1、外文翻譯(文檔含英文原文和中文翻譯)中英文對照外文翻譯淺釋室內設計中的女性裝飾風格美國著名的女藝術家弗洛琳斯蒂海默曾經在她的繪畫家庭畫像第 2 號中傳遞了一個她所鐘愛的被繁華織錦與鮮花包圍著的住所,畫面中的室內空間和女人們以極其艷1外文翻譯麗的姿態(tài)占據了整個視覺中心。一切正如她詩歌里描述的那樣 “韋羅內塞綠的蕾絲緊身衣,深色花紋的長裙還有針織荷葉邊,絲制珠寶盒里裝滿串串羅馬珍珠;非常喜愛的淡色水洗絲窗簾,帶有輕快羅馬條紋的緞帶,滿布花束的地毯,塞夫爾瓷花瓶和鍍金飾邊的桌子上灑滿清晨的光輝;母親為我們朗讀的童話故事,還有花園繁華盛開和梅拉德的甜點和沃爾特迪斯尼的卡通”在這些文字里, 跳躍性的細節(jié)
2、描述和純感官的認知特征解讀了女性的感知體驗特性,而所敘述的鮮花、織物、擺設、童話正是女性對于家的最溫柔、最甜美的期待,這所有的一切也都是女性裝飾風格最完美的詮釋。古往今來由于女性特殊的生理本能,女性風格的裝飾藝術在歷史上一直占有很大的市場空間,尤其是十七至十八世紀在意大利文藝復興發(fā)展起來的具有強烈女性特征的巴洛克藝術(BAROQNE ART )裝飾風格更是風靡和影響了整個歐洲,其藝術語言多少的影響了緊跟其后的是新藝術運動的產生與發(fā)展。然而,作為一種愛好和時尚風格,巴洛克也只局限在奢華的宮廷和達官貴人的居室裝飾中流行,裝飾風格的概念局限了,從而與女性裝飾風格的內涵上產生了偏離。今天,社會經濟飛速
3、發(fā)展,女性的地位也因其教育和收入水平的提高達到了一個相對合理的高度,一個嶄新的女性話語世界正在全面構建。就如人類學家海倫費希認為的那樣,21 世紀的女性將是 “第一性”。 由于她們的介入,直接或間接地影響了現代的審美意識和消費觀,一種獨特的以女性為代表的消費文化和審美思潮正潛移默化的流行于時尚消費層。這就是我們稱之為“她”時代的女性消費文化,依照國際廣告協會主席卡波爾對“她”時代的內涵的解釋:“今天,以男性為主的消費主義正在向以女性為中心的消費主義平衡?!迸砸庾R的設計也越來越占上風,甚至有學者將女性設計意識作為人性化設計的體現。預言世界的“她”時代已經到來。一、女性裝飾風格的科學性室內設計中
4、突現的女性文化現象并不緣自對女性平等追求的呼聲和善意的尊重,這 里有著更多客觀的因素。國外的科學家們通過測試研究發(fā)現,女性身體器官構造比男性 更為復雜,由此導致女性的植物神經系統發(fā)達,女性的觸覺、味覺、視覺和聽覺反應大 都比男性敏感,情感表現更為明顯和細膩。有調查報告顯示,現今女性出于各種原因, 對建筑、室內空間和裝飾藝術的喜惡態(tài)度上比男性反應的更為分明而堅決,在需求態(tài)度 上更為積極而有主見。同時,就心理特征分析比較,男性是外向的,女性多表現含蓄; 男性是公眾性的,女性則偏向私密;男性是理性化的,而女性細膩感性;男性體現剛強, 女性展示柔美;男性是社會性的,而女性更多體現為自然性。因此,以女主
5、人的眼光來2外文翻譯決定家裝風格更能營造和諧的家庭環(huán)境。在這種實際需求的影響下,女性風格應運而生。二、室內裝飾中女性裝飾設計的表現 “女人心,海底針”是一句耳熟能詳的老話,其實,女性的行為與其生理構造互為表里,具有一定的共通性和規(guī)律性。通過對女性生理、心理以及社會歷史原因的分析, 不難發(fā)現以下幾個方面的特征深刻的影響著女性裝飾的風格。1、女性生理所具有的敏感和善變因素從生理心理學角度來看,女性生理平衡不斷發(fā)生變化的周期性生殖循環(huán)使得她們雖強于觀察體會、感受敏銳但卻不擅于保持長久的精力集中與情緒的穩(wěn)定。這些都不是女性主觀的選擇而是與生俱來的特性。因此她們因為在生活中發(fā)生問題或審美疲勞而常常把情緒
7、們在現實生活中也可以很容易的發(fā)現,女人更樂于鉆研星座,重視風水,相信命運。因此在室內設計中,不用說她們更喜歡采用一些有宗教意象或自然氣息很濃的裝飾物(圖 3),也很樂 意接受關于納吉避兇的建議。這些都是她們追求安定幸福生活的地愿望的體現。3、女性的身體健康需求在這個講求生活品質的年代.健康正成為人們越來越重視的話題。由于女性的生理構造遠比男性復雜,因此受到疾病侵害的可能性和衰老的速度大大高于男性。相比從前為悅己者容,現代女性更樂于用有情調的生活善待自己。她們閱讀美容書籍,烹調養(yǎng)顏食品,參與健身訓練,購買化妝用品,添置時尚衣飾,一切的一切只緣于對青春與健康的愛惜。此外,越來越多的女性向男性一樣走
8、向了職業(yè)的舞臺進行公平競爭,為了工作的需要,她們花費更多的精力與時間在超市購物,商場血拼,在居室烹飪美食,在咖啡廳里享受細心暢談的樂趣,在旅行的酒店里感受大自然給予的快樂時光,在健身房里體驗流汗的舒暢,種種跡象證明設計中必須充分滿足這些需求,為女性消費者營造自我3外文翻譯關照的需求空間。4、女性的“洛麗塔”公主情結 “新性感主義”是當今女性時尚界最流行的話題,洛麗塔式的天真性感一派無疑是其中最具誘惑力的?,F實生活中的男性往往需要在情感中超越年齡對自己的束縛,體驗著長輩、哥哥和情人相互混雜的角色。女性則通過與比自己年長許多的男性們交往,享受著一種永遠的依靠與信賴。具有洛麗塔情結的女人樂意“以小博
9、大”,借著天真幼稚包裹成熟,扮演著被支配的主角,從而獲得依賴和安全感。近年來在服裝界掀起的韓流就是一個很好的例證,小圓領、公主袖、蕾絲掐邊、玩具熊造型的耳環(huán)和項鏈,以及各類粉色系布料等不同元素相互組合,從嫻靜中透著活潑,于優(yōu)雅處展露純情。這種風格受到一個年齡跨度很大的女性階層的喜愛。同樣在家居裝飾中,明艷的墻壁,色彩濃烈的團花地毯,綴有花草藤蔓圖案的裝飾拒,玻璃雕花屏風,斷斷續(xù)續(xù)墜落的流蘇燈飾, 綴滿亮片、珠珠的靠墊,鏤空的紗質窗簾等飾品以及富有夸張色彩的裝飾物仿佛呵護了女性小公主似的童心,隨著新性感潮流風行在時尚家庭中。三、居家中女性裝飾風的主要特征就像美國藝術家弗洛琳斯蒂海默所描繪場景一樣
10、,正是女性在童年時代。 家的最甜美的期待,以及兒時沉醉于王子公主美妙的童話世界里帶來最最美好的回憶,因此或多或少都會誘發(fā)女性最溫柔、最美好的一面,也是女性裝飾風格最完美的詮釋。不同于男性,女性幾乎是一種情緒化的動物,內心的纖細與敏感使她們除了要求空間有基本的實用功能之外更為注重自身與空間中所蘊涵的情緒、文化的精神交流,更在意家庭氛圍的營造。因此重裝飾輕裝修是女性裝飾風格不變的定位,柔性主題是設計的重點。1、 柔性材料的大量運用布藝是女性裝飾風格中用的最多的一種元素,它不但能從實用性上滿足女性需求, 在很大程度上甚至是女性氣質的物化品。從窗簾、紗、慢、床上用品、布藝沙發(fā)到地毯、壁掛,無論是嗅覺、
11、味覺還是觸覺,無不透著女性的柔情和溫馨。布藝品總是以它特有 的圖案和柔軟的質感,呈現在居室空間內,起著聯系家具與人之間的紐帶和模糊空間的 劃分作用,體現著物的人性化,彌補了室內現代建筑中大量使用鋼筋、水泥、玻璃等硬 性材料所帶來的冷漠感;進而,也滿足了人們渴望寧靜和向往自然與溫馨的需要。并且, 布藝雖然依附于硬裝修器物之上屬于從屬地位,但卻能以柔克剛的決定整個裝修風格, 這正是當今女性家庭角色的最佳詮釋。2、粉色系列的色彩4外文翻譯顏色溫暖、手感舒適,帶有個性化的裝飾材料,成為當代女性裝飾選材的重要選擇傾向。甜甜蜜蜜的色彩是女性感性的特征,近年來流行的粉色、粉藍色、粉綠色,這些帶有透明感覺和糖
