1、 HYPERLINK ./ HYPERLINK ./更多資料料請訪問問. HYPERLINK E:還未拷貝人力資源人力資源知識(http:.)E:還未拷拷貝人力資資源人力資資源知識識(htttp:.)(.) HYPERLINK ./中國石油油天然氣氣集團公公司20007年度職職稱英語語水平考考試I. VVocaabullaryyDireectiionss: TTherre aare 20 inccompplette ssenttencces in thiis ppartt. FFor eacch ssenttencce ttherre aare fouur cchoiicess maarkee
2、d AA, BB, CC annd DD. CChooose thee ONNE aanswwer thaat bbestt coomplletees tthe senntennce andd maark youur aanswwer on thee Annsweer SSheeet.1. YYourr sppeecch cclasss wwilll giive youu ann oppporrtunnityy too _ coonfiidennce.A. rrewaardB. wwinC. ggainnD. eearnn2. FFiltterss annd llow tarr toobacc
3、co aree cllaimmed to makke ssmokkingg too soome exttentt saaferr, bbut theey ccan onlly mmargginaallyy reeducce, nott ellimiinatte tthe_.A. iincoonveenieencees.C. hazzarddsC. hharmmoniiesD. hhatrredss3. NNew envviroonmeentaal ttaxees oon ccarss, ggasoolinne, andd woood prooduccts werre_.A. rrepoosed
4、dB. ddispposeedC. iimpoorteedD. eexpoosedd4. MManyy sttudeentss fiind thaat iif ttheyy trry tto sspeaak ffastt, ttheyy maake morre mmisttakees. So, hoowdo wwe bbalaancee _ annd fflueencyy inn sppokeen EEngllishh?A. aaccuuraccyB. eemerrgenncyC. ffreqquenncyD. eeffiicieencyy5. UUnfoortuunattelyy waar
5、_ iin tthe Midddlee Eaast on Octtobeer 66, 119733.A. bbrokke ooutB. bbrokke ooffC. bbrokke tthrooughh D. bbrokke aawayy6. AAnyoone whoo reefusses tooo offtenn too liisteen tto tthe othher sidde oof aa quuesttionn riiskss beecommingg _ miindeed.A. tthinnB. nnarrrowC. tthicckD. ssorrrow7. _ iis tthe m
6、ottherr off innvenntioon.A. NNeglligiibleeB. NNeeddlesssC. NNeceessiityD. NNeceessaarilly8. WWithh ann arrea of appproxximaatelly 2255,2122 sqquarre mmilees, _ to 6611,0000 ssquaare killomeeterrs, Albbertta iis tthe fouurthh laargeest proovinnce in Cannadaa.A. aalikkeB. llikeelyC. eequiivallenttD. u
7、unifformm9. AA coomplletee reefinningg innstaallaatioon mmustt inncluude alll neecesssarry_.A. ffacuultiiesB. ffraggmenntsC. ffaciilittiessD. ffairrly10. As liffe iis ffulll off sttriffe aand _, wee neeed friiendds tto ssuppportt annd hhelpp uss ouut oof ddiffficuultiies.A. cconffirmmC. cconfflicctC
8、. cconfformmatiion D. cconffineemennt11. My mottherr haas lliveed _ ssincce mmy ffathher dieed 220 yyearrs aago.A. ssinggleB. aalonneC. ssoleeD. lloneely12. Lett uss sttartt a lonng mmarcch ttogeetheer oon ddifffereent roaads _ thee saame goaal.A. rrefeerriing toB. tturnningg tooC. bbeloongiing toD.
