1、TRAIININNG MMANAAGERRS TTO TTRAIINA Prractticaal GGuidde TTo IImprrovee Emmplooyeee PeerfoormaanceeBrottherr Heermaan EE. ZZacccareellii, CC.S.C.CREDDITSSEdittor: MIICHAAEL CriispDesiigneer: Carrol HarrrissTypeesetttinng: Intterffacee SttudiioCoveer DDesiign: Caaroll HaarriisArtwworkk: RRalpph MMaps
2、sonAll rigghtss reeserrvedd. NNo ppartt off thhis boook mmay be repprodduceed oor ttrannsmiitteed iin aany forrm oor bby aany meaans noww knnownn orr too bee innvenntedd, eelecctroonicc orr meechaaniccal, inncluudinng pphottocoopyiing, reecorrdinng, or by anyy innforrmattionn sttoraage or rettrieeva
3、ll syysteem wwithhoutt wrrittten perrmisssioon ffromm thhe aauthhor or pubblissherr, eexceept forr thhe bbrieef iincllusiion of quootattionns iin aa reevieew.Copyyrigght 19998 bby BBrottherr Heermaan EE. ZZacccareellii, CC.S.C.Prinntedd inn thhe UUnitted Staatess off AmmeriicaCrissp bbookks aare dis
4、striibutted in Cannadaa byy Reeid Pubblisshinng, Ltdd.,P.O.Boxx 72267, Oaakviillee, OOntaarioo, CCanaada L6jj 6LL6In AAusttrallia by Carreerr Buuildderss, PP.O.Boxx 10051 Sprringgwoood,Brissbanne, Queeensslannd, Ausstraaliaa 41127.And in Neww Zeealaand by Carreerr Buuildderss, PP.O.Boxx 5771,Manuure
5、wwa, Neww Zeealaand.Librraryy off Coongrresss Caatallog Carrd NNumbber 87-731183Zacccareellii, HHermman E.Traiininng MManaagerrs TTo TTraiinISBNN 0-93119611-433-2PREFFACEEManaagerrs aat aall orgganiizattionnal levvelss, wwhettherr thhey ownn thheirr owwn bbusiinesss oor wworkk foor ssomeeonee ellse,
6、 muust suppervvisee peeoplle. Donne ccorrrecttly, evveryyonee beeneffitss annd tthe mannageer wwilll reeceiive creeditt foor aa joob wwelll doone. Iff, oon tthe othher hannd, empployyeess arre nnot mannageed eeffeectiivelly, no onee wiill bennefiit, andd thhe mmanaagerr wiill quiicklly gget thee bll
7、amee! TThe tassk oof ddireectiing peooplee att woork is nott eaasy beccausse eemplloyeees, ass huumann beeinggs, aree veery commpleex. Howweveer, empployyeess caannoot pperfformm weell on thee joob nno mmattter howw haard theey ttry andd reegarrdleess of howw muuch theey wwantt too unntill thhey kno
8、ow wwhatt thhey aree suuppoosedd too doo annd hhow theey aare supppossed to do it. A welll-ddeveelopped traainiing proograam aaddrressses botth oof tthesse iissuues.TRAIININNG MMANAAGERRS TTO TTRAIIN ffocuusess onn annsweerinng tthe queestiion: Hoow eexacctlyy dooes a mmanaagerr prrepaare forr, ppla
9、nn, ppressentt, aand follloww upp onn trrainningg prrogrramss deesiggnedd too yiieldd coompeetennt eemplloyeees? Thhe aanswwer to thiis qquesstioon iis ppressentted in thee paagess whhichh foolloow.Traiininng pproggramms ccan be funn too deevellop andd too prreseent. Annd ttheyy caan mmakee a siggni
10、fficaant diffferrencce iin yyourr orrgannizaatioonss suucceess. Reeadeers willl ffindd thhis boook eeasyy too reead andd usse. Thee effforrts speent leaarniing aboout traainiing by putttinng tthe bassic priinciiplees iin tthiss boook to worrk ccan be rewwarddingg too evveryyonee-maanaggemeent, emmpl
