1、外研版八年級英語完形填空專項練習(xí)題Once there was a very helpful and kind-hearted man. He would help anyone 1 wanting anything in return.One day. While walking along a dusty road, the man saw a wallet, so he 2 the wallet. But then he found it was 3 . Suddenly a woman and a policeman turned up and caught him. The woma
2、n kept on asking where her 4 was, but the man answered, It was empty 5 I found it. The woman shouted at him, Please give it back to me, and its my sons tuition(學(xué)費). The man saw that the woman really felt sad so he handed over all his money. He could see the woman was a single mother. The woman left
3、and the policeman asked the man more 6 .One day while the woman was going to her sons school, she noticed that 7 was walking behind her. She thought that he 8 rob her, so she walked to a policeman. He was the same policeman that she had taken along to take back her money. The woman told him the man
4、following her. They ran to him, and saw that he was the same man that they had caught a few days ago.He looked very weak and the woman was 9 .The policeman said to the woman, “He wasnt the thief that day, but having heard about your situation he gave you his money.”Then the man told the woman, Pleas
5、e go ahead and pay your sons tuition. I saw you and followed you to make sure that no one would steal your money again. The woman was too moved to say anything. Life may give you a strange experience: sometimes it shocks you, 10 sometimes it may also surprise you. Be kind and generous. Learn to appr
6、eciate what you are given.1AbyBwithoutCforDwith2Athrew awayBput downClooked forDpicked up3AemptyBdirtyCheavyDcheap4AbagBsonCmoneyDhome5AbeforeBwhenCuntilDunless6AquestionsBadviceCreasonsDexamples7AeveryoneBanyoneCsomeoneDno one8AshouldBcantCmustntDmight9AhappyBexcitedCsurprisedDsuccessful10AforBsoCa
7、ndDorOnce a man and his wife worked for an old man. There was a big box in the old mans living room. The old man pointed to the 11 and said, “ Theres only one thing you mustnt do. 12 open the box.” After saying this, he left his home.The woman said to her husband, “ There 13 be something expensive i
8、n the box. Lets open it, shall we?” Her husband said no 14 her. But the woman didnt give up the idea. One day, she decided to find out 15 was in it. Her husband didnt stop her. She 16 the box and looked inside. To her surprise, she found nothing in the box. She tried hard to close it, 17 she failed.
9、That evening the old man came home and found the box open. He was 18 and asked the woman and her husband to leave his home.“ But there was nothing in the box,” the woman said “ We havent taken 19 at all.” The old man shouted at them. “ The box is not important, but I cant 20 you. Thats important!11A
10、bagBboxCroomDdesk12ADontBDoesntCNotDDo13Amay notBcan notCmustDshould14AtoBforCwithDabout15AwhichBwhatCwhoDthat16AlostBbrokeCopenedDwatched17AbutBandCforDthen18AhonestBhappyCcarefulDangry19AsomethingBnothingCeverythingDanything20AunderstandBaskCbelieveDanswerAs a famous piano master (大師), Paderewski
11、was popular with many people. Wishing to improve himself on the piano, one day, a boy was taken to a Paderewskis 21 by his mother. After they sat down, the mother saw a friend and walked up to greet her, leaving the boy 22 in his seat. To find out the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy stoo
12、d up and made his way through a door with a 23 “Please dont come in” on it. Soon, the hall got 24 and the concert was going to begin. When the mother returned to her seat, she found that the child was 25 .Suddenly, the lights shone on the piano. In surprise, the mother found her little boy sitting a
13、t the piano. 26 knowing where he was, the boy was picking out Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. At the moment, the great piano master appeared, moved to the piano quickly, and spoke 27 in the boys ear, “Dont stop. Keep playing.” Then he sat down and added a running obbligato (伴奏). It became one of the
14、most 28 parts of the whole concert that evening. The people were moved so much and the mother was shocked. She believed that such an experience would make a big difference to her 9-year-old boys life.In fact, thats the way it is in life. What we can do by 29 is hardly unusual. We tried our best, but
15、 the results arent exactly smooth (舒緩的) music like what we have 30 . But when we trust in the hands of a master, our lifes work can be truly beautiful.21ApartyBgardenCconcert22AaloneBawayCout23ApictureBsignCnews24AbusyBbrightCdark25AasleepBawakeCmissing26AWithoutBAfterCBefore27AhappilyBquietlyCloudl
16、y28AexcitingBcommonCterrible29AhimselfBthemselvesCourselves30AexpectedBchosenCrealizedOnce there was a father and a son. They were ill-tempered(壞脾氣的) and never gave way to 31 .One day the father 32 to ask some friends to dinner in his house. He 33 his son to buy some meat in town. When the son walke
