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1、 Unit1unravel / nrvl; nrvl/ v (-ll-; US -l-) I, Tn (cause sth woven, knotted or tangled to) separate into strands (使編織 編結或糾結之物)解開, 拆開: My knitting has unravelled. 我編織的東西散開了. * unravel a cardigan, a ball of string 把對襟毛衣 一團細繩拆開volatile / vltal; US -tl; vltl/ adj ) likely to change suddenly or sharply;

2、 unstable dub a nickname decry / dkra; dkra/ v (pt, pp decried) Tn, Cn.n/a sb/sth (as sth) speak critically of sb/sth to make him/it seem less valuable, useful, etc; disparage sb/sth 詆毀某人某事物以貶低其價值: He decried her efforts (as a waste of time). 他貶低她所作的努力(認為是浪費時間).teach-in teach-inn C an informal meeti

3、ng of people who are interested in a particular subject, where they have the opportunity to learn more about itconsensus / knsenss; knsnss/ n C, U (on sth/that.) agreement in opinion; collective opinion 意見一致; 共同看法:revelation / revlen; rvlen/ n C that which is revealed, esp sth surprising 被揭露的事, 暴露出來

4、的事(尤指出人意料者)revolt act or state of rebellingrelish enjoy dissent 1 / dsent; dsnt/ n U holding opinions which differ from common or officially held ones 持有異議(不同於普通的或官方的見解):incursion invasion dispatch 1 (also despatch) / dspt; dspt/ v Tn, Tn.pr sb/sth (to.) send sb/sth off to a destination or for a spe

5、cial purpose 派遣(某人); 發(fā)送(某事物): confrontation /knfrnten US kn-/ n C,U a situation in which there is a lot of angry disagreement between two people or groupssubside / sbsad; sbsad/ v become less violent, active, intense, etc 減弱; 減輕; 平靜下來; 平息detest dislike (sb/sth) very much; hate friction disagreement

6、or conflict between people or parties with different views feud / fjud; fjud/ n long and bitter quarrel between two people, families or groups (兩人 家族或團體間的)長期不和, 世仇:quell / kwel; kwl/ v Tn put an end to (sth); suppress制止(某事物); 鎮(zhèn)壓; 壓制: quell the rebellion, opposition,uprising, etc 鎮(zhèn)壓叛亂 反抗 起義等 * quell

7、sbs fears, anxieties, etc 消除某人的恐懼 憂慮等.rift / rft; rft/ n split, crack, break, serious disagreemenUnit2gourmet drudgery drudgery /drdri/ n U hard boring workpatio / ptu; pto/ n (pl s / -uz; -oz/) paved area next to a house where people can sit, eat, etc outdoors (與房子相連有鋪砌面的)露臺, 平臺(作戶外歇息 用餐處). Cf 參看 v

8、eranda. roofless courtyard within the walls of a Spanish or Spanish-American house (西班牙式或拉丁美洲式住宅的)院子, 天井. Cf 參看 terrace 3.snatch1 sing sudden attempt to seize (sth) quickly 抓; 搶; 奪: make a snatch at sth 搶奪某物. 2 C esp pl 尤作復數(shù) short part or period; brief extract 片刻; 片段: work in snatches, ie not contin

9、uously 斷斷續(xù)續(xù)地工作blister / blst(r); blst/ n bubble-like swelling under the skin, filled with watery liquid (caused by rubbing, burning, etc) (因磨擦 燒傷等而起的)水泡:Taxmake heavy demands on (sth); strain 造成(某事物)的重負; 使超過極限: His constant requests for help taxed our goodwilltouchy-feely too concerned with feelings

10、 and emotions, rather than with facts or actionsunrelenting / nrlent; nrlnt/ adv (a) not reducing in intensity, etc; continuous; relentless (強度等)未降低的; 持續(xù)的; 不間斷的: unrelenting pressure 持續(xù)的壓力. (b) (of a person) merciless; unwilling to relent(指人)冷酷的, 不愿寬容的: a cruel and unrelenting master 殘酷無情的主人. unrele

