1、工 程 改 造 合 同Reconstruction Contract工程名稱: Projectt namee: 發(fā) 包 人: _Client: 承 包 人: _Contracctor: 日 期:_ 2010年年10月244日 Date: OOctobeer, 244, 20110合同書Contracct甲方(全稱稱):乙方(全稱): 依照中華人民民共和國合同同法、中中華人民共和和國建筑法、安全生產(chǎn)法、建設(shè)工程安全生產(chǎn)條例、工傷保險條例、建筑工程高處作業(yè)安全技術(shù)規(guī)范、施工現(xiàn)場時用電安全技術(shù)規(guī)范、建筑機(jī)械使用安全技術(shù)規(guī)范、建筑施工現(xiàn)場環(huán)境與衛(wèi)生標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、建筑施工門式鋼管腳手架安全技術(shù)規(guī)范、建筑施工扣件
2、式鋼管腳手架安全技術(shù)規(guī)范等相關(guān)法律法規(guī)及規(guī)章條例,遵循平等、自愿、公平和誠實信用的原則,雙方就本建設(shè)工程施工項協(xié)商一致,訂立本合同。This Coontracct is enterred byy and betweeen (hereiinafteer refferredd to aas Parrty A)and . (herreinaffter rreferrred too as PParty B)regardiing thhe terrms annd connditioons off the subjeect coonstruuctionn hereeof uppon thhe unaani
3、mouus agrreemennt bettween the ppartiees herreto iin acccordannce wiith thhe perrtinennt stiipulattions and pprovissions in Coontracct Laww of tthe Peeoples Reppublicc of CChina, Consstructtion LLaw off the Peoplles RRepubllic off Chinna, Safee Prodductioon Laww, Ordiinancee on SSafe PProducction in
4、 Coonstruuctionn Projject, Ordinnance on Woork-reelatedd Insuurancee, Safeety annd Tecchnicaal Coddes off Highh Workk in CConstrructioon Prooject, Poweer Saffety aand Teechniccal Coodes oof Connstrucction Site, Safeety annd Tecchnicaal Coddes off Use of Coonstruuctionn Machhienriies, Enviironmeent a
5、nnd Sattinatiion Sttandarrds off Buillding Consttructiion Siite, Safeety annd Tecchnicaal Coddes off Use of Crrane-ttype SScaffoolds iin Buiildingg Consstructtion, Safetty andd Techhnicall Codees of Use oof Fasstenerr-typee Scafffoldss in BBuildiing Coonstruuctionn, etcc. in thhe priinciplles off eq
6、uaality, freee willl, faiirnesss and good faithh.一、工程概概況 I. Prooject name & loccationn:工程名稱:_*廠房內(nèi)部部改造工程_Projeect naame: 工程地點(diǎn):_ _Locattion: 二、工程承承包范圍III. Prooject scopee:承包范圍: 廠房內(nèi)部改改造工程(含含基礎(chǔ)、隔墻墻、鋼結(jié)構(gòu)、水水電安裝、通通風(fēng)、消防及及裝飾等工程程施工) Interrnal rreconsstructtion oof thee premmise (incl. founndatioon, paartitiion
7、, ssteel struccture, utillitiess insttallattion, ventiilatioon, fiire saafety facillitiess and decorrationn, etcc.)三、合同工工期:IIII. Conntractt periiod:開工日期:_2010年11月1日_ _竣工日期:_2011年3月10日_合同工期總總?cè)諝v天數(shù):_ 1330_日歷天。The pprojecct undder thhis Coontracct shaall coommencce on Novemmber 11, 20110 andd compplete
8、on Maarch 110, 20111, tootallyy lastting 130 caleendar dayys.四、質(zhì)量標(biāo)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)IV.Qualiity sttandarrd工程質(zhì)量標(biāo)標(biāo)準(zhǔn):_合格_The qqualitty of the ccompellted pprojecct shaall bee acceeptablle.五、合同價價款V.Contrract vvalue (in RRMB)金額(大寫):_ _(人民民幣)¥:_ _元 YYuan, i.e., RMB (in woords)六、組成合同的的文件VI. Conttract documments:組成本合同同的文件包
9、括括:The Contrract cconsissts off the folloowing documments:(1)、本本合同協(xié)議書書 Agreeementt of tthis CContraact(2)、投投標(biāo)書及其附附件 Biddding documeent annd adddendumm(3)、本本合同條款 Termss of tthis CContraact (4)、標(biāo)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、規(guī)范及及有關(guān)技術(shù)文文件 Apppcliabble sttandarrds, ccodes and rrelevaant teechniccal doocumennts(5)、圖圖紙 Draawingss(6)
