



1、永興中學(xué)初三年級(jí)英語(yǔ)九月月考-Howabouttalent-IshouldsayitwasgreatC.the;A./;B. a;D. the;-I have trouble mynew-Dontworry.IllshowyouhowA.using;B.touse;toC.using;toD. to use;-Wouldyouliketocometomyhome-Oh,sorry.Iamafraidgo night,because Iam永興中學(xué)初三年級(jí)英語(yǔ)九月月考-Howabouttalent-IshouldsayitwasgreatC.the;A./;B. a;D. the;-I have

2、 trouble mynew-Dontworry.IllshowyouhowA.using;B.touse;toC.using;toD. to use;-Wouldyouliketocometomyhome-Oh,sorry.Iamafraidgo night,because IamafraidtheA. of; B.to;C.of;C.No,ID.to;-DontyourememberA.Yes,I-MayIsurf A. ernetnow?B.D. No, Iam youhaveng.C.D.-Wholefttheclassroomall the lightslastotA.for;.wi

3、th;C.to;D.with;-Doyoustilltaccident,-Ofcourse.IllneveretitppenedsolongA. B.even C.becauseD.ever -Excuseme,Mr.Li,IdontknowthemeaningofthenewA.lookupina B.lookitC.lookupD.lookthem-Whatareyougoingtodothis-Myhairistoolong.IwanttogetmyhairA.toB.C.D. WouldyoumindA.togiveuptoC.togiveup-Mary haveshortA.used

4、to;SodidC.didntuseto;SoIB.givingupD.givingupto-.ButnowwebothhavelongcurlyB.usedto;SoID.wasntusedto;Sodid Lillian thinkswords of pop songsheralotaboutEnglishA.memorize;C.memorizing;B.memorizing;D.memorize;My uncle findshardtolearnaforeignlanguageA. tC.D. Idontthinkteenagersshouldtogooutwithfriendseve

5、ryA.beB.C.be D.The movie isnot, so Im notinerestederestingC.D.】There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She nobody, her boyfriend, for he was always 2 to help her. She used the 3 ,Iwouldmarryl her boyfriend, “if I could One day someone donated a pair of There was a blind girl

6、who hated herself because she was blind. She nobody, her boyfriend, for he was always 2 to help her. She used the 3 ,Iwouldmarryl her boyfriend, “if I could One day someone donated a pair of 4 to her. When the bandages(繃帶) came off, was able to see everything, including her boyfriend, for the 5 time

7、. He asked her, “Nowyou can see the world, will 6 me?” The girl looked at her boyfriend and was surprised to t he 7 . She had never d not like to be blindhusbandfortherestofherlife,soshe tomarryHer boyfriend ears and a few days later wrote a 9 to her, saying, “My dear, goodcare ofyoureyes, theyareyo

8、urs,theywereThis is how the human brain(人腦) works when our us(地位) changes. Only a remember 11 was like before. And we often ask for n we need. Life is a Today,before youcomplainabout the 12 of your food, think of hohasnothing 13 . Before you complain about life, think of ho went to ) too Before you

9、complain about your old 14 , think of the people who are he streets. when you are tired and complain about your job, think of those who have no jobs. So 15 youhaveanddontetyour 1.A.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.A.A. A.A.A. A.A.A.A. A. A. A.D. D.D. D. D. D.D.D. D.D. D. D. D.

10、 D. 15.A.】DearDrMy parents are never happy with me. They are always criticizing(批評(píng)) my clothes, my hair and the music I listen to. They hate my friends looks and they keep complaining when I go them. Im notallowed tostayoutaslate asmyfriendsdo,so I veanyfun, Myparents seem to care about my school ma

11、rks. Although I love them, sometimes I feel we live in different worlds. If they love me, cant they understand me? How can I make them understand me?Your problem is common to both teenagers and parents. Dont worry, because all this is natural. You see, your parents have grown up at a different time

12、and they have . So, they think some things are strange, but you find the same things ordinary . le, the music you like may sound like noise to Your problem is common to both teenagers and parents. Dont worry, because all this is natural. You see, your parents have grown up at a different time and th

13、ey have . So, they think some things are strange, but you find the same things ordinary . le, the music you like may sound like noise to them. Your parents love you , so they they must protect you from whatever they find strange. On the other hand, you dont want to differentfromotherteenagers,soyout