12、果感覺的色彩逐漸在女性室內環(huán)境中流行開來。甜蜜的顏色多用于窗簾、隔斷用的帷幕、床上用品、桌布、椅墊等,柔性色彩營造一個甜蜜的生活氛圍,帶給人一天工作后的放松。由于女性裝修和裝飾對個性化材質的需求,符合女性審美風格的材料在市場上越來越受到歡迎。3、 曲線造型的圖案女人如花似水,在室內女性風格裝飾中,花鳥和魚水的主題都是最鮮明的特征。無論是織物器皿上的圖案還是家具墻體中的曲線造型,無論是地面上的圖案還是天花板上吊頂的樣式,都是營造女性氛圍的最佳元素。女性風格的室內裝飾紋樣擁有與時代符合的雍容、柔美之感。一方面,曲線的形態(tài) 是受外界支配的線形,外界壓力的大小可以使線形發(fā)生變形,產生出豐滿、優(yōu)雅、柔軟
13、、和諧等審美特點,而許多卷草紋、纏枝花紋等正是利用流動的曲線創(chuàng)造了層層疊疊、圓潤飽滿的藝術效果,突現女性的魅力。另一方面,從紋樣構圖結構來看柔性紋樣生動變化 中尋求一種規(guī)范,布局由緊密變得更開朗,形態(tài)有概括有寫實。不管是飽滿的團花組合 方式,還是散花和小折枝花都或含苞欲放,或蓓蕾初綻,或昂首怒放,姿態(tài)各異,花草 鳥蝶,富于民俗趣味;情愛祥瑞,表達美好愿景;運動舞蹈,描畫日常生活蟲鳥相嘻, 鸚鵡雙追, 則傳第出一種韻味十足的女性的自然景象。4、無處不在的鏡面空間曾經有男性慨言:女人不能五分鐘不照鏡子。這個論斷有點夸張但可以肯定的是女性在意自己的外表,樂于欣賞自己的體態(tài)?;谶@個原因,在女性主義裝
14、飾中必須重視鏡子的擺設和照明的計算,通過科學設計的鏡子可以幫助女性增長自信,增添動力。另外,玻璃材料營造出的奕奕發(fā)光的鏡空間也同樣暗示著女性的珠光寶氣。時隨鏡遷,新女性風格的裝飾讓室內私人空間成為了女主人的衍生體,一個既充滿活力,有具有柔美細膩新新女性風格的公共場所,同樣會使工作壓力繁重的男人們心中充滿生機和活力?,F今,以女性特有的溫暖細致營造著時尚溫馨的室內氛圍,已經成為一種風尚。5外文翻譯6外文翻譯A Brief Analysis to the Interior Design of Shallow Women Adornment StyleAmerican women artists Fu
15、 LuolinSidihaimo had her painting Family Portrait No. in the transfer of one of her favorite flowers are surrounded by busy tapestry and hom of the interior space and a woman are very beautiful gesture to occupy the entire visu All as she describes the poems as Veronese green lace corset, dark patte
16、rned skirt ar lotus leaf, silk jewelry boxes filled with strings of pearls Rome; very favorite pale curtains, striped ribbon with the light of Rome, full of flowers carpet, Sevres porcel and giltedging of thetableand scatterintghe morning lightm;other readfairytalesforus, thereare flourishinggarden
17、in fullbloom and Maillardcsonfectioneraynd Walt Disneys cartoon. .I.n. thesewords, the jump of the detailsof the descriptioannd the cognitive characteristics of pure sensory perception of women s experience characteristics, and theflowers,fabricsf,urnishingsf,airytaleisthe most gentleof womenforhome
18、, themostsweet looking, this all women are also the most perfect interpretation of decorative Ages as women uniquephysiological instinct, women style of decorative arts in histhave been enjoying a large market space, especially from 17 to 18 century Renaissance developed a strongfemale characteristi
19、ocfs Baroque art(BAROQNEART) is popular decorativestyleand affectsthe whole of Europe,how much of theirartistilcanguagewas closelyfollowedby the emergence of new artmovement and development.However, as ahobby and fashion style, the Baroque is also confined to the luxury of the court and of the room
20、decorated in popular decorative style of the concept of a limit to the con style of the decoration of women had a deviation.Today, the rapid socio-economic development, women status because of their educati and income levels increased to a relatively reasonable height, a new women discourse i world
21、is in full construction. As anthropologists Hailunfeixi that, as women in the 21 would be primary.Because of theirinvolvement,directloyr indirectlayffectthe aesthetic awareness and consumption of modern concept, a unique women-representatives of consume culture and popular aesthetic thoughts are sub