10、、工工程報價單或或預(yù)算書 QQuotattion oor buddget, and(7)、雙雙方有關(guān)工程程的洽商、變變更等書面協(xié)協(xié)議或文件視視為本合同的的組成部分。Other written agreements upon consultation or change, etc. of the project or other materials that are regarded hereby as essential for the integrity of this Contract.七、本協(xié)議議書中有關(guān)詞詞語含義在本合同中分分別賦予它們們的定義相同同。VII.The ddefiniit
11、ionss hereein shhall bbe thee samee as iin thee Conttract.八、乙方向向甲方承諾按照照合同約定進(jìn)進(jìn)行施工、竣竣工并在質(zhì)量量保修期內(nèi)承承擔(dān)工程質(zhì)量量保修責(zé)任。VIII.Party B commits to Party A to carry out and complete the construction as per the agreements herein and undertake the responsibility of warranty within the warranty period.九、甲方向乙方方承諾按照合合同約定的
12、期期限和方式支支付合同價款款及其他應(yīng)當(dāng)當(dāng)支付的款項項。IX.Partyy A coommitss to PParty B to pay tthe coontracct vallue annd othher paayablees in accorrdancee withh the methoods annd terrms seet forrth heereundder.十、詞語定義義及合同文件件X.Definnitionns andd conttract documments:、詞語定定義 Deffinitiions:下列詞語除除合同條款另有有約定外,應(yīng)應(yīng)具有本條所所賦予的定義義:Unleess
13、 ottherwiise sppecifiied, tthe foollowiing deefinittions shalll applly:1.1條款款: 是根據(jù)據(jù)法律、行政政法規(guī)規(guī)定及及建設(shè)工程施施工的需要訂訂立,通用于于建設(shè)工程施施工的條款;是甲方與乙乙方根據(jù)法律律、行政法規(guī)規(guī)規(guī)定,結(jié)合合具體工程實實際,經(jīng)協(xié)商商達(dá)成一致意意見的條款,是是對條款的具體化化、補(bǔ)充或修修改。1.11Termss and condiitionss: anyy termm or ccondition generrally appliicablee to bbuildiing coonstruuctionn esb
14、aalisheed undder laaws annd admministtrativve reggulatiions iin terrms off the overaall coonstruuctionn workks or arrticlee thatt is agrreed bbetweeen thee clieent annd thee conttractoor in accorrdancee withh lawss and adminnistraative regullationns, coombineed witth speecificc jobss or aany sppecif
15、iicatioon, suupplemment oor ameendmennt to the aarticlle.1.2甲方方: 指在協(xié)協(xié)議書中約定定,具有工程程發(fā)包主體資資格和支付工工程價款能力力的當(dāng)事人以以及取得該當(dāng)當(dāng)事人資格的的合法繼承人人。1.2Partyy A: tthe paarty aas a cclientt speccifiedd in tthe aggreemeent, wwho iss quallifiedd to iissue a prooject and hhas thhe abiility to paay forr the projeect vaalue, and
16、tthe leegal ssuccesssor oof succh parrty.1.3乙方方: 指在協(xié)協(xié)議書中約定定,被甲方接受的具具有工程施工工承包主體資資格的當(dāng)事人人以及取得該該當(dāng)事人資格格的合法繼承承人。1.33Partyy B: tthe paarty sspeciffied iin thee agreeementt, whoo is aacceptted byy Partty A aas havving tthe quualifiicatioons too conttract the cconstrructioon prooject, and the llegal succeess
17、or of suuch paarty.1.4乙方方代表:指乙方在條款中指定的的負(fù)責(zé)施工管管理和合同履履行的代表。1.4Party Bs representative: repreesnative appointed by Party B in the clause to be responsible for the construction management and contract performance.1.5設(shè)計計單位:指甲甲方委托的負(fù)負(fù)責(zé)本工程設(shè)設(shè)計并取得相相應(yīng)工程設(shè)計計資質(zhì)等級證證書的單位。1.5Design company: the unit, who has obtained
