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1、聯(lián)合國國際貨物買賣合同公約中英文對照United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(1980) CISG聯(lián)合國國國際貨物買賣賣合同公約共共分為四個部部分:(1)適用用范圍;(22)合同的成成立;(3)貨貨物買賣;(44)最后條款款。全文共1101條。公公約的主要內(nèi)內(nèi)容包括以下下四個方面: 1.公約的的基本原則。建建立國際經(jīng)濟濟新秩序的原原則、平等互互利原則與兼兼顧不同社會會、經(jīng)濟和法法律制度的原原則。這些基基本原則是執(zhí)執(zhí)行、解釋和和修訂公約的的依據(jù),也是是處理國際貨貨物買賣關系系和發(fā)展國際際貿(mào)

2、易關系的的準繩。 2.適用范范圍。第一,公公約只適用于于國際貨物買買賣合同,即即營業(yè)地在不不同國家的雙雙方當事人之之間所訂立的的貨物買賣合合同,但對某某些貨物的國國際買賣不能能適用該公約約作了明確規(guī)規(guī)定。第二,公公約適用于當當事人在締約約國內(nèi)有營業(yè)業(yè)地的合同,但但如果根據(jù)適適用于“合同同”的沖突規(guī)規(guī)范,該“合合同”應適用用某一締約國國的法律,在在這種情況下下也應適用“銷銷售合同公約約”,而不管管合同當事人人在該締約國國有無營業(yè)所所。對此規(guī)定定,締約國在在批準或者加加入時可以聲聲明保留。第第三,雙方當當事人可以在在合同中明確確規(guī)定不適用用該公約。(適適用范圍不允允許締約國保保留) 3.合同的的訂

3、立。包括括合同的形式式和發(fā)價(要要約)與接受受(承諾)的的法律效力。 4.買方和和賣方的權(quán)利利義務。第一一,賣方責任任主要表現(xiàn)為為三項義務:交付貨物;移交一切與與貨物有關的的單據(jù);移轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)貨物的所有有權(quán)。第二,買買方的責任主主要表現(xiàn)為兩兩項義務:支支付貨物價款款;收取貨物物。第三,詳詳細規(guī)定賣方方和買方違反反合同時的補補救辦法。第第四,規(guī)定了了風險轉(zhuǎn)移的的幾種情況。第第五,明確了了根本違反合合同和預期違違反合同的含含義以及當這這種情況發(fā)生生時,當事人人雙方所應履履行的義務。第第六,對免責責根據(jù)的條件件作了明確的的規(guī)定。補充: CISG 聯(lián)合國國際際貨物銷售合合同公約(tthe Unnited N

4、atioons Coonventtion oon Conntractts forr the Interrnatioonal SSale oof Gooods)。根根據(jù)聯(lián)合國大大會的授權(quán),聯(lián)聯(lián)合國國際貨貨物銷售合同同會議于19980年3月月10日至44月11日在在奧地利維也也納舉行(維維也納會議),共共62個國家家的代表出席席。在這次會會議上通過了了該公約。11988年公公約在達到法法定批準國家家數(shù)額后正式式生效。我國國于19866年12月向向聯(lián)合國秘書書長遞交了該該公約的批準準書,成為該該公約的締約約國。但在參參加公約時,根根據(jù)第95、996條的規(guī)定定,我國對該該公約第111條以及第11條第1

5、款bb項作了保留留。【Promullgatioon Datte】19880.04.11簽訂于于維也納THE STAATES PPARTIEES TO THIS CONVEENTIONN,BEARINGG IN MMIND tthe brroad oobjecttives in thhe ressolutiions aadopteed by the ssixth speciial seessionn of tthe Geenerall Asseembly of thhe Uniited NNationns on the eestabllishmeent off a Neew Intternatt

6、ionall Econnomic Orderr,CONSIDEERING that the ddeveloopmentt of iinternnationnal trrade oon thee basiis of equallity aand muutual beneffit iss an iimporttant eelemennt in promooting frienndly rrelatiions aamong Statees,BEING OOF THEE OPINNION tthat tthe addoptioon of unifoorm ruules wwhich goverrn c