17、d towards the town gate, a man was coming from the outside. The gate wasnt 34 enough to let two men in and out at the same time. But neither of 35 would give way to the other. They stood straight face to face inside the gate hour after hour. But the father was worried. “What shall I do? My son hasnt
18、 36 yet. I cant wait any more.” He wanted to know what was the 37 with his son. So he left his friends at home, and went to town 38 his son. “You may first take the 39 home for my friends .Let me 40 here instead.” he said to his son when he knew what had happened.31AoneBanotherCotherDothers32Adecide
19、dBdecidesCdecideDdecision33AhopedBtoldCletDtells34AlongBwideChighDtall35AtheirBtheyCthemDTheirs36AgoneBboughtCreturnedDbeen37AwrongBaccidentCthingDmatter38Ato look forBlooked forCto findDfound39AmeatBdinnerCbreadDmoney40AstoodBstandsCstandDStanding When Jeff was young, he had always been thin and st
20、rong. Jeff was forty, and he was fat and his muscles(肌肉) were very 41 . He did not wish to get fatter and softer every year. One day one of his friends said to him, “Do you want to be thinner, Jeff?”“ 42 , I do, ”Jeff answered.“Well, stop going to your office 43 car, and get a bicycle.”Jeff had not
21、ridden a bicycle for many years. “It is very hard to learn to ride a bicycle again at your 44 ,” his wife said.In 45 , it was not too hard for Jeff to ride a bicycle again. He usually sat in his living room and read the newper in the evening. But now he 46 riding his bicycle every evening. He hoped
22、that it would help him to get 47 , and he also got a lot of pleasure from it.He found some little roads which were not really very narrow but were not 48 enough for cars, and there he got away from the noise of the city, which was becoming too 49 for him.Then he began to go to his office on his bicy
23、cle. Sometimes all the cars stopped at a red light, but he could pass them to the 50 , because his bicycle was small. So he was very happy.41AsoftBhardCsweetDsmooth42ANo longerBAt onceCAt allDOf course43AinBthroughCbyDon44AbodyBageCwishDleg45AfactBshortCsilenceDplace46AstoppedBcontinuedCpracticedDha
24、ted47AsofterBthinnerCweakerDfatter48AhighBnarrowCwideDtall49AfewBmanyCmuchDlittle50AfrontBendCheadDmiddle This is a touching (感人的) moment when a giraffe gave a sad goodbye kiss to a dying worker. Mario, the worker, spent most of his life cleaning the animals home at a Dutch 51 .The 54-year-old worke
25、r had a cancer (癌癥) and doctors said 52 just had two months left. To their surprise, he asked to put his hospital 53 in the giraffes home at the zoo instead of staying at the hospital. In a touching moment, one of the 54 walked slowly to Mario and looked at him in silence. Then it 55 him a tender go
26、odbye kiss.Mario had no families and he lived alone. 56 knowing his illness, he just wanted to say goodbye to his workmates and the animals at the zoo.The Ambulance Wish Foundation is a charity (慈善機構(gòu)) that is working on fulfilling (完成) peoples last wishes.Hearing Marios story, the charity decided to
27、 help him, 57 the workers of it sent him with his bed back to the zoo.“It was very nice that we could do something to make his last wish 58 .” Mr. Veldboer, who founded the charity and worked as a driver of ambulance in it, said, “We will never forget this special moment. The giraffe came with 59 ey
28、es. Then it looked at Mario for a while, and kissed his face 60 . You could see him smiling.”51AbookshopBzooCairportDmarket52AsheBitCheDthey53AtableBbedCchairDbowl54AgiraffesBlionsCmonkeysDelephants55AboughtBreceivedCsentDgave56ABeforeBAfterCDuringDFrom57AsoBbecauseCbutDor58Acome trueBcome fromCcome
29、 onDcome back59AlivelyBrudeCsadDpolite60AsuccessfullyBexcitedlyChappilyDcarefully What kind of monkey lives longer, the thin or the fat?Scientists found that monkeys 61 less may live longer and are not easy to get 62 .Richard Weindruch of the University of Wisconsin in Madison and his team studied a
30、bout it. They 63 seventy-six monkeys over twenty 64 . They let half of the monkeys eat as 65 as they wanted and made the other half eat less food. And they gave them vitamins and minerals(礦物質(zhì))to have 66 nutrient(營養(yǎng)). Twenty years later they found that 37% of the monkeys who ate as much as they wante
31、d 67 , while only 13% of the monkeys that ate less died.When monkeys live with people and dont live in the wild, they can 68 about twenty-seven years. Misteer Weindruch says scientists do not know why fewer calories(卡路里)can make 69 longer. But they believe it is helpful to their body. 70 of the monk
32、eys that ate less had heart disease. The thin monkeys can remember things easily. They also look younger and healthier than the fatter ones who ate too much.61AmovingBeatingCsleepingDdrinking62AsadBtallCsickDstrong63AstudiedBaskedCcheckedDlooked64AhoursBdaysCmonthsDyears65AquicklyBmuchCgoodDlittle66
