



1、沈 陽 師 范 大 學(xué)教學(xué)日歷國際經(jīng)濟(jì)與貿(mào)易; 金融學(xué);市場2018 年級 2018-2019 學(xué)年 第 2 學(xué)期課程名稱:英語閱讀 2課程代碼:17302090;17200101教學(xué)班號:周次教學(xué)作業(yè)類別及內(nèi)容講授實踐環(huán)節(jié)課外作業(yè)參考書目星期時數(shù)教學(xué)大綱的章節(jié)、題目實驗課、習(xí)題課題目和題數(shù)書名、章節(jié)、頁數(shù)第一周月 25 日至月 1 日三四2Greetings and roductions to reading 2Supplementary reading: Orpheus and EurydiceLooking for more information on Greek Mythologyd

2、ia./wiki/Orp heus_and_Eurydi ce第二周 3 月 4 日至3 月 8 日三四2Unit 1 The Pleasure of LearningNotes onthe text; Explanation on the Greek MythologyInformation related to the textNew College English: reading course 2 (p1-4)第三周3 月 11 日至3 月 15 日三四2Unit 1 The Pleasure of LearningDifficult language poshe text; comp

3、rehenexercisesReading skills: key ideas in sentenNew College English: reading course 2 (p4-7)第四周3 月 18 日至3 月 22 日三四2Unit 3 Be Scared for Your KidsBackground on the text; GreekMythology 2Information related to the text/s/blog_01f 771f701015jy3.html ; New CollegeEnglish: reading course 2 (p48-51)第五周3

4、月 25 日至3 月 29 日三四2Unit 3 Be Scared for Your KidsExplanation on the Greek myth 2;difficult language posTacklinerall comprehenof the text: flashback/s/blog_01f 771f701015jy3.html ; New CollegeEnglish: reading course 2 (p51-52)第六周 4 月 1 日至4 月 5 日三四2Unit 5 Flying Blindroduction to the author and the rel

5、ated notesto the textComprehen exercisesNew College English: reading course 2 (p80-85)第七周 4 月 8 日至4 月 12 日三四2Unit 5 Flying BlindDifficult language poshe textTacklinerall comprehenof the text: sequence of eventsNew College English: reading course 2 (p80-85)第八周4 月 15 日至4 月 19 日三四2Word test Mid-term te

6、stInsideand outside the text bookInsideand outside the text bookNew College English: reading course 2(p80-85);Related websites第九周4 月 22 日至4 月 26 日三四2Unit 6 To Be or Not To Be SingleReviewon mid-term test;roductionto unit 6ysis on married life and single lifeNew College English: reading course 2(p86-

7、88);Related websites第十周月 29 日至月 3 日三四2Unit 6 To Be or Not To Be SingleDetailed informationon the text;Greek Myth: The Laborsof HerculesTackling overall comprehenofthetext:marriedvs. single lifeNew College English: reading course 2(p89-92);ia./wiki/Labou rs_of_Hercules第十一周 5 月 6 日至5 月 10 日三四2Unit 7 L

8、anguage: A Reflection of Lifehe U.S.Review on the Greek Myth; Notes on the textFind more on English learningNew College English: reading course 2(p116-118);ia./wiki/Labou rs_of_Hercules第十二周 5 月 13 日至5 月 17 日三四2Unit 7 Language: A Reflection of Lifehe U.S.Difficult language poshe textTackling overall

9、comprehenofthetext: anizationalpatternNew College English: reading course 2(p119-120);/langu age-arts/mytholo gy/classical-myth ology-labors-heracles第十三周 5 月 20 日至5 月 24 日三四2Unit 8 The Price ayGreek Myth: The Birth of Perseus; Notes on the textLook for more information on the World Trade Towers in 2

10、001New College English: reading course 2(p134-136);/langu age-arts/mytholo gy/classical-myth ology-labors-heracles第十四周 5 月 27 日至5 月 31 日三四2Unit 8 The Price ayExplanationon the Greek Myth;Language pos he textComprehen exercisesNew College English: reading course 2(p136-138);/langu age-arts/mytholo gy

11、/classical-myth ology-labors-heracles第十五周 6 月 3 日至6 月 7 日三四2Word test Final-term testInsideandoutsidethe textbookInsideand outside the text bookNew College English: reading course 2(p86-138);第十六周 6 月 10 日至6 月 14 日三四2Short semester第十七周 6 月 17 日至6 月 21 日三四2Short semester第十八周 6 月 24 日至6 月 28 日三四2Short semester任課教師:系(教研室):教學(xué):填表日期:2019 年 3 月 1 日教學(xué)日歷完成情況檢查人:附注:本日歷一式三份,一份任課教師本人使用,一份由開課所在存檔。存檔


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