11、ooyeees, andd cuustoomerrs.Werre eexciitedd too brringg thhis matteriial to youu. WWe hhopee yoou eenjooy uusinng iit. Turrn tthe pagge aand letts gett sttartted!ABOUUT TTHISS BOOOKWhy willl llearrninng ffromm thhis boook bbe iinteeresstinng aand funn? BBecaausee yoou aare nott gooingg too juust rea
12、ad iit; youu arre ggoinng tto uuse it! Yooulll bbe wworkkingg wiith a ppenccil or penn ass muuch as youulll bee reeadiing. Inn thhe pproccesss, yyoull leaarn morre bbecaausee thheree wiill be oppporttuniitiees tto aapplly wwhatt yoou aare leaarniing.Thiss prrogrram is dessignned forr yoou iif:-Yoou
13、aare asppiriing to beccomee a mannageer aand wannt tto llearrn mmoree abboutt thhe mmanyy requuireemennts of mannagiing.-Yoou aare alrreaddy aa maanagger andd waant to leaarn morre aabouut ttraiininng.-Yoou aare a ttraiinerr annd wwantt too geet ssomee iddeass abboutt prrogrramss whhichh caan bbe uu
14、sedd to hhelpp ottherr peeoplle llearrn hhow to traain.-Yoou aare a sstuddentt annd wwantt too leearnn moore aboout thee innstrructtionnal dessignn asspeccts of ttraiininng.In aaddiitioon tto uusinng tthiss boook as youu woork thrrouggh iit, youu wiill alsso bbe aablee too usse iit llateer. If youu
15、enncouunteer aa prrobllem thaat ccan be adddresssedd thhrouugh traainiing oncce yyou aree baack on-thee-joob, thiis bbookk wiill proovidde aa reevieew oof ttechhniqquess whhichh wiill hellp yyou devveloop aand impplemmentt trrainningg prrogrramss.Thiss boook is parrt oof tthe “FIIFTYY-MIINUTTE” SERR
16、IESS. TThiss immpliies youu caan wworkk yoour wayy thhrouugh it in onee seessiion. Yoou wwilll prrobaablyy fiind it hellpfuul tto ffolllow up youur iinittiall acctivvityy wiith a mmoree deetaiiledd sttudyy off seelecctedd paartss ass yoou aactuuallly ddeveelopp trrainningg prrogrramss. IIn eeffeect,
17、 thhen, thhis boook iis aa “rreciipe” to shoow yyou, inn a steep-bby-sstepp maanneer, howw too trrainn.DEDIICATTIONNThiss boook is deddicaatedd too:Dr. andd Mrrs. Lewwis J. MinnorAndGeorrge andd Tooodiie SSt. LauurenntWe rreadd inn ouur ddailly nnewsspapper aboout bussineess exeecuttivees wwho takke
18、 aadvaantaage of theeir possitiionss too exxplooit othherss.At tthe samme ttimee, ttherre aare exccepttionnal enttrepprenneurrs wwithh hiigh ethhicaal sstanndarrds andd suucceessfful bussineessees. Theese inddiviiduaals rarrelyy maake newws bbut theeir quaalitty oof llifee iss ann innspiirattionn to
19、o buusinnesss coommuunitty.Dr. andd Mrrs. Lewwis Minnor andd Geeorgge aand Tooodiee Stt. LLaurrentt arre ssuchh peeoplle.Theyy innspiiredd mee too “ttakee thhe llesss trraveeledd rooad” andd beecauuse of thee sttanddardds ttheyy seet, my serrvicce tto hhumaankiind hass beeen ricchlyy bllesssed.Brott
20、herr Heermaan EE. ZZacccareellii, CC.S.C.TRAIININNGMANAAGERRS TTO GGRAIINA Prractticaal GGuiddeTo IImprroviing Empployyee Perrforrmannceby BBrottherr Heermaan EE. ZZacccareellii, CC.S.C.DireectoorCentter Forr Buusinnesss annd EEntrreprreneeuriial MannageemenntSt. Marryss CoolleegeWinoona, Miinneesot
21、taCRISSP PPUBLLICAATIOONS, INNC.Los Alttos, CaaliffornniaCONTTENTTSObjeectiivess off Trrainningg Maanaggerss too trrainn 1Reassonss Whhy TTraiininng iis IImpoortaant 3Traiininng KKnoww Hoow iis aa Muust forr Maanaggerss 5Emplloyeee BBeneefitts FFromm Trrainningg 66Whenn caan TTraiininng HHelpp? 8Tak
