倉庫管理規(guī)定 Warehouse Management Regulations(WA001)_第1頁
倉庫管理規(guī)定 Warehouse Management Regulations(WA001)_第2頁
倉庫管理規(guī)定 Warehouse Management Regulations(WA001)_第3頁
倉庫管理規(guī)定 Warehouse Management Regulations(WA001)_第4頁
倉庫管理規(guī)定 Warehouse Management Regulations(WA001)_第5頁
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1、XLC/CLX Warehouse Management RegulationsXLC/CLXRef. No: WA-001Application range and purposeThis warehouse management regulation is valid at XLC/CLX warehouse.Warehouse is an important area for storing production materials in XLC/CLX. In order to ensure the safety of goods and people in storage area,

2、 improve warehouse management to effectively control the receiving and issuing of goods and ensure the accuracy of inventory data.倉庫管理規(guī)定. 倉庫管理規(guī)定倉庫保管員是管理倉庫的直接責任人,負有接收、保管、發(fā)放貨物,保持倉庫平安 和環(huán)境整潔職責。倉庫是存放公司物資和設備的重要場所。未經倉庫管理人員的允許,任何人不準進 入或在倉庫區(qū)域逗留。來訪人員必須在本倉庫人員的陪同下才可進入倉庫。未經倉庫管理人員的允許,任何人不準擅自拿取、使用倉庫里的物資。不準在倉庫里吸煙或使

3、用明火。倉庫保管員必須按送貨單或加工單清點、接收貨物。倉庫保管員應將貨物分類保存,合理安排庫位,有序擺放,標識清晰、明顯,易于 存取和保管。倉庫保管員應根據有效單據(附有樣式)選取、包裝貨物,并按先進先出的原那么發(fā) 放。倉庫保管員每日下班前應認真檢查,確認無人滯留倉庫,開通必要的通風設備,關 好電源、門窗后,方可離開,以確保倉庫物資的平安。倉庫保管員應熟悉消防知識,會使用消防器材,定期檢查消防器材的有效期限,及 時通知公司平安委員會。. 入庫管理倉庫負責接收供應商的材料,倉庫保管員應根據送貨單上貨物的訂單號、零件 號、名稱、規(guī)格、型號、數量等工程認真核對點收。倉庫保管員在接收供應商的貨物時,應

4、檢查貨物外觀質量和包裝是否完好。因體積過大或重量過重不宜存放在貨架上,而直接搬運到現場的物資、設備,倉庫 保管員應到存放地點核對驗收。入庫材料核對無誤,倉庫保管員可以暫收,并通知質檢員進行檢驗。經驗收合格,質檢員簽字確認的貨物,倉庫保管員應采取適當的方法運輸和存放。. 儲存管理倉庫根據貨物性質不同,應分類存放。化學危險品應有明顯的標識。庫存貨物應保持帳、物、卡相符,標識正確,信息完整。必須使用托盤、零件盒、零件箱等倉儲器具存放和運輸貨物,以保證貨物的質量和 平安。貨物應被存放在指定的庫位,堆放整齊,便于存取。按照重下輕上的原那么存放貨物,確保貨物穩(wěn)固、平安。倉庫保管員有責任采取保護措施,保護貨

5、物,做好防水、防銹、防火等工作。倉庫保管員有責任保持倉庫環(huán)境的整潔、有序,每天必須進行檢查和清理。定期檢查庫存貨物的有效使用期限,根據到期順序發(fā)放貨物,以免影響產品質量, 造成損失。每月檢查積壓的貨物,制作報告,發(fā)送給相關部門處理。.出庫管理生產材料的發(fā)放生產車間領用物資,必須有計劃部門打印、下發(fā)的加工領料單。倉庫保管員應根據加工領料單選取、包裝、發(fā)放材料。倉庫保管員應按照先進先出,先零后整的原那么發(fā)放貨物。倉庫發(fā)料人和車間領料人在加工領料單上簽字確認。領出的零件,由于各種原因需退回倉庫的,倉庫保管員核對零件,填制退料單, 經質檢員確認,并由倉庫保管員和退料人簽字確認。由于其它原因,需要補領材

