1、Chapter 1: Defining Marketing for the 21st CenturyGENERAL CONCEPT QUESTIONSMultiple Choice Good marketing is no accident, but a result of careful planning and _.executionsellingstrategiestacticsresearchAnswer: aPage: 4Level of difficulty: MediumMarketing is both an “art” and a “science”there is cons
2、tant tension between the formulated side of marketing and the _ side.creativesellingmanagementforecastingbehaviorAnswer: aPage: 4Level of difficulty: EasyThe most formal definition of marketing is _. meeting needs profitablyidentifying and meeting human and social needsthe 4Ps (Product, Price, Place
3、, Promotion)an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering, value to customers, and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stake holders.improving the quality of life for consumersAnswer: dPage: 6Level of diffi
4、culty: MediumMarketing management is _.managing the marketing processmonitoring the profitability of the companies products and servicesselecting target marketsdeveloping marketing strategies to move the company forwardthe art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing
5、customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer valueAnswer: ePage: 6Level of difficulty: EasyA transaction involves _. at least two partieseach party has something that might be of value to the other partyeach party is capable of communication and deliveryeach party is f
6、ree to accept or reject the exchange offerall of the aboveAnswer: ePages: 67 Level of difficulty: Medium_ goods constitute the bulk of most countries production and marketing efforts.DurableImpulsePhysicalServiceEventAnswer: cPage: 8Level of difficulty: Medium_ can be produced and marketed as a prod
7、uct.InformationCelebritiesDurable goodsOrganizationsPropertiesAnswer: aPage: 9Level of difficulty: MediumCharles Revson of Revlon observed: “In the factory, we make cosmetics; in the store, _.”we make profitswe challenge competitorswe implement adswe sell hopewe sell qualityAnswer: dPage: 9 Level of
8、 difficulty: EasyA _ is someone seeking a response (attention, a purchase, a vote, a donation) from another party, called the _.salesperson, customerfund raiser, contributorpolitician, votermarketer, prospectcelebrity, audienceAnswer: dPage: 10Level of difficulty: HardIn _consumers may share a stron
9、g need that cannot be satisfied by an existing product.negative demandlatent demanddeclining demandirregular demandnon-existent demandAnswer: bPage: 10Level of difficulty: Medium In _more customers would like to buy the product than can be satisfied.latent demandirregular demandoverfull demandexcess
10、ivenegative demandAnswer: cPage: 10Level of difficulty: MediumMarketers often use the term _ to cover various groupings of customers.people buying powerdemographic segment social class position marketAnswer: ePage: 10Level of difficulty: HardCompanies selling mass consumer goods and services such as
11、 soft drinks, cosmetics, air travel, and athletic shoes and equipment spend a great deal of time trying to establish a superior brand image in markets called _. business marketsglobal marketsconsumer marketsnonprofit and governmental marketsservice marketsAnswer: cPage: 11Level of difficulty: Medium
12、In business markets, advertising can play a role, but a stronger role may be played by the sales force, _, and the companys reputation for reliability and quality.brand imagedistributionpromotionpriceperformanceAnswer: dPage: 11Level of difficulty: HardGlobal marketers must decide _.which countries
13、to enterhow to enter each country (as an exporter, licenser, joint venture partner, contract manufacturer, or solo manufacturer)how to adapt their product and service features to each countryhow to price their products in different countriesall of the aboveAnswer: ePages: 1112Level of difficulty: Me
14、diumMohan Sawhney has proposed the concept of _ to describe a cluster of complementary products and services that are closely related in the minds of consumers but are spread across a diverse set of industries.metamarketvertical integrationhorizontal integrationbetamarketsynchronized marketing Answe
15、r: aPage: 12Level of difficulty: HardThe _ promises to lead to more accurate levels of production, more targeted communications, and more relevant pricing.Age of GlobalizationAge of DeregulationIndustrial AgeInformation AgeProduction AgeAnswer: dPage: 13Level of difficulty: MediumMany countries have
