1、英語檢討書1500 字【篇一:成績退步檢討書1500 字】成績退步檢討書1500 字1 、考試退步的檢討書尊敬的老師:您好 !時光匆匆,轉(zhuǎn)眼間考試也已結(jié)束,試卷也發(fā)下來了。望著試卷上的分數(shù),我驚訝了。因為這和我應有的水平相差甚遠,我在此向你說一聲對不起,我辜負了您對我的殷切希望。在這次期末英語考試中我成績十分不理想,不僅傷透了你的心,也讓我無地自容。于是,今天,我懷著十二萬分的愧疚和懊悔寫下這份檢討書,以向您表示我對不好好學英語這種惡劣行為的歉意及打死也不再不好學英語的決心。早在您剛帶我們的時候,您就已經(jīng)三令五申,一再強調(diào),全班同學,一定要好好學習,認真學英語。直到現(xiàn)在,老師的反復教導言猶在耳
2、,嚴肅認真的表情猶在眼前,我深為震撼,也經(jīng)深刻認識到此事的重要性,于是我一再告誡自己要把此事當成頭等大事來抓,不能辜負老師對我們的一片苦心。也應此,我現(xiàn)在開始自我反省。正如高爾基說過的那樣-當你把一件是看得十分重要的時候,磨難和失敗就接踵而來了。就像在這次考試前,我因為太想考好太緊張導致我焦慮失眠,第二天精神狀態(tài)極其不好。但歸根結(jié)底,還是由于我學得不牢固,要不然就是精神不好也不會考這個分。憶起當時,我當時就因為太焦慮不好好復習!對于我(們 )沒有考好的事情,所造成的嚴重后果如下:1 、折磨了老師的精神,這樣的折磨可能讓老師工作分心,造成更為嚴重的后果。2 、影響個人綜合水平的提高,使自身在本能
3、提高的條件下未能得到提高,違背父母的意愿,實乃不孝。這次期末考試,我考的不好,在此深刻檢討,希望以后不要再考這個分數(shù)?學英語,最重要的就是讀,聽,背,只要這三個能100% 做到的話,那英語成績,沒有100 分,也能95 分。但是,我卻沒有做到,沒有聽,沒寫好,沒背好,什么都只做了三分之一,導致成績不理想?此次考試后,我深刻檢討,認為深藏在我思想中的致命錯誤有以下幾點:1 、思想覺悟不高,對重要事項重視嚴重不足。就算是有認識,也沒能在行動上真正實行起來。2 、平時生活懶散。如果不是因為懶散、粗心大意、記憶力水平低,我怎么會把老師教的東西學不扎實?又怎么會考不出分?我平時學習不認真,考試成績便很好
5、活。2 、中學生成績下降檢討書這次我懷著萬分的抱歉給你寫下了這份檢討書。因為期末考試我考的很不理想,和半期比起,下降了百位之多,讓我非常的驚訝,所以我在這份檢討書中說明了成績靠差了的原因。我首先從英語說起,在英語課上,我經(jīng)常走神,而且還在你的不注意時偷偷做小動作或和同學說悄悄話,你布置的作業(yè)我也經(jīng)?!巴倒p料”,而且組詞、造句我經(jīng)常借用“步步高 ”學習機或“電腦 ”來完成作業(yè),這樣不經(jīng)過大腦而完成的作業(yè),根本沒有一點作用,有時還不按時完成。您要求的單詞、筆記,多讀,多背,多寫,我經(jīng)常都只是毫不在意的讀讀,而且都沒讀好。特別是寫英語短文差,經(jīng)常搞不清楚主、謂、賓的順序。語文課上,由于認為自己的語
6、文基礎在七科中最好,所以經(jīng)常在語文課上不在意老師講的知識重點,課后自己胡亂猜想其中意思,課上除了老師說書上那些總要筆記要劃線之外,其他手寫筆記我嫌字多,常常都不認真完成。課后老師布置的作業(yè),比如:解釋詞語的意思,我會經(jīng)常嫌解釋的意思太長,于是自己異想天開的剪裁掉一部分,往往經(jīng)常把被剪裁了的詞語意思理解一半。我自以為平時作文寫得還可以,但在考試的時候,寫的作文不是很理想,所以考的成績也比較差。數(shù)學課上,由于我覺得那些數(shù)字太“繚亂 ”了,所以我經(jīng)??粗粗妥呱?,有時甚至一上課就不認真聽講,課后看看例題,類似的題雖然很快就會做了,但是如果類似的題變一種形式,絞盡腦汁才想的出來一點點。如果數(shù)學老師講
7、比較深奧的題,我常常會打瞌睡,作業(yè)也經(jīng)常覺得“難 ”而多次不完成數(shù)學作業(yè)。很多內(nèi)容都是一知半解。歷史課上,當歷史老師講到神秘的遠古歷史時,我會緊繃著心詳細聽著歷史的進展會是怎么樣的,但是老師想說又不想說,讓我等待不及,于是自己翻開書,在書上找到了相關(guān)知識,就覺得也沒什么,老師何必大驚小怪的,于是就自己做其他作業(yè)或做小動作和同學說悄悄話,不在聽從歷史老師講的內(nèi)容,歷史老師布置的作業(yè)全事卷子或單元測試,我們都有答案,根本連題都沒看,就抄上去了。地理課上,由于自己覺得那些知識都是非常眼淺的,自己看圖就會學會,所以在老師講課的時候,我都去翻后面的知識看,前面都知識只是偶爾看圖學會一點點,但是一離開圖冊
9、的錯誤根源進行深挖細找的整理,并認清其可能造成的嚴重后果。二,用心克服生活、學習上的懶散、服從學校的規(guī)定,努力為學校、班級爭光。絕不給學校抹黑、班級拖后腿。#160;三,和同學、班干以及學生會干部加強溝通。保證今后不再出現(xiàn)違反校紀校規(guī)的情況。#160;四,在上課時一定認真聽講,積極回答思考問題,把精力用在學習上。#160; 五,每天老師布置的作業(yè)按時按量完成,做到準確無誤#160;六,上課不再和同學說悄悄話、偷做小動作,主動維護好班上的紀律。 #160;七,老師講課時,都要認真聽講,認真做好筆記,不偏科。#160;我非常感謝老師對我所犯錯誤的及時指正,我保證今后不會再有類似行為發(fā)生在我身上,請
10、老師同學繼續(xù)監(jiān)督、幫助我改正缺點,使我取得更大的進步!3 、成績退步的檢討書尊敬的老師:您好!首先,我在此向你說一聲對不起,我辜負了您對我的殷切希望。在這次期末數(shù)學考試中我慘敗而歸,不僅傷透了你的心,也讓我無地自容。這次失敗的原因,我分析了一下試卷,有絕大部分是由于我的馬虎粗心造成的,但也有少數(shù)部分我不懂。您平常也就經(jīng)常告誡我們,可我就是改不了粗心大意的毛病。不過,我不應該給我自己找理由,放心,老師,我會改正的。另外,在平時,我總是沉迷與電腦游戲,上課不認真聽講。在這一個假期里,我一定會痛改前非的。在這個假期里,我一定要騰出一部分時間來復習我的數(shù)學,我想好了,每天早上9: 00 11 : 00
11、 來學習 2 個小時的數(shù)學。還有,我建立了1 個錯題本。以后,一旦有什么不懂的問題或錯誤的問題我都會記錄下來的。并且,如果有什么弄不懂的問題,我會在百度知道里提出來的。同時,我要經(jīng)常在好好學習這個貼吧里去了解一些學習數(shù)學的方法。并且我不能偏科,一定要全面發(fā)展。老師,我知道,僅僅是語言是蒼白無力的。放心,我絕對會以自己的實際行動來履行我的諾言的。我決定了,我開學考試的數(shù)學成績一定不能下110 分。同時,我要在年級的名詞保持在前10 內(nèi)。老師,請不要生氣了??次业膶嶋H行動把!這次考試沒考好,我自知這是不能原諒的,由于自己年紀小,心里自控能力比較差,有的時候上課不能控制自己,沒辦法好好聽講,我自己已
12、經(jīng)好好反省過了。這次的考試我退步了,使我感到十分的痛苦與遺憾,學習本身是為了自己,而老師您卻又如此的認真負責,對我嚴格的要求,而我卻還考出這成績讓我感到十分的愧疚,我真心的反思與改過,我總結(jié)了失敗的教訓我一定會在以后的學習中全力以赴,認真專心,盡我全力考出我自己真實的水平,我一定會化悲痛為力量,努力奮斗,不辜負您對我的希望,對得起我自己的真實水平!真心的反思,望老師能原諒!我覺得我不能跳樓,我有責任,有義務為自己為家長老師好好學習,報效祖國!我也很感謝老師,老師一直都很關(guān)心我,可是我卻沒有能夠把握自己的方向,沒能正確的對待學習,我想老師一定也會不高興,因為 老師是關(guān)心我們的,我們是老師的學生。