11、ntingly adv: The rain continued unrelentingly. 雨一個勁兒地下個不停.benchmark 1 benchmark1 /bentmk US -mrk/ n C something that is used as a standard by which other things can be judged or measuredbenchmark dataroil /rl/ confused.hinge v hinge on sth depend on sth 依賴某事物: Everything hinges on the outcome of the

12、se talks. 一切均將取決於這些會談的結果.gauge (US also gage) / ged; ed/ n U, C standard measure, esp of width or thickness 標準量度(尤指寬度或厚度): the gauge of a sheet of metal 金屬板的厚度 logistics / ldstks; ldstks/ n sing or pl v organization of supplies and services, etc for any complex operation 後勤. demographic information

13、about a group such as the people who live in a particular areathe demographics of a newspapers readershiptranquillize (US also tranquilize), -ise / -az; -az/ v Tn make (a person or an animal) calmer or sleepy, esp by means of a drug 使(人或動物)安靜或入睡(尤指用藥物)drastic / drstk; drstk/ adj usu attrib 通常作定語 hav

14、ing a strong or violent effect 激烈的; 猛烈的; 烈性的: Drastic measures will have to be taken to restore order. 為恢復秩序必須采取嚴厲措施. wagon (Brit also waggon) / wgn; wn/ n four-wheeled vehicle for carrying heavy loads, usu pulled by horses or oxen (四輪的)貨車(通常為牛馬拉的). substantial adj essential 實質的;大體上的;基本的: We are in

15、substantial agreement.我們的意見基本一致.rendezvous/ rndvu/ v. (with sb) 與(某人)在約定地點相會unperturbed /nptbd / adj not worried or annoyed by something that has happenedJohn seemed unperturbed by the news.agitated adj troubled or excited 焦慮的; 激動的demeanour / dmin(r) / n U (fml 文) way of behaving 行為; 舉止porter 1 n 搬運

16、工, take stock (of sb/sth) review, assess and form an opinion (about a situation, sbs abilities, etc) (對情況、某人的能力等)進行檢查評估和鑒定repulsion / rpln; / n U (for sb/sth) feeling of loathing ;disgust 厭惡; 反感 compulsion / kmpln; / n1. (to do sth) U compelling 2.C urge that one cannot resist (不能克制的)慾望, 沖動, 要求(尤指不合

17、情理的行為): attorney / tn; / n (業(yè)務或法律事務上的)代理人: power of attorney代理權 * a letter of attorney,授權書. (US) 律師(尤指有資格代表當事人出庭者)verdict / vdkt; / n decision reached by a jury on a question of fact in a law case (陪審團的)裁斷, 裁決, 裁定The jury returned/announced/brought in their verdict. 陪審團做出了裁斷. be wrapped up in sb/sth

18、 be deeply involved in sb/sth 注意力完全集中於某人某事物; 與某人某事物難解難分: They are completely wrapped up in their children. 他們把全部精力都用在孩子身上了. * by the same token following from the same argument 相應地; 基於同一理由: She must be more reasonable, but by the same token you must try to understand her. 她得講點理, 可你也得盡量體諒她.constancy

19、/ knstns; / n U (approv 褒) quality of being firm and unchanging 堅定性; 持久性: constancy of purpose 目標的堅定性. faithfulness 忠誠: a husbands constancy 丈夫的忠貞不渝.Unit 3 goallthewaywith完全同意,完全順從layahandon碰,對.動手swoonfaint失去知覺;昏厥;暈倒blast.n.aexcitement令人愉悅的經(jīng)歷urgenstrongdesireorimpulse強烈的慾望或沖動virtueintact貞操entiretyof




23、ng渴望intoxicatingmakingyoufeelhappy,excited,andunabletothinkclearly使.興奮heady(a)(ofalcoholicdrinks)likelytomakepeopledrunkquickly;potent(指酒精飲料)易使人醉的,烈性的aftermathconsequenceincorporatevincludediametrically adv.作為直徑地,直接地shattering 1.脫粒,落粒(性)1. the act of breaking something into small pieces(synonym) sma