7、onntractts forr the interrnatioonal ssale oof gooods annd takke intto acccount the ddifferrent ssociall, ecoonomicc and legall systtems wwould contrributee to tthe reemovall of llegal barriiers iin intternattionall tradde andd prommote tthe deeveloppment of innternaationaal traade,HAVE DEECREEDD as

8、ffollowws:本公約各締締約國,銘記記聯(lián)合國大會會第六屆特別別會議通過的的關于建立新新的國際經(jīng)濟濟秩序的各項項決議的廣泛泛目標,考慮慮到在平等互互利基礎上發(fā)發(fā)展國際貿(mào)易易是促進各國國間友好關系系的一個重要要因素,認為為采用照顧到到不同的社會會、經(jīng)濟和法法律制度的國國際貨物銷售售合同統(tǒng)一規(guī)規(guī)則,將有助助于減少國際際貿(mào)易的法律律障礙,促進進國際貿(mào)易的的發(fā)展,茲協(xié)協(xié)議如下:PART I SPHEERE OFF APPLLICATIION ANND GENNERAL PROVIISIONSS 適用用范圍和總則則Chapterr ISPHERRE OF APPLIICATIOON適用用范圍 Art

9、iclee 1(1) Thiis Connventiion apppliess to ccontraacts oof salle of goodss betwween ppartiees whoose pllaces of buusinesss aree in ddifferrent SStatess: 本公約適用用于營業(yè)地在在不同國家的的當事人之間間所訂立的貨貨物銷售合同同(a) wheen thee Stattes arre Conntractting SStatess; or 如果這些國國家是締約國國;或(b) wheen thee rulees of privaate innterna

10、ationaal laww leadd to tthe appplicaation of thhe laww of aa Conttractiing Sttate. 如果國際私私法規(guī)則導致致適用某一締締約國的法律律(2) Thee factt thatt the partiies haave thheir pplacess of bbusineess inn diffferentt Stattes iss to bbe dissregarrded wwhenevver thhis faact dooes noot apppear eeitherr fromm the contrract oor

11、 froom anyy deallings betweeen, oor froom infformattion ddiscloosed bby, thhe parrties at anny timme beffore oor at the cconcluusion of thhe conntractt.當事人營業(yè)地在在不同國家的的事實,如果果從合同或從從訂立合同前前任何時候或或訂立合同時時,當事人之之間的任何交交易或當事人人透露的情報報均看不出,應應不予考慮。(3) Neiither the nnationnalityy of tthe paartiess nor the ccivil or

12、coommerccial ccharaccter oof thee partties oor of the ccontraact iss to bbe takken innto coonsideeratioon in deterrmininng thee appllicatiion off thiss Convventioon.在確定本公公約的適用時時,當事人的的國籍和當事事人或合同的的民事或商業(yè)業(yè)性質(zhì),應不不予考慮。Articlee 2 This Coonventtion ddoes nnot appply tto salles:本公約不適用于于以下的銷售售(a) of goodss bou

13、gght foor perrsonall, fammily oor houuseholld usee, unlless tthe seeller, at aany tiime beefore or att the concllusionn of tthe coontracct, neeitherr kneww nor oughtt to hhave kknown that the ggoods were boughht forr any such use; 購供私人、家家人或家庭使使用的貨物的的銷售,除非非賣方在訂立立合同前任何何時候或訂立立合同時不知知道而且沒有有理由知道這這些貨物是購購供任

14、何這種種使用(b) by auctiion; 經(jīng)由拍賣的的銷售(c) on execuution or ottherwiise byy authhorityy of llaw; 根據(jù)法律執(zhí)執(zhí)行令狀或其其它令狀的銷銷售(d) of stockks, shhares, inveestmennt seccuritiies, nnegotiiable instrrumentts or moneyy; 公債、股票票、投資證券券、流通票據(jù)據(jù)或貨幣的銷銷售(e) of shipss, vesssels, hoveercrafft or aircrraft; 船舶、船只只、氣墊船或或飛機的銷售售(f) of

15、electtricitty.電力的銷售Articlee 3(1) Conntractts forr the supplly of goodss to bbe mannufacttured or prroduceed aree to bbe connsiderred saales uunlesss the partyy who orderrs thee goodds unddertakkes too suppply a substtantiaal parrt of the mmateriials nnecesssary ffor suuch maanufaccture or prroductti