18、 the adequate qualifications to undertake the design for the construction project, entrusted by Party A to be responsible for the design of the construction project.1.6甲甲方代表: 指本工程監(jiān)監(jiān)理單位委派派的總監(jiān)理甲甲方代表或甲方指定的履履行本合同的的代表,其具具體身份和職職權(quán)由甲方乙方在條款中約定。1.6Partyy As reppresenntativve: chhief ssupervvisionn engiineer a
19、ppoiinted by thee supeervisiion ennterprrise oof thee projject aas thee reprresenttativee of PParty A or repreesentaative appoiinted by Paarty AA to pperforrm thee conttract, whosse cappacityy and authoority shalll be sspeciffied iin thee clauuse heereundder.1.7工程程造價管理部部門: 指國國務(wù)院有關(guān)部部門、縣級以以上人民政府府建設(shè)行政主
20、主管部門或其其委托的工程程造價管理機(jī)機(jī)構(gòu)。1.77Cost managgementt insttitutiion: SState Counccil reelatedd depaartmennt, coonstruuctionn admiinistrrationn depaartmennt of peoplles govvernmeent att or aabove the ccountyy leveel or cost managgementt insttitionn entrrustedd by tthe afforesaaid twwo kinnds off orgaanizattions
21、.1.8工程程:指甲方乙方在協(xié)議書書中約定的承承包范圍內(nèi)的的工程。1.8Projeect: tthe prrojectt withhin thhe conntractt scoppe agrreed iin thee agreeementt by PParty A andd Partty B.1.9合同同價款:指甲甲方乙方在協(xié)議書書中約定,甲甲方用以支付付乙方按照合同同約定完成承承包范圍內(nèi)全全部工程并承承擔(dān)質(zhì)量保修修責(zé)任的款項項。1.9Contrract vvalue: the paaymentt speccifiedd in tthe aggreemeent thhat Paarty AA
22、usess to ppay Paarty BB if PParty B commpletees thee conttracteed prooject in acccordaance wwith tthe coontracct andd undeertakees thee quallity warraanty tthereoof. 1.10追追加合同價款款:指在合同同履行中發(fā)生生需要增加合合同價款的情情況,經(jīng)甲方方確認(rèn)后按計計算合同價款款的方法增加加的合同價款款。1.100Addittionall conttract valuee: anyy amouunt off paymment tto b
23、e increeased as a resullt of any ooccurrrence durinng thee conttract perfoormancce thaat makkes itt neceessaryy to iincreaase thhe payyment, whosse amoount iis callculatted inn the same way aas callculatting tthe orriginccal coontracct vallue byy Partty A.1.11費(fèi)費(fèi)用:指不包包含在合同價價款之內(nèi)的應(yīng)應(yīng)當(dāng)由甲方或乙方承擔(dān)的經(jīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)支出。11.1
24、1Expennse: aany ecconomiic exppenditture tto be bornee by PParty A or Partyy B thhat iss not incluuded iin thee conttract valuee.1.12工工期:指甲方方乙方在協(xié)議書書中約定,按按總?cè)諝v天數(shù)數(shù)(包括法定定節(jié)假日)計計算的承包天天數(shù)。1.112Consttructiion peeriod: the totall numbber off dayss of cconstrructioon couunted in caalendaar dayys, inncludiing s
25、ttatutoory hoolidayys, aggreed by booth paartiess in tthe aggreemeent.1.13開開工日期:指指甲方乙方在協(xié)議書書中約定,乙乙方開始施工工的絕對或相相對的日期。1.13Commencing date: the date, absolute or relative, on which Party B starts the stipulated construction agreed by both parties in the agreement.1.14竣竣工日期:指指甲方乙方在協(xié)議書書約定,乙方方完成承包范范圍內(nèi)工程的的絕對
26、或相對對的日期。11.14Compleetion date: the date, absoolute or reelativve, onn whicch Parrty B complletes the sstipullated consttructiion aggreed by booth paartiess in tthe aggreemeent.1.15圖圖紙:指由甲甲方提供或由由乙方提供并經(jīng)經(jīng)甲方批準(zhǔn),滿滿足乙方施工需要要的所有圖紙紙(包括配套套說明和有關(guān)關(guān)資料)。11.15Drawiing: aall drrawinggs proovidedd by PParty A, orr dra