16、 _ industries to create greater competition and growth opportunities.open-marketderegulatedregulatedscientifically segmented created mass marketAnswer: bPage: 13Level of difficulty: MediumCustomers are showing greater price sensitivity in their search for _.the right productthe right servicethe righ
17、t storevaluerelationships Answer: dPage: 14Level of difficulty: MediumRising promotion costs and shrinking profit margins are the result of _.changing technologyglobalizationderegulationprivatizationheightened competitionAnswer: ePage: 14Level of difficulty: HardIndustry boundaries are blurring at a
18、n incredible rate as companies are recognizing that new opportunities lie at the intersection of two or more industriesthis is called _.globalizationcustomizationindustry convergenceheightened competitionacquisitionAnswer: cPage: 14Level of difficulty: MediumIn response to giant retailers and catego
19、ry killers, entrepreneurial retailers are building entertainment into stores with coffee bars, lectures, demonstrations, and performances. They are marketing a(n) _ rather than a product assortment.experiencecustomer valuecustomer delighttotal service solutionintangible benefit(s)Answer: aPage: 15Le
20、vel of difficulty: MediumIn response to threats from such companies as AOL, Amazon, Yahoo, eBay, ETRADE, and dozens of others, established manufacturers and retailers became “brick-and-click” oriented by adding online services to their existing offerings. This process became known as _. reintermedia
21、tiondisintermediatione-commercee-collaborationnew market synchronization Answer: aPage: 15Level of difficulty: HardMany brick-and-click competitors became stronger contenders in the marketplace than the pure-click firms because they had a larger pool of resources to work with and _.better pricesgrea
22、ter valuewell-established brand namesone-on-one communicationsdirect selling capabilityAnswer: cPage: 15Level of difficulty: MediumThe _ is practiced most aggressively with unsought goods, goods that buyers normally do not think of buying, such as insurance, encyclopedias, and funeral plots.marketin
23、g conceptselling conceptproduction conceptproduct conceptholistic marketing conceptAnswer: bPage: 15Level of difficulty: MediumThe _ concept holds that consumers will favor those products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative ductmarketingproductionselling holistic mark
24、eting Answer: aPage: 15Level of difficulty: EasyThe _ concept holds that consumers and businesses, if left alone, will ordinarily not buy enough of the organizations ductionsellingmarketingproductholistic marketingAnswer: bPage: 15Level of difficulty: MediumSeveral scholars have found th
25、at companies who embrace the marketing concept achieve superior performance. This was first demonstrated for companies practicing a _understanding and meeting customers expressed needs.reactive market orientationproactive marketing orientationtotal market orientationimpulsive market orientationholis
26、tic market orientationAnswer: aPage: 16Level of difficulty: MediumAccording to Theodore Levitt, who drew a perceptive contrast between the selling and marketing concepts, _ is preoccupied with the need to convert products into cash.marketingsellingdirect marketingholistic marketing service marketing
27、 Answer: bPage: 16Level of difficulty: MediumIn the course of converting to a marketing orientation, a company faces three hurdles_.organized resistance, slow learning, and fast forgettingmanagement, customer reaction, competitive responsedecreased profits, increased R&D, additional distributionfore
28、casted demand, increased sales expense, increased inventory costscustomer focus, profitability, slow learningAnswer: aPage: 16Level of difficulty: HardCompanies that practice both a reactive and proactive marketing orientation are implementing a _ and are likely to be the most successful.total marke
29、t orientationexternal focuscustomer focuscompetitive, customer focusconfrontation processAnswer: aPage: 16Level of difficulty: MediumMarketers argue for a _ in which all functions work together to respond to, serve, and satisfy the customer.cross-functional team orientationcollaboration modelcustome
30、r orientationmanagement-driven organizationtotal quality modelAnswer: cPage: 16Level of difficulty: Medium _ can be seen as the development, design, and implementation of marketing programs, processes, and activities that recognizes the breadth and interdependencies of their effects. Niche marketing