6、料時,倉庫保管員填制補領單,領料人和倉庫發(fā)料 人簽字確認。銷售產品的發(fā)放銷售部門必須持有公司領導簽署的發(fā)貨單交給倉庫,倉庫人員核對無誤后,才 能發(fā)放產品給客戶。倉庫應采取適當的方法包裝、固定、保護貨物,保證貨物在運輸過程中的平安。發(fā)放贈送件時,銷售部必須提供相關合同號,并由經辦人簽字確認。倉庫制作包裝單和收貨確認書隨產品一起發(fā)給客戶。貨到現場后,現場收 貨人應在七天內驗收貨物。如實際貨物與包裝單不相符時,應及時填寫收貨 確認書反應給倉庫。.三包備件的發(fā)放售后服務部門必須憑公司領導簽發(fā)的配件銷售申請單提取備件。倉庫保管員核對無誤后,選取、包裝、發(fā)放備件。.半成品接收、發(fā)放管理生產車間的半成品完工

7、后,生產工段長或班組長在加工單上簽字確認,并交給 倉庫保管員。倉庫保管員根據加工單核對半成品的零件號和數量,辦理入庫。倉庫保管員根據加工領料單發(fā)放半成品,辦理出庫。因生產急用而來不及入庫,即由使用部門領走的半成品,生產車間應要求領用部門 經辦人在加工單上簽字確認,事后倉庫保管員應聯系使用部門核實。.委外加工管理倉庫保管員根據采購部簽發(fā)的材料領用單發(fā)放外加工材料。倉庫保管員在發(fā)貨前,應認真核對材料領用單和實際貨物的名稱、描述、規(guī)格、 數量、使用期限等。倉庫保管員協同叉車工裝車,并共同在材料領用單上簽字確認。外加工產品完工后,倉庫保管員根據采購單接收入庫,并通知質檢員驗收。倉庫保管員應制作書面的發(fā)

8、出和接收記錄。.成品管理成品入庫管理倉庫根據完工的加工單接收成品入庫。812成品必須經過質量部門驗收合格后,方可入庫。倉庫保管員應在接收時認真核對入 庫產品的型號、數量、質檢確認簽名等信息無誤后,辦理入庫手續(xù)。倉庫保管員應指揮入庫車輛停放在指定的地點,成品的部件存放在指定的區(qū)域內, 擺放整齊、穩(wěn)固并做好清晰、明顯的標志,采取防護措施,做好保護。成品出庫管理發(fā)貨前,倉庫保管員應先核對公司領導和財務部門簽署的發(fā)貨單和批準放行的檢驗報告。822任何人不得擅自更改發(fā)貨單據的內容。否那么,倉庫視為無效單據。倉庫保管員應根據發(fā)貨單據認真核對成品的名稱、型號、規(guī)格、數量、日期、客戶 名稱。倉庫發(fā)貨人負責組織

9、、協調運輸車輛,裝車/集裝箱發(fā)貨,制作發(fā)出貨物的清單。825倉庫發(fā)貨人與裝車/集裝箱的叉車工一起在發(fā)貨清單上簽字確認。倉庫根據公司領導批準的發(fā)貨單填寫物資出門證給門衛(wèi),必須字跡清晰, 填寫準確,不得擅自更改。否那么,作為無效單據處理。. 貨物出門證的管理貨物出門證是控制貨物進出公司的有效證明單據。任何貨物進出本公司,必須 出示有效的貨物出門證,門衛(wèi)才允許放行。倉庫負有開具貨物出門證的職責。填寫貨物出門證必須字跡清晰,貨物描述詳細,數量和日期準確。貨物出門證必須有經辦人、批準人簽字確認,才能有效使用。貨物出門證不得擅自更改,否那么視為無效。.退貨管理貨物已經出廠,因各種原因需要退貨的,須經公司領

10、導審批方可辦理退貨。倉庫根據已審批的退貨單,會同質檢人員對退回的產品做出鑒定。倉庫根據質檢人員的檢驗結果,確定處理方法。.盤點管理倉庫按本公司規(guī)定的日期/時間,進行盤點工作。倉庫保管員應每日對貨物進行清點整理,做到日清、月結。倉庫盤點時,倉庫保管員應注明盤點日期、實存數量。并填寫盤點表簽字確認。實盤數量與庫存實物不相符時,倉庫保管員應對產生差異的貨物進行復查,找出原 因,并在盤點表中注明。倉庫保管員核對盤點表,簽字確認后交給財務部門。倉庫對公司固定資產、A類貨物、原材料庫存、柴油、油漆等每月盤點檢查一次,并填寫盤點表,發(fā)現有差異時,及時進行調整處理。.積壓物資管倉庫每月檢查庫存中積壓的、三個月

