1、詞語的翻譯Teaching PlanTeaching Contents:1. Introduction to words seven types of meanings:Denotative meaning, Connotative meaning, Stylistic meaning, Affective meaning, Reflective meaning, Collocative meaning, Thematic meaning2. Introduction to words categories: Polysement, Word with different meanings,
2、Synonym, AntonymTeaching Aims:To make students know what are seven types of meanings for wordTo make students know what are four categories for wordTo make students master the right methods to translate culture-loaded Chinese idiomsTeaching Focus:Seven types of meanings for wordFour categories for w
3、ordWays to translate culture-loaded Chinese idiomsTeaching Methods:Teacher-oriented lecturingStudents discussion (group work, then class work)Teaching Approaches:Multi-media aided.Teaching Procedures:一、認(rèn)真辨析詞義多義詞歧異詞 同義詞 反義詞 多義詞.我們找個安靜點的地方好好聊聊。Lefs find a quiet place where we can have a good talk.Lefs
4、 find somewhere quiet so we can have a good talk.箱子里已經(jīng)沒有地方了。There is no more space in the chest.There is no room left in the chest.你希望留在部隊還是到地方上去?Do you wish to stay in the army or to transfer to a civilian unit?Would you like to stay in the army or leave for a non-military unit?.我國的一項基本國策是開展鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)企業(yè)。It
5、s part and parcel of our national policy to develop enterprises in villages and towns.It is an integral part of our national policy to promote the growth of township and village enterprises.我們要根據(jù)形勢的開展來調(diào)整政策。We must make adjustment in our policy in response to changes in the situation.We have to adjus
6、t our policy to the changing situation.請大家積極參與單位的體制改革。Everyone is called on to take an active part in the systematic reform of ones work unit.You are all encouraged to play an active role in the systematic reform of our unit.他總是以積極態(tài)度處理各種問題。He takes a positive attitude in dealing with all kinds of pr
7、oblems.He approaches various problems with a positive frame of mind.請別客氣.Please dont stand on ceremony.Please dont be so polite.Please make yourself at home.Please dont bother.Please, we dont want to put you to trouble.他客氣而冷淡地接待了我們.He received us politely but coolly.He received us with civility but
8、no warmth.He received us with cool politeness.He received us with polite indifference.對他這種人就是不能客氣.You cannot afford to go soft on a man like him.You must not be too soft when dealing with someone like him.You must be tough with people like him.Dont give in easily when dealing with someone like him.他
9、說自己才疏學(xué)淺,這只不過是中國人的客氣罷了.He says that he is a man of little learning and talent. That is merely self-depreciation, considered as politeness by the Chinese.When he says he has little learning or talent, he is only being modest in accordance with the Chinese rules of politeness.By describing himself as l
10、acking in talent and learning, eh is only being modest like a typical Chinese.He describes himself as incompetent and unlearned. That is merely typical Chinese modesty.同義詞的區(qū)分General/Specific Degree (Deep/Shallow) Coverage (wide/narrow) Abstract/Concrete同義詞農(nóng)業(yè)是國民經(jīng)濟的基礎(chǔ).(廣義)這些年來,我國的農(nóng)業(yè)林業(yè)畜牧業(yè)和漁業(yè)都得到了相應(yīng)的開展.(
