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1、PAGE PAGE 7氨Pavane唉s Econo熬mics No白tes頒4愛th拔 Feb 20斑09啊Economi艾cs is t俺he stud耙y of ho埃w we us熬e our l哀imited 霸means t藹o satis疤fy our 叭unlimit案ed want捌s.背Limited藹 Means哀 Al柏l peopl叭e have 百limited扳 time, 版skills 挨and mon哎ey so t霸hey hav唉e to ma扒ke choi唉ces to 挨how to 挨use the唉m to th暗e best 氨advanta

2、皚ge for 礙them.Choice癌骯 Si跋nce we 藹cant h拌ave eve熬rything拔 we wan按t as we鞍 have l笆imited 耙means w搬e have 跋to make昂 decisi哀ons. (D芭ecision唉s betwe埃en alte氨rnative扮s)安Opportu懊nity Co班st澳擺 Th拌e next 氨best al叭ternati挨ve forg靶one whe捌n a dec扒ision i啊s made.藹5斑th安 Feb 20伴09瓣Opportu般nity co澳st傲Unlimit邦ed wa

3、nt氨s按Choice扒Scarcit罷y巴Limited鞍 means凹盎The eco敗nomics 斑problem百 is 靶scarcit皚y岸. This 捌means t背hat we 跋have 阿limited邦 means芭 but 胺unlimit靶ed want鞍s藹. Becau柏se of t絆his we 罷have to扒 make a襖 板choice辦. Every澳 choice安 has an芭 佰opportu隘nity co佰st阿.Needs拜氨 Th盎ose thi敖ngs we 藹require般 in ord皚er to s斑ustain 拔

4、life.笆熬e.g. fo藹od, clo唉thing a把nd shel挨terWants懊皚 Th班ings we拜 desire耙 to mak般e our l八ife mor斑e enjoy叭able.耙熬e.g. ce捌ll phon柏e, ster敗eo, SPA扮敖Wants伴 change絆 as we 絆get old氨er beca按use our半 俺tastes 唉change岸 and ne把w thing隘s are i哀ntroduc矮ed as 哎technol藹ogy imp愛roves佰.瓣Unlimit哎ed want辦s昂Limited白 Means扒

5、Scarcit百y跋Choice頒Opportu斑nity co藹st暗17伴th皚 Feb 20巴09Values絆扮 Co傲re beli皚efs or 罷princip白les tha稗t influ拔ence yo百ur deci拌sions.埃Hones跋ty啊叭Integ版rity凹案Fair-邦trading爸靶Consi芭deratio吧n of ot扮hers矮Influen跋ts on v笆alues:扒骯Culture疤, 凹Environ安ment拌, 搬Educati笆on搬, 拔Upbring凹ing般 (Famil捌y)凹霸Interne隘t, Fina半nceD

6、emand巴隘 De哎mand is埃 the am案ount of斑 a good傲 or ser氨vice th氨at a pe靶rson is熬 willin拌g and a芭ble to 哀purchas隘e at ea罷ch pric邦e.唉The law暗 of Dem鞍and:絆絆 As瓣 the pr啊ice of 挨a good 傲or serv頒ice ris柏es, the暗 quanti搬t(yī)y dema盎nded fa半lls or 板as the 邦price f懊alls th霸e quant胺ity dem邦anded i氨ncrease唉s, cete艾ris

7、par昂ibus. 傲Ceteris骯 paribu靶s敗瓣 Al矮l other扒 factor昂s remai伴n const癌ant.扳17埃th跋 Feb 20瓣09傲Hughs 襖weekly 擺Quantit辦y Deman瓣ded sch巴edule岸Price 版$艾Quantit邦y deman澳ded芭0.50襖30壩1.00伴20挨1.50愛12敖2.00愛7T邦哀Title i暗s clear凹 starti耙ng what半 the gr暗aph sho隘ws and 癌the tim絆e perio靶d.A昂鞍Even an笆d appro拜priate 鞍scal

8、e o盎n your 挨axis.L板班Label a敗xes wit疤h item 凹and uni皚te.P安襖Plot yo鞍ur poin半ts and 般join th半em usin盎g a rul敖er.澳22暗nd板 Feb 20安09凹Determi埃nants o爸f Deman搬d瓣 白扒Influen靶ts, oth巴er than襖 price,熬 that w案ill inf背luent t版he amou矮nt cons盎umers 哎purchas暗e.礙頒Incom胺e啊伴Taste扳/ Fashi按on敗爸Price哎 of sub傲stitute稗s熬跋P

9、rice昂 of Com半plement芭ary goo搬ds啊唉Seaso霸ns柏Substit胺ute壩八Goods t捌hat can霸 be use凹d to in捌stead o擺f other捌 goods.挨凹e.g. bu笆tter an唉d marga熬rine : 霸 If the背 price 般of butt拔er incr埃eases, 敗more pe背ople wi白ll buy 胺margari傲ne as i跋t is re八lating 佰cheaper斑.隘Complim搬ents白艾Goods t背hat are爸 used t傲ogether半.拌翱e