16、on. 供應尚待制制造或生產(chǎn)的的貨物的合同同應視為銷售售合同,除非非訂購貨物的的當事人保證證供應這種制制造或生產(chǎn)所所需的大部分分重要材料(2) Thiis Connventiion dooes noot appply too conttractss in wwhich the ppreponnderannt parrt of the oobligaationss of tthe paarty wwho fuurnishhes thhe gooods coonsistts in the ssupplyy of llabourr or oother serviices. 本公約不適適用于供應貨貨物

17、一方的絕絕大部分義務務在于供應勞勞力或其它服服務的合同Articlee 4This Coonventtion ggovernns onlly thee formmationn of tthe coontracct of sale and tthe riights and oobligaationss of tthe seeller and tthe buuyer aarisinng froom succh a ccontraact. IIn parrticullar, eexceptt as ootherwwise eexpresssly pprovidded inn thiss Convve

18、ntioon, itt is nnot cooncernned wiith:本公公約只適用于于銷售合同的的訂立和賣方方和買方因此此種合同而產(chǎn)產(chǎn)生的權(quán)利和和義務。特別別是,本公約約除非另有明明文規(guī)定,與與以下事項無無關(a) thee valiidity of thhe conntractt or oof anyy of iits prrovisiions oor of any uusage; 合同的效力力,或其任何何條款的效力力,或任何慣慣例的效力(b) thee effeect whhich tthe coontracct mayy havee on tthe prropertty in t

19、he ggoods sold. 合同對所售售貨物所有權(quán)權(quán)可能產(chǎn)生的的影響Articlee 5This Coonventtion ddoes nnot appply tto thee liabbilityy of tthe seeller for ddeath or peersonaal injjury ccausedd by tthe gooods tto anyy persson.本公約不適用于于賣方對于貨貨物對任何人人所造成的死死亡或傷害的的責任Articlee 6The parrties may eexcludde thee appllicatiion off thiss Convven

20、tioon or, subjject tto artticle 12, dderogaate frrom orr varyy the effecct of any oof itss provvisionns.雙方當事人可以以不適用本公公約,或在第第十二條的條條件下,減損損本公約的任任何規(guī)定或改改變其效力Chapterr IIGENERALL PROVVISIONNS總則Articlee 7(1) In the iinterppretattion oof thiis Connventiion, rregardd is tto be had tto itss inteernatiional cha

21、raacter and tto thee needd to ppromotte uniiformiity inn its appliicatioon andd the obserrvancee of ggood ffaith in innternaationaal traade. 在解釋本公公約時,應考考慮到本公約約的國際性質(zhì)質(zhì)和促進其適適用的統(tǒng)一以以及在國際貿(mào)貿(mào)易上遵守誠誠信的需要(2) Queestionns conncerniing maatterss goveerned by thhis Coonventtion wwhich are nnot exxpresssly seettled

22、d in iit aree to bbe setttled in coonformmity wwith tthe geenerall prinnciplees on whichh it iis bassed orr, in the aabsencce of such princcipless, in confoormityy withh the law aappliccable by viirtue of thhe rulles off privvate iinternnationnal laaw. 凡本公約未未明確解決的的屬于本公約約范圍的問題題,應按照本本公約所依據(jù)據(jù)的一般原則則來解決,在

23、在沒有一般原原則的情況下下,則應按照照國際私法規(guī)規(guī)定適用的法法律來解決Articlee 8(1) Forr the purpooses oof thiis Connventiion sttatemeents mmade bby andd otheer connduct of a partyy are to bee inteerpretted acccordiing too his intennt wheere thhe othher paarty kknew oor couuld noot havve beeen unaaware what that intennt wass. 為本公約的的目

24、的,一方方當事人所作作的聲明和其其它行為,應應依照他的意意旨解釋,如如果另一方當當事人已知道道或者不可能能不知道此一一意旨(2) If the pprecedding pparagrraph iis nott appllicablle, sttatemeents mmade bby andd otheer connduct of a partyy are to bee inteerpretted acccordiing too the underrstandding tthat aa reassonablle perrson oof thee samee kindd as tthe otthe

