd, inc_ig w tcrae a recd ofaci ment> ._ . I. ll. _>L. .Lilli. r -4. pepe ronne d to the rig poitof te -esin, ad re -objecive thi ngs are of novaue ad Ie vale of fun. ea pespes how i< pefce a . son. wa Wa kL
20、 . >. . I . I L .I.-. r .I . 1d t qust ons point Man s the sm of solil rec Dffeetv e, pepes beavI ur Hiudes difeent. Pepeorente.-dhee tpeope orie ntd lok, s onteprrm of reseciainshi ps W I not lev e te chchua nyngdu, hous ng, tu - m ad eerang te ie nertii ng ad eved fcus on huma 'ale adrraly,
21、 nnedthe br .ides mas as <alenteess ad powe of peI pl e ceat ng a popul a, mhe as, sedy he_ L I. .I I . . _ _ . I . . rceai polt cal e cnomic _url ad soia envionme nt and s on.e s A dhee Ihhar perorma nn. De I luma nnn| e ope orettd ues S "m-e the ecnomy more d - lnne, ceaig "_ne forone
22、 olce, the be nei o" lche-et. > L .n nee ds, al w als of ie wl cme into be ng Pe ope crae fr theiopme nt, m«o<eddmocac, cut ua prospeis, ad o<ealcnSt . ton ofweloffscey ad prluviva, and cont n enjyig tereu -y, a. a hapier s dee y concennd t ha huma n<e lpme nt a. hhm.-les deve
23、opme nt of scia a nd huma uni , insstd i n the maeral Cvl iial c - Zai on a nd si“Cvlzal ov eal a nc-et I f SoCal st. onia hgher le Alsnt Iomoig Ie alroud deveopmet of peoples perorma nne-cievmet -lat accmplsmes, ale aI ote look at the elel ne- of scia pr ogrss Ca . baand rua Can” bot had e nvbnme n
24、t tsregt he a nd tae aothe l ook at the si evronmet imprte cnst u>>on.”.u i t he tansormain of tepepe of te worl d, cmmunity vitaiy ihe ceaiof ma. Thereore,any w.we do, the satng point s huma, wha aepe ple Us sed u deelpmet, theneesif pe ople incl ud I g luviva nee ds emot ona lnneds and actai
25、zain nesoe ta pesnS e ee yur nees, as S to mtthelament momet-ofd l opme nt a preent, de pedng onte. I . . I _ L . . . . I . . . I . I I I . I . . .nne ad the cmmuniy Apote ta f or sustanal e d lopme L-L.- -L-. LI .eds. It Sou d be note d that pe opl e ae not maci nes not te sae of a objec, not t be
26、cntr -dee t o pe ope orieed to Stongy Idvcae eveycommu. m - be,ve otes, be-ial tte commu. of peop Tnt LLat pepe t、. abouj"ale>"ae wrtlss and <e peope t oa. abou "Oul ook" is not whathe pefrman. I .1.1. - I . L . 一 . _ , . - i.L I _ IL . -. I . . .d. Pe opl e ha<e theiow
27、pesnaty has isow n pesnal , hhs - own dgniy Pesn i d of cae y ou n>ed tohe sc- d t ookunndesad neid第一章 施工組織機(jī)構(gòu)、施工總平面布置圖施工總體進(jìn)度計劃表NW ae ipoiial pariipain bbsid on cnsiay t施工組織機(jī)構(gòu)施工隊伍o adeeto pep.o-nteucin of a w .off sced wl be arund tppI perorm 一omoe cordds and caridou w o. of pr ocenainDveopme nt e
28、vets grea -ss ithe w e to pu pe opl e - a g uie priniles aof yu pe-ntaton, ma nly de I eds on I ow m uc datd a docume ntrrcognie d by the ledesi p, how may ae l iseni ng to te pemapow e ddeel opme nt ad seki ng, mjr prbl -adfoste ad'anage idusty a id Idjsment .riul ura .u»re a nd ,ridaci ng
29、s. The 6 saI pe i n avur of te reor, how maynd a e s sandad, efors fom mas - mos “ Oulok on develpmet is the ne w Ce I ta cl ecie ledo up, fom mas mos caesitte deveopme nt of cnnotain,s a ccurae gas em .abed fom mas - mos notdevelpme nt esen- futd itet, Geneal led cae of w. ae ther dde pe the esene
30、of develpmet and inovain, so - udestad GI ea ld cons de of pr obem ae tou pay s uig idda a L . I L . . . Iidet tprrsent esali shi ng ad mpeme Ung teI . -.L.L."L .hikng e .irmets wehg'htole. ig of stye, hhlmisie s sae is pe ope lee!(C the ivestepace f - urs, pu lupersantfc cncet of d. Ievelp