22、ee thhe TTraiininng TTestt 111Learrn tthe Traainiing Bassicss 112The Fouur SStepps oof TTraiininng 114STEPP 1Deffinee thhe JJob (Poosittionn Annalyysiss) 16 Deevellop a LListt off Taaskss 118 Deefinne aa Taask 20 Coonsiiderr Reequiiredd Quualiity Levvelss 22 Deesiggn aa Joob DDesccripptioon 224STERR
23、 2Plaan tthe Traainiing 28 Coonsiiderr Trrainningg Obbjecctivves 30 Deevellop a TTraiininng PPlann 332 Deesiggn aa Trrainningg Leessoon 334 Seelecct tthe Traaineer/pprepparee thhe TTraiineees 366STERR 3Preesennt tthe Traainiing 388 Grroupp Trrainningg Tiips 400 Onn-thhe-JJob Traainiing 422STERR 4Eva
24、aluaate thee Trrainningg 522 Cooachhingg 554 Orrienntattionn Prrogrramss 566Traiininng RResoourcces 622Usinng VVisuual Aidds 644Certtifiicatte oof RRecoogniitioon 677“Bacck OOf tthe Guiide” 68IT AALL STAARTSS WIITH TRAAINIINGOBJEECTIIVESSAn oobjeectiive staatess thhe ppurpposee off thhe ttraiininng;
25、 it tellls whaat tthe traaineer wwantts tto aaccoompllishh. AA coompeetenncy-bassed objjecttivee teellss thhe ppurpposee frrom thee trrainnees ppersspecctivve. It inddicaatess whhat thee trrainnee is exppectted to knoow oor bbe aablee too doo affterr thhe ttraiininng iis ccomppletted.Thiss guuidee i
26、ss a traainiing mannuall whhosee obbjecctivves cann bee sttateed iin aa coompeetenncy forrmatt ass shhownn onn thhe ffaciing pagge.SOMEE OBBJECCTIVVES FORR YOOUOBJEECTIIVESS OFFTRAIININNG MMANAAGERRS TTO TTRAIINAfteer rreaddingg thhis boook aand worrkinng tthrooughh suuggeesteed eexerrcisses thee re
27、eadeer wwilll bee abble to massterr thhe ffolllowiing objjecttivees: (Nuumbeers reffer to pagges wheere thee obbjecctivve iis ddisccusssed).Objeectiivess Pagge(ss)1. Deffinee a commpettenccy-bbaseed ttraiineee obbjecctivve vii2. Knoow wwhy traainiing is impporttantt frrom thee peersppecttivee off 3-
28、77 botth tthe traaineer aand traaineee3. Givve aa brrieff ovvervvieww off thhe ffourr baasicc sttepss inn trrainningg 144 proograam ddeveeloppmennt aand impplemmenttatiion4. Connducct aa Poosittionn Annalyysiss inncluudinng tthe devveloopmeent of 117-227 reqquirred anaalyssis forrms5. Telll ffourr u
29、sses of a JJob Desscriiptiion 2266. Devveloop ttraiininng oobjeectiivess, ttraiininng pplanns, andd trrainningg leessoons 300-3557. Sellectt quualiifieed ttraiinerrs 3778. Lisst eeighht ffacttorss too weeighh whhen connsidderiing grooup or 339 inddiviiduaal ttraiininng9. Desscriibe majjor priinciipl
30、ees oof ggrouup ttraiininng 4010. Dessignn ann onn-thhe-jjob traainiing proograam wwhicch iincoorpoorattes 44-51 pprinncippless inn thhe ffourr-sttep metthodd11. Rellatee trrainningg evvaluuatiion to thee trrainningg prrogrram objjecttivees 52-5312. Reccitee teen pprinncippless off cooachhingg 55513
31、. Dessignn ann orrienntattionn chheckklisst 59914. Connsidder thee roole of empployyeess inn trrainningg prrogrram 660-661 ddeveeloppmennt aand impplemmenttatiion15. Knoow wwherre tto llocaate hellpfuul ttraiininng rresoourcces 6316. Usee viisuaal aaidss/eqquippmennt eeffeectiivelly 64-65REASSONSS W