22、tle fashion consumer level. This is what herfemale consumer cultureof the times,in accordancewith InternationaAldvertisingAssociation,Xikaboer on her interpretatiofn the connotationof the times:Today,consumerism is male-dominated to female-centeredbalance of consumerism. feminist consciousnessmore a
23、nd more prevail design, and even scholawrosmeonfas human design design-conscious reflection. Predicted that the world of her time has come.7外文翻譯First, the scientific nature of female DecoInterioDresign emergent culturalphenomenon of womenis not originatedfrom thepursuit of equality for women voices
24、and the respect of goodwill, here have a more obj factors. Foreign scientists test found that the female body organs and structures more compared with men, which led to development of women autonomic nervous system, women sense of touch,taste,visualand auditoryreactionsb,etterthan men, sensitivee,mo
25、tional performance in a more visible and fine. A survey report shows that todays women, for reasons,architecturien,teriosrpace and decorativeartsof likesand dislikesattitudmeore clearlythan men, and firmresponse,the demand fora more positiveattitudaend assertive.Meanwhile, on the psychologicalcharac
26、teristiacnsalysisand comparison,outgoingmen,women and more subtle performance; men are public in nature, females tend to privacy; are rational, while women delicate sensibility; male expression of power, and women sh men social, while women are more natural sexual expression. Therefore, the hostesss
27、 e determine the style of decoration to create a more harmonious family environment. The of this actual demand, female style emerged.Second, interior decoration design performance of femaleThe heart of woman, submarine-pin is a familiar old sayinwgo,mein bfeahcatv,iorand physical structure interacts
28、 with a certain degree of commonality and regularity. physiology, psychology and the analysis of social and historical reasons, not difficul the following aspects of the characteristics of a profound impact on women decorative1, female physical sensitivity and volatility of the factors that have Phy
29、siologicaplsychologyfrom the pointof view, womenare changing physiologicalbalance of the reproductive cycle of the cyclical while making them stronger and obser understandand feelthe acutebut not good at maintaininglong-termfocus and emotional stabilitTyh.ese arenot an optionforfemalesubjectivitiynh
30、erentcharacteristiTchse.refore, because of their problems in life or Shenmeipilao and often emotional venting conversi the peripheralthings,on the indoorenvironmentof space for decorationand furnishingschange from time to time to keep the TMto.This featureo,nce thedecisionof thepopular tradition of
31、pragmatic fixed furniture for the decoration of the main means of gradual out,and mobile,portableand easy to replacethe softfurnitured,ecorativematerialswillbecome the mainstream of the design .2, women mystical tendenciesStarting from the origin of man, whether in worship or oppressed by the status