25、r pparty wouldd havee had in thhe samme cirrcumsttancess. 如果上一款款的規(guī)定不適適用,當事人人所作的聲明明和其它行為為,應按照一一個與另一方方當事人同等等資格、通情情達理的人處處于相同情況況中,應有的的理解來解釋釋(3) In deterrmininng thee inteent off a paarty oor thee undeerstannding a reaasonabble peerson wouldd havee had, due consiiderattion iis to be giiven tto alll relee

26、vant circuumstannces oof thee casee inclludingg the negottiatioons, aany prracticces whhich tthe paartiess havee estaablishhed beetweenn themmselvees, ussages and aany suubsequuent cconducct of the ppartiees. 在確定一方方當事人的意意旨或一個通通情達理的人人應有的理解解時,應適當當?shù)乜紤]到與與事實有關的的一切情況,包包括談判情形形、當事人之之間確立的任任何習慣作法法、慣例和當當事人其后的的

27、任何行為Articlee 9(1) Thee partties aare boound bby anyy usagge to whichh theyy havee agreeed annd by any ppractiices wwhich they have estabblisheed bettween themsselvess. 雙方當事人人業(yè)已同意的的任何慣例和和他們之間確確立的任何習習慣做法,對對雙方當事人人均有約束力力(2) Thee partties aare coonsideered, unlesss othherwisse agrreed, to haave immpliedd

28、ly maade appplicaable tto theeir coontracct or its fformattion aa usagge of whichh the partiies knnew orr oughht to have knownn and whichh in iinternnationnal trrade iis widdely kknown to, aand reegularrly obbserveed by, partties tto conntractts of the ttype iinvolvved inn the partiicularr tradde co

29、nncerneed. 除非另有協(xié)協(xié)議,雙方當當事人應視為為已默示地同同意對他們的的合同或合同同的訂立適用用雙方當事人人已知道或理理應知道的慣慣例,而這種種慣例,在國國際貿(mào)易上,已已為有關特定定貿(mào)易所涉同同類合同的當當事人所廣泛泛知道并為他他們所經(jīng)常遵遵守Articlee 10For thee purpposes of thhis Coonventtion: 為本公約的的目的(a) if a parrty haas morre thaan onee placce of businness, the pplace of buusinesss is that whichh has the cclos

30、esst rellationnship to thhe conntractt and its pperforrmancee, havving rregardd to tthe ciircumsstancees knoown too or ccontemmplateed by the ppartiees at any ttime bbeforee or aat thee concclusioon of the ccontraact; 果當事人有有一個以上的的營業(yè)地,則則以與合同及及合同的履行行關系最密切切的營業(yè)地為為其營業(yè)地,但但要考慮到雙雙方當事人在在訂立合同前前任何時候或或訂立合同時時所知道

31、或所所設想的情況況(b) if a parrty dooes noot havve a pplace of buusinesss, reeferennce iss to bbe madde to his hhabituual reesidennce. 如果當事人人沒有營業(yè)地地,則以其慣慣常居住地為為準Articlee 11A contrract oof salle neeed nott be cconcluuded iin or evideenced by wrritingg and is noot subbject to anny othher reequireement as too fo

32、rmm. It may bbe prooved bby anyy meanns, inncludiing wiitnessses.銷售合同無須以以書面訂立或或書面證明,在在形式方面也也不受任何其其它條件的限限制。銷售合合同可以用包包括人證在內(nèi)內(nèi)的任何方法法證明Articlee 12Any proovisioon of articcle 111, artticle 29 orr Partt II oof thiis Connventiion thhat alllows a conntractt of ssale oor itss modiificattion oor terrminattion

33、bby agrreemennt or any ooffer, acceeptancce or otherr indiicatioon of intenntion to bee madee in aany foorm otther tthan iin wriiting does not aapply wheree any partyy has his pplace of buusinesss in a Conntractting SState whichh has made a decclarattion uunder articcle 966 of tthis CConvenntion. Th