27、wwings proviided bby Parrty B and aapprovved byy Partty A, to meeet Paarty BBs neeeds inn consstructtion, incluuding the sspecifficatiions aand reelevannt datta.1.16施施工場地:指指由甲方提供的用用于工程施工工的場所以及及甲方在圖紙中中具體指定的的供施工使用用的任何其他他場所。1.16Site: placces prrovideed by Partyy A whhere tthe coonstruuctionn is tto be
28、execuuted aand anny othher pllaces speciified by Paarty AA in tthe drrawinggs as may bbe useed forr consstructtion.1.17書書面形式:指指合同書、信信件和數(shù)據(jù)電電文(包括電電報、電傳、傳傳真、電子數(shù)數(shù)據(jù)交換和電電子郵件)等等可以有形地地表現(xiàn)所載內(nèi)內(nèi)容的形式。1.17“Written” or “in writing”: the form that can show its content visible, e.g., contract, letter, type-written,
29、printed or electronically made (incl. but not limited to telegraph, fax, electronic data transmission or e-mail, etc.).1.18違違約責(zé)任:指指合同一方不不履行合同義義務(wù)或履行合合同義務(wù)不符符合約定所應(yīng)應(yīng)承擔(dān)的責(zé)任任。1.188Defauult liiabiliity: lliabillity ffor thhe deffault partyy to aassumee due to itts faiilure to peerformm the obliggatoryy duti
30、ies orr the perfoormancce is substtandarrd.1.19索索賠:指在合合同履行過程程中,對于并并非自己的過過錯,而是應(yīng)應(yīng)由對方承擔(dān)擔(dān)責(zé)任的情況況造成的實際際損失,向?qū)Ψ教岢鼋?jīng)濟(jì)濟(jì)補(bǔ)償和(或或)工期順延延的要求。11.19Claimm: reqquest by a partyy agaiinst tthe otther pparty for aany ecconomiic remmedy aand/orr posttpone of coonstruuctionn proggress to coover aany acctual loss causeed b
31、y the ddefaullt of the oother partyy, wheere thhe reqquestiing paarty hhas noo faullt durring tther pperforrmancee of tthe coontracct.1.20不不可抗力:引引起工程破壞壞或使某方延延誤執(zhí)行任務(wù)務(wù)的自然災(zāi)害害,包括:暴暴動、導(dǎo)彈、轟轟炸或不是由由某一方的行行為引起的火火災(zāi)、臺風(fēng)、洪洪水或地震,除除了協(xié)議中特特殊規(guī)定的不不構(gòu)成不可抗抗力事件的事事件。1.20Forcee majeeure: all fforce majeuure unnless otherrwise
32、 speciified in thhe agrreemennt, suuch ass natuural ddisastters rresultting iin connstrucction damagge or postpponemeent off proggress, inclludingg but not llimiteed rioot, miissle, bombbard, fire, typhhoon, floodd, earrthquaake.1.21小時或或天:本合同同中規(guī)定按小小時計算時間間的,從事件件有效開始時時計算(不扣扣除休息時間間);規(guī)定按按天計算時間間的,開始當(dāng)當(dāng)天不計
33、入,從從次日開始計計算。時限的的最后一天是是休息日或者者其他法定節(jié)節(jié)假日的,以以節(jié)假日次日日為時限的最最后一天,但但竣工日期除除外。時限的的最后一天的的截止時間為為當(dāng)日24時時。1.211Hour or daay: Whhen ann evennt is calcuulatedd by hhour, it shhall bbe callculatted uppon thhe staart off the eventt (inccludinng thee any breakk); whhen caalculaated bby dayy, it shalll be sstarteed froom
34、thee secoond daay andd the firstt day shalll not be coountedd. In casse thee lastt day of a deadlline iis a wweekennd or otherr stattutoryy holiiday, the ddeadliine shhall ppostpoone auutomatticallly to the ffollowwing dday whhen thhe staatutorry holliday ends, exclludingg the complletionn datee. Th
35、e lasst deaadlinee day shalll incllude tthe 244th houur of the dday.1.22協(xié)議:通過協(xié)商后后,由甲方和和乙方簽署的的工程建設(shè)合合同協(xié)議條款款。1.222Agreeement: any term of aggreemeent inn the consttructiion coontracct conncluceed by Partyy A annd Parrty B upon negottiatioon.十一、合同同文件及解釋釋順序XI.Contrract ddocumeents aand prrioritties1.合同文文