32、 of and religious Witchcraft seems inextricably linked. There is no doubt that more women8外文翻譯men superstition, women make them vulnerable because the long-term psychological need find stability and rely on. The women and nature are closely related to natural sentim makes them more capableof indescr
33、ibablmeystery,and emotionaland rationalway ofthinking ahead so that they are more willing to heart rather than brain to underst mysterious differences. Therefore, they are vulnerable to the impact of theology and Set aside the conclusions of theoretical studies, also in real life we can easily find
34、aremore willingto delveintoconstellationast,tentioFnengShui,believein fate.Therefore, interiodresign,needlessto say they preferto use some very strongreligiouismage or a decorativenaturalflavor, and very willingto accepttheproposalon Najibto avoidfierce.These are their happy life to the pursuit of s
35、tability, the embodiment of desire. Set 3, women health needsIn thisera of emphasis on qualityof life.Health is becoming a topicof growing importance. As the physical structure of women than for men complex, the possibility o by disease and aging much faster than men. Wyatt has been compared to thos
36、e who former Yang, modern women are more willing to treat with a flavor of life itself. They read beauty,cooking,beautyfoods,participatien fitnestsrainingp,urchaseof cosmeticproducts, purchase fashionable clothing, and everything is only due to the care of youth and hea addition,an increasingnumber
37、of womento men as to the professionaalrena for fair competitiont,he need to work, theyspend more energyand time on supermarketshopping,mall shopping, cooking food in the room, the coffee shop Enjoy carefully talked about in travel hotel experience nature for happy hour, sweating in the gym experienc
38、e the e mind . . to various signs the design must fully meet the needs of female consumers demand for self-care space .4, women Lolita Princess ComplexNewsexy doctrineis today the most popular womenfashion industrytopics,Lolita-styilnenocencesexy factionisundoubtedlythe most tempting.Real-lifemotion
39、sinmen often need to go beyond the shackles of age on their own experience with elders, and lovers mixed with each others role. Females with much older men than their own co and enjoy a kind of forever rely on and trust. Happy woman with Lolita Complex levera wrapped by naive mature protagonist of b
40、eing dominated play to gain dependency and a of security. In recent years, launched the Korean fashion industry is a good example o round neck, princess sleeves, lace pinch edge, teddy bear shaped earrings and necklace varietyof pink fabricsand combinationsof differenetlementswith each other,From th
41、edemure trace of lively, elegant office at the expose innocent. This style of a wide ag9外文翻譯women favorite class. Similarly, in the decorating, strong, beautiful walls, rich colo carpetse,mbroideredwith flowersand vinesresistpatterndecorationg,lasscarvedscreens, lightintgasselsfallingoff,encrustedse
42、quins,bead bead cushion,hollowingShazhi curtainsand otheraccessoriesa,nd fullof exaggeratedcolorornamentslikecareof theprincess-like innocence of women, with the new sexy fashion trends popular in the home .Third, home decoration in the style of the main characteristics of women As American artistFs