9、 lleaddingg too13. Todday thrree outt off foour Ameericcanss _ toownss, ccitiies or subburbbs.A. llivee thhrouugh B. liive inC. llivee upp tooD. llivee onn14. Geoologgistts, _ somme nnonggeollogiistss, bbeliievee thhat knoowleedgee off thhe cconcceptts oofgeollogyy caan hhelpp too fiind pettrolleumm
10、.A. iin rreplly ttoB. iin cconttrasst ttoC. iin ppropporttionn tooD. iin rrelaatioon tto15. Ameericcanss _ a lott off allcohhol in thee foorm of coccktaailss.A. cconssumeeB. sswalllowwC. ddispposeeD. eexhaaustt16. Thee _ inn Allberrta is pleeasaant, paartiicullarlly iin ssummmer.A. cclimmateeB. wwea
11、ttherrC. sseassonD. sspacce17. Lovve mmakees tthe worrld_.A. ggo bbyB. ggo fforC. ggo aafteerD. ggo aarouund18. Wasshinngtoon wwas _ by Freenchh arrchiitecct PPierrre LEEnfaant in thee laate 18tth ccentturyy.A. llaidd doownB. llaidd ouutC. llaidd assideeD. llaidd offf19. _ alll off yoour Ameericcan
12、gueestss, II wiish to thaank youu foor tthe inccompparaablee hoospiitallityy.A. IIn hhonoor oofB. IIn pplacce oofC. OOn bbehaalf ofD. OOn aaccoountt off20. We feeel wwe aare happpieest wheen wwe _ aand excchannge ideeas witth oone anootheer.A. ccharrtB. cchattterrC. cchasseD. cchattII. Graammaaticca
13、l StrructtureeDireectiionss: TTherre aare 20 inccompplette ssenttencces in thiis ppartt. FFor eacch ssenttencce ttherre AAre fouur cchoiicess maarkeed AA, BB, CC annd DD. CChooose thee ONNE aanswwer thaat bbestt coomplletees tthe senntennce andd maark youur aanswwer on thee Annsweer SSheeet.21. Thee
14、 reewarrd wwas nott allwayys ggiveen tto eeverryonne, norr _ too thhosee whho ddeseerveed iit mmostt.A. wwas it givvenB. itt waas ggiveenC. givven it DD. wwas givven it22. Chiinas 111thh _ pllan _ greeat empphassis on thee ennvirronmmentt. A. fiive-yeaars, pllacees B. fiive-yeaar, plaace C. fiive-ye
15、aars, pllacee D. fiive-yeaar, plaacess23. Thee sttudeentss _ thhe eexerrcisses, thhe tteaccherr weent on to expplaiin tthe texxt. A. dooingg BB. ddid CC. hhaviing donneD. to do24. If we stuudy dayy affterr daay, theere is notthinng _ ccannnot be achhievved. A. thaat BB. wwhicch C. whoom D. we25. Chi
16、ina is larrgerr thhan_.A. aall couuntrriess inn Assia BB. JJapaan aand Inddia as welll aas AAsiaaC. aany othher couuntrriess inn Assia D. anny ccounntriies in Asiia26. Youud likke tto ggo wwithh mee, _ yyou?A. hhad B. haddntt C. wouuldD. wooulddntt27. Thee inncomme oof hhighh scchoool ddroppoutts ii
17、s aabouut _ tthatt off Ammeriicanns wwithh a higgh sschoool dipplomma. A. ttwo-thiird B. twoo-thhirdds CC. ssecoond-thiirdD. twwo-tthreee28. If Linncolln wweree allivee toodayy, hhe _ aa toop aathlletee inn maany spoortss.A. wwoulld bbe C. woouldd haave beeen CC. wwilll bee D. waas29. I hhopee too h
18、eear morre aabouut tthe acttiviitiees _ ttherre. A. bbeinng hhapppeneed B. too bee haappeeneddC. ggoinng oon D. beeingg goone on30. Thee pllayiing carrds we usee toodayy arre mmuchh liike thoose _ forr huundrredss off yeearss.A. wweree ussed BB. uusedd C. beeen uusedd D. ussingg31. Devvotiion meaans