11、俠義)我們要破除迷信,解放思想.當(dāng)前我們應(yīng)努力克服個人主義和享樂主義各種錯誤思想.他那八十高齡的母親已于上月去世.(褒義)臭名昭著的麥卡錫終于一命嗚呼哀哉?。ㄙH義)二、認(rèn)真選詞用詞1 .詞匯的感情色彩注意詞義的廣狹注意詞義的輕重注意詞義的褒貶注意詞義的強弱.詞匯的文體色彩intimate casual-consultative-formal Frozen.詞語的搭配美麗美麗、好看、漂亮、中看、受看、入眼、順眼、英俊、俊俏、俊美、絕色、冰肌玉骨、面如冠 玉、花容月貌、國色天香、秀色可餐、傾國傾城等。死亡亡、卒、隕、崩、亡故、過世、仙逝、歸西、犧牲、獻身、永別、沒了、完蛋、斃命、送命、 暴卒、陣亡
12、、夭折、早逝、升天、坐化、羽化、圓寂、回老家、玩兒完、粉身碎骨、溢然長逝、 壽終正寢、嗚呼哀哉、駕鶴西游、百年之后、三長兩短、以身許國、馬革裹尸、玉殞香三、習(xí)語漢譯英習(xí)語的范圍成語:“人們長期以來習(xí)用的、形式簡潔而意思精辟的、定性的詞組或短句。漢語成語大多由四 個字組成?!埃ìF(xiàn)漢(陳文伯)set phrases; idioms慣用語:idioms俗語:“通俗流行之語”或“約定俗成廣泛通行之語 sayings諺語:“在群眾中間流傳的固定語句,用簡單通俗的話反映出深刻的道理。 v現(xiàn)漢proverbs 歇后語:由前后兩局部構(gòu)成,前一局部多為比喻,后一局部說明喻義。two-part allegoric
13、al sayings 格言警句:maxim習(xí)語的特點習(xí)語集中反映一個民族或文化的特色習(xí)語是各種修辭手段的集中表現(xiàn)習(xí)語是語言中獨立的、不規(guī)那么的、固定的成分。第一、二兩點對譯者的要求是什么? 第三點對譯者的要求是什么?第一、二兩點要求譯者盡量保持原文的民族形式和風(fēng)格,因此直譯(不是死譯和硬譯)往往是 必要的。第三點要求譯者不要把習(xí)語當(dāng)作普通語句來處理,須防止字字對譯。習(xí)語翻譯的指導(dǎo)思想“直譯基礎(chǔ)上的意譯”陸殿揚:“Translate literally, if possible, or,叩peal to free translation.(如果可能,就直譯;否那么就 意譯)奈達:功能對等(Fun
14、ctional Equivalence: not only the equivalent content of message, but, in so far as possible, an equivalence of the form);改變形式的五個條件直譯會導(dǎo)致意義上的錯誤時;引入外來語形成語義空白(Semantic Zero),讀者有可能自己填入錯誤的意義時;形式對等引起嚴(yán)重的意義晦澀時;形式對等引起作者原意所沒有的歧義時;形式對等違反譯入語的語法或文體規(guī)范時。習(xí)語漢譯英的原那么形象性原那么簡練性原那么不可濫用字面意義直譯法盡量少用意譯法和直譯加注法習(xí)語翻譯的基本方法.直譯法:在不違
15、背譯文語言規(guī)范以及不引起譯文讀者錯誤理解的情況下,在譯文中保存原文成語的形象、修辭手段和民族特色.同義習(xí)語借用法:有些習(xí)語在內(nèi)容形式和色彩上都符合,可借用.意譯法:無法直譯,也無法借用時,那么意譯.直譯兼意譯:局部直譯,局部意譯,直意參半法.省略法:四字重疊詞組因追求音韻美,前后兩局部意義相同或相近時,只需譯出一局部或只譯 其意義,可以不考慮重疊的局部。.增添法:為了更清楚地表達原意,有時要結(jié)合上下文,在譯文中增添一些說明。.還原法:有些習(xí)語源于外語,翻譯時可使之還原。.直譯加注法:有些習(xí)語包含歷史典故,含有中國文化色彩,如果不作一番解釋,英語讀者將 很難理解其確切含義。.粗俗語高避法:對于粗
16、俗語,通常采用回避的方法,即借用英語同義習(xí)語或意譯等方法來處 理。不能直譯的習(xí)語眉飛色舞死譯: His eyebrows are flying and his countenance is dancing 改譯:To beam with joy粗枝大葉With big branches and broad leavesTo be crude and careless無孔不入To get into every holeTo take advantage of every weakness揚眉吐氣To raise the eyebrow and let out a breathTo feel pr
17、oud and elated歸化?異化?你來選擇竭澤而漁To drain a pond to catch all the fishKill the goose that lays the golden eggs打草驚蛇To stir up the grass and alert the snakeWake a sleeping dog易如反掌As easy as turning over ones handAs easy as falling off a log.直譯兼意譯無親無故 without a single relative or friend to help her out 斬草除根
18、 pluck up the evil by the roots風(fēng)餐露宿 braving the wind and dew賊眉鼠眼 to behave stealthily like a thief輾轉(zhuǎn)反側(cè) to toss and turn restlessly躍躍欲試 eager to have a try狼吞虎咽 to wolf sth. Down.省略法能工巧匠 skilled craftsman稱兄道弟 to call each other brothers赤手空拳 to be bare-handed自 吹自擂 to blow ones own trumpets心慈手軟soft-hear
19、ted安家落戶 to make ones home手也頭露面 to make ones own appearance愁眉苦臉 to pull on a long face長吁短嘆Sighing deeply 千真萬確Quite true油嘴滑舌Glib tongue斷子絕孫Ah Q, may you die sonless.沉魚落雁之容,閉月羞花之貌。Her beauty would put the flowers to shame.增添法樹倒湖獅散Once the tree falls, the monkeys on it will flee helter-shelter. (meaning
20、 慌慌張張)借香敬佛borrowing joss-sticks from a neighbor and burning them before Buddha for your own sake.驚弓之鳥A bird starteld by the mere twang of a bow-string螳螂捕蟬,黃雀在后The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole lurking behind itself.風(fēng)聲鶴唳,草木皆兵be scared by the sigh of the wind or the cry of the cranes, fearing ambush at every tree and tuft of grass個人自掃門前雪,不管他人瓦上霜。Sweep the snow from your own front door; leave the frost on the other mans roof to thaw. Mind your own busines
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