31、Holistic marketingRelationship marketingSupply-chain marketingDemand-centered marketingAnswer: bPage: 17Level of difficulty: Medium_ marketing has the aim of building mutually satisfying long-term relations with key parties such as customers, suppliers, distributors, and other marketing partners in
32、order to earn and retain their business.Holistic Demand-based Direct RelationshipSynthetic Answer: dPages: 1718Level of difficulty: EasyCompanies who form a _ collect information on each customers past transactions, demographics, psychographics, and media and distribution preferences.sales networkho
33、listic unionmarketing networksupply-chain networkintegrated networkAnswer: cPage: 18Level of difficulty: HardThe ability of a company to deal with customers one at a time has become practical as a result of advances in _, computers, the Internet, and database marketing software. improved communicati
34、on flowinformation technologyjust-in-time manufacturingfactory customizationcustomer-centered strategiesAnswer: dPage: 18Level of difficulty: HardOne traditional depiction of marketing activities is in terms of the marketing mix or four Ps. The four Ps are characterized as being _.product, positioni
35、ng, place, and priceproduct, production, price, and placepromotion, place, positioning, and priceplace, promotion, production, and positioning product, price, promotion, and placeAnswer: ePage: 19Level of difficulty: EasyThe four Ps represent the sellers view of the marketing tools available for inf
36、luencing buyers. From a buyers point of view, each marketing tool is designed to deliver a customer benefit. Robert Lauterborn suggested that the sellers four Ps correspond to the customers four Cs. The four Cs are _.customer focus, cost, convenience, and communicationcustomer solution, customer cos
37、t, convenience, and communicationconvenience, control, competition, and costcompetition, cost, convenience, and communicationcategory control, cost, concept development, and competitionAnswer: bPages: 1920Level of difficulty: MediumHolistic marketing incorporates _, ensuring that everyone in the org
38、anization embraces appropriate marketing principles, especially senior fit objectivesshare of customerinternal marketingthe marketing mixstrategic planningAnswer: cPage: 20Level of difficulty: HardMarketing is not a department so much as a _.company orientationphilosophyfunctionbranch
39、of managementbranch of economicsAnswer: aPage: 20Level of difficulty: MediumHolistic marketing incorporates _ and understanding broader concerns and the ethical, environmental, legal, and social context of marketing activities and programs. safe product designcultural marketingsocial responsibility
40、marketingcross-functional teamsdirect sales policies Answer: cPage: 20Level of difficulty: MediumThe _ holds that the organizations task is to determine the needs, wants, and interests of target markets and to deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a w
41、ay that preserves or enhances the consumers and the societys well-being.customer-centered businessfocused business modelsocietal marketing conceptethically responsible marketing managerproduction-centered businessAnswer: cPage: 22Level of difficulty: MediumCompanies see _ as an opportunity to enhanc
42、e their corporate reputation, raise brand awareness, increase customer loyalty, build sales, and increase press coverage.cause-related marketingbrand marketingequity marketingdirect marketingrecognition marketingAnswer: aPage: 23Level of difficulty: MediumWhen a customer has a(n) _ need he/she wants
43、 a car whose operating cost, not its initial price, is low. stated real unstated delight secret Answer: bPage: 24Level of difficulty: HardWhen a customer has a(n) _ need the customer wants to be seen by friends as a savvy consumer.real unstated delightsecretstatedAnswer: dPage: 24Level of difficulty
44、: HardDuring market segmentation analysis, the marketer identifies which segments present the greatest opportunity. These segments are called _.target marketsprimary marketstertiary marketsdemographic marketsfocused marketsAnswer: aPage: 24Level of difficulty: MediumFor each target market, the firm
45、develops a _. The offering is positioned in the minds of the target buyers as delivering some central benefit(s).value offeringniche offeringmarket offeringsegment offeringsocial offering Answer: cPage: 24Level of difficulty: Medium_ reflects the perceived tangible and intangible benefits and costs