31、met haL . . L .I r aproa ch pol cy ad lca a ,a combi nnd u, pu prises te Ofie of pary Cmmite, w - . ll . > . . leme t hus a nd m-ss of by toughtlug t te pe ope o-nttd toug w.of te. . .by was tshoud sev ce ner i nia- t-mlao cmbie d u; r .rme nts sees tstemieOfie, m-tbe ca w.desi of tedecison, teL
32、. _ I _ . I .objct_s Pa,Ofie in te ciy this yea rrmais Adance d civ stie, lcl brand The CountyCKPay Commtte ofies ad uHd car, wi hsmple of ang ae exresson dee leg.l . . ,一一.l. l _ .l . _ .l.ores y stons, do moe esard - cych, lumma- tunde te Ike dhg h te bannehe tyial Oe s. . .o succes i s sme hig s
33、our fr thee of yu prsetai on.pepe ore ned re quie met* steg het he cnstucipolcy de -ion a g ood iea an_ I . . . . L -on a nd ma .Iglmetof a god saf. Ths yaof te Of - th e ba sc carie staf se-ie, s mI I _ . L L . . .owads te work、highe ".I<e e I.vie l ls T he qqalyae, a nd a nda new hsoria of
34、 alround cnsthope do ogssasaiin ofplce m ooie d u, not make nomina of fmm,do gansand ng of comek, tpe I pe i s not only a i- a i is a jb requ - ment. Phiosphy trof is t nces be come the pays mportat work Acue nt fous s tfouson prmoti ng compehensiv, coodi_d and lusaiadraftd t aie te levour pre setai
35、n is the mai Ofie I f "rod_t", s tporant t m -.I . 一 ._ L . . I I I .I hostd riof connotain. Secnd teof the ba , terood tii. i > .Pary Cmmitesmporant parr t fous a oud i ndustilXING cty ad fames icetmee. I s sad t ha in the、-ulua socie, peple pl ant" i、.s.l scey ma n s a a nima&quo
36、t; "he if0rmmnsce,-eu. Thlvlftthbjtitifvl tvlf ft ltiDif t v l w y ftPlit f h v l It w th b t v l ht it kt y v l tivylt l . i hi i l tht h v l th v l v ltf il h v ltftliii z iil i lzt i l ilzt i th v l v t f Siltilzti ttt'vlit 1t ylittthfththit-htl tbv bfi It tit f l Th l Otk ata_e s on ler
37、e crd, inCudig - t ceae a recd of aci mentshowt< performance a son. Wat es wa kid of Outook here tpeople ore ntd Oulok, s onte premse of reseci ng te i nteess a. powe of pe i pl e .eat ng apopul a, mhe as, s , heart perorma nce, ceatig "serve for one of , the be nefi -" acheet s, a. o -
38、 al cnstucton of weloff sc* ad pr omoig Ie al r oud . elpmet of pe opl es perorma ci eet lat accmplsmes, a aiotelokat the fec ne of sca pr ogress Ca ,ge> baa nd rural can” bot had e nvionme nt tsregt he a nd another l ook at thesi evionmet mpr lament moment of . l opme nt a present, de pedig onte
39、 poteta for susai nabl e . lopme nt Lea- people t、. a boutare rts and peope t oak about "Oul ook" s not watt he pefrma nce.4p.p. rrsonne d to the sarig poit of te quesin,adr.- d t qust ons point Ma n s the sm ofsocilre ainshi ps W ca I not lev e te chchua nyngdu, hous ng,tu - m ad eeranmet
40、,eneraiing ad eve ceai polt cal e cnomic cul ual ad scil e nvionme nt and s on. IDe t luma n nee is, al aB of ie lcmeito be ng Pe ope crae fr thei -.iia,a nd contnue enjyig tereu- of tecnnt uclon. C.lo.u i t hetansormlHn of te pepe of te orl d.cmmuni,. i the ceai on ofma.Theeore , an, . e do, the sa
41、tng poit s huma, ha ae pepe. Us seld u dewlpment, te ce of hi c s t o m-tthe nees if pe ople includig -viia needs ot ona lnne ds and -l-tal-t ne eds. It so. d be note d that pe opl e ae not maci nes not te saw of a objec, not t becnt.- d. Pe opl e ha - thei o pesnaiy has iso n pesnal ,hhs - o n 、 ni
42、y Pesn i I >e d of cae, ounnedto unndesad neld二、施工總平面布置圖根據(jù)本工程施工特點及對現(xiàn)場的實際勘察,現(xiàn)場臨設(shè)以“方便施工、減少占地、減少材料二次搬運(yùn)”為原則,盡量做到永久性道路與臨時性道路相結(jié)合。施工總平面布置如圖宿舍食堂財務(wù)室技術(shù)部工程部宿舍項目經(jīng)理室宿舍安全質(zhì)量部 和資料辦公 室宿舍宿舍宿舍門衛(wèi)佰舍"斗材料堆放場頂制場o衛(wèi)生間圖例: 圍墻口供水 O消防poiial parii pain bbsldon cnsira. t o adee to pepeorentedlbe arund t pr omoe cord nainlD
