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1、RecapY: crisis, risk, disaster, type, tourism and terrorism, risk and risk perceptionX: events, tourism industry, people Z: long-term impact on imageManagement issues2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH1RecapY: crisis, risk, disasterLECTUER 8 sustainable tourismTOUIRSM: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICELECTUER 8 sustainab

2、le tourismOutlineLearning ObjectivesHistorical backgroundDefinition of sustainability in generalDefinition of sustainable tourismSustainability in tourismSustainability as a strategyClimate change and tourismSummaryDiscussionFurther ReadingsQ&A2022/10/13CopyrightLKSTHOutlineLearning Objectives2022(旅

3、游概論英文課件)L8-Sustainable-tourism(一)(旅游概論英文課件)L8-Sustainable-tourism(一)Historical Background 2Movement towards sustainable development2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH6Historical Background 2Movem2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH7The Middle Ages: Roots in agriculture-sustainable yieldLate 19th cent.:First formal signs of

4、concern about the planet Earth-protection societies, national parks1960s:Mass concern for the planet-realizing fragility due to first image of Earth from space2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH7The M2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH82022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH82022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH91970s: -The Club of Rome -Limits to Grow

5、th Report;-First UN conference on the human environment1980: The World Conservation Strategybalancing development and conservation1987:The Brundtland Report perception and efforts2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH91970s2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH101992:The Earth Summit- Agenda 21 (action strategy)1997:The Kyoto Pr

6、otocolreduce greenhouse gases emissions2000:The Millennium Development Goalsto ensure environmental sustainability 2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH1019922022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH112002:The Johannesburg Summitresolutions, interrupted by economic crisis since 20082009:The Conference of Parties-Copenhagen Accord2

7、012:Doha conference Doha Platform (loss and damage; richer nations roles determined)More information about sustainable development: http:/wiki/Sustainable_development2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH112002Historical Background 3Tourisms connection with sustainabilityInherently connectedBecause it requires nat

8、ural/man-made resources which are major tourist attractions but they are fragile at the same time2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH12Historical Background 3TouriDefinition of Sustainability 1DefinitionsThe Bruntland Report (1987)“Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of f

9、uture generations to meet their own needs”Basic principle (p.226)*2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH13Definition of Sustainability Definition of Sustainability 2Definitions (cont)Other definitionsCommer (1979): Not no-growth, but within self-perpetuating limitsThe WCS (1980): Focusing on maintaining essential

10、ecological processesChourcri (1997): Managing social demands without eroding life support properties2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH14Definition of Sustainability Definition of Sustainability 4Sustainability and capital stock 2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH15Definition of Sustainability Figure 10.1 Sustainability an

11、d capital stocksFigure 10.1 Sustainability an2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH17Strong: the individual capital stock sustains!Weak: the total capital stock sustains!A realistic attitude: the weak2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH17StroDefinition of Sustainability 3CritiquesVagueness 模糊 and hypocrisy 虛偽 of international

12、organizations hurt the principles and implementation sustainable developmentResponsibilityWhose?Governments vs. Private sectors (short-term needs/vision)2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH18Definition of Sustainability Sustainability of Tourism 1A depressing picture: a starting point2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH19Eco

13、nomics aspects-competing for factors of production*STEnvironmental aspects-Airlines-real estateenviron. Issues-tourism activitiesSocial-cultural aspects-curiosity -demonstrationWhere there is tourism, there is Sustainability of Tourism 1ASustainability of Tourism 2Approaches as our solutionsTo set l

14、imits on growthTo change stakeholder behaviorsTo replace current products (some examples below)2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH20Sustainability of Tourism 2A2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH212022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH212022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH222022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH22Photograph 10.1 Ecocamp in Chile.Source: Blaine Harr

15、ington III/Alamy ImagesPhotograph 10.1 Ecocamp in Ch2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH242022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH242022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH252022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH252022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH262022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH26Sustainability of Tourism 4Tourism thresholds and carrying capacity (cont)Thresholdslevel of touri

16、sm impacts beyond which negative impacts (losses) net effects (gains)Carrying capacityMaximum number of people who can use a site without an unacceptable alteration in environment and an unacceptable decline of visitors experience quality (Mathieson & Wall, 1982)Key ideas: acceptable for whom ; tour

