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1、復(fù)旦大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)院兒科學(xué)系20052006 學(xué)年第一學(xué)期期末試卷A 卷一、選擇題(每題 1 分,共 40 分)A 型題B 卷1.What is the most important clinical feature of nephritic syndrome?A. ProteinuriaC. HypertenE. HypercholesteolemiaB. EdemaD. Hypoalbuminemia2.The range of serum natrium concentration in isonatremic dehydrationshould beA. 120140mmol/LC. 140

2、160mmol/LE. 130150mmol/LB. 130160mmol/LD. 140150mmol/L3. Which is main difference betA. poor skin resincyC. oliguria or anuriaE. peripheral circulatory failuren dehydration of severe degree and moderate degree?B. orbit pittingD. metabolic acidosis4. What time is better for weaning in breast feeding

3、baby?A. 4-5 months of ageC. 10-12 months of ageE. 18 months of ageB. 6-9 months of ageD. 13-15 months of age5. The ratio of Calcium and Phosphorus in breastmilk isA. 1:2C. 2:1E. 1.5:2B. 1.5:1D. 1.2:16.During fetal life, the earA. IgMC. IgGE. IgEst synthesized immunoglobin isB. IgDD. IgA7. Very low b

4、irthweight infant is the newborn whose birth weight is lessnA. 2500g C. 1500gE. 800gB. 2000gD. 1000g8. The major early manifesion of tuberculous meningitis in children isA. A tense anterior fontanealC. StuporE. Mood changesB. ConvulD. Cranial nerve palsies9. DTP (Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis vacci

5、ne), Primary immunization should be takenA.B.C.D.E.Just one timeOnce a month, two times Once a month, three timesOnce aOnce ak, two timesk, three times10. Physiologic weight lower of a normal newborn will be recovered inA.13daysC. 57 days E.1014 daysB.35 daysD.710 days11. If a staphylococcal pA. hig

6、h feveronia patient suddenly breath difficultly, we should considerB. acidosist is because :C. ponia developedD. pyopothoraxE. heart failure12.be:A.B.C.D.E.rauterine life comprises two stages: embryonic and fetal, the fetal period is usually considered toof 6 thof 8 thof 10 thof 12 thof 12 thk of ge

7、sion to 40 thk of gesion to 40 thk of gesionk of gesionk of ges k of gesk of gesion to 40 th ion to 40 thion to 37 thk of ges k of gesk of gesion ionion13. A newborn baby, gesional age 268 days, birth weight 2.45kg,height47.5cm,head circumference 34cm,chest circumference 32cm, he isA.B.C.D.E.pre-ter

8、m, large fesional age babyesional age baby ional age babyional age babyional age babyfull-term, appropriate ffull-term, small f t-term,small ffull-term,large fes eses14. Which one of the following sement isnt the clinical finding of febrileconvulA.B.C.D.E.wifamily history of seizuresoften occur in n

9、eonatal periodassolessted wiraly rising temperaturen 10 to 15 minutessodetypical generalized seizures15. Physiologic hypogammaglobulinemia is commonly seen inA. Immediay after birthC. 10-12 months of ageE. 3 years of ageB. 3-4 months of ageD. 1-2 years of age16.Which one is the cyanostic type of con

10、genital heart diseaseA. ventricular septal defectB. atrial septal defectD. Patent ductus arteriosusC. tetralogy ollotE.pulmonary stenosis17.Which one of the following sement isnt teral regularity ofgrowth development in children?A.B.C.D.E.from the uppart to the lowartfrom the distal part to the prox

11、imal part from the gross motion to fine motion from lower level to higher levelfrom simple to complicated18. The range of serum natrium concertration in isonatremic dehydration should beA. 120-140 mmol/lC. 140-160 mmol/lE. 130-150 mmol/lB.130-160 mmol/lD. 140-150 mmol/l19. The major manifesions of a

12、cute glomerulonephritis areA.B.C.D.E.hyperten, hematuria, proteinuriaproteinuria, hypertenedema, hyperten, hematuriaoliguria, edema, hyperten, hematuriaoliguria, edema, hematuria, hypercholesteolemia20. PPDrespoundsa reliable diagnostic test for tuberculosis, an infected patientitivelyof infectionA.

13、 immediayC. within 2-4B. within 1-2D. within 4-10kkkE. after 10k21. 以下哪種情況與生長發(fā)育規(guī)律不符?A.生長發(fā)育是連續(xù)的過程B.各系統(tǒng)發(fā)育不平衡C.生長發(fā)育遵循由簡單到復(fù)雜的規(guī)律D.神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)發(fā)育先慢后快E.生長發(fā)育有差異22. 一般來說頭圍等于A.6 個月C.1 歲半E.2 歲半的是B.1 歲D.2 歲23. 嬰兒 A.376KJ B.419KJ C.461KJD.502KJ需要量熱能為 (90 Kcal)/kg (100Kcal)/kg (110Kcl)/kg(120Kcal)/kgE.543 (130Kcal)/kg24.