19、 _ ourr heeartt onn onne tthinng aat aa tiime andd giive up alll ottherr thhougghtss.A. ssetttingg BB. sset C. to sett D. thaat ssetttingg32. Coooperratiion shoouldd _ foor mmutuual bennefiit iin eenerrgy devveloopmeent andd uttiliizattionn.A. bbe eenhaanceed B. enhhancce C. haave enhhancced D. to b
20、e enhhancced 33. _ is nott cllearr. A. Thhat he willl ccomee B. Hee wiill comme C. WWhettherr hee wiill comme D. If he willlcomme 34. Carrbonn, _ iis aa veery impporttantt paart of livvingg thhinggs oon tthe earrth, iss raare on thee mooon.A. wwhatt B. thaat C. whiich D. itt35. As _ chaairmman of _
21、commmittteee, II deeclaare thee meeetiing opeen. A. tthe, 不填填BB. tthe, thhe C. 不填, 不填D. 不填, thee36. Whiile he wass _ inn thhe ooffiice, hee prrefeerreed _ ssomeethiing _nnothhingg. A. tto ddo, to do BB. tto ddo, doiingC. dooingg, tto ddo DD. ddoinng, to doiing37. Thee Prresiidennt ddecllareed tthatt
22、 thhe nnatiions eenerrgy demmandds _ sso rrapiidlyy siincee 19968. A. hhavee grrownn . BB. hhad groown CC. ggrowws D. haas ggrowwn 38. As a ssignnatoory to thee Kyyotoo paact on cliimatte cchannge, Brritaain _ carrbonn emmisssionns bby 220 pperccentt byy 20010.A. hhad redduceed BB. mmustt reeducceC.
23、 mmay redducee D. ouughtt too haave redduceed39. Its ttimee _ yoou _ rrelaax. AA. ffor, too B. too, ffor C. forr, ffor DD. tto, to40. Eacch oof uus _ aa MPP3 pplayyer. A. haas tto B. havve tto CC. hhavee D hassIII. Reeadiing CommpreehennsioonSecttionn ADireectiionss: TTherre aare 5 ppasssagees iin t
24、thiss seectiion. Eaach passsagge iis ffollloweed bby 44 quuesttionns oor uunfiinisshedd sttateemennts. Foor eeachh off thhem theere aree foour chooicees mmarkked A, B. C aand D. Youu shhoulld ddeciide on thee beest chooicee annd mmarkk yoour ansswerr onn thhe AAnswwer Sheeet.Quesstioons 41 to 44 are
25、e baasedd onn thhe ffolllowiing passsagge:The leaad ppenccil is onee off thhe mmostt ussed pieecess off meerchhanddisee inn thhe wworlld. It is thee siimpllestt, mmostt coonveenieent andd leeastt exxpennsivve oof aall wriitinng iinsttrummentts.Perhhapss thhe mmostt suurprrisiing thiing aboout thee l
26、eead penncill iss thhat it is nott leead at alll. AAnd it is nott a penncill. TThe leead iss acctuaallyy grraphhitee frrom thee Grreekk woord too wrritee. Thee woord peenciil is froom LLatiin. Thee fiirstt peenciils werre ffinee orr sttifff brrushhes of haiir.Amerricaan ppenccil makkerss tuurn outt
27、thheirr prroduuct by thee miilliionss. PProbbablly ttherre iis nno mmoree ussefuul aartiiclee inn thhe wworlld. As onee wiise perrsonn reemarrkedd: Eveerytthinng bbegiins witth aa peenciil. Wheetheer iitss a pinn orr a batttleeshiip, it is firrst rennderred witth aa peenciil.Therre iis aa peenciil f
28、for eveery purrposse. In facct, thee inndusstryy noow ssupppliees 3370 diffferrentt tyypess annd sstylles in morre tthann 700 diiffeerennt ccoloors andd inn 188 deegreees of harrdneess.Somee wrritee cllearrly on sliippeery surrfacces, suuch as glaass andd pllasttic. Suurgeeonss usse aa sppeciial pen
29、ncill foor ooutlliniing thee opperaatioon aareaa onn thhe ppatiientts skiin, andd paackiing-plaantss usse aanottherr tyype to wriite ideentiificcatiion on siddes of beeef. Theere is eveen aa sppeciial eleectrric penncill ussed forr teestss chheckked by eleectrroniic mmachhinees.Therre aare manny nno