17、ist presence (p.231)2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH27Sustainability of Tourism 4TSustainability of Tourism 5Tourism thresholds and carrying capacity (cont)Key featuresMultiple thresholdsShort-slab ruleDynamicHard to determine2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH28Sustainability of Tourism 5TSustainability of Tourism 6Mea

18、surement criteriaTables 10.1 (p.239)2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH29Sustainability of Tourism 6MSustainability of Tourism 7The process of scoping the various aspects of carrying capacity (X of ST)The idea (Fig. 10.2 )2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH30Sustainability of Tourism 7TFigure 10.2 The determinants and infl

19、uences of carrying capacityyardsticksFigure 10.2 The determinants Sustainability of Tourism 8The process of scoping the various aspects of carrying capacity (cont)Local factorsSocial structure: scale, complexityCultural heritage: unusualEnvironment: fragile, uniqueEconomic structure: developed, indu

20、strializedPolitical structure: instability, opennessResources: amount2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH32Sustainability of Tourism 8TSustainability of Tourism 9The process of scoping the various aspects of carrying capacity (cont)Alien factorsTourist characteristicsRelative differenceTolerance level (Fig 10.3,

21、 p.237) Type of tourist activityE.g. gambling, special interest groupsPlanning, management and technologyMaximizing benefitsMore successful lower negative impacts higher carrying capacityEnd results: Growth + Sustainability = Development2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH33Sustainability of Tourism 9TFigure 10.

22、3 The relationship between tourists, destinations and tolerance levelsFragileRobustFigure 10.3 The relationship Sustainability of Tourism 10The process of scoping the various aspects of carrying capacity (cont)ImpactsParametersFactual, reflecting changes in local/alien factorsStandardsSubjective, to

23、urists/hosts acceptable limits applied to the parametersCarrying capacity determinationDynamic (dependent variable), resulting from complex factors and processesFeedback2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH35Sustainability of Tourism 10Figure 10.2 The determinants and influences of carrying capacityyardsticksFigu

24、re 10.2 The determinants Sustainability of Tourism 11Sustainable tourism productsApplication of/solution to STExamplesEco-tourismAlternative tourism2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH37Sustainability of Tourism 112022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH38Eco-tourismSmall-scaleIndigenous low-key activitiesNatural tourism attract

25、ionEnvironmental sustainabilityIndigenous culture sustainabilityEducation/learning opportunitiesAlternative tourismSmall-scaleIndigenous low-key activities2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH38Eco-Sustainability of Tourism 11Mini case study 10.1Sustainable tourism in the Srepok Wilderness Area, Cambodia2022/10/1

26、CopyrightLKSTH39Sustainability of Tourism 11Photograph 10.2 Endangered animals can benefit from ecotourism.Source: Eye Ubiquitous/Alamy ImagesDiscussion:Is the ecotourism strategy likely to be viable?Any long-term dangers?Opportunity costs?Photograph 10.2 Endangered anDefinition of Sustainable Touri

27、sm 1WTOSustainable tourism development meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunity for the future. It is envisaged as leading to management of all resources in such a way that economic, social, and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining

28、 cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, and biological diversity, and life support systems.Based on the Brundtland ReportWith many variationsStakeholders focused2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH41Definition of Sustainable TourSustainability as a Strategy 1Regardless of the difficulties, a way for

29、wardRecognition of vulnerability of tourism resourcesResponsibility for all stakeholders (governments, industry, tourists, and hosts)2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH42Sustainability as a Strategy Climate Change and Tourism 1BackgroundA few observations of climate changes2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH43Climate Chang

30、e and Tourism 12022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH442022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH44Scientific proof for global warming2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH45Scientific proof for global wa2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH462022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH462022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH472022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH472022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH48Correlation between

31、CO2 and warming; But correlation is not causation.2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH48Corr2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH492022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH49Climate Change and Tourism 2Background (cont)IPCC reportWarming of the climate system is certain0.76 C (19th- 21st Cent.)Mostly attributable to greenhouse gaps caused by h