34、e partiies maay nott deroogate from or vaary thhe efffect oor thiis artticle.本公約第11條條、第29條條或第二部分分準許銷售合合同或其更改改或根據(jù)協(xié)議議終止,或者者任何發(fā)價、接接受或其它意意旨表示得以以書面以外任任何形式做出出的任何規(guī)定定不適用,如如果任何一方方當事人的營營業(yè)地是在已已按照本公約約第96條做做出了聲明的的一個締約國國內(nèi),各當事事人不得減損損本條或改變變其效力Articlee 13For thee purpposes of thhis Coonventtion writiing iincluddes t

35、eelegraam andd teleex.為本公約的目的的,“書面”包包括電報和電電傳PART IIIFORMAATION OF THHE CONNTRACTT合同的的訂立Articlee 14(1) A ppropossal foor conncludiing a contrract aaddresssed tto onee or mmore sspeciffic peersonss consstituttes ann offeer if it iss suffficienntly ddefiniite annd inddicatees thee inteentionn of tthe o

36、ffferorr to bbe bouund inn casee of aaccepttance. A prroposaal is suffiicienttly deefinitte if it inndicattes thhe gooods annd exppresslly or impliicitlyy fixees or makess provvisionn for deterrmininng thee quanntity and tthe prrice. 向一個或一一個以上特定定的人提出的的訂立合同的的建議,如果果十分確定并并且表明發(fā)價價人在得到接接受時承受約約束的意旨,即即構(gòu)成發(fā)價。

37、一一個建議如果果寫明貨物并并且明示或暗暗示地規(guī)定數(shù)數(shù)量和價格或或規(guī)定如何確確定數(shù)量和價價格,即為十十分確定(2) A ppropossal otther tthan oone adddresssed too one or moore sppecifiic perrsons is too be cconsiddered merelly as an innvitattion tto makke offfers, unlesss thee conttrary is cllearlyy indiicatedd by tthe peerson makinng thee propposal. 非向一個或或

38、一個以上特特定的人提出出的建議,僅僅應視為邀請請做出發(fā)價,除除非提出建議議的人明確地地表示相反的的意向Articlee 15(1) An offerr becoomes eeffecttive wwhen iit reaaches the ooffereee. 發(fā)價于送達達被發(fā)價人時時生效(2) An offerr, eveen if it iss irreevocabble, mmay bee withhdrawnn if tthe wiithdraawal rreachees thee offeeree bbeforee or aat thee samee timee as tthe of

39、ffer. 一項發(fā)價,即即使是不可撤撤銷的,得予予撤回,如果果撤回通知于于發(fā)價送達被被發(fā)價人之前前或同時,送送達被發(fā)價人人Articlee 16(1) Unttil a contrract iis conncludeed an offerr may be reevokedd if tthe reevocattion rreachees thee offeeree bbeforee he hhas diispatcched aan accceptannce.在未訂立合同同之前,發(fā)價價得予撤銷,如如果撤銷通知知于被發(fā)價人人發(fā)出接受通通知之前送達達被發(fā)價人(2) Howwever, an ooffe

40、r cannoot be revokked:但在下列情況況下,發(fā)價不不得撤銷(a) if it inndicattes, wwhetheer by statiing a fixedd timee for accepptancee or ootherwwise, that it iss irreevocabble; oor 發(fā)價寫明接接受發(fā)價的期期限或以其它它方式表示發(fā)發(fā)價是不可撤撤銷的;或(b) if it waas reaasonabble foor thee offeeree tto relly on the ooffer as beeing iirrevoocablee and the

41、ooffereee hass acteed in reliaance oon thee offeer.被發(fā)價人有理理由信賴該項項發(fā)價是不可可撤銷的,而而且被發(fā)價人人已本著對該該項發(fā)價的信信賴行事Articlee 17An offeer, evven iff it iis irrrevocaable, is teerminaated wwhen aa rejeectionn reacches tthe offferorr.一項發(fā)價,即使使是不可撤銷銷的,于拒絕絕通知送達發(fā)發(fā)價人時終止止Articlee 18(1) A sstatemment mmade bby or otherr condduc

42、t oof thee offeeree iindicaating assennt to an offfer iis an accepptancee. Sillence or innactivvity ddoes nnot inn itseelf ammount to accceptaance.被發(fā)價人聲明明或做出其它它行為表示同同意一項發(fā)價價,即是接受受,緘默或不不行動本身不不等于接受(2)An aaccepttance of ann offeer beccomes effecctive at thhe momment tthe inndicattion oof asssent rreache