36、件應(yīng)能相互互解釋, 互互為說明。除除合同條款另有有約定外,組組成本合同的的文件及優(yōu)先先解釋順序如如下:1. The ccontraact doocumennts shhall bbe intter-unndersttandabble annd suppportiive. UUnlesss otheerwisee speccifiedd by aany Coontracct claause, the ccontraact doocumennts shhall iincludde andd takee theiir priioritiies inn the folloowing orderr:(1
37、)本合合同 thiis Conntractt(2)投標(biāo)標(biāo)書及其附件件 Biddding ddocumeent annd othher adddenduums(3)本合合同條款 Conntractt clauuse(4)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)、規(guī)范及有有關(guān)技術(shù)文件件 Stanndardss, coddes annd rellevantt techhnicall docuumentss(5)圖紙紙 Drawwings(6)工程程報價單或預(yù)預(yù)算書 Prrojectt quottationn or bbudjett(7)合同履行行中,甲方乙方有關(guān)工程程的洽商、變變更、索賠簽簽證等書面協(xié)協(xié)議或文件視視為本合同的的組成部
38、分。Other written agreements upon consultation or change, etc. of the project or other materials that are regarded hereby as essential for the integrity of this Contract.2.當(dāng)合合同文件內(nèi)容容含糊不清或或不相一致時時, 在不影影響工程正常常進(jìn)行的情況況下,由甲方方乙方協(xié)商解決決。雙方也可可以提請負(fù)責(zé)責(zé)監(jiān)理的甲方方代表作出解解釋。雙方協(xié)協(xié)商不成或不不同意負(fù)責(zé)監(jiān)監(jiān)理的甲方代代表作出解釋釋。雙方協(xié)商商不成或不同同意負(fù)責(zé)監(jiān)理理的甲方代表表
39、的解釋時,按按本合同第二十一條第3款關(guān)于爭爭議的約定處處理。2. In caase thhere iis anyy conffusionn or iinconssistenncy inn the clausses heerein, bothh partties sshall negottiate for aagreemment wwithouut afffectinng thee normmal prrogresss of the pprojecct. Booth paartiess may also resorrt to the tthird partyy supeervisoor forr
40、 judggment. In ccase tthese efforrts faail annd no agreeement is reeachedd, Iteem (3) of AArticlle Tweenty-oone heerein shalll applly forr the settllementt of ddisputtes.語言文文字和適用法法律、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及及規(guī)范 Laanguagge, appplicaable llaws, standdards and ccodes3.1語言言文字 Laanguagge本合同文件件使用漢語、英英語語言文字字書寫、解釋釋和說明。如如合同條款約定定使
41、用兩種以以上(含兩種種)語言文字字時,漢語應(yīng)應(yīng)為解釋和說說明本合同的的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)語言文文字。Thee Conttract shalll be ppreparred, iinterppretedd and underrstoodd in bboth CChinesse andd Engllish aand Chhinesee shalll alwways pprevaiil in the iinterppretattion aand unndersttandinng.3.2適用用法律和法規(guī)規(guī) Appllicablle lawws andd reguulatioons本合同文件件適用國家的的法律和行政政
42、法規(guī)。需要要明示的法律律、行政法規(guī)規(guī),由雙方在在合同條款中約約定。Thee natiional laws and aadminiistrattive rregulaationss shalll appply too thiss Conttract. Bothh partties wwill sspeciffy thee appllicablle lawws andd admiinistrrativee reguulatioon in the CContraact.3.3適用用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、規(guī)范范 Appllicablle staandardds andd codees雙方在合同同條款內(nèi)約定定適用國家標(biāo)