32、uman activitiesTourisms contributionIn 2005, 5% of CO (40% from aviation; 35% other transport modes; 25% the rest)2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH50Climate Change and Tourism 2Climate Change and Tourism 3Climate change impacts on tourismDirect Indirect2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH51Climate Change and Tourism 3Dire

33、ct climatic impactsChanges of climate-related push and pull factorsCosts for heating, cooling and snowmakingRedistribution of climatic assets among tourism regionsChanges of the length and quality of climate-dependent tourism seasons2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH52ClimateChangesImpactsDirect climatic impac

34、tsChangesIndirect impacts from environmental change2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH53ClimateChangesImpactsImpactsThrough environmental changes:Water availabilityWater excessesBiodiversity: 20-30% , 1.5-2.5 CVector-borne diseaseTourism: attraction, safety, etc.Indirect impacts from environmIndirect impacts fr

35、om societal changeClimate change lower economic growthClimate change political instabilityLower economic growth lower tourism spendingPolitical instability tourism: visitation, provision of services/facilities, public image, etc. 2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH54ClimateChangesImpactsImpactsStern Report (200

36、6):20% reduction of consumption per capita later this centaury or nextIndirect impacts from societalImpacts of mitigation polices in other sectorsAbsolute emission reductionCarbon tradingPerception of air travelChanging tourist behaviorRising travel costsPsychological denial of air travel2022/10/1Co

37、pyrightLKSTH55ClimateChangesImpactsImpactsImpacts of mitigation polices Climate Change and Tourism 4Impacts on vulnerable destination typesMountains and winter sports destinationsKey attractionsSnow cover, pristine mountain landscapeClimate change impactsWarmer climate less snow coverageThe tourism

38、impactsAttractiveness, frequency/magnitude of natural hazardsSnow-based sports tourism industry most affectedFewer snows less resorts; higher operation costs2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH56Climate Change and Tourism 4Snow depth and coverage contrast: Yulong Mountain, Yunan2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH57Snow dept

39、h and coverage contraSnow depth and coverage contrast: Himalaya Range2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH58Snow depth and coverage contraA 2007 studyFor the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development shows that: climate change will produce significant impacts on the ski areas in the European Alps.2022

40、/10/1CopyrightLKSTH59Rise of temperaturesNumber of naturally snow reliable ski areas404 (61%)609 (91%)202 (30%)2C4CA 2007 studyFor the OrganizatiClimate Change and Tourism 5Impacts on vulnerable destination types (cont.)Islands and coastal zonesKey attractionsBeaches, coral reefs, marine life, etc.C

41、limate change impactsExtreme events, sea-level rise, increased climate variability, changes in ocean circulation, change in natural ecosystemsThe tourism impactsMost vulnerableExtreme events destroying ecosystems fewer attractionsSea-level rise destroying ecosystems, costal erosion, loss of beaches,

42、 floods, water contamination, etc. fewer attractions2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH60Climate Change and Tourism 5Maldives in crises!2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH613S Paradise in the India OceanMaldives in crises!2022/10/1CoMaldives in crises! (cont)2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH62150CMNow210020-60 CMWill this happen?Mal

43、dives in crises! (cont)202Climate Change and Tourism 6Impacts on vulnerable destination types (cont.)Natural and cultural heritageFeaturesLandscape as major attractionClimate changesSea-level riseLower biodiversity: less flora and faunaThe tourism impactsLower amenity value smaller tourist numberA b

44、ig threat to cultural structures near coasts: e.g. Venice, Italy2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH63Climate Change and Tourism 6Venice under the water?2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH64Venice under the water?2022/102022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH652022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH65Climate Change and Tourism 7Implication for tourism dem

45、and patterns2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH66Climate changeClimateNatural environmentPersonal safetyDestination choiceClimate Change and Tourism 7Climate Change and Tourism 8Adaption to climate changeDefinitionAn adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or th

46、eir effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunitiesResilience of tourism as a wholeQuick recovery from SARS, Japan tsunami, terrorist attacks, etc.2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH67Climate Change and Tourism 8Climate Change and Tourism 8Adaption to climate change (cont)Warns against optimismGap between perceptions and realitiesSub-sector variationsChallenges for new tourism infrastructuresThe insurability issue2022/10/1CopyrightLKSTH68Climate Change and To


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