13、老師是園丁,我們是祖國的花朵。我享受的老師的教導,深知老師的辛苦,今天,我下定決心,一定會好好學習,不辜負老師家長對 我的希望。老師是如此的辛苦。為了學生的前途,付出了自己的辛 勞,我們看著這樣辛苦的老師心里也是很不忍的,所以,我了解了, 也明白了,對于現(xiàn)在的我們,學習才是正確的。也許以后的我們早 會忘記了現(xiàn)在的游戲,也忘了老師曾經(jīng)講過的東西。但我不過忘記 我曾經(jīng)在學校努力過,奮斗過,也【篇二:英文檢討書】becky 10 trade 4 friday8:10am-10:10am room 301today, i feel very sorry and ashamed to write dow
14、n this essay for you to say about my bad behaviour in class. this essay also shows my deep thinking about making such a mistake and my decision that never make such mistakes anymore.i still remember that, at the first class, you have stressed and repeated many times that we should be responsible to
15、ourselves, and nobody have to be responsible to us. in fact, i was deeply shocked by what you said and suddenly clearly understand the importance of independence at that time.i really agreed with your idea . all of us are adults now, we are not children anymore, and we can not relay on our parent ju
16、st as when we were little. we must learn how to solve problems by ourselves. but it is a difficult process to make theory into pratice. in china education, it does not stress that us we should be responsible to ourselves, and our parents also do everything they think they can do for us. this is the
17、education situation of china. so as time went by, we just get used to relying on others and do not try to do things by ourselves even we can do it easily. over the past 19 years, i get used to doing things what parents and teachers told us to do. but now, you insist that we have to be independent. s
18、uddenly,i can not depend on anyone. as a result, i feel very difficult to do everything and try every way to get help from others and we also feel nora is a very strict teacher and really afraid of you, tough all of us know that we can learn many things from nora. but we can not adore you at once,be
19、cause what you teach is so different from our culture. that means we need time to get used .that we should read the number first, then read the word ,definition and the sentence we write. but when in my turn, which word is no number,i do not know how to express where the word is . while i asked my d
20、eskmate what should i do , nora just told me that i need to write a essay. in fact, at first, i feel very unfair because i just do not know how to express where the word is. if this condition was put forward in chinese class, we can just put forward our problems and then the teachers would help us t
21、o solve it. but now, no explain, no excuse, just write an essay as punishment. i suffered from injustice and really want to cry at that time. then i1explained that is life means that if you can not change the situation,then you just do it. in fact,there are many things that we can not change in our
22、life. maybe when we meant without explain and excuse. at this case, the only solution is change ourselves to adjust the situation. as a matter of fact, 1000 words essay is a long essay for me. but after having a deep thinking, i understand that nora just use this way to teach us the principle that i