14、yourparentsrestrictIthink you should talkaboutthisproblemwith yourparents. Try toothemwhatwantandmake themknowtheycanveyou.Sooneror later.theyllfindyouarea andtheywillgiveyoumore1.WhyhasAngelwrittentoDrA.BecausearentsmakeherB.Because arentscantunderstandC.Becauseherfriendsdontlike 2.Angel hasnherD.B

15、ecause she isnotgoodenoughatA.moreB.lessC.moreD.less3.WhatadvicedoesDrJacksongivetoA.BedifferentfromtheotherB.PaynoattentiontowhateverC.DiscussroblemwithlD. larentswhatshewantsto4.Whatdoesthewordhepassagemeanin?D. A. B. 5.Whichofthefollowingis B.AngelsfatherlikesthetAngeltsheisaresponsible arents at

16、 all.C.Angelshouldshow.D.Angelprobablydoesntlove】Mr. King works in a shop and drives a carfor the manager. He drives carefully and ime of danger. And he d from several accidents. The ays him more themenoftenspeakhighlyofMr.Baker,oneofhisfriends,worksinafactoryoutsidethecity. Itsfarfromhishousehehast

17、ogotoworkbybus.Asthe traffic ishemorning,sometimesheslateforHismanagerwarnstheyoungHehopestobuyacar,buthe thewillbe sentawayunlesshe getstohisoffice ondenoughmoney.He decidestobuyanoldone.Hewentthe flea marketasthechose a beautifulheapcarHe saidhe wantedtohave a trial(驗(yàn)driveandtheselleragreed.Hecall

18、edMrKingandaskedhimtohelpMr. King examined the car and then drove it away. It was he morning there were few he street. he drove slowly and it worked well. Then he drove Andwhen he reached a crossing, the lights turned red. He tried to stop it, but he failed and hitan old woman who was crossing the s

19、treet. untilithita bigtreebythe man told him to stop, but the car went “Didntyouhearme?”“Yes,Idid,sir,”saidMr.King,“Sinceitdoesntlistentome,canitobey1.Mr.KingispaidmorebecauseheA.always“Didntyouhearme?”“Yes,Idid,sir,”saidMr.King,“Sinceitdoesntlistentome,canitobey1.Mr.KingispaidmorebecauseheA.alwaysd

20、rivesveryC.hasdrivenfor B.isnotafraidofD.drivesvery2.Mr.Bakerwenttotheflea markettoA.buyasecond-handC.hasdrivenfor 3.Whatdothe underlinewordsB.isnotafraidofD.drivesveryA. B. C. D. Mr.Kingtriedtostopthecarwhenhe sawanoldwomancrossingthehesawabigthetrafficlightsturnedD. manshouldangrilyatWhichofthefol

21、lowingisMr.KingwillbesentawayifhekeepsbeingMr.BakercantaffordtobuyanoldC.Mr.KingdidnthereD.SomethingwaswrongwiththeA.Peoplemightgrowplantsandheseainabout500years.ItsreallyB. TheLostWorldisanexcitingAmericanfilm.People,llyschoolstudents,maylikeC. Even if you could buy the world, you could not buy a h

22、appy family, good friends or D. For swithchildren,animportantproblemisgettingthechildrenawayfromprogramstodo.E. When you need help for , go to the library. You may find different kinds magazines,latestF.Nobodywasbornrsand big .Maybeyouhaventgotrightwaysofstudyyet.Asktheteachersstudentsforhelpifyouha

23、veanyMoneyIsntActivitiesForFree3.GoodForFarmsofthe 】Last year my English class was 1 of all, it wasnt easy for me to understand teacher when she talked. To begin with, 2 too quickly, and I couldnt understand word. Later on, I t it doesnt matter if you dont understand every word. I was afraid to spea

24、k Last year my English class was 1 of all, it wasnt easy for me to understand teacher when she talked. To begin with, 2 too quickly, and I couldnt understand word. Later on, I t it doesnt matter if you dont understand every word. I was afraid to speak in class, because I thought my classmates 3 laugh at me. I couldnt make complete , either. Then I started to watch English-language TV. It helped a lot. 4 lots of listening practice is one of the 5 ing a good language 6 Another t I found very difficult was English 7 I decided to take lots grammar notes in every class. T


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