24、shing cut it out1.停止(做某事);口住手cast off 1.脫下, 解開2.擺脫; 拋棄1. get rid of; (synonym) shed , cast , shake off , throw , throw off , throw away , drop 2. make the last row of stitches when knittingmake peace with1.同講和speculate vt. & vi. 1.推斷; 猜測, 推測( about/on sth)vi. 1.投機; 做投機買賣 ( in/on sth)1. to believe es

25、pecially on uncertain or tentative grounds; (synonym) theorize , theorise , conjecture , hypothesize , hypothesise , hypothecate , suppose 2. talk over conjecturally, or review in an idle or casual way and with an element of doubt or without sufficient reason to reach a conclusion; 3. reflect deeply

26、 on a subject; (synonym) chew over , think over , meditate , ponder , excogitate , contemplate , muse , reflect , mull , mull over , ruminate 4. invest at a risk; (synonym) job poverty-stricken adj. 1.為貧窮所困惱的,非常貧窮的1. poor enough to need help from others(synonym) destitute , impoverished , indigent ,

27、 necessitous , needy remedies救濟方法prevailing adj. 1.占優(yōu)勢的;主要的2.普遍的;盛行的;流行的3.(指風)一地區(qū)常刮的,盛行的 1. most frequent or common;(synonym) predominant 2. encountered generally especially at the present time; (synonym) prevalent , rife needy adj. 1.貧窮的;貧困的1. poor enough to need help from others(synonym) destitute

28、 , impoverished , indigent , necessitous , poverty-stricken rugged adj. 1.崎嶇不平的, 多巖石的2.健壯3.強健而富有魅力的;粗獷的4.堅強的;堅毅的1. sturdy and strong in constitution or construction; enduring; (antonym) delicate 2. topographically very uneven; (synonym) broken 3. rocky and steep(synonym) craggy 4. very difficult; se

29、verely testing stamina or resolution; (synonym) tough decrepit adj.1.衰老的,老朽的,破舊的1. worn and broken down by hard use; (synonym) creaky , flea-bitten , run-down , woebegone 2. lacking physical strength or vitality; (synonym) debile , feeble , infirm , sapless , weak , weakly frugality n. 1.節(jié)約;樸素;節(jié)儉1.

30、prudence in avoiding waste(synonym) frugalness Unit4 Central ParkOasis 1. a fertile tract in a desert (where the water table approaches the surface) 2. a shelter serving as a place of safety or sanctuary綠洲Serene 1. characterized by absence of emotional agitation;(synonym) calm , tranquil (similar) p

31、eaceful 2. completely clear and fine; serene skies and a bright blue sea(similar) clear 1. 安詳?shù)模粚庫o的2. 晴朗的;平靜的;沉靜的3. 指一種超脫一切煩惱的寧靜狀態(tài)4. 平靜的 Pivotal Adjective(similar) crucial , important 1.作為支點的, 樞軸的2.中樞的, 關鍵的Plazas Noun1. a public square with room for pedestrians; they met at Elm Plaza; Grosvenor Place

32、(synonym) place , piazza (synonym) mall , center , shopping mall , shopping center , shopping centre 1. 購物中心2. 廣場4. 廣場,集市Revitalization Noun1. bringing again into activity and prominence; the revival of trade; a revival of a neglected play by Moliere; the Gothic revival in architecture(synonym) revi

33、val , resurgence , revitalisation , revivification . 復興,重新充滿活力 重振Multitude large number , plurality , pack common people generally; (synonym) masses , mass , hoi polloi , people 大量,許多;民眾2. 多數(shù)語源Accessibility availability , availableness approachability 1. 可及性2. 可達性Integral 1 整體2. 組成的;整的43 完整的Catalyst

34、 accelerator causal agent , cause , causal agency Hub Nouncar wheel 1. 集線器2輪轂Anarchist Noun無政府主義者Rundown 1.(尤指商業(yè))削減,緊縮 ( in/of sth|英式英語通常單數(shù))2.解釋;描述( on/of sth |通常單數(shù))3.綱要; 大綱Trellis 1. 花棚.2框架Perimeter N1.周邊;周圍;邊緣2.周長Holistic 1. emphasizing the organic or functional relation between parts and the whol

