



1、TPO45-Close the Like many people, I was happy when the university opened a coffeehouse. A good coffeehouse is a perfect place to meet people or to study while having a coffee. Unfortunately, our coffeehouse usually empty, so its not a good place to meet people And the lighting there is very poor, so

2、 its not a good place to study, either. A coffeehouse seemed like a great idea, but it just hasnt worked out, and the time has come for the university to close it.MarvinBakermeetpeople lightingispoor itjusthasntworkedout Nowlistentotwostudentsdiscussingtheletter. Woman:I disagree with his idea.Man:W

3、hy?ItdoesntsoundlikeifitsdoingverymuchWoman:Thatsprobablybecausehegoesduringtheday,butintheevening. Man:Oh. People go.Woman:Alotofpeople.Studentsarereallybusyduringtheday,withclasses,jobsand study.Butatnighttheplaceisoftenprettyfull.Studentsgettogetherthereallthetime. Woman:Yeah.Itsnotuntilnighttime

4、thatstudentsactuallyhavethetimetositand relax, you know, enjoy a hot drink and something to eat while hanging out or reading for class.Man:Soyou can readin Woman:Yeah. I mean, hes right that it used to be a problem, but recently they somerenovationsandnowIthinkthelightingisasgoodasitisinthelibrary.

5、now.Soundslikethisguydoesntknowwhathestalkingabout. Man:Definitely not.duringthe day inthe evening bebusy with get together hangout usedtobeaproblem dorenovation TPO45-MethodofSpecial techniques, or memory devices, are often used to help us recall information. One technique, the method of loci (i.e.

6、, method of location), is particularly helpful for rememberingseveralpiecesofinformationinaparticularorder.Tousethistechnique, we first imagine a familiar place such as a building or an outdoor area. This familiar place should have a series of landmarks or locations within it that we can imagine wal

7、kingpastinapredictable,logicalorder.Oncethelandmarkshavebeenidentifiedin agivenorder,weassignonepieceoftheinformationthatwewanttolaterrecalltoeach location. The information should be assigned in the order in which we want to rememberit.Tolaterrecallthenewinformationinorder,weimaginewalkingthrough th

8、e familiar place, recalling what is stored at each location along the way.recallinformation inorder aseriesoflandmarks identify assignto walkthrough alongtheway Nowlistento partofalecture onthis So howwould this work?Well,letssay you need to learn the names of the planets, in order, by distance from

9、 the Sun. So, first, think about the landmarks you pass as you walk from, say, your dormitory, to the student center.The first one might be the front door of your dormitory, then the big tree in front of the dorm.The next landmark you pass might be the statue in front of the library- Next, the steps

10、 to the science building. You get the idea.You memorize the major points along the walk, imagining yourself going from the first landmark to the second, the third, and so on. Now, the next thing you do is assign one planet to each of your landmarks in sequence. Since Mercury is the closest planet to

11、 the Sun, you assign it to the first landmark, the front door of your dorm.The next planet,Venus, to the tree in front of the dorm.The third planet. Earth, youassigntothethirdlandmark,thestatueinfrontofthelibrary,andsoonandsoon. And each time you picture the association in your mind as vividly as po

12、ssible. Then later, say you are sittingin theclassroom takinga test, and you have towritethe order of the planets from the Sun. What do you do? You imagine yourself on that familiar walk to the student center, passing each landmark as usual. When you think about walkingoutofthedoorofyourdorm,youarer

13、emindedofMercury.Whenyouseethe beautiful tree in front of the dorm, youd think of Venus.At each landmark along the way, you recall the next planet and write it down.inorder statue alongthewalk assignoneplanettoeachofyourlandmarksinsequence 按順序把每一個(gè)星球跟vivid takea test walkoutofthedoor Mercury 水星;Venus

14、 金星;Earth writedown remind of 使TPO45-Listentoaconversationbetweentwostudents. Man:Hey. Sarah. How is it going?Woman:Notgreat.ItsthestudentfilmIvebeendirecting.Youknow,thatprojectbeenworkingonformyfilmMan:Right.Yousaidyouweredirectingafilm.SowhatsWoman:Well,the projectis dueintwodays.Weweresupposed t

15、ofilma finaltoday, but its raining. The scene is supposed to be set outside, with two characters talking in the park on a beautiful sunny day.Man:Ohno!What areyou going to Woman:Well,IcouldrewritethesceneIguess,Icouldreviseitsoittakesplaceinside a building instead, maybe here in the student center s

16、omewhere.Man:Whydont you do Woman:I could, but Im happy with the scene as its written now. The film has optimistichappyending.ThatswhyIwantedthelastsceneofthe movietobeoutside on a bright sunny day, because it sets a positive mood.WhydontyoufilmthatscenetomorrowWoman:Thoughtofthattoo.Butsincetheproj

17、ectisduethedayaftertomorrow,Iplanningonusingtomorrowtoreviewthefilmanddoanyfinaleditingand.youknow, all the last-minute details.Man:Thatstrue.TherewouldntbemuchtimeforWoman:Yeah. Filming tomorrow might mean turning in a project to my professor thats not as polished, not as good as Id like it to be.H

18、owisitgoing? theprojectisdue in twodays finalscene onabeautiful sunnyday Whatare yougoing todo ?takeplace behappy with 對(duì)whydontyou dofinal editing Therewouldntbemuch timeforthat. turnin polished notas goodasIdlike itto be TPO45-Listento part of alecture in a marinebiology So weve talked a little abo

19、ut how fish use senses like vision, touch and so forth, but whatIwanttotalkaboutnowisaspecialabilitysomefishhave.Theabilitytoproduce electricityintheirbodies.Youareprobablyfamiliarwiththesefish,thesefishthatsend outelectriccurrentsfromtheirbodiesnaturally.Sowhatsthepurposeofthis?Well,as you might ex

20、pect, it can serve some important roles in helping fish survive.First,fish,likeallanimals,needfoodtosurvive.Well,theabilitytoproduceelectricity helps some fish to capture prey, you know, other organisms in the water that they eat. Taketheelectriceelforexample.Theeelproducesastrongelectriccurrentinit

21、sbody. Whentheeelcomesintocontactwithoneofthesmallerfishitdependsonforfood,the electriccurrentthatitsendsoutshocksthesmallerfishandparalyzesit.Itsnotableto get away from the eel. The eel captures the fish easily and can eat it at its leisure. So this ability to use electricity to capture prey ensures that the eel gets the food it needs to survive.The ability to produce electricity also helps fish to successfully navigate their environment by detecting nearby objects. Some fish have poorly developed eyes.And


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