43、-e opme nt ets grea acin- The 6 sestepar,s sie I tfc Oulok onde-lpmet is the ne Ce I ta clec 11arsitte d eopme nt of cnnotain, dev elpme nt ese “Us ur her dde pe the esece of de-lpmet and inovain, sou pa, s uig iddaa lap. " prise nt esali shi ng ad mpeme "ng te sie niic concet ofdlpmet has
44、 be come the pa.s importat ork As te Ofie of par,Cmmite, okng par, shoud sev ner i nia- t-.ladesip of te cson, te cue nt fcus s t f ocus on prmoting compehens、 coodid andlusaiabe de-lpmet tmore suggest ons, do moe esar ch,>ummai-d t he t,ial Oe s draftd taie te ev e of,u pre setaion is the main O
45、fie I f "roduct", s t I e ba sc carie staf s - ie, is imporant tm-lue vie l Ie qual.of,u prentaton, ma n,de I eds on I o m uc datd a doce ntrrcogn- d b,the ledesi p, ho ma,ae l iseni ng to te pe I pe i navurof te reort, ho ma,paiddv - nds ithe praclcl I rk mpr - pre setai on drafing evle -
46、 irmets a ccuae gas e d intet, General e d cae of ork are t ois unestad Ge n ea ld cons de of pr obem are t oi dett hikn. re iuiroets e highlghtpace f urs, puluperI r aproa ch pol c,ad lca a cua combi nnd u, puprisentaion of theme t hus a nd mas-ofb,tooght b,as t o cmbine d u; rourrme nts seks t ste
47、mie d car, i hsmple of ang ae exrresson de eof t hoog ht it sort of legg I hostd ri c of connotain. Secnd telurv,elu- more. Invstgaion of the ba , terood t o s_ces i s sme hi. s our fr the ,,Ccmmitespoll,de csion a g ood * animporant partof a ggod saf. This,aI, to fccs a oud i nddstia XING ct,ad fam
48、ers incre-e and a ndmapo e deel opme nt ad seki ng, majr prbl >m ad foste ad'anage iduut,a id Idjsment .riul ura .u»re a nd caridNo ae i I a ne hisorica sa. of alround cnst ucin of a eloff sce ,Iperorm s and carid ou o. of pr ocess ith* eto pu pe ople- ag uie primes a nd a e s sandad efo
49、rs fom mas - moshope do of things do up, fommaslsmos caeof hot prble m.abed fommasls mos notisacinof plce m odie d u, not ma- nomi na of fmaBm,not do.ansa nd ng of coaek, ton- ig of stye , hhlmlss sae is pe ope I eel(C) the ivestepe I pe i s not only a i i is a.brequ - ment. Phiosph,trI ugg t te pe
50、ope o-nttd toug ht in t he . of teOfie, mustbe ca .objctws Pa,lie iI the cl, this, rrmaisnne d cii sf, lcl bra nd TheCount,(C*)Pa,Commtte ofies ad u-d - c. unde te Ike to hol dhghte banne of is t -cBncepepe ore ned re quie met* stegg het he cnstuuci on a nd ma ,. et of te Of toads te ork、hig heea&qu
51、ot;.I-see 三、施工總體進(jìn)度計劃表場時間分項名稱、210天1102030405060708090100110120130140150160170180190200210施工準(zhǔn)備,場地清理、平 整定位喬、灌木栽植地被栽植清理現(xiàn)場植物養(yǎng)護(hù)pepe o- n-,w be a dinatonDvelpmen! eventsete road t.etfc OU s the new Cetal clecve leadeseve de-l fu! he dee on,s ou ”.' rul.g ieaa e .Apr- bls-pl- cncetif idpmel h- becme !de
52、l sin a god dea a n - portal pal of a good Sal Ths yea aound k_St_XING cy, ad fames ices* and ad mapordeveopmenl, a nd ng, fsera. iduSt y and “el a. lUr. st_l ue .d . l porlanl w o-s te .,eof pay Cmmi.e workng paly soul d sev ce cele, Itatve lo s| el focus sl o is one ofthepra ctical form ofvalue s.
53、 Theso-calledval ues refers to theobjectivethings are ofnoval ue andthe val ue offundamental perspective.Differentvalues,people's behaviour,attitudes,waysaredifferent.Pe ople -ori ented focuson huma nvaluea nd realit y,weneed thebroadest massesas values.A dheret ope ople -ori entedval ues, i s tomake thee conomymore developme nt,improve democracy, culturalpr osperity,a ndlivea happier; i sdee ply concerne d that human development a nd humanval ues, development ofsoci aland huma n devel opme nt of rational unifie d, insisted i nthe materialcivi lization, po
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