33、Aa lotBsmallCenoughDno67AdiedBwentCleftDwon68ArunBclimbChideDlive69AhairBlifeClegsDtails70AFewerBMoreCLessDFurtherA little girl thought she was not as beautiful as other girls and nobody liked her. So she was always 71 and didnt like to talk to others. However, one day, her mother 72 her a beautiful
34、 hair clip (發(fā)夾). When she wore it, she looked much more beautiful than 73 She decided to wear it to school.On her way to school she found that everyone who saw her smiled 74 her. Most of her classmates said 75 to her, but this never happened before. She thought that the beautiful hair clip 76 her ha
35、ppiness.She was so happy about all of the wonderful things. All her classmates wanted to know what happened to her, 77 she didnt want to tell them about her beautiful hair clip.When she went back to her 78 after school, her mother asked her, Did you know you dropped your hair clip? I 79 it by the do
36、or this morning.She understood that she didnt wear the hair clip to school at all.It is not important what we wear or 80 we look. The most important is how we think about ourselves.71AexcitedBunhappyCtiredDpolite72AtoldBdroppedCgaveDtook73AnowBbeforeCagoDpast74AatBforConDagainst75AgoodbyeBthanksChel
37、loDsorry76AborrowedBbroughtCboughtDkept77AifBbutCorDso78AclassroomBshopChomeDgarden79AknewBlikedCfoundDmade80AhowBwhatCwhenDwhere Of all the TV cartoons, my 81 is the one with funny little blue men called The Smurfs (藍精靈). The Smurfs help people and animals get out of 82 . Papa Smurf is the 83 of th
38、ese small blue men. Smurfette is a lovely girl Smurf with a wonderful voice. She is very 84 and ladylike (淑女的). Baby Smurf is a 85 little baby. He is very funny to watch and listen to. Like other 86 , it also has a bad man 87 Gargamel. He always 88 to catch the Smurfs. His cat always 89 strange soun
39、ds. They are very 90 .81AfavouriteBlikeConDfriends82AtiredBtriedCterribleDtrouble83AlifeBleaderClastDmonitor84AhelpBhelpfulChelpsDhelping85AcuteBfriendlyChelpfulDugly86AcarBcatCcartoonsDbook87AcalledBcallsCcallDto call88AtryBtriesCtriedDtrying89AmadeBmakeCto makeDmakes90AuglyBgoodCniceDfriendly Josh
40、 is a kind boy. Last month. he went back home by 91 . Before he left the train. he found an iPhone. 92 lost it there. He decided to 93 it to the train office. Then the phone rang(響)and he answered. Hello. A 94 said. Hi this is Michelle. Youre using my phone. I 95 it on the train. Josh said. Yes. I f
41、ound it. And I will take it to the train office. Oh. that s very nice of you. If you leave your address(地址). I would like to post you20 to 96 you. Josh said no problem. When the woman came, she got her 97 and a piece of paper(一張紙). Josh left it for 98 . She thought it was his address, 99 it wasnt. O
42、n the paper she found Dont worry about the 100 . Just do something nice for others.91AtrainBbusCsubwayDbike92AAnyoneBSomeoneCEveryoneDNo one93AtakeBsellCmoveDblow94AgirlBboyCwomanDman95ArememberedBleftCboughtDsaved96AmeetBhearCvisitDthank97AnumberBbookCphoneDdiary98AhimBthemCmeDher99AandBbutCifDso10
43、0AmoneyBtimeCplaceDpeople Once upon a time, there was a little candle standing in a room 101 other candles. Most of other candles were much 102 and more beautiful than her. She had no idea why she was there, and the other candles made her feel rather 103 and not important. She wanted to leave away.W
44、hen the sun went down and the room began to get 104 , she noticed a man walking toward her with a box of matches (火柴). She thought that the man was going to set her on fire. No, no! she cried in fear, Dont 105 me, please! But she knew that she could not be heard, so she got prepared for the pain tha
45、t would surely follow.To her surprise, the room was full of light. She wondered where it came from since the man extinguished (熄滅) his fire stick. To her 106 , she realized that the light came from her. Then the man struck another match and, one by one, lit the other 107 in the room. Each one gave o
46、ut the same light. Over the next few hours, she 108 that her wax(蠟) was beginning to flow slowly. She knew that she would 109 die, and finally understood why she had been created. My 110 in my life is to give out light until I die, she said. And thats exactly what she did.101Acovered withBfilled wit
47、hCfilled inDcovered in102AlargerBeasierChotterDsmaller103AperfectBfreeCawfulDhappy104AshinyBdarkCclearDthick105AburnBleaveCpullDfight106AregretBsadnessCshameDhappiness107AcandlesBbooksCpostersDcrayons108ArepairedBnoticedCfacedDhoped109AonlyBstillCsoonDjust110AdutyBdreamCresultDplan Tears goes out of my eyes when I talk to my parents on the phone in the university. What they are doing when I call them? That is what I want to know 111 . I had 112 at 7 oclock in the dining room. There is no need for me t
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