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1、江蘇省如皋市2020-2021學(xué)年七年級上學(xué)期期末英語試題學(xué)校:姓名:班級:考號:一、單選題EVery morning .Jack exercises for abouthour and then he WalkS toSChOOLA. an; /B. a; theC. an; theD. a;/We,ll have the Term Ending CeremOny (散學(xué)典禮)2:30the afternoonOf 25 JanUarJfA. at; inB. at; OnC. on; inD.-Yes. There isA. OnCB. itC. SOmeD.any-EXCUSe me,

2、are there any bookshops nearby?near OUr schl, just at the COrner Of the street.-WhafS your-I am going to be a model When I grow up.A.hobbyB. ageC. designD.dream5.The breadnice Id Iike to have another piece.A.tastesB. lksC. SeemSD.feels6.YOUng Children CannOtfireworks if their ParentS are not With th

3、em.A. think aboutB. talk OfC. find OUtD. 1 et Off7. -I didnt find the bk NeXt DOOr in the library. Can Iyours?-OK. ll bring it here tomorrow.A. CarryB. borrowC. COlleCtD.Ienddoes your father go On a PiCniC With you? TWiCe a year. He is always busy With his work.A. HOWfarB. HOW IOngC. HOWOfgnD.HOW mu

4、chHow many SylIableS does the WOrd watermelon lae?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D.Five.Dad. We Il have a basketball match tlis Sanlrday?一Really?A. BeSt wishes!C You,re welcome.B HavC a good time.D WiSh your team good luck.完型填空kWho WOUld you Iike to Change your Iife With if possible? LaSt Week We asked man

5、y middle SChOOl StUdentS this question. The following are SOme Of their 11Zhang Yikc, 12I Want to Change my Iife With my friend Wang Xiaohui. She is StUdying in England now.She has been to many 12 SUCh as the USA and FranCe They are the PlaCeS I WiSh toViSit And She 13 VCry good EngIiSh. I Can ViSit

6、 Inany beautiful countries, eat delicious food and meet different kinds Of PCOPle there 14 I Change my Iife With her.QiU HaOraiL 14d IIke to Challge my IIfe With my CllmeSe teacher MiSS Zhao. MlSS ZhaO IS a Very kind Iady She15 a IOt because She IikeS reading and travelling. ShC always tries to make

7、 herClaSSeS IiVeIy and 16 We all Iike her CIaSSeS I also Want to be a nice teacher and bePOPUlar With my 17Tan Bo, 13I WiIl Change my Iife With my elder brother. My brother is a COllege (大學(xué))StUdent now.He does have to go to 18 all the time He Can StUdy the SUbjeCtS he is interested in. And he even h

8、as a Part-time job to make money. TO 19, all Of these SOUnd Very interesting.I really Want a Iife 20 that.11 A. answersB. PrOblemSC. questionsD ChangeS12. A. COUntrieSB. ViIIdgCSC. townsD CitieS13. A. SaySB. SPeakSC. IearnSD tells14. A. WhenB. becauseC. ifD. after15 A. teachesB. knowsC. thinksD. ask

9、s16. A. busyB. difficultC. impoiWHD. imcrcsting17 A. ParentSB. friendsC. ClaSSmateSD. StUdentS18. A. WOrkB. ClaSSC. IibrarieSD. meetings19. A. meB himC. youD them20. A. atB. onC. forD. Iike閱讀單選After-SChOOl ACtiVitieSAre you interested in ball games?Teacher: Mr. BrOWnPlace: On the PIaygrOUndTime:Mond

10、ay. 16: OOj 8:00Age: OVer 10 years OldWOUld you Iike to be a dancer?Teacher: Miss, MillerPlace: In the gymTime: Friday, 19:00-21:00Age: OVer 5 years OldAre you good at Painting?Teacher: Mr. GreenPlace: In the art roomTime: Sunday, &00 - 10:00Age: OVer 4 years old. ImdCr 14DO you enjoy Playing chess?