30、veeltyy peenciils. Soome havve tthe Tenn Coommaandmmentts, callenddarss orr thhe mmulttipllicaatioon ttablle oon tthemm. SSomee arre iin tthe shaape of umbbrelllass, ccanees, bassebaall batts aand traaffiic ssignnalss. OOne mayy bee 122 feeet lonng, whiile othherss arre oonlyy 1/2 iinchh.One reccent
31、t noovellty is a ppenccil witth ppapeer iin iit. A ssmalll rrolll off paaperr fiits in thee ceenteer oof tthe penncill annd iis ddrawwn oout thrrouggh aa sllit in thee siide. Itts jusst tthe thiing forr thhosee whho aare alwwayss loookiing forr a scrrap of papperA poopullar ideea iis tthatt a cheeck
32、, wiill, orr ottherr leegall paaperr whhiteen iin ppenccil is nott leegall. TThiss iss noot ttruee. AAny leggal doccumeent whiich doees nnot speeciffy ootheerwiise cann bee leegallly siggnedd inn peenciil.41. Thee auuthoor ssayss thhat thee lleadd iin aa peenciil_ AA. iis ggrapphitte B. is reaallyy
33、a cheemiccalC. ccomees ffromm Grreecce DD. iis hhardd too fiind42. Whaat iis mmeannt bby tthe folllowwingg quuotaatioon-Whhethher its aa piin oor aa baattlleshhip, itt iss fiirstt reendeeredd wiith a ppenccil. A. A ppenccil is diffficcultt too woork witth. B. Thee deesiggn oof tthe penncill iss reen
34、deeredd immporrtannt. C. Thee fiirstt deesiggns of pinn annd bbatttlesshipp arre nnot impporttantt. D. Thee peenciil iis uusedd byy evveryyonee foor mmanyy puurpoosess.43. Whiich of thee foolloowinng ttypees oof ppenccilss waas nnot menntioonedd inn thhe sstorry? A. a penncill foor ssurggeonns B. a
35、penncill foor wwrittingg onn sllippperyy suurfaacess C. a penncill foor wwrittingg unnderrwatter D. a penncill wiith papper in it44. Acccorddingg too thhe aartiiclee, aa doocummentt siigneed wwithh a penncill _ A. wiill smuudgee baadlyy BB. wwilll neet llastt soo loong as onee siigneed iin iink C. w
36、iill nott hoold up in couurt DD. mmay be leggalQuesstioons 45 to 48 aree baasedd onn thhe ffolllowiing passsagge: Inn anncieent Greeecee atthleeticc feestiivalls wweree veery impporttantt annd hhad strrongg reeliggiouus aassoociaatioon. Thee Ollymppiann atthleeticc feestiivall, hheldd evveryy foour
37、yeaars in honnor of Zeuus, eveentuuallly llostt itts llocaal ccharractter, beecamme ffirsst aa naatioonall evventt, aand theen, aftter thee ruuless aggainnst forreiggn ccomppetiitorrs hhad beeen wwaivved, innterrnattionnal. Noo onne kknowws eexacctlyy hoow ffar bacck tthe Olyympiic GGamees ggo, butt
38、 soome offficiial reccordds ddatee frrom 7766 B.C. Thhe GGamees ttookk pllacee inn Auugusst oon tthe plaain by MouuntOOlymmpuss. MManyy thhoussandds oof sspecctattorss gaatheeredd frrom alll paartss off Grreecce, butt noo maarriied womman wass addmitttedd evven as a sspecctattor. Sllavees, wommen an
39、dd diishoonorred perrsonns wweree noot aalloowedd too coompeete. Thhe eexacct ssequuencce oof eevennts is unccerttainn, bbut eveentss inncluudedd booys gyymnaastiics, hoorsee-raacinng, fieeld eveentss suuch as disscuss annd jjaveelinn thhrowwingg, aand thee veery impporttantt fooot racces. Thheree w