43、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、規(guī)范的的名稱;沒有有國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、規(guī)規(guī)范但有行業(yè)業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、規(guī)范范的,約定適適用行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)、規(guī)范的名名稱;沒有國國家和行業(yè)標(biāo)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、規(guī)范的的,約定適用用工程所在地地地方標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、規(guī)規(guī)范的名稱。甲方應(yīng)按合同條款約定的時間向乙方提供一式兩份約定的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、規(guī)范。Both parties shall specify the name of the applicable standards and codes in the Contract; where the national standards and codes are absent, the industrial standards and codes
44、shall apply and their names be specified herein; where the national and industrial standards and codes are absent, the local standards and codes shall apply and their names be specified herein. Party A shall provide the agreed standards and codes in duplicate to Party B on time as stipulated in the
45、pertinent clause of the Contract.國內(nèi)沒有相相應(yīng)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、規(guī)規(guī)范的,由甲甲方按合同條款約定定的時間向乙乙方提出施工工技術(shù)要求,乙方按約定的時間和要求提出施工工藝,經(jīng)甲方認(rèn)可后執(zhí)行。甲方要求使用國外標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、規(guī)范的,應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)提供中文譯本。When there is not corresponding standards and codes in China regarding a certain issue, Party A shall provide the technical requirements on the construction timely as stip
46、ulated in the Contract and Party B shall prepare the construction process according to the time and other requirements by Party A, and submit to Party A for approval, and implement such process if approved. In case Party A requires to apply any foreign standards and codes, Party A shall provide the
47、Chinese translations of such standards and codes. 本條所發(fā)生生的購買、翻翻譯標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、規(guī)規(guī)范或制定施施工工藝的費(fèi)費(fèi)用,由甲方方承擔(dān)。Parrty A shalll bearr the expennses oon anyy acquuisitiion annd traanslattion oof thee stanndardss and codess and the ppreparrationn of cconstrructioon proocess incurrred uunder this clausse.圖紙 Drawiings4.1甲方方應(yīng)按
48、合同條款約定定的日期和套套數(shù), 向乙乙方提供圖紙紙。乙方需要增加加圖紙?zhí)讛?shù)的的,甲方應(yīng)代為復(fù)復(fù)制,復(fù)制費(fèi)費(fèi)用由乙方承擔(dān)。甲方對工程有有保密要求的的,應(yīng)在條款款中提出保密密要求,保密密措施費(fèi)用由由甲方承擔(dān),乙方在約定保保密期限內(nèi)履履行保密義務(wù)務(wù)。4.1 Partyy A shhall pprovidde draawingss to PParty B as per tthe daate annd nummber oof setts stiipulatted heerein. In ccase PParty B neeeds moore seets off drawwings, Partty A s
49、shall copy for PParty B at Partyy Bs cost. Partty A sshall speciify itts connfidenntialiity reequireement in thhe Conntractt, if any, and tthe exxpensees on keepiing thhe connfidenntialiity off the relevvant iinformmationn shalll be bornee by PParty A. Paarty BB shalll perrform its ddutiess of cconf
50、iddentiaality withiin thee stippulateed perriod oof connfidenntialiity.4.2乙方應(yīng)在在施工現(xiàn)場保保留一套完整整圖紙, 供供甲方代表及有有關(guān)人員進(jìn)行行工程檢查時時使用。4.2 Parrty B shalll keepp a coomplette sett of ddrawinngs onn the consttructiion siite foor Parrty As repreesentaative and oother relevvant ppersonnnelss refeerencee.十二、雙方方一般權(quán)利和和義務(wù)T