11、內沒有得到使用或銷售物資。填寫積壓物資明細表,報給生產、質檢、銷售、售后服務、技術、財務、本錢 控制等部門和公司領導,征求處理意見。倉庫收到財務部和有關部門簽字確認的處理報告后,應及時處理積壓物資。.倉庫單據操作倉庫應及時操作每日收到的單據。收到的單據,應在24小時內輸入ERP系統。倉庫打印收貨單,簽字確認后及時交給財務部。倉庫應保存所有的單據至少一年。.生產廢品管理公司內的生產廢品由倉庫負責,集中存放在廢品區(qū)和垃圾池。生產廢品應分類存放,主要分為廢鋼、廢木箱、廢桶。采購部門負責聯系和處理廢品。倉庫負責稱量和裝車。Application From For “Warehouse Manageme

12、nt Regulations(For Internal Use Only)Application: Modification to “Warehouse Management Regulations”VersionDateModified byWhat to be modifiedOriginalRevisionReasons for ModificationModification ApprovedModification RejectedApproved by (with signature)DateImplementation DateRejected by (with signatur

13、e)DateReasons for RejectionWarehouse Management RegulationsWarehouse Management RegulationsThe storekeeper is directly responsible for managing the warehouse. They are responsible for receiving, storage and release of the goods. Keep the warehouse environment clean.The warehouse is an important area

14、 to store goods and equipment in XLC/CLX. No one may enter or stay in the warehouse area without the permission of the warehouse manager. Visitors must be accompanied by staff of the warehouse when entering the warehouse.Any person not allowed to taking and using the materials in warehouse without t

15、he permission of the warehouse manager.Not allowed to smoke or use fire in a warehouse.Storekeeper must receive the goods according to delivery note or work orders.The different goods should be stored separately in different location. Location should be reasonable and orderly. Logo is clear and obvi

16、ous. Storage and access of goods is easy.Storekeeper should select and pack the goods base on the valid documents. And storekeeper will distribute the goods according to FIFO.Storekeeper should carefully check everything before work every day. To sure no one stay at warehouse. Open the necessary equ

17、ipments for ventilation. Cut off the power. Close the windows and doors. Ensure the safety of the goods in warehouse.Storekeeper should be familiar with the knowledge of fire, can use the fire equipment, periodically check the validity of fire equipment and promptly notify the company safety committ

18、ee.Receiving ManagementWarehouse is responsible for receiving the material from suppliers. The storekeeper should carefully receive and check PO, ID, description, type, size, Qty and other item of the goods base on “delivery note55.Storekeeper will check the quality and packing appearance when the g

19、oods will be received.Due to some parts are too weight and heavy, they should not be stored on the shelf. So the storekeeper will direct transportation the parts to location and checking.Storekeeper w川 inform QC after the goods are be checked and received.The qualified goods will be confirmed and ac

20、cepted. The storekeeper should take some method to transport and store.Storage ManagementThe goods should be distinguished and stored according to the mature of the goods. The hazardous chemicals should be conspicuously marked.The goods account and goods are consistent with the marked card. Identifi

21、cation and information of the goods is correct and complete.The goods must be transported and stored by pallets and boxes to ensure the quality and safety of goods.The goods shall be stored in designated location for easy access.Put light goods on top, heavy goods on bottom to ensure the stability a

22、nd security of the goods.Storekeeper is responsible for take protective measures to protect goods for water, rest, fire etc.Storekeeper is responsible for clean and tidy the goods in warehouse, checking every day.Storekeeper will regularly check the effective use of period inventory of goods, releas

23、e goods according to the order of date. Avoid affecting the product quality of goods, resulting in loss.Storekeeper should to check the not used goods month, make a report and sent to the relevant department.Issue ManagementRelease materials for ProductionWorkshop has to take the materials with writ

24、ten WO by planner.Storekeeper w川 select, pack and distribute materials according to WO.Storekeeper releases the goods according to FIFO.Warehouse and workshop will confirm the materials together and sign on WO.When issued parts need to be returned to the warehouse for various reasons, the storekeepe