11、Teacher: Mrs. SmithPlace: In the IibraryTime:SatUrday, 15:30 -18:00Age: OVer 6 years old. Under 10 If AliCe WantS to Iearn to dance, how Old does She have to be?A. Ovcrfour.B. OVCrfiVCC. Ovcrsix.D. OvcrtciL Cindy is interested in drawing pictures, Where Can She go On Sundays?A. TO the library.B. TO

12、the art room.C. TO the gym.D. TO thePlaygrOund. DaVid is 11 years OId and he IikeS Playing baseball. WhO Can be his teacher?A. Mr. GreenB. Miss. MillenC. Mrs. Smith.D Mr. Brown.24. WhiCh Of the following activities is not mentioned (提及)in the passage?A. Dancing.B. Painting.C. SingingD Ball games. HO

13、W IOng does it take Bill to PIay CheSS On Saturdays?A. 2.5 hours.B. 1.5 hours.C. 2 hours.D. 1 hour.TOday in SChOOL I get into an argument With a boy in my ClaSSI think that T am right and HheH is WrOngand he thinks that T am WrOng and ,he, is right. The teacher WantS to teach US a IeSSOnShe brings U

14、S UP to the front Of the CIaSS and PIaCeS him On One Side Of her desk and me On the other. There is a large, round ObjeCt (物體)On her desk. It is black. BUt When She asks the boy he answers, White;*I can,t believe it. AnOther argument StartSTlle teacher tells US to Change OUr PlaCeS. Then She asks me

15、,HI have toanswer, ,White. It WaS an ObjeCt With two differently COlOred SideS. FrOm his Side it is white. FrOm my Side it is blackSOmetimeS We need to Stand in the Other PerSOn,s ShOeS and lk at the PrOblem through their eyes WhO teaches the Writer a lesson?A. HisclassmiUc. B Hchimsclf.C. HiS teach

16、er.D HiSmOlher. HOW does the Writer feel When the boy SayS the ObjeCt is white?B. WOrriedC. Happy._ in ParagraPh 5?B DO you think he is right?D What do you think Of the object?A. SUrPriSed (驚訝的)D. Angry. WhiCh Of the following Can be PUt inAA. IS your answer right?C. What COlOUr is the object? Why d

17、oes the ObjeCt IOOk SO different in colour?A. BeCaUSe the boy and the Writer have no ideas about COlOUrS.B BeCaUSe the ObjeCt has two different COlOUrS On Ihe two SideSBeCaUSe the boy and the Writer Iike Inaking arguments With each Othe匚BeCaUSe the teacher is angry and She WantS to Play tricks On th

18、e students. What Can We Iearn from the story?A. We must believe What We See and SPeak out.B TeaCherS are always CIeVerer than their StUdentSC. We need to IOOk at a PrOblem from others* feelings.D NeVer have an argument With OtherS in front Of teachers.Li Tingting is a Grade 7 StIldent in Nantong, Ji

19、angSu. TllC 13-year-old girl StUdieS hard in her EngliSh ClaSS EVerr day, She IiStenS CarefUlly in CIaSS and does many CXerCiSeS after class. BUt She doesnt do Well in it. She is Very sad. MWhy doesnt my hard WOrk Pay Off (回報)” Li asks.LOtS Of middle SChOOl StUdentS face this problem: They try their

20、 best at SOmething but cant succeed. HThCy dont have effective (有效白勺)Iearning WayS. ThiS is the main reason for their difficulties.* SayS Bi Qinr an EngIiSh teacher in Beijng No. 4 High SChOOLBi Qin thinks that hard WOrk is not enough for Iniddle SChOOl StUdentS She says, HStUdCntS have more SUbjeCt

21、S now. They ShOUId Iearn in many different ways. The more you USe new WOrdS the better you Can remember them.Chln Xiping, 13, Of ShandOng, has is Own Ofleanlmg EnglISh- T StUdy hard In SChOOL and I also Iike WatChing CCTV9. On this TV ChanneL I always SeC the EngIiSh WOrdS from my textbook/ SayS Che

22、. Its Ieaily useful. MLin Pingyi. 13, Of Shanghai, has a habit Of reading.NI Iike reading EngIiSh novels Iike The OldMan Und the Sea(老人與海).And I Write notes in Iny diary,H SayS Lin Pingyi, In this Way, I Can remember more words, and make my reading and Writing better.H Why doesn,t Li Tingting do Wel

23、l in English?A. BeCaUSe She doesnt PIay SPOrtS after ClaSSB BeCaUSe She doesnt IiSten CarefUlly in ClaSSBeCaUSe She doesnt have effective Iearning WaySBeCaUSe She doesnt do many exercises after ClaSS32 What does the UnderlinCd WOrd ,succeedn PrObably mean in this passage?A. have funB. COme trueC. ge

24、t readyD do Well33 WhiCh is true according to (根據(jù))the passage?A Li Tingting is a Student in Grade 9.B Lin Pingyi CnjOyS reading EngIiSh novelsChen XiPing doesn,t Iike WatChing CCTV-9.Bi Qin asks StUdentS to Iearn in the Same way.34 ACCOrding to Bi Qin. how Can StUdCntS remember new WOrdS effectively