46、to customers. LoyaltySatisfactionValueExpectationsComparison shoppingAnswer: cPage: 25Level of difficulty: MediumIf a marketer decides to use warehouses, transportation companies, banks, and insurance companies to facilitate transactions with potential buyers, the marketer is using what is called a
47、_.service channeldistribution channelbrand channelrelationship channelintermediary channelAnswer: aPage: 26Level of difficulty: Medium_ includes all the actual and potential rival offerings and substitutes that a buyer might consider.CompetitionThe product offeringA value propositionThe supply chain
48、The marketing environmentAnswer: aPage: 26Level of difficulty: EasyThe _ includes the immediate actors involved in producing, distributing, and promoting the offering. The main actors are the company, suppliers, distributors, dealers, and the target customers.operations environmentmanagement environ
49、mentstrategic environmenttask environmenttactical environmentAnswer: dPage: 26Level of difficulty: MediumThe _ process consists of analyzing marketing opportunities; selecting target markets; designing marketing strategies; developing marketing programs; and managing the marketing effort.marketing p
50、lanningstrategic planningmarket researchopportunity analysisshare of customerAnswer: aPage: 27Level of difficulty: MediumDavid Packard of Hewlett-Packard once said, “Marketing is far too important to leave to _.”the advertising boysuninformed managersnovicesthe CEOthe marketing departmentAnswer: ePa
51、ge: 27Level of difficulty: MediumSome companies are now switching from being solely product-centered (with product managers and product divisions to manage them) to being more _ centered. competencystrategymarketingcustomer-segmentsalesAnswer: dPage: 27Level of difficulty: HardCompanies are recogniz
52、ing that much of their market value comes from _, particularly their brands, customer base, employees, distributor and supplier relations, and intellectual capital.variable assets the value propositionintangible assetstangible assetscustomer preferencesAnswer: cPage: 28Level of difficulty: Easy_ can
53、 increasingly be conducted electronically, with buyer and seller seeing each other on their computer screens in real time.Public relationsE-commerceAdvertisingPersonal sellingMass marketingAnswer: dPage: 28Level of difficulty: MediumTop management is going beyond sales revenue alone to examine the m
54、arketing scorecard to interpret what is happening to _.market sharecustomer loss ratecustomer satisfactionproduct qualityall of the aboveAnswer: ePage: 29Level of difficulty: MediumAt the heart of any marketing program is the _the firms tangible offering to the market.service offer productsales supp
55、ort teampackagingauxiliary offerAnswer: bPage: 30Level of difficulty: Medium_ activities are the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind consumersdirectly or indirectlyabout the brands they sell. Consumer behavior Market segmentationMarketing research Marketing communicationNew
56、product development Answer: dPage: 30Level of activity: MediumMarketing evaluation and _ processes are necessary to understand the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing activities and how both could be improved. controlanalysismeasurementfeedbackconsumer behaviorAnswer: aPage: 30Level of difficu
57、lty: MediumTrue/False A short definition of marketing is “meeting needs profitably.”Answer: True Page: 5 Level of difficulty: EasyValue marketing is the “art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior cu
58、stomer value.”Answer: FalsePage: 6Level of difficulty: MediumOne of the key conditions for an exchange to take place is that each party is capable of communication and delivery.Answer: TruePages: 67Level of difficulty: Medium In a transfer, A gives X to B but does not receive anything tangible in re
59、turn.Answer: TruePage: 7Level of difficulty: MediumServices constitute the bulk of most countries production and marketing effort.Answer: FalsePage: 8Level of difficulty: Medium The U.S. economy today consists of a 7030 services-to-goods mix.Answer: TruePage: 8Level of difficulty: Medium“Friends Don
60、t Let Friends Drive Drunk,” is an example of marketing an experience to an interested audience.Answer: FalsePage: 9Level of difficulty: Hard Unwholesome demand occurs when consumers dislike the product and may even pay a price to avoid it.Answer: FalsePage: 10Level of difficulty: HardWhen consumers
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