40、aas aalsoo booxinng aand wreestllingg annd sspecciall teestss off vaarieed aabillityy suuch as thee peentaathllon, thhe wwinnner of whiich exccellled in runnninng, jummpinng, disscuss annd jjaveelinn thhrowwingg annd wwresstliing. Thhe eevenningg off thhe tthirrd dday wassdevvoteed tto ssacrrifiicia
41、al ooffeerinngs to thee heeroees oof tthe dayy, aand thee foourtth dday, thhat of theefulll mmoonn, wwas sett assidee ass a holly dday. On tthe sixxth andd laast dayy, aall thee viictoors werre ccrowwnedd wiith holly ggarllandds oof wwildd, llivee frrom a ssacrred woood. So greeat wass thhe hhonoor
42、tthatt thhe wwinnner of thee fooot racce ggavee hiis nnamee too thhe yyearr off hiis vvicttoryy. AAlthhouggh OOlymmpicc wiinneers recceivved no priize monney, thhey werre, in facct, ricchlyy reewarrdedd byy thheirr sttatee auuthoorittiess. TThe pubblicc hoonorr allso madde tthe strrictt diisciipliin
43、e of thee teen-mmontth ttraiininng pperiiod worrthwwhille. In spiite of thee leengtthy traainiing, hoowevver runnnerrs wweree knnownn too drrop deaad ffromm sttraiin aat tthe winnninng ppostt. HHow theeir ressultts ccomppareed wwithh moodemm sttanddardds, we unfforttunaatelly hhavee noo meeanss off
44、teelliing. Afteer aan uuninnterrrupptedd hiistoory of almmostt 1,2000 yeearss, tthe Gammes werre aabollishhed in A.DD. 3394, thhe CChriistiian eraa, bbecaausee off thheirr paagann orrigiin. It wass ovver 1,5500 yeaars befforee thheree waas aanottherr suuch intternnatiionaal aathlletiics gattherringg
45、. TThe Greeek insstittutiion wass reevivved in 18996 aand thee fiirstt smmalll meeetiing toook pplacce iin AAtheens. Affterr thhe 119088 Loondoon OOlymmpiccs, succcesss wwas re-esttabllishhed andd naatioons sennt ttheiir bbestt reepreesenntattivees. In timmes of peaace, thhe GGamees hhavee taakenn p
46、llacee evver sinnce at fouur-yyearrly inttervvalss. Nowaadayys, thee Gaamess arre hheldd inn diiffeerennt ccounntriies in turrn. Thee hoost couuntrry pprovvidees vvastt faacillitiies, inncluudinng aa sttadiium, swwimmmingg pooolss annd lliviing acccommmodaatioon, butt coompeetinng ccounntriies payy
47、thheirr owwn aathlletees exppensses. Atthleeticc coonteestss arre sstilll tthe maiin ffeatturee, bbut noww maany morre ssporrts aree reepreesenntedd woomenn coompeete, thhe aanciientt peentaathllon, foor eexammplee, hhas beeen mmodiifieed iintoo a morre ccompprehhenssivee teest, annd tthe marrathhon
48、 racces, innitiiateed iin 118966, aare noww a cellebrrateed eevennt.The Olyympiics staart witth tthe arrrivaal iin tthe staadiuum oof aa toorchh, llighhtedd onn MoounttOlyympuus bby tthe sunns rayys. It is carrrieed bby aa suucceessiion of runnnerrs tto tthe staadiuum. Thee toorchh syymboolizzes the
49、e coontiinuaatioon oof tthe ancciennt GGreeek aathlletiic iideaals, annd iit bburnns tthrooughhoutt thhe GGamees uuntiil tthe cloosinng ccereemonny. Thee weell-knoown Olyympiic fflagg, hhoweeverr, iis aa mooderrn cconccepttionn: tthe fivve iinteerloockiing rinngs symmbollizee thhe uunittingg off all
50、l ffivee coontiinennts parrticcipaatinng iin tthe Gammes.45. Thee fiirstt Ollymppic Gammes toook pplacce_. A. proobabbly befforee 7000 BB.C.B. oveer tthreee tthouusannd yyearrs aagoC. in thee seevennth cennturry AA.D.D. a tthouusannd yyearrs aago46. Moddernn atthleetess reesullts cannnott bee coompa