23、s life. at the same time, we also can pratice our writing skills. so, i really enjoy writing this essay,because in order to write something that i have to think deeply. as a result, i understand many things and feel ashamed for i misunderstand nora. sorry !nora.i also have a deep impression in you s
24、aid that we will be busybees because our class will begin earlier and end later than normal. ihave to admit that after enter college i have became a little lazy because in college there is no teacher to supervise my learning and we have a lot of free time. i can not control myself very well so that
25、i my error and in order to correct it i make a plan roughly. firstly i need to get used to the way nora teach us and be a busy-bee in class. secondly i will make my own study schedule according to my school timetable and will do it with the supervision of my roommates. and last, i will find a studym
26、ate to study with me that i can not be lazy when i am study. although it may difficult to make plan into pratice , i believe that i can get rid of this bad habbit with the supervision of my classmates.nora, now, i realize my error. i did not read the material out chop chop, and it is a bad behaviour
27、 that wastes the time of not only you but also my classmates. i have no right to do that. however, a person lives without faults will never be found. of course, i do not mean to use it as an excuse, and i just want to obtain your forgiveness. i keep in mind to correct this weakness and try to get a
28、greater progress. in addition, i hope nora can continue supervise us that we can make greater progress. and most of important, i really appreciate you. you teach us to use a different light to see ourselves and open our eyes to the culture of america. nora,thank you! thank you in my heart deeply!wor
29、d number:10049/18/1110:40am2【篇三:萬能英文檢討書】good good study, abide by the rules and disciplines is each of us students shoulddo, is also the fine traditions of the chinese nation virtue, but we as contemporary students but no better put it continue down. like many chinese young people all dont know how
30、the double ninth festival, but solemn been to christmas. we are all in ignorance lost discipline, do not understand their own learning objective.take the loving water gravity, an information class, noisy boiling, the teacher you several times sorrowful, cichou difficult to disappear in the heart, fo
31、r our ignorance, especially to your review.first of all, i as xuewei no organized students quiet in class, cause the classmates speak seriously. but the most direct reason is that our own binding sent, the classroom content is finished, feel nothing to do; indirect reason is that we want to do somet
32、hing outside of their things, unavoidable mutual exchanges, voice unscrupulously, slowly information lesson is boiling. of course, this cant be zixike dont abide by the rules of the reason. lu xun said. goethe said. we only have the earnest resonsideration, looking for error behind the deep roots, to recognize the essence of the problem, can give the collective and own a hand over to treat, thus to progress. the top self-study speech against the class gauge, influence the normal operation of the work,
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