32、HHY TTRAIININNG IIS IIMPOORTAANTA maanagger is bussy aand hass maany thiingss too doo. TTherress onnly timme ffor thee moost impporttantt, hhighhestt prriorrityy acctivvitiies. TTRAIININNG SSTYLLESEverry mmanaagerr brringgs aa diiffeerennt pperssonaalittyto ttraiininng. Thiis iindiividduall sttylee,
33、 hhoweeverr, mustt bee bllendded intto aan eeffeectiive traainiingformmat if thee ouutcoome is to be succcesssfuul.Seveerall reeasoons whyy trrainningg iss immporrtanntregaardllesss off thhe ttraiinerrs styyle aree deescrribeedon tthe nexxt ppagee. CChecck tthosse wwithh whhichh yoouagreeeREASSONSS
34、WHHY TTRAIININNGIS IIMPOORTAANTWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg woouldd beeneffit youur oorgaanizzatiion?Saviing MonneyIf empployyeess knnow howw too doo woork thee riightt waay, cossts willl bbe lloweer; proofitts wwilll bee hiigheer.Saviing EmpployyeessEmmplooyeees wwho knoow hhow to do worrk aaccoord
35、iing to theeir bosssss exxpecctattionns wwilll bee leess anxxiouus aand turrnovver willl bbe rreduucedd.Saviing Cusstommerss annd MMakiing Neww OnneCCusttomeers aree haappyy whhen theey rreceeivee thhe pprodductts/sservvicees ttheyy exxpecct. Traainiing hellps asssuree thhat thiis wwilll coonsiistee
36、ntlly hhapppen.We hhopee yoou cchecckedd alll oof tthe aboove. Trrainningg caan pprovvidee alll oof tthesse bbeneefitts. Youu, yyourr cuustoomerrs, youur eemplloyeees, annd yyourr orrgannizaatioon hhavee muuch to gaiin-aand notthinng tto llosee-wiith a hhighh quualiity traainiing proograam. Whiich o
37、f thee foolloowinng wwilll beeneffit youur oorgaanizzatiion?Saviing TimmeAA trrainned staaff willl pprommotee effficcienncy. Booth thee maanaggers ttimee annd tthatt off emmplooyeees wwilll bee saavedd.Reduucinng SStafffinng CConccernnsTTraiinedd emmplooyeees aare bettterr prrepaaredd annd mmoree el
38、ligiiblee foor pprommotiion oppporttuniitiees.Saviing RellatiionsshippsMManaagerrs wwho shoow ttheiir cconccernn foor eemplloyeees witth qquallityy trrainningg heelp mottivaate theem aand morralee leevells aare likkelyy too inncreeasee.Givee yooursselff ann “AA” iif yyou cheeckeed aall sixx booxessT
39、RAIININNG IIS PPARTT OFF EFFFECCTIVVE SSUPEERVIISIOONA maanagger musst ddo mmanyy thhinggs aat ooncee. AAll aree immporrtannt.Nothhingg iss moore impporttantt thhan traainiing.The mannageemennt oof ppeopple dettermminees oorgaanizzatiionaalsucccesss. TTraiininng ccannnot waiit uuntiil “tthe mannagee
40、r ggetssarouund to it” or “whhen timme ppermmitss.”Traiininng mmustt reeceiive a hhighh prriorrityy frrom mannageemennt.The higghesst lleveels of mannageemennt mmustt aggreee abboutt thheimpoortaancee off trrainningg annd aalloocatte ttimee annd rresoourccesfor it to be donne wwelll.No mmanaagerr ca
41、an ttraiin iin aa vaacuuum. Topp maanaggemeentmustt enndorrse thee vaaluee off trrainningg annd eemplloyeees mustt bee coonviinceed oof wwhatt trrainningg wiill do forr thhem.MANAAGERRS MMUSTT BEE EFFFECCTIVVE TTRAIINERRSTRAIININNG KKNOWW HOOW IIS AA MUUST FORRMANAAGERRS Maanaggerss Muust Do Maanagg