25、?A. They ShOUld IiSten to the WOrdSeB They ShOUlei USe the WOrdS more.C. They ShOUld Write the WOrdS OftenD. They ShOUld read the WOrdS aloud35 What,s the best title (標題)Of this passage?A. A Girl,s QueStiOn In LearningB. Middle SChOOl Students1 PrOblemC, Different WayS TO LCarn EngIiShD. The ReaSOn

26、FOr Students* DiffiCUItieS根據(jù)首字母填空根據(jù)中文提示、英文釋義、音標或句子意思寫岀所缺單詞,使句子意思完整。36 Tlle new teaching building in OUr SChOOl is nice and(現(xiàn)代化)37 FOOtball is POPUIar(在之間)PeOPle in Iny hometown. Millie IiVeS On a healthy diet. She(not Often) has SWeet SnaCkS ThC red and White tie(go Well With) SimOn,s Shirt HC lks r

27、eally smart.WhafS the time now?-Ifs five fifteen. That is, aPaSt five.用單詞的正確形式完成句子請根據(jù)句意從方框中選擇合適的單詞,并用所其適當形式填空,使句子通順CPlay SWim Iittle he One41. GrandParentS dont IiVe Witll US ad We GSitthema month. 一 Do you have aPOOl in your school? 一 WhO is your hero, Helen? FOOtballKyIian MbaPPe and CriStianO ROn

28、aldo. I admire them Very much. On DanIerS birthday each yea匚 MUnl always buysa book as a gift. JaCk SIeePS forthan 7 hours every night, SO he Often feels tired in class.請報據(jù)句意從方框中選擇合適的動詞,并用其適當形式填空,使句子通順。make feel try Wait not be Shirley IikeS music because it makes hergreat. TlIereany PaPCr CuPS at h

29、ome. We need to buy SOme IrS 7:00 a.m. TOm With his ClaSSmateSfor the SChOOl bus. AUnt Maryr is a CarefUl buyer. She alwaysOn IOtS Of ClOtheS before Shedecides (決定)which to buy.What are you going to do this afternoon?-1 PlanIanternS OUt Of OrangeS句型轉(zhuǎn)換請根據(jù)要求改寫下列各句,每空一詞。 MilIie has a nice dress for Ihe

30、 ChineSe NeW Year party.(改為否圧句)Milliea nice dress for the ChineSe NeW Year Party52, BCtty COmeS from Nanjing. May COmeS from Nanjing, too.(合并成一句)Betty and Mayfrom Nanjing-53 ThC Children WatCh SOme interesting TV PlayS after SChOOL (改為單數(shù)句子)The Childinteresting TV Play after school.54. HOW InUCh do t

31、he black trousers cost?(保持句意基本不變)theOf the black trousers?55 ThC Iady in a red dress is OUr new ChineSe teachc匚(就劃線部分提問)is your new ChineSe teacher?單詞填空請認貞閱讀下而短文,并根拯各題所給首字母的提示,寫出一個合適的英語單詞完整、 正確形式,使短文通順。DO you know about BraZil CarniVaI (巴西狂歡 VJ) ?The festival COmeS from a StOry in the Bible (圣經(jīng)) And

32、 the h56. Of BraZil CarniVal goes back to 1840.BraZil CarniVal is USUally in FebnIary. ItiS SUmmer in BraZil. If is a hot festival. Many PlaCeS in BraZil c57. it. BUt the biggest CelCbratiOn is in RiO de JaneirO. The CelebratiOn there goes On for 4 days and nights PeOPle w58. COIOUrfUl CIOtheS They

33、Sing and dance On the StreetS and UniVerSitieS .In this way, they develop good WOrking habits and IiVe by their OWn hands And there is a big Parade (游行) MilliOnS Of PeOPle go to WatCh it every year!DanCing is their f59, activity Of all. PeOPle dance Sanlba to music They hope to dance tokeep a60. fro

34、m Sad things and WOrrieS They have a good time together. That is What CarniVal is for_ etting together and having fun!回答問題閱讀下而短文,回答5個問題。In AmeriCa, Children Start SChOOl When they are five years old. In SOme StateS they must Stay in SChOOl Until they are SiXteen. MOSt StUdentS are SeVenteen Or eight

35、een years OId When they IeaVe SeCOndary (中等的)schools. There are two kinds Of SChOOIS in the United States: PUbliC SChOOIS and PriVate (私立白勺)SChOOlS. MOSt Children go to PUbliC SChOOIS. Their ParentS do not have to Pay for their education (教育)because the SChOOlS receive money from the government. If