35、e(antonym) atomistic , atomistical 1.全部的2.功能整體性的Mandate名詞 n. 1. (選民對選出的代表、議會等的)授權 2. (上級官員對下級官員下達的)正式命令 3. (政府的)任期 4. (尤指舊時授予某國對別國或地區(qū)的)委任統(tǒng)治權 Antidote Ncounterpoison 1.解藥,解毒劑2.對抗手段,矯正方法3.除害物Predisposed made susceptible;(similar) susceptible 易受影響的Stricture N severe criticism(hypernym) criticism , unfa

36、vorable judgment 1.苛評,指責2.緊束; 約束Repertoire Noun1. the entire range of skills or aptitudes or devices used in a particular field or occupation; the repertory of the supposed feats of mesmerism; has a large repertory of dialects and characters(synonym) repertory 2. a collection of works that an artist

37、 or company can perform(hypernym) collection , aggregation , accumulation , assemblage 1.全部節(jié)目2.演奏曲目Curtail Verb1. place restrictions on; curtail drinking in school(synonym) restrict , curb , cut back 2. terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end or its full extent; (synonym) clip , cu

38、t short 限制;縮短;減縮Tug-of-war Noun拔河,激烈的競爭Sedentary 1.坐著的2.(工作、活動等)需要久坐的3.(人)慣于久坐不動的4.(人或動物) 定居的; 定棲的;不遷徙的Pod . the vessel that contains the seeds of a plant (not the seeds themselves)豆莢(發(fā)動機)吊艙Spout 1.(指液體)噴出, 涌出,噴射2.滔滔不絕地講;喋喋不休地說3. 噴水Swarm with充滿Adobe 1. the clay from which adobe bricks are made(hyper

39、nym) clay 2. sun-dried brick; used in hot dry climates(synonym) adobe brick 土坯磚坯Mural N wall painting Kaleidoscope Noun1. an optical toy in a tube; it produces symmetrical patterns as bits of colored glass are reflected by mirrors(hypernym) plaything , toy1.萬花筒2.千變?nèi)f化, 瞬息萬變Pier 支柱橋墩Etch 1.用針和酸類在金屬板上蝕

40、刻(圖畫等)2.(感情)明顯地表露在(臉上);(臉上)明顯流露出(感情)3.銘刻在心里/記憶里/腦海里sensory Adjective感覺的Circuits循環(huán)訓練Asphalt n.1.瀝青;柏油2.(鋪路等用的)瀝青混合料vt. 1.鋪瀝青于;鋪柏Riparian riverbank , riverside Chaparral , bush Hands-on adj. 1.親自動手的;躬親的2.實際動手做的3.實用的Swap名詞 n. 1. 交換 2. 交換物;被掉換者 Susceptible adj. 1.易受影響的; 易動感情的2.過敏的; 易受感染的3.能經(jīng)受的4.好動感情的;感情

41、豐富的;善感的5. 容許的;可能的;可以Wary 1.謹慎的; 小心翼翼的Tranquility 1.平靜;安靜;安寧2.平穩(wěn);穩(wěn)定Judicious .明智的;明斷的;謹慎的Unit 5Extracurricular a. 課外的,業(yè)余的 outside the regular academic curriculumact on v. 對起作用,按行動 huddle up 聚集過來,蜷縮,縮成一團;胡亂堆積;草率完成be resigned to a. 認命的,服從的,聽任的,已放棄的break out 沖出去,爆發(fā),突然發(fā)生lemming n. 旅鼠mole n. 痣,鼴鼠,膽小鬼strid

42、ent a. 刺耳的,吱吱尖叫的,尖銳的offensively loud; given to vehement outcryrevelation n. 揭露,泄露,發(fā)覺,展示,啟示 disclosuregibberish n. 快速而不清說的言語,亂語unintelligible talkingsweaty-toothed 衰老的cadence n. 韻律,抑揚,調子,節(jié)奏 beatchant vt. vi. 吟唱,誦揚 n. 圣歌,贊美詩 diverge vi. 分歧,岔開vt. 使岔開 move or draw apartlame a. 跛足的,僵痛的,不完全的,金屬薄片,不知內(nèi)情的人st