42、erss Muust Mannagee Sevveraal TThinngs SSeveerall Reesouurcees Pllan Tiime OOrgaanizze Peeoplle(EEmplloyeees) Sttafff Mooneyy Suuperrvisse Maaterrialls Cooorddinaate Ennerggy Coontrrol Prroceedurres Evvaluuatee EqquippmenntAs mmanaagerrs ssupeerviise empployyeess thhey musst: Devveloop SStafff LLead
43、d Sttafff OOrieentaatioon mmotiivattionn SStafff TTraiininng pperfformmancce mmustt apppraaisaal bbe PProffesssionnal ddisccipllinee orrienntedd Deevellopmmentt andd pprobblemm ttraiinedd soolviing bbefoore rresoolvee theey coonfllictts cann bee leed.TRAIININNG IIS NNOT A LLUXUURY FORR MAANAGGERSSIT
44、T ISS A NECCESSSITYY!EMPLLOYEEES BENNEFIIT FFROMM TRRAINNINGGEmplloyeees bennefiit ffromm trrainningg. MManaagemmentts jobb iss too deemonnstrratee hoow ttraiininng wwilll heelp empployyeess. PPropperlly eexpllainned, emmplooyeees wwilll waant to be traaineed. Theey wwilll paartiicippatee inn trrain
45、ningg acctivvitiies. Thhey willl rreceeivee maaximmum bennefiits froom ttheiir ttraiininng eexpeerieencee.WHATT DOO EMMPLOOYEEES GGET OF TRAAINIING?Therress ann olld ssayiing, “iif ttraiineee haasnt llearrnedd itts beccausse tthe traaineer hhasnnt traaineed.” Traaineees whoo unnderrstaand thee beene
46、ffitss thhey willl rreceeivee frrom traainiing willl wwantt too leearnn.EMPLLOYEEES BENNEFIIT FFROMM TRRAINNINGG(Conntinnuedd)Checck aany of thee foolloowinng yyou wouuld likke tto aachiievee: PPerssonaal kknowwleddge thaat yyou Proomottionn aare doiing a goood jjob. Freeedoom ffromm onn-thhe-jjob W
47、Wagee/saalarry iincrreasse. Acccideentss. NNo aanxiietyy abboutt peerfoormaancee Inccreaase in tipps(wwherre eevalluattionns. AAppllicaablee). FFeweer ccusttomeer ccompplaiintss. Freeedoom ffromm onn-thhe-jjob borredoom. FFeellingg off beeingg a “pproffesssionnal.” LLesss tiiressomee woork RResppect
48、t/essteeem ffromm cuustoomerrs, Paartiicippatiion in carreerr ppeerrs, andd yoour bosss. deevellopmmentt prrogrramss. KKnowwleddge thaat yyourr joob iis Goood firrst on-thee-joob ssecuure exxperrienncess. BBettter rellatiionsshipp wiith youur Lesss sstreess. mmanaagerr. Impprovved teaamwoork JJob en
49、jjoymmentt. Morre ffun on thee joob.Guesss wwhatt? YYourr emmplooyeees wwilll liikelly bbe hhapppy wwithh thhe ssamee thhinggs tthattyou cheeckeed. Youu maay hhavee chheckked alll off thhe ffacttorss. EEachh iss innfluuenccedby ttraiininng.TAKEE THHE TTRAIININNG TTESTTWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg st
50、tateemennts aboout traainiing aree Trrue? Faalsee? oor PParttialllyTruee?(mmaybbe)? Chheckk yoour ansswerrs aand commparre tthemm too thhe aauthhorsStattemeentss beeloww. Trrue Faalsee MMaybbeTraiininng ccan be diffficcultt Traiininng sshouuld be cosst-eeffeectiive Traiininng iis aa liine ressponnsi
51、bbiliity. Onlyy neew eemplloyeees bennefiit ffromm trrainningg. Traiininng ccan moddifyy ann emmplooyeees atttituudess Traiininng iis bbestt whhen objjecttivees iinvoolvee. iincrreassingg/chhanggingg, kknowwleddge/skiill levvelssTraiininng sshouuld be donne wwhenn tiime perrmitts Traiininng ffor pro
52、obleem rresooluttionn iss diiffeerennt tthann teeachhingg a neww emmplooyeee joob sskilllsChecck yyourr annsweers.1. Trruetraainiing cann bee diiffiicullt; it takkes skiillfful plaanniing to impplemmentt a quaalitty ttraiininng pproggramm.2. Trruetraainiing musst bbe ccostt-efffecctivve oor iit ssho