43、u LuolinSidihaimoscene depicted,as isthe womanhome inchildhoodon the expectationosf the most sweet and wonderfulchildhoodimmersed in the princeand princessfairytaleworld to bringfarthe most beautifulmemories, Therefore, inducing more or less the most gentle of women, most beautiful side of women dec
44、orativ is the most perfect interpretation. Unlike men, women almost an emotional animal, the thin and sensitive so tthheayt notonly seek tsopace beyond the basic function of a greater focus on practical and space implied in their own emotional, spiritual and cultural more care create a family atmosp
45、here. So heavy decorative light fitting is the same po women in style, design flexibility is the key theme.1, extensive use of soft materialsFabric is a decorative style used in most women, an element not only to meet women the demand from the utility, to a large extent even feminine physical and ch
46、emical pro From curtainsy,arn,slow,bedding,clothsofato thecarpet,wall,whetheritisthe senseof smell,tasteor touch,withoutexception,revealsa womans tendernessand warmth . Cloth products are always unique design and its soft texture, showing the room space, furnit play a contact link and blur between t
47、he role of the division of space, embody the hum to make up the interior of a large number of modern buildings use of steel, cement, gl other hard materials, brought a sense of apathy; then, and also satisfy the aspirationlonging for nature and tranquainlditwyarmth needs. And, although attachead hta
48、ord clothdecoration objects on a subordinate position, but the decision can be dealt with gentl the decoration, which is today the best interpretation of the role of women in the fam2, the color pink seriesColor a warm, comfortable,with a personalizedecorationmaterialsa, selectionof importantcontemp
49、orary female choice decorativetendency.Sweet sweet honey color characteristics of female sensibility, popular in recent years, pink, powder blue, lig candy with a transparent feeling and sense of color gradually women became popular ind environment . Sweet colors are used for curtains, with curtain
50、partition, bedding, tab cushions, soft colors create an atmosphere of sweet life, bringing people to relax aft10外文翻譯work. As the female fitting and decoration materials on the individual needs of the ma meet the female aesthetic style has been gaining popularity in the market.3, curve modeling patte
51、rnWoman flower like water, tihne female style interior decoration, the theme of flower birdsand fishand waterarethe most distinctivfeaturesW.hether or fabricpatternon thevessel wall in the curve shape of furniture, both on the ground or ceiling ceiling des all the best elements to create an atmosphere of women (Figure 8).Women have a style of interior decoration patterns consistent with the age of grac feeling. On the one hand, the curve shape is dominated by the external linear, externa can make the size of linear def
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