43、unt n. 特技,絕技,花招,噱頭a difficult or unusual feat; usually done to gain attentionbe side with 在。旁邊whim n. 一時的興致,幻想,反復無常,怪念頭a sudden desireindenture n. 契約,貨單,凹痕vt. 以契約束縛formal agreementriveting fare attractive thingscharismatic 魅力超凡的possessing an extraordinary ability to attractvibrancy 活躍性,活力the quality

44、 of being resonantstarchy 拘謹?shù)膔igidly formalstaid 嚴肅的characterized by dignity and proprietyunorthodox 非正統(tǒng)的breaking with convention or traditionendear vt. 使親密,使受鐘愛make attractive or lovableundeterred 未受阻的not deterredinstill vt. 慢慢地灌輸enter drop by dropsprawl vi. 伸開手足躺,蔓延vt. 懶散地伸開,使蔓生sit or lie with one

45、s limbs spread outblazer 運動夾克lightweight single-breasted jacketemblem 徽章a visible symbol representing an abstract ideacracker 專家bohemian 波西米亞的,違反習俗的resurrect 復建restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused staterout n. 徹底潰敗,大敗,湊熱鬧的人,烏合之眾,混亂,盛大晚會vt. 使?jié)?使敗逃 an overwhelming defeaton the rocks 觸礁,毀滅man

46、tra 咒語trite 陳腐的overfamiliar through overuseentrance 使狂喜the act of forcing out someone or somethingexpulsion 開除the act of forcing out someone or somethingdefiance 反抗,蔑視a hostile challengerevelation 新發(fā)現(xiàn)an enlightening or astonishing disclosureidyllic 田園的Mandatory adj 強制的,必須履行的Clay 粘土Muster v 鼓起(勇氣等)Co

47、mpost 堆肥Mystic 神秘主義者Herbalist 采集,使用草藥的人Persecution 迫害 煩擾Devout v 篤信宗教的 虔誠的 religiousRadically 基本地Militaristic adj 職業(yè)軍人的精神的Rickety adj 虛弱的 不堅固的Trigonometry 三角學,三角函數(shù)Pubescent adj 青春期的Subversive adj 顛覆性的 破壞性的Refract v 使折射Precursor 先驅 Harbinger 先驅 預言者Fret v 煩惱 發(fā)愁Array 陳列 展示Propensity 傾向Curfew 宵禁Reverent

48、 adj 尊敬的 虔誠的Salient adj 突出的 醒目的Stentorian adj聲音洪亮Ethos 社會思潮 風氣Pedagogical adj 教學法的Resonate vi共鳴Laudable 值得贊揚的行為或舉止Admonition 警方Mandate 命令Subversive adj 顛覆性的Rigidly 嚴格的Hierarchy adj 層次的Credential adj 信任的Proximity 接近 親近Flabbily adj 軟弱的 意志薄弱的Tenure 任期 終身職位Guru 專家 權威 expertPersonableness 風度 魅力Fragile ad

49、j 易碎的 Unit 6trim trim adj. 整齊的 thin and fitlabored leibd adj. 吃力的;費勁的;不自然的 lacking natural easeslam slm vt. 砰地關上;猛力抨擊 strike violentlycatheter kit n. 醫(yī)導管;導尿管;尿液管a thin flexible tube inserted into the body to permit introduction or withdrawal of fluids or to keep the passageway openpeek pi:k vi. 窺視,偷

50、看 throw a glance at; take a brief look atmaneuver mnu:v vt. 機動;演習;用計;調遣direct the course; determine the direction of travelling2. act in order to achieve a certain goalstrapped strpt adj.用皮繩捆住的;用皮帶裝飾的;身無分文的,美俚資金短少的harass hrs, hrs vt. 使困擾;使煩惱;反復襲擊annoy continually or chronicallyfile fail v申請 applicat

51、etermination ,t:minein n. 結束,終止coming to an end of a contract periodbronchitis brkaitis n. 醫(yī)支氣管炎inflammation of the membranes lining the bronchial tubespneumocystis carinii pneumonia 卡式肺囊蟲肺炎confide knfaid vi. 信賴;吐露秘密 reveal in private; tell confidentiallydementia dimeni n. 癡呆mental deterioration of