10、.g. DV扮Ds and 挨DVD pla八yers : 版 When p岸rice of阿 DVD pl版ayers d奧ecrease版 there 案is an i凹ncrease巴 in dem凹and for吧 DVDs.懊Change 懊in Dema挨nd隘壩 Ch隘ange in跋 demand暗 is cau跋se by a頒 change昂 in det頒erminan芭ts and 擺will re懊sult in案 a move扳ment of傲 the en凹tire de搬mand cu柏rve.伴啊e.g. De搬crease 霸in Dema斑nd : th敖

11、e deman稗d has d拔ecrease絆 at eac岸h price爸.按4熬th挨 Mar 20斑09板Demand 澳Schedul疤e隘耙A t背able sh挨owing t矮he quan芭tity of礙 a good敖 or ser百vice th佰at cons百umer is澳 willin岸g and a胺ble to 傲purchas柏e at va埃rious p辦rices, 艾in a gi板ven tim挨e perio佰d, cete瓣ris par礙ibus.罷16班th奧 Mar 20扒09半Inferio班r Goods罷佰 Th把ey are

12、扳poorer 傲quality耙 goods 澳that yo柏u will 埃buy les擺s as yo搬ur inco埃me rise把s. 盎哎e.g. ch鞍eap cut巴s of me八at inst敖ead of 熬steak皚Normal 啊Goods凹懊 Go巴ods tha巴t you w骯ill but愛 more a扳s your 骯income 哀rises.安Necessi案ties板辦 Th搬ings ne按eded to昂 sustai案n life.笆 Necess壩ities a敗re usua佰lly nor岸mal goo埃ds so y白ou w

13、ill百 buy mo芭re as y按our inc班ome ris敗es.把Luxurie把s爸擺 It拔ems not靶 needed佰 but ma唉ke your般 life m笆ore enj斑oyable.澳 Househ凹olds on岸 low in哎comes s阿pend a 吧small p般roporti唉on of t癌heir in拔come on伴 luxuri笆es. As 骯a house扒holds 絆income 唉rises t版hey spe襖nd a gr板eater p拌roporti叭on of t半heir in吧come on瓣 luxur

14、i捌es.搬Househo佰ld百爸 A 傲person 稗or grou氨p of in礙dividua稗ls (fam罷ilies, 翱flat ma壩tes) li扳ving to搬gether 絆under o案ne roof胺.奧Aggrega靶te Hous皚ehold E阿xpendit版ure襖芭 Th矮e spend盎ing of 阿all hou熬seholds百 taken 叭as a si愛ngle gr罷oup.熬Average辦 weekly昂 Expend盎iture f奧or all 哎househo翱lds 200拜1巴Expendi霸ture Gr瓣oup把

15、$ Spend半%捌Degree跋Food岸124.90背16.47按59稗Home ow扳nership啊 and re暗nt氨181.00佰23.87跋86八Clothin跋g and f搬ootwear哎24.50傲3.23爸12辦Househo安ld oper昂ation阿97.00捌12.79吧46懊Car own襖ership 耙and run吧ning挨120.70半15.92把57熬Other g扮oods氨85.00邦11.20班40伴Other s敖ervices斑125.30拌16.52凹60盎Total背758.40皚19稗th壩 Mar 20敗09癌Spendin班g

16、 Patte胺rns壩疤 As百 a pers埃ons in襖come in奧creases敗 they m跋ay spen胺d more 拔money b把ut they罷 genera熬lly wil白l save 阿more敗安e.g. If傲 a pers背on earn稗s $1000伴 and sa翱ves $10骯0, he s啊pends 9拔0% and 傲saves 1熬0%. If 鞍his inc暗ome inc骯reases 班to $120澳0, he s按pends $班1020 (8藹5%) and礙 save 1昂80 (15%哀).傲傲 Th唉e amoun

17、版t he 拔spend頒 has in啊creased愛 but as瓣 a perc澳entage 疤of his 癌income 頒has 佰fallen癌. The p瓣ercenta跋ge of t耙he 矮savings安 has in靶creased挨.板Consump鞍tion疤半 Th藹e spend啊ing on 癌goods a佰nd serv啊ices.癌Group1-拔 Basic 板Necessi俺ties藹敖-For ho襖usehold壩 with l凹ow leve礙ls of i笆ncome s傲pend mo伴st of t拌heir mo安ney on

18、翱this gr巴oup wit阿h a lit骯tle bas吧ic serv芭ices an艾d even 熬smaller安 luxuri搬es. The藹y have 拔no savi吧ngs.背Group2-瓣 Basic 捌Service版s敗佰-All le懊vels of霸 income扳 mainly板 in low爸-level 版incomes案 use th班is.白Group3-半 Luxury暗 goods 白and ser罷vices懊This is佰 for ho半usehold啊s with 安higher 藹level o芭f incom俺e as th百ey are 柏able to矮 afford埃 more a氨nd bett稗er qual擺ity pro隘ducts/s邦ervices巴.安Group4-罷 Saving礙s礙- Sav佰ings is白 what h矮ousehol斑ds with百 high i白ncome l哀evels d芭o as th頒ey have罷 money 隘left af捌ter buy拔ing nec疤essitie白s and n凹ormal g奧oods.Graph皚按-This


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