51、aredd wiith thoose of thee anncieent runnnerrs bbecaausee _. A. tthe Greeekss haad nno mmeanns oof ttelllingg thhe ttimeeB. ddetaailss suuch timmes werre nnot reccordded in thee paastC. ttheyy arre mmuchh beetteerD. tthe ancciennt rrunnnerss feell dowwn ddeadd47. Thee coontiinuiity of thee Ollymppic
52、 Gammes_.A. hhas nevver beeen bbrokkenB. wwas brookenn inn thhe yyearr A.D. 12000C. wwas intterrruptted forr ovver 1,5500 yeaarsD. wwas brookenn inn 1889648. At he begginnningg off thhe GGamees iin tthe hosst ccounntryy _A. aa toorchh iss iggnitted at sunnrisseB. aa liightted torrch is brooughht iin
53、too thhe sstaddiummC. rrelaays of runnnerrs llighht ttheiir ttorcchess inn thhe sstaddiummD. aa toorchh iss iggnitted by thee Grreekk ammbasssaddorQuesstioons 49 to 52 aree baasedd onn thhe ffolllowiing passsagge:Radiiantt ennerggy iis aalsoo caalleed llighht eenerrgy. Ouur mmostt immporrtannt ssour
54、rce of raddiannt eenerrgy is, off cooursse, thee suun. Witthouut iit ttherre wwoulld bbe nno llifee, ffor plaant liffe ddepeendss uppon raddiannt eenerrgy-annd wwe ddepeend upoon pplannt llifee.Otheer fformms oof rradiiantt ennerggy ffamiiliaar tto uus aare raddio wavves, innfraaredd raays, ulltraa-
55、viioleet rrayss, XX raays, annd ggammma rrayss.In ssimpplesst ttermms, mecchannicaal eenerrgy is thee ennerggy oof aa moovinng oobjeect. Yoourheearttbeaat, thee puushiing of a llawnn moowerr, aa baasebballl sppeeddingg thhrouugh thee aiir, watterfaalliing ontto aa waaterrwheeel, thhe ppryiing up of
56、a rrockk wiith a ccrowwbarr-aall aree meechaaniccalennerggy, whiich, off cooursse, wass annothher forrm oof eenerrgy earrlieer.Elecctriicall ennerggy uusuaallyy haas tto bbe cchanngedd too annothher forrm bbefoore it acttuallly doees wwhatt wee waant it to do. Inn thhe ttoassterr, iit cchanngess too
57、 heeat; inn a tinny wwrisst wwatcch oor aassubwway traain or a 775,0000 horrse-powwer inddusttriaal mmotoor, it chaangees tto mmechhaniicall ennerggy. In an inddusttriaal pproccesss caalleed eelecctroolyssis, itt chhangges to cheemiccal eneergyy.Variiouss fuuelss suuch as coaal, gass, ooil, annd ffo
58、odd arre ccommmon exaamplles of cheemiccal eneergyy. TThesse ffuells ggivee offf hheatt whhen theey bburnn. TThe proocesss iis ccallled commbusstioon oor ooxiddatiion, annd tthe heaat iitseelf is a fformm off ennerggy. Mann usses thee ennerggy ffromm soome kinnd oof ffuell foor eeverrythhingg frrom
59、flyyingg too thhe mmoonn too thhinkkingg abboutt itt.A sppeciial kinnd oof cchemmicaal eenerrgy is nuccleaar eenerrgy, soomettimees ccallled atoomicc ennerggy. Theese nammes comme ffromm thhe ffactt thhat thee soourcce oof eenerrgy is thee nuucleeus, orr coore, off thhe aatomm. NNucllearr fuuelss su
60、uch as pluutonniumm annd uuranniumm giive offf heeat eneergyywhenn fiissiion (thhe sspliittiing of atooms in theese fueels) occcurrs. Alrreaddy wwe hhavee seeen treemenndouus aadvaancees iin tthe usee off nuucleear eneergyy foor ppeaccefuul ppurpposees, andd maany peooplee seee nnucllearr ennerggy a
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