52、organic or functional origin pneumonia nju:munj n. 醫(yī)肺炎 sneer sni n. 嘲笑,冷笑a facial expression of contempt or scorn; the upper lip curlssnub snbN 冷落;斥責an instance of driving away or warding offgraffiti rfi:ti n. 墻上亂寫亂畫的東西a rude decoration inscribed on rocks or wallspro bono prubunu為公眾利益無償服務egregious i

53、ri:dis adj. 極端惡劣的,令人惱怒的conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensiblestonewall ,stunw:l vi.拖延時間stereo steri,u, sti-, sti:- n. 立體聲;立體聲系統(tǒng)mob mb n. 暴民,暴徒;民眾a disorderly crowd of peoplesway swei 影響;搖擺move back and forth or sidewaysoblivion blivinn. 遺忘;湮沒;赦免the state of being disregarded or forgotte

54、n2. total forgetfulness abrupt brpt adj. 生硬的;突然的exceedingly sudden and unexpected outrageously autreidsli adv. 兇殘地,殘暴地in a very offensive manner gravel rvl n. 碎石;砂礫rock fragments and pebbles mediocre ,mi:diuk, mi:diuk adj. 普通的;平凡的moderate to inferior in quality duplicity dju:plisti n. 口是心非;不誠實a frau

55、dulent or duplicitous representation lash out 猛擊;猛烈抨擊;大肆揮霍attack in speech or writing handicapped hndikpt adj. 殘廢的;有生理缺陷的markedly unable to function as a consequence of injury or illness subsequent sbsikwnt adj. 后來的,隨后的following in time or order sauntering: 漫步 chancellor t:nsl, tn- n. 總理(德、奧等的);(英)大

56、臣;校長(美國某些大 學的);(英)大法官;(美)首席法官 refute rifju:t, ri:- vt. 反駁,駁斥;駁倒overthrow by argument, evidence, or prooflesion li:nN 傷口。Wound attorney t:ni n. 律師;代理人 lawyerToll: n. 傷亡,損失Vulnerability: vlnrbiliti n. 易受傷,易受責難,弱點breakabilityStaggering: adj. 令人驚愕的 amazingImpending: adj. 迫近的,即將發(fā)生的already in sight,Stigma

57、: n. 污名,恥辱 blemishStigmatize: stigmtaiz vt. 打烙印,誣蔑 denounceBlatant: adj. 明目張膽的 conspicuousGround zero: 爆破目標 Impede: vt. 阻止 obstructPandemic: pndemik adj. 全國流行的 generalEpicenter: n.震中,中心forthrightness: n. 直率 candorobservance: n. ( 對節(jié)日的) 紀念 ceremonyoutcry: n. 強烈抗議 exclaimstemming: 炮泥; 填塞物accountable:

58、adj. 應負責的,有責任的 responsibleeligible:elidbl a. 可以選的,具有被選舉資格的,合格的 qualifiedmobilize: vt. 動員 call upbigotry: bigtri n. 固執(zhí),頑固,頑迷 dogmatismreinstate: vt. 使復職 restorewoefully: adv. 可悲地 sadlyfly in the face of :公然違抗Unit 7Redemption: 救贖Consecutive: following one after the other in regular order adj. 連續(xù)不斷的;連貫

59、的Harmonica : a kind of small musical instrument口風琴Solitary confinement :imprisonment in a cell單獨拘禁Rehabilitated: normal standards of behavior 改造Rubber: a strong elastic substance made from the juice n. 橡膠;橡皮;合成橡膠;按摩師Slam: to shut with violence vt. 砰地關上;猛力抨擊Probation: the ability to see n. 緩刑;試用; Clo

60、ut: power力量Shun: avoid or keep away from避免Propensity : tendency 趨勢Awe : fear害怕Novella: a short novel 短篇故事,中篇小說Inmate: prisoner 囚犯Retain: allow to remain in a place or position 保持,保留;Clout: special advantage or influence權利,影響力Subsequently: happening at a time subsequent to a reference time隨后地Shun: av


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