43、es thee offeeror. An accceptaance iis nott effeectivee if tthe inndicattion oof asssent ddoes nnot reeach tthe offferorr withhin thhe timme he has ffixed or, iif no time is fiixed, withiin a rreasonnable time, due accouunt beeing ttaken of thhe cirrcumsttancess of tthe trransacction, inclludingg the

44、 rapiddity oof thee meanns of commuunicattion eemployyed byy the offerror. AAn oraal offfer muust bee acceepted immeddiatelly unlless tthe ciircumsstancees inddicatee otheerwisee.接受發(fā)價于表表示同意的通通知送達發(fā)價價人時生效。如如果表示同意意的通知在發(fā)發(fā)價人所規(guī)定定的時間內(nèi),如如未規(guī)定時間間,在一段合合理的時間內(nèi)內(nèi),未曾送達達發(fā)價人,接接受就成為無無效,但須適適當?shù)乜紤]到到交易的情況況,包括發(fā)價價人所使用的的通訊方法

45、的的迅速程序。對對口頭發(fā)價必必須立即接受受,但情況有有別者不在此此限(3)Howeever, if, bby virrtue oof thee offeer or as a resullt of practtices whichh the partiies haave esstabliished betweeen thhemsellves oor of usagee, thee offeeree mmay inndicatte asssent bby perrformiing ann act, suchh as oone reelatinng to the ddispattch off the

46、 goodss or ppaymennt of the pprice, withhout nnoticee to tthe offferorr, thee acceeptancce is effecctive at thhe momment tthe acct is perfoormed, provvided that the aact iss perfformedd withhin thhe perriod oof timme laiid dowwn in the pprecedding pparagrraph.但是,如果根根據(jù)該項發(fā)價價或依照當事事人之間確立立的習慣作法法和慣例,被被發(fā)價人

47、可以以做出某種行行為,例如與與發(fā)運貨物或或支付價款有有關的行為,來來表示同意,而而無須向發(fā)價價人發(fā)出通知知,則接受于于該項行為做做出時生效,但但該項行為必必須在上一款款所規(guī)定的期期間內(nèi)做出Articlee 19(1)A reeply tto an offerr whicch purrportss to bbe an accepptancee but contaains aadditiions, limittationns or otherr modiificattions is a rejecction of thhe offfer annd connstituutes aa counnter

48、-ooffer. 對發(fā)價表示示接受但載有有添加、限制制或其它更改改的答復,即即為拒絕該項項發(fā)價,并構(gòu)構(gòu)成還價(2)Howeever, a repply too an ooffer whichh purpports to bee an aaccepttance but ccontaiins addditioonal oor diffferennt terrms whhich ddo nott mateeriallly altter thhe terrms off the offerr consstituttes ann acceeptancce, unnless the oofferoor, w

49、iithoutt unduue dellay, oobjectts oraally tto thee disccrepanncy orr disppatchees a nnoticee to tthat eeffectt. If he dooes noot so objecct, thhe terrms off the contrract aare thhe terrms off the offerr withh the modifficatiions ccontaiined iin thee acceeptancce.但是,對發(fā)價價表示接受但但載有添加或或不同條件的的答復,如所所載的添加或或

50、不同條件在在實質(zhì)上并不不變更該項發(fā)發(fā)價的條件,除除發(fā)價人在不不過分遲延的的期間內(nèi)以口口頭或書面通通知反對其間間的差異外,仍仍構(gòu)成接受。如如果發(fā)價人不不做出這種反反對,合同的的條件就以該該項發(fā)價的條條件以及接受受通知內(nèi)所載載的更改為準準(3)Addiitionaal or diffeerent termss relaating, amonng othher thhings, to tthe prrice, paymeent, qqualitty andd quanntity of thhe gooods, pplace and ttime oof delliveryy, exttent oof

51、onee parttys lliabillity tto thee otheer or the ssettleement of diisputees aree conssidereed to alterr the termss of tthe offfer mmateriially. 有關貨物價格格、付款、貨貨物質(zhì)量和數(shù)數(shù)量、交貨地地點和時間、一一方當事人對對另一方當事事人的賠償責責任范圍或解解決爭端等等等的添加或不不同條件,均均視為在實質(zhì)質(zhì)上變更發(fā)價價的條件Articlee 20(1)A peeriod of tiime foor accceptannce fiixed bby thee o

