



1、 高三英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)力強(qiáng)化訓(xùn)練54聽(tīng)過(guò)1. Why is the woman sad?A. She come along with others. B. She do her jobbetter. C. She didnt get the job.2. What does the woman decide to do?A. Call her boss.B. Take a taxi.C. Keep waiting. 3. Where will the manprobably have his seat? A. In the middle row. B. In the back row. C. Inthe

2、 front row.4. What is the woman probably?A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A coach. 5. What will the speakers do?A.Visitthepalaceinside.B.Seethepalaceoutside.C.Gettheirstudentcards. 6. How did the woman get the job? A. An advertiser found her bychance.B. Her school recommended her to an agent. C. Her ag

3、ent gave herrecording to ad agencies. 7. What is important in the job? A.Voice.B.Education.C.Appearance.8.Whatarethespeakersmainlytalkingabout? A. Expense of a concert tour. B. A coming concert. C. A travelexperience.9. What will Mary probably do? A. Act as a director. B. Leave for avacation. C. Tak

4、e charge of money raising. 10. Where are the speakers?A. In a store.B. At a bus stop.C. On a street. 11. What will the womando next? A. Go to a park. B. Buy a map.C. Visit an art museum.12. Why does the man say the woman is lucky? A. There is parking roomavailable.B.ParkingisfreeonThursday.C.Shehase

5、noughcoinstoputintotheparkingmeter.13.Whatistherelationshipbetweenthespeakers?1 / 5A.Interviewerandinterviewee.B.Clubownerandcustomer.C.Driverandpassenger.14. What can the guests do on the bus? A. Have cold drinks. B. Dancewith others. C. Cook food.15.Whatareguestsexpectedtodoforparties?A.Bringtheir

6、VIPcards.B. Get dressed smartly. C. Book clubs in advance.16. What doesthe mansuggest guests do before party?A.Controlthenumberofpeople.B.Informhimofthebookingtime.C.Avoidwearing jeans and sports shoes. 17. How did the farmer feel about thevolunteer fire company at first?A. Pitiful. B. Confident. C.

7、 Doubtful.18. What do we know about the volunteer fire company? A. It has 65workers.B. It has old fire control equipment.C. It belongs to the town fire department.19.Howdidthefarmerexpresshisthankstothevolunteerfirecompany?A. He wrote a thank-you note. B. He gave them a sum of money.C. He asked a re

8、porter to report the company.20. Why did the fire truck go straight towards the fire? A. Its brakefailed.B. The volunteers were very brave.C. The volunteers were anxious to put out the fire.高三英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)力強(qiáng)化訓(xùn)練53(聽(tīng)過(guò))1. What does the man think causes the traffic jam? A. Trucks. B. Cars.C. People. 2. What will

9、the man do? A. Give up the problems.B. Go through the problems himself.C. Work out the problems with the womans help. 3. Where does theconversation take place? A. In a supermarket. B. In a flower shop. C. Ina restaurant.2 / 54.Whatarethespeakersmainlytalkingabout?A.Anopera.B.Anactor.C.Apieceofmusic.

10、5.Whyisthewomanworried?A.Shewilltakeanexamnextweek.B.Shehasntpassedthephysicsexam.C.Shedoesntfinishher history homework. 6. What did the man lose the other day?A. His ID card.B. His credit cards.C. His car keys. 7. Where are thecarkeys?A.Onthebed.B.Beneathamagazine.C.Underthesofa.8.Whatare the woman

11、 most probably?A. A host. B. A teacher. C. A farm owner. 9. What are many childreninterestedin?A.Collectingeggs.B.Havinglunchonthefarm.C.Seeingfarmyard animals. 10. What advice does the man give the woman about thepainting course?A. Sign up as soon as possible. B. Do a lot of preparations at first.C

12、. Ask a teacher for personal help.11. What attracts the man most to study computing? A. The advancedcontents. B. The bright future. C. The teacher. 12. Why does the mansuggest the woman study Spanish? A. The course t last very long.B.Itwontcosttoomuchanditsuseful.C.Therewillbealimitforpeoplenextyear

13、.13.Whatarethespeakersmainlydiscussing?A.Howtheman does his present job. B. What the man did after graduation.C. How the man chose his present profession.14. What did the man plan to do when he was in college? A. Work in acompany. B. Set up his own company.C. Continue to study business course.15. Wh

14、at was the attitude of the s parents towards his decision?A. They were satisfied. B. They were angry.C. They were open-minded.16.Whatisthepresentcondition?A.Heisveryrichandfamous.B. He is doing some part-time jobs. C. He gets lots of acting work. 17.What is the speaker probably doing? A. Giving a ca

15、mpaign speech.3 / 5B. Introducing the rules of the college.C.Offeringadviceonimprovingthecollegeservices.18.Whatdoesthespeakerwanttodofirst?A.Organizeabookexchange.B.Controlthepriceof hot meals. C. Found a student advice center.19. What will the speaker do to improve the housing in the college?A. He

16、lp more students get housing.B. Ask the college authorities for advice. C. Have a proper housingsystem set up.20. Why does the speaker want to invite some speakers to the college?A. To enrich students daily life.B.Tohelpstudentsknowtheoutsideworld.C.Togetmoreexamplesforstudents to follow.高三英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)力強(qiáng)化訓(xùn)練5

17、21. Who will smoke the cigarettes?A. The mans wife.B. The man.C. The woman.2. What is the sign used to remind the woman to do? A. Take her keys.B. Lock the door. C. Close the door.3. Where is Daniela probably? A. In the classroom. B. On her way home.C. At home.4. What does the woman think of the adv

18、ertisements on TV?A.Theyaregoodforeyes.B.Theyarenecessary.C.Theyaredisturbing.5.HowwillthewomangettoChinatown?A.Bytaxi.B.Byunderground.C.Onfoot.6.Whatiswrongwiththewomanscar?A.Itcantgetstartedvery well. B. It often breaks down. C. It often gets damp.7. How does the woman deal with her car at night?

19、A. She leaves it inheryard.B.Sheputsitinaparkinglot.C.Sheputsitawayinthegarage.8. Whom is the party for?4 / 5A.Adam.B.Cliff.C.Diana.9.WhatdoesNormown?A.Abank.B.Adanceclub.C. A restaurant. 10. What is the probable relationship between thespeakers?A. Reporter and writer. B. Instructor and runner. C. P

20、assenger andconductor.11. How many years has the woman been cycling? A. For 5. B. For 17. C.For 22. 12. What does the woman want to do now? A. Collect money.B. Gocycling.C. Take a bath. 13. How does the woman get to know body languagein different countries? A. From a meeting.B. From a Japanese woman.C. From traveling around for work.14. How did the man react when the Japanese woman bowed?A. He shook her hand. B. He smiled at her. C. He bowed back.15. How might the Japanes


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