14、 輕度肥胖的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)為小兒體重超過同A.1019 B.2029 C.3039 D.4049 E.5059同身高正常兒均值的25. 在新生兒窒息復(fù)蘇方案中,應(yīng)首先采取哪一步驟?A.B.C.D.E.建立呼吸,增加通氣盡量吸凈呼吸道粘液,保持氣道通暢給腎上腺素維持正常循環(huán),保證足夠心輸出量以上都不是26. 下列哪一項與新生兒肺透明膜病的發(fā)病關(guān)系最不密切?A.B.C.D.E.肺表面活性物質(zhì)缺乏早產(chǎn)兒足月兒小樣兒母親嬰兒剖宮產(chǎn)27. 以下哪項不是新生兒敗血癥的臨床表現(xiàn)?A.不吃、不哭、體溫不升 B.黃疸C.氣急 D.E.顱內(nèi)28. 腺A.年長主要臨床特點為見B.喘憋明顯而肺部不明顯C.常有高熱而一般情況良好

15、D.咳嗽有粉紅色E.夏季最多見痰29. 下列哪種情況符合小兒重癥A.氣胸 B.膿胸 C.肺膿瘍?D.性腦病E.敗血癥30.A.B.室間隔缺損首先導(dǎo)致哪個心腔擴大房增大增大C.右心房增大D.增大E.都有可能31. 金黃色葡萄球菌腸炎典型大便為A.黃色水樣 B.蛋花湯樣C.粘液血便D.樣E.暗綠色海水樣32. 生理性貧血的主要原因是A.儲鐵不足B.腎功能不全C.紅細胞生成素不足 D.鐵攝入不足E.疾病影響33. 癲癇失神發(fā)作應(yīng)首選下列哪種抗癲癇藥物治療?A.氯硝B.比妥C.苯妥英鈉 D.卡馬西平E.丙戊酸鈉34. 典型苯尿癥的發(fā)病機理為A.苯丙氨酸-4-羥化酶缺陷 B 四氫生物喋呤生成不足 C.酪

16、氨酸羥化酶受抑制 D.腦內(nèi) 5-羥色胺不足E.二氫生物喋呤還原酶缺陷35. 下列哪項對鑒別小兒風(fēng)濕熱與類風(fēng)濕病最有價值?A.發(fā)熱 B.關(guān)節(jié)炎 C.心臟炎D.血沉增快E.X 線示關(guān)節(jié)面破壞36.A.,10 歲。人漸消瘦 2 月余,伴食量增加、多飲、多尿。查空腹血糖 10mmol/L??蔀橹袠行阅虮腊Y腎性尿崩癥甲亢以上都不是37. 腎炎性腎病與單純性腎病的區(qū)別在于A.水腫更嚴(yán)重 B.高膽固醇血癥C.有血尿或高血壓 D.對激素不敏感E.低蛋白血癥更明顯38. 10 歲男孩,因患急性腎炎住院,血壓 170/120mmHg,煩躁、頭痛,并有一過性失明,尿量約 500ml,應(yīng) A.心力衰竭 B.高血壓腦病

17、C.代謝性酸為:D.并發(fā)化膿性腦膜炎E.腎功能衰竭39. 小兒 A.大腸桿菌 B.變形桿菌C.克雷白菌最常見的病原菌是D.金黃色葡萄球菌E.真菌40. 驚厥持續(xù)狀態(tài)是指A.驚厥持續(xù)時間超過 1 小時B.C.超過 1 小時,間期無清醒期間期無清醒期D.驚厥持續(xù)時間超過E.超過,間期無清醒期二問答題 (每題 15 分,共 60 分)試述新生兒缺氧缺血性腦病的病因和臨床表現(xiàn)。簡述小兒輕、中、重度脫水的臨床表現(xiàn)及鑒別要點。試述小兒急性腎炎的臨床表現(xiàn)和治療原則。試述動脈導(dǎo)管未閉的血力學(xué)特點和臨床表現(xiàn)。20052006 學(xué)年第學(xué)期兒科學(xué)試卷(B)(02 級臨床醫(yī)學(xué)專業(yè)五年制留學(xué)生班、法醫(yī)班

18、)2006.11、(2、(3、(4、(5、(6、(7、(8、(9、(10、(11、(12、(13、(14、(15、(16、(17、(18、(19、(20、(二、A E E C C A C E C D D D C B B C B E DD)21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、(D B C B B C E B D B E C E A E A C B AE)1.病因:母親試述新生兒缺氧缺血性腦病的病因和臨床表現(xiàn)。:妊娠相關(guān)疾?。喝迅甙Y、子癇全身性疾病:、心疾病、腎臟病(2 分)分娩:胎盤異常:胎盤早剝、前置胎盤、臍帶

19、血流受阻:臍帶繞頸、打結(jié)其他:各種手術(shù)產(chǎn)、急產(chǎn)、產(chǎn)程延長、頭盆不稱(2 分):早產(chǎn)兒、過期產(chǎn)、小于胎齡兒、巨大胎畸形、羊水或胎糞吸入(2 分)臨床表現(xiàn):出生后 12-24 小時出現(xiàn)神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)癥狀,根據(jù)意識、肌張力改變、原始反射異常、驚厥和腦干受損等表現(xiàn),可分為輕、中、重度。(9 分)臨床表現(xiàn)輕度中度重度意識肌張力改變擁抱反射激惹正常或升高正?;蚧钴S抑制、嗜睡減弱減弱松軟驚厥無半數(shù)有驚厥頻繁驚厥2.簡述小兒輕、中、重度脫水的臨床表現(xiàn)及鑒別要點。輕、中、重度失水的臨床表現(xiàn):治療原則口服補液適應(yīng)癥:失水不嚴(yán)重?zé)o或不重者、靜脈補液條件有限者用法:糾正累積損失量(50、80100、100120ml/kg)、以及繼續(xù)損失量(視丟失量而定)靜脈補液v 適應(yīng)癥:病情重、腹瀉劇、有明顯失水和酸者v 補液原則:先快后慢、先濃后淡、見尿補鉀v 需要明確的幾個問題:補多少?補什么?怎么補


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