36、a Child goes to a PriVate school, his ParentS have to get enough money for his SChOOling SOme ParentS Stin Prefer PriVate schools, though (盡管)they are InUCh more CXPenSiVe TOday about half Of the high SChOOl StUdentS go to UniVerSitieS (大學(xué))after they finish the SeCOndanf SChOOI. A StUdent at State U

37、niVerSity does not have to Pay Very InUCh if his ParentS IiVe in that State BUt many StUdentS WOrk While they are StUdying at UniVerSitieS .In this Way they develop good WOrking habits and IiVe by their OWn hands.61 HOW OId arc ChildrCn in AmeriCa When they Start school?62 What are the two kinds Of

38、SChOOlS in AmeriCa?63. Why don,t ParentS Of PUbliC SChOOl StlldentS have to Pay for their education? HOW Inany high SChOOl StUdentS go to UniVerSitieS after they finish SeCOndary schools? IS it good for StUdentS to WOrk While StUdying at UniVerSities? Why do you think so?漢譯英:整句根據(jù)所給提示將下列句子譯成英語。66謝謝你帶

39、我參觀你們美麗的校園。(Tliaiikyoufor.)運動鞋輕便、舒適,適合長時間步行。(fit for)我們想用我們的零花錢幫助貧困地區(qū)的孩子們匚(UeS sth. to do sth.)Simon正和他的堂弟們練習(xí)打排球嗎? (PraCtiSe doing)有時兩餐之間我覺得餓,所以我會吃一個蘋果或一只梨。(SO)十.材料作文書面表達。假如你是七年級五班的班長JUIiC,你們年級將舉行以如何過好寒假為主題的沙龍活動,請根據(jù)下表所提示的要點,用英語寫一篇發(fā)言稿,介紹你的個人情況及寒假計劃。個人情況基本信息友好善良,聰明好學(xué)愛好特長熱愛網(wǎng)球,擅長數(shù)學(xué)寒假計劃健康生活1.早睡早起,健康飲食2.多

40、做運動,承擔家務(wù)快樂學(xué)習(xí)1.認真作業(yè)2.廣泛閱讀慶祝春節(jié)1.陪伴家人2.同學(xué)聚會注意:1表達中必須包含所給的要點,部分請自擬內(nèi)容作答。詞數(shù)80左右。開頭和結(jié)尾已經(jīng)給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。表達中請勿提及真實姓劃和校名。提示:寒假計劃 PlanS for the Winter holiday 友好 friendly 家務(wù) houseworkHCllo, everybody! My name is JUIieI hope all Of US Can make a good Plan and have a WOnderfUl Winter holiday.參考答案A【解析】【詳解】句意:每天早上,杰克鍛煉

41、了大約一個小時,然后步行去學(xué)校。a/an不立冠詞,意為“一個”,a用于輔音音素開頭的單詞前,an用于元音音素開頭的單詞 前。(he泄冠詞,表示特指。第一空表示“一個小時”,hour以元音音素開頭,故填an,第 二空go to schl表示去上學(xué),固定搭配。結(jié)合句意,故選A?!军c睛】不左冠詞表示某一類人或某事物中的任何一個,經(jīng)常用在第一次提到某人或某物時,用不左冠 詞起介紹作用,表示一個。不左冠詞有a.an。其中a用在發(fā)音以輔音開頭的名詞之前,而an 則用在發(fā)音以元音開頭的名詞之前。零冠詞:專有名詞抽象名詞和物質(zhì)名詞之前一般不用冠詞。China is a IargeSt COUntrJf in

42、the world.中國是世界上最大的國家。表示日常餐食名詞之前不用冠詞Its Cime for breakfast.該吃早飯 了。在季節(jié),月份,星期,節(jié)日。球類運動,棋類游戲的名詞之前不用冠詞。We are going to Play basketball this afternoon.今天下午我們要去打籃球。語言的名稱前不用冠詞。Can you SPCak English?你能說英語嗎?某些固定詞組不用冠詞。by air, On foot, at night, after SChOOk at home, go to class, in fact, from morning till nig

43、ht.B【詳解】句意:我們將在1月25日下午2:30舉行散學(xué)典禮。at與時間點連用:On和具體的一天或者具體一天的上午,下午,晚上連用;in和年,月, 季節(jié)等連用。2:30是具體的時間點;(heaflcrnoonof25 January是具體一天的下午,故選B【點睛】與時間連用的介詞主要有:at, in, on. at主要和表示時間點的詞連用:in主要和表示一段 時間的詞連用;On主要和星期幾(及其上下午晚上),具體的一天,具體一天的上下午晚上, 有天氣修飾的時間連用。2:30是具體的時間點,所以用at: the afternoon Of 25 JanUary是具 體一天的下午,所以用on。A