25、r must check the parts and fill in Returned Parts List, Warehouse and workshop will sign on Returned Parts List together after QC Dept, finished check.When workshop need replacement materials, storekeeper fill in Replacement Parts List,workshop and warehouse will sign and confirm the issued parts to

26、gether.Products IssuedSales Dept, have to submit the invoice to company leaders to sign and send to warehouse. Warehouse personnel must issue the products to customer after check approved “invoice”.Warehouse should be take appropriate packaging methods to fix the goods. Ensure the safety of goods.Th

27、e sales Dept, must provide the contract number of gift part to warehouse Dept., and an application must be approved by the company leaders.Warehouse will make Tacking List” and “Receipt Confirmation Documenf with the products to the customer. The consignee shall check and confirm the goods within 7

28、work days. If the actual goods and the Tacking List“ are inconsistent, After-sales service Dept. should feedback the information to the warehouse.The distribution of spare parts for freeThe After-sales service has to provide the spare parts for free document towarehouse Dept. The documents have to b

29、e approved by company leaders.Warehouse staff must choice, packing and issue the spare parts for free according to these documents.Semi-finished parts receiving and distribution managementAfter the semi-finished parts are be finished in workshop, the forman must confirm and sign on WO then send to w

30、arehouse.Storekeepers check ID and Qty of the finished parts base on work orders, input the data in ERR system.Storekeepers distribute the parts base on the documents of material requested, input the data in ERP system.For the urgent and requested parts by Production, but the parts are still not bei

31、ng received in the warehouse. The user has to sign on the work order then send it to warehouse.Commissioned machining parts managementStorekeepers distribute material for suppliers according to approved Bill of Requested Material by Purchase Dept.Storekeeper should be carefully check “Bill of Reques

32、ted Materia匚 goods, name, description, specification, quantity and period of use, etc.Storekeeper and forklift driver load trucks and sign on “Bill of Requested Material together.After the commissioned parts were be finished, storekeeper receive the finished parts according to PO and inform QC Dept,

33、 to check it.Storekeepers make a record of commissioned parts receiving and issuing.Finished product managementFinished product receivingWarehouse receive finished product according to WO.The finished product must be qualified by QC Dept. before storage. Storekeepers should be carefully check the pr

34、oduct type, quantity, ID etc. before the product will be accepted to store.Storekeeper is responsibility of order trucks to stop in the designated area. Finished parts should be stored in warehouse. The parts w川 be protected.Finished Product issuingStorekeeper has to check the Delivery Note approved

35、 by company leaders and Finance Dept, before the finished product will be issued.Any one be not allowed to change the contents of delivery documents unless company leaders. Otherwise, the changed documents will be considered invalid.Storekeeper should check the finished product name, description, ty

36、pe, specification, quantity, date, customer name etc.Warehouse shipper is responsible for organize, coordinating trucks, loading trucks or containers and make Packing List of the delivered goods.Warehouse shipper must sign and confirmation on Packing List with forklift driver together.Warehouse is r

37、esponsible for the Goods Issuance-Out Slip according to Delivery Note approved by company leaders. The writing is clear and accurate. Anybody is not allowed to change it. Otherwise, the document is valid.The Goods Issuance-Out Slip ManagementThe Goods Issuance-Out Slip is the valid document to contr

38、ol goods in and out. Any goods are not allowed to release without the Goods Issuance-Out Slip by guard.Warehouse is responsible for issuing “The Goods Issuance-Out Slip”.Fill out the Goods Issuance-Out Slip must be writing clear, description of the goods is detailed, quantity and date must accuracy.

39、Handler and approval must sign and confirm the Goods Issuance-Out Slip,it can be effectively.The “Goods Issuance-Out Slip is not allowed to change. Otherwise is as invalid.Return ManagementThe goods have been shipped. But the goods need to return our company for various reasons. The company leader m

40、ust approve for return.Warehouse and Quality Dept. must check and control the returned goods together with return list approved.Warehouse will deal with the returned goods according to quality report from by QC.Inventory ManagementWarehouse will check inventory according to the date and time by the

41、Company.Storekeeper should check and organize the goods every day. The arrived goods must be accepted into the warehouse day.When inventory checking, storekeepers should write down the inventory checking date and quantity of goods. Fill out and sign the inventory report.When the quantity of goods is inconsistent with the actual goods, storekeeper should analyze and find out reason, mark it in report.Storekee


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