51、weelveRightts andd obliigatioons1、甲方代代表將行使合合同規(guī)定的權(quán)權(quán)力并同時履履行下列職責(zé)責(zé):1. PParty As repreesentaative shalll perfform tthe foollowiing obbligattions: 1.1甲方方代表可以指指定有關(guān)管理理人員行使他他部分權(quán)力和和履行他的部分分職責(zé),同時時,他可以隨隨時撤消此項項任命。乙方方應(yīng)在此項任任命撤消后33天內(nèi)收到書書面通知。1.11 Partty Ass repreesentaative may aappoinnt a mmanageerial persoon to exe
52、rccise ppart oof hiss righhts orr perfform ppart oof hiss dutiies, wwhich can bbe revvoked at anny timme as deemeed neccessarry. Paarty BB shalll be notiffied bby wriiting in 3 days upon such revoccationn. 1.2甲方方代表的指令令。任何批示示和命令都應(yīng)應(yīng)由甲方代表表個人簽字,并并把一份簽有有字的復(fù)印件件發(fā)給乙方代代表,乙方代代表應(yīng)在其生生效前簽收并并注明日期。必必要時,甲方方代表可以發(fā)發(fā)口頭
54、方代代表要求立即即執(zhí)行該命令令,或甲方代代表無視乙方方代表的不同同意見,而決決定執(zhí)行原來來的指令的話話,那么乙方方應(yīng)遵守該指指令。因指令令錯誤發(fā)生的的追加合同價價款和給乙方方造成的損失失由甲方承擔(dān),延延誤的工期相相應(yīng)順延。11.2 Paarty AAs reepreseentatiives instrructioons. Any replyy or ordder shhall bbe perrsonallly siigned by Paarty AAs auuthoriized rrepressentattive, of whhich, a phootocoppy shaall bee pro
55、vvided to Paarty BBs reepreseentatiive, wwho shall upon the rreceippt siggn andd speccify tthe daate off receeipt aand prrovidee a reeturn receiipt too Partty Ass reprresenttativee. When nnecesssary, Partyy As repreesentaative may aalso iissue a verral orrder, howevver muust bee conffirmedd in wwrit
56、inng witthin 448 houurs annd Parrty B shalll perfform ssuch oorder. In casse no writtten coonfirmmationn is ggiven in 488 hourrs, Paarty BBs reppresenntativve mayy issuue a wwritteen reqquest for wwritteen connfirmaation. In casse no writtten coonfirmmationn or rrevocaation is giiven bby Parrty As r
57、eppresenntativve, itt shalll be regarrded tthat tthe veerbal orderr is cconfirrmed aand shhall bbe exeecutedd. If Parrty Bs reppresenntativve deeems itt unreeasonaable, withiin 24 hourss uponn the receiipt off the orderr, he/she ccan isssue aa writtten nnoticee to PParty A staating the rreasonns sup
58、pportiing hiis/herr poinnt of view, and Partyy As reprresenttativee shalll givve a rreply withiin 24 hourss uponn receeivingg Partty Bs nottice tto deccide wwhetheer to carryy on oor revvocatee the orderr and notiffy Parrty B of thhe finnal deecisioon in writiing. IIn casse of emerggency wheree Part
59、ty As reppresenntativve reqquiress immeediatee execcutionnor Paarty AAs reppresenntativve inssists on hiis/herr ordeer reggardleess off Partty Bs disssent, Partty B sshall folloow Parrty As ordder. IIn casse anyy addiitionaal conntractt valuue or loss to Paarty BB is ccausedd due to innapproopriatte
60、 ordder, PParty A shaall taake thhe ressponsiibilitty andd alloow posstponeement of coonstruuctionn proggress, if tthe prrogresss is delayeed theereby.1.3甲方方代表應(yīng)根據(jù)據(jù)合同條款的的要求,及時時向乙方提供供必要的指令令、確認(rèn)和圖圖紙。1.33Partyy As reppresenntativve shaall prrovidee neceessaryy ordeers, cconfirrmatioon andd drawwings to P
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