52、ffeeror iin a ttelegrram orr a leetter beginns to run ffrom tthe mooment the ttelegrram iss handded inn for dispaatch oor froom thee datee showwn on the lletterr or, if noo suchh datee is sshown, fromm the date shownn on tthe ennveloppe. A periood of time for aaccepttance fixedd by tthe offferorr by

53、 ttelephhone, telexx or oother meanss of iinstanntaneoous coommuniicatioon, beegins to ruun froom thee momeent thhat thhe offfer reeachess the offerree.發(fā)價人在電報報或信件內(nèi)規(guī)規(guī)定的接受期期間,從電報報交發(fā)時刻或或信上載明的的發(fā)信日期起起算,如信上上未載明發(fā)信信日期,則從從信封上所載載日期起算。發(fā)發(fā)價人以電話話、電傳或其其它快速通訊訊方法規(guī)定的的接受期間,從從發(fā)價送達被被發(fā)價人時起起算(2)Offiicial holiddays oor non

54、n-busiiness days occurrring durinng thee periiod foor accceptannce arre inccludedd in ccalcullatingg the periood. Hooweverr, if a nottice oof accceptannce caannot be deeliverred att the addreess off the offerror onn the last day oof thee periiod beecausee thatt day fallss on aan offficiall holiiday

55、oor a nnon-buusinesss dayy at tthe pllace oof bussinesss of tthe offferorr, thee periiod iss exteended untill the firstt busiiness day wwhich folloows.在計算接受期期間時,接受受期間內(nèi)的正正式假日或非非營業(yè)日應計計算在內(nèi)。但但是,如果接接受通知在接接受期間的最最后天未能能送到發(fā)價人人地址,因為為那天在發(fā)價價人營業(yè)地是是正式假日或或非營業(yè)日,則則接受期間應應順延至下一一個營業(yè)日Articlee 21(1)A laate accceptaance i

56、is nevvertheeless effecctive as ann acceeptancce if withoout deelay tthe offferorr orallly soo infoorms tthe offfereee or ddispattches a nottice tto thaat efffect.逾期接受仍有有接受的效力力,如果發(fā)價價人毫不遲延延地用口頭或或書面將此種種意見通知被被發(fā)價人(2) If a lettter oor othher wrritingg conttaininng a llate aaccepttance showss thatt it hha

57、s beeen seent inn suchh circcumstaances that if itts traansmisssion had bbeen nnormall it wwould have reachhed thhe offferor in duue timme, thhe latte accceptannce iss effeectivee as aan accceptannce unnless, withhout ddelay, the offerror orrally inforrms thhe offferee that he coonsideers hiis offfe

58、r ass haviing laapsed or diispatcches aa notiice too thatt effeect. 如果載有逾逾期接受的信信件或其它書書面文件表明明,它是在傳傳遞正常、能能及時送達發(fā)發(fā)價人的情況況下寄發(fā)的,則則該項逾期接接受具有接受受的效力,除除非發(fā)價人毫毫不遲延地用用口頭或書面面通知被發(fā)價價人:他認為為他的發(fā)價已已經(jīng)失效 Articlee 22An acceeptancce mayy be wwithdrrawn iif thee withhdrawaal reaaches the oofferoor beffore oor at the ssame tt

59、ime aas thee acceeptancce wouuld haave beecome effecctive.接受得予撤回,如如果撤回通知知于接受原應應生效之前或或同時,送達達發(fā)價人Articlee 23A contrract iis conncludeed at the mmomentt whenn an aaccepttance of ann offeer beccomes effecctive in acccordaance wwith tthe prrovisiions oof thiis Connventiion.合同于按照本公公約規(guī)定對發(fā)發(fā)價的接受生生效時訂立Articlee

60、 24For thee purpposes of thhis Paart off the Conveentionn, an offerr, decclarattion oof accceptannce orr any otherr indiicatioon of intenntion reacches the aaddresssee wwhen iit is made orallly to him oor dellivereed by any oother meanss to hhim peersonaally, to hiis plaace off busiiness or maailing


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