53、uuld nott bee unnderrtakken.3. Trruelinne MManaagerrsnnot thoose in thee peersoonneel ooffiiceshoouldd bee ulltimmateely ressponnsibble forr trrainningg.4. Faalseealll eemplloyeees bennefiit ffromm trrainningg.5/6. MMaybbeiit iis ddiffficuult to moddifyy atttittudees. Traainiing is mosst ttypiicalll
54、yhelppfull inn innfluuenccingg knnowlledgge/sskilll lleveels.FalsseTTraiininng iis ttoo impporttantt too doo onnly wheen ttimee peermiits; itt muust recceivve aa prriorrityy.8. FaalseeThhe bbasiic ttraiininng ttechhniqquess arre tthe samme rregaardllesss offthe purrposse.THE FOUUR SSTEPPS OOF TTRAII
55、NINNGSTEPP#1 DEFFINEE HOOW TTHE JOBB SHHOULLD BBE DDONEE (PPOSIITIOON AANALLYSIIS)The firrst steep iin ttraiininng iis tto ddefiine howw thhe jjob youu wiill traain othher forrshouuld be donne. Thiis pproccesss innvollvess deevellopiing a pposiitioon aanallysiis.A Trrainner musst kknoww hoow tthe jo
56、bb shhoulld bbe ddonee beeforre tthe“besst” wayy caan bbe ttaugght.The folllowwingg acctivvitiies aree reequiiredd too deevellop a pposiitioonanallysiis: Deevellop a LListt off Taaskss (DDefiinittionn: ttaskka sinnglee eelemmentt/acctivvityy off a jobb. JJobss ttypiicallly aree coompoosedd off sseve
57、erall diiffeerennt sspeccifiic ttaskks.) Deefinne tthe Tassk (Deffiniitioon: A ddesccripptioon oof eexacctlyy hhow a ttaskk shhoulld bbe pperfformmed) Deeterrminne tthe Reqquirred Quaalitty LLeveel ffor eacch ttaskk Coonsttrucct aa Joob DDesccripptioonA trrainner knoows thaat aa poosittionn annalyys
58、iss iss ann immporrtannt ffirsst sstepp inntraiininng. He/shee allso knoows, hoowevver, thhat thee prroceess useed mmusttbe ssimpple, prractticaal, andd effficciennt.WHY A PPOSIITIOON AANALLYSIIS?Checck () eacch oof tthe folllowwingg sttateemennts as theey aapplly tto yyourrorgaanizzatiionT FF 11. A
59、All empployyeess inn thhe ssamee poosittionn peerfoorm eacch ttaskk off thheirr joob iin tthe samme wway. 22. EEverry ssupeerviisorr foor aa sppeciificc arre oof rrespponssibiilitty wwoulld giive thee saame expplannatiion of howw eaach tassk sshouuld be donne. 33. IIt ttakees ddifffereent empployyee
60、ss appprooximmateely thee saame amoountt off tiime to perrforrm aa sppeciificc taask. 44. AAll empployyeess usse tthe samme pproccesss/prroceedurres to perrforrm eaach ideentiicall taaskss. 55.Cuustoomerrs ccompplimmentt yoour orgganiizattionn abboutt thhe cconssisttenccy oof eemplloyeee ttaskk prro
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- 5. 人人文庫(kù)網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲(chǔ)空間,僅對(duì)用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對(duì)用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對(duì)任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
- 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請(qǐng)與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
- 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對(duì)自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。
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