44、【詳解】句意:一一打擾一下,附近有書店嗎? 一一是的。我們學(xué)校附近有一家,就在街角。A.One-個,用于指代上文出現(xiàn)的同類事物中的一個;B.it它,代指上文同一事物;C.SOme 一些:D. any任何一個。此處指一個書店,屬于同類不同物,故選A。D【詳解】句意:一一你的夢想是什么?一一我長大后要當模特兒。A. hobby 愛好:B.agc年級:C. design 設(shè)訃;D. drea m夢想。根據(jù)后文回答I am going to be a model,可知此處問你的夢想是什么,故選DJ【點睛】詞義辨析題,首先要閱讀題干,根據(jù)句意推測要填寫的單詞,然后對比各個選項,選擇最合 適的選項,使句子

45、通順,結(jié)構(gòu)正確。根據(jù)后文回答Iamgoing IobeamodeI,可知此處問夢 想是什么,故選D。A【詳解】句意:這而包味道很好。我想再吃一片。A. tastes 嘗起來;B. IOOkS 看起來:C. SeemS 似乎:D. feels 感覺。根據(jù) d Iike to have another PiCCC.可知此處指嘗起來好吃,故選A?!军c睛】詞義辨析題,首先要閱讀題干,根據(jù)句意推測要填寫的單詞,然后對比各個選項,選擇最合 適的選項,使句子通順,結(jié)構(gòu)正確。根據(jù)d Iiketohaveanotherpiece.可知此處指嘗起來好吃, taste嘗起來,故選A。D【詳解】句意:如果父母不在,小

46、孩子就不能放煙火。A. think about 考慮:B. talk Of說到;C. find OUt查出;D. Iet Off使爆炸,根據(jù)假設(shè)條件, 可知此處指小孩子不能放煙花,故選D。B【詳解】句意:一一我在圖書館沒有找到NeXt DOOr那本書。我可以借你的嗎?一一好的,我明天帶 過來。A. CarrJf搬,抬,扛:B. borrow 借,主語借進:C.COlIeCt收集;D. Iend借給,主語借出。 根據(jù)上文I didnt find the book NeXt DOOr in the Iibrary可知此處指主語借進書籍,故選B【點睛】在英語中,borrow, lend, keep都

47、可以表示“借”,但是它們的用法不同:borrow表示“從別人那里,借到自己手里”,所以borrow后而常跟介詞from:例如:Can I boow you bike?我能借你的自行車嗎?ICnd “出借”,就是借給別人,所以后而常跟介詞to:這個詞不規(guī)則:Icnd-Icnt-Icnt 例如:Can you Iend me SOnIe money?能給我借點錢嗎?需要注意的是,borrow和Iend都是短暫性動作,不可以延續(xù),自然就不可以和表示一段的時間狀語連用,如果要表達“借了多長時間”這樣的時間段,就會用到keep;keep “保存”用來表示借一段時間:這個詞也是不規(guī)則動詞:keep- ke

48、pt-kept比如,若想表達“這本書我能借多久? ”就的用到keep:HOW IOng Can I keep the book?同樣,這本書我已經(jīng)借了兩周了。這句話也用keep:I have kept the book for two weeks.C【詳解】句意:一一你父親多久和你一起去野餐一次?年兩次。他總是忙于工作。A. HOWfar多遠,提問距離:B. HOWIOng多久,多長時間,用“for+段時間”回答:C. HOW OftCn多久一次,提問頻率;D. HOw InUCh多少,提問價格,根據(jù)回答TWiCe a year可知提問 頻率,故選C?!军c睛】how SOOn多久以后,用“in+段時間”回答:how IOng多久,多長時間,用“for+段時 間回答” ;how much多少,提問價格:how Far多遠,提問距離。how Often多久一次,提問頻率:how many times多少次,提問次數(shù)。C【詳解】句意:watermelon這個詞有幾個音節(jié)?A. TWO兩個:B. Three. 個;C. FOUr四個;D. FivC五個5根據(jù) WatermelOn 的音標,wosnnekn. 可知有四個元音音素,所以共有四個音節(jié),故選C。D【詳解】句意:一爸爸,這個星期六我們要打籃球賽?一頁的嗎?祝你們隊好運。A. BeSt wishes!最美好的祝福;B. HaVe a


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