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(RM: goddess of gardens and fields .)ApolloApolloGod of prophecy,medicine and archery(late Greek/RM:god of sun)AresMarsGod of warArtemisDianaGoddess of the hunt(late Greek/RM:goddess of moon)AsclepiusAesculapiusGod of medicineAthenaMinervaGoddess of arts and crafts and war;helper of heroes(late Greek/Rm: goddess of wisdom)CronusSarturnGod of the sky;ruler of the Titans(RM:goddess of agriculture)DemeterCeresGoddess of grainDionysusBacchusGod of wine and vegetationErosCupidGod of loveGaeaTellusMother EarthHadesPlutoGod of the underworld; lord of the deadHephaestusVulcanGod of fire; blacksmith of the godsHeraJunoGoddess of marriage and childbirth;protector of married women; queen of the godsHermesMercuryMessengers of the gods; protector of travelers, thieves, and merchantsHestiaVestaGuardian of the homePoseidonNeptuneGod of the sea and earthquakesRheaOpsWife of Cronus/Sarturn; Mother GoddessUranusUranusGod of the sky; father of the TitansZeusJupiterRuler of the gods4 名詞解釋(課后)20分C11.delphic: It relates to Delphi.It means ambiguous.2.Olypian: It relates to Olympian Gods.It means that some one is like a god,especially by being calm and not concerned about ordinary things.3.martial: It relates to Mars.It means something connected with war and fighting.4.nemesis: It relates to Nemesis.It means a punishment that is deserved and cannot be avoided.5.titanic:I t relates to Titans.It means something big ,strong and powerful.C21.Junoesque:It relates to Juno.It means someone is elegant and beautiful like Juno.2.Argus-eyed:It relates to Argus.It means someone is watchful and alert.3.satyr/satyriasis:It relates to Satyr.It means someone that has an abnormally intense sexual desire in men.4.mercurial:It relates to Mercury.It means having feelings that change suddenly and without warning.C41. chaotic:It relates to Chaos.It means messy and disorder.2. Pandoras box:It relates to Pandora. It means the root of troubles.3. Promethean:It relates to Prometheus.It means a person who resembles Prometheus.C61.Dionysiac:It relates to Dionysus.It means Sensuality, debauchery, and revelry.C71. Midas/asss ears:It relates to Midas.It means A secret that cannot be hid.It also menas someone is shallow and uninformed.2. Midas/the golden touch:It relates to Midas.It means touching a stone and turning it into gold.3. cut the Gordian knot:It relates to Alexander.It means solving a complex problem with a bold strike.C81. cereal:It relates to Ceres.It means grains.2. aureole:It relates to Aurora.It means a bright circle of light.C91.Charons boat/ferry:It relates to Charon.It means some one is going to die.2.cross the Styx:It means some one is going to die.C121. gain/reap/win(ones)laurels: It relates to Daphne. It means gaining ones honors.2. Look to ones laurels:It relates to Daphne.It means to work hard in order not to lose the achievement.3. rest/repose/retire/sit(back)on ones laurels: It relates to Daphne.It means to satisfy with what you have achieved and stop trying.4. a Noble/poet laureate:It relates to Daphne.It means to be a noble price winner.C131. cupidity: It relates to Cupid.It means a very strong desire for something.2. erotic:It relates to Eros.It means sexual excitement.C141. Aphrodites girdle:It relates to Aphrodite.It means unlimited female sexuality.2. adonis:It relates to Adonis.It means some one is a handsome young man.C161. Narcissism:It relates to Narcissus.It means the habit of always thinking about yourself and admiring yourself.C171. Pygmalion effect:It relates to Pygmalion. It is a phenomenon in which the greater the expectation placed upon people ,the better they perform.C181. atlantean:It relates to Atalanta. It means strong ,powerful and gigantic.2. Mount ones Pegasus: It relates to Pegasus.It means to write a poem.3. a chimera in ones brain: It relates to Perseus.It means the fantasy in ones mind.C201. the choice of Heracles: It relates to Heracles.It means some one is in a dilemma.2. Cleanse the Augean Stable:It relates to Augeas.It means to remove something totally.3. Herculean effort:It relates to Hercules.It means great effort.C211. sow dragons teeth: It means to provoke war by spreading dispute;or cultivate warriors or monster.2. a Cadmean/Pyrrhic victory:It relates to Cadmus.It means a victory that comes at a great cost.C221. sphinx riddle:It relates to Sphinx.It means a puzzle which is very difficult to solve.C241. the apple of discord: It means the root of the trouble and any subject of possible of contention or disagreement.2. Achillesheel:It relates to Achilles.It means a weak point in something that is otherwise perfect.3. hector: It relates to Hector.It means to intimidateordominateinablusteringway.4. Achilles and Patroclus:It relates to Achilles and Patroclus.It means male friendship, a heroic friendship.5. Fight like a Trojan:It means to fight with great determination.6. Sulky like Achilles in his tent: It relates to Achilles.It means sulky.7. a Trojan horse:It means the hidden danger.8. Myrmidon: It means a faithful follower who carries out orders without question.9. Helen of Trojan:It relates to Helen.It means the root of war; a beauty who ruins her country;a terrible disaster brought by somebody or something you like best.10. Greek gift:It means a gift with evil purpose of the enemy; a gift to murder.5 簡(jiǎn)答題 20分C11. What did the ancient Greeks know about their world?The Greeks believed the earth to be flat and circular,their own country occupying the middle of it,the central point being either Mount Olympus,The earth is divided into two equal parts by the Sea.Around the earth flowed the River Ocean.2. To which place were mortals favored by the gods taken when they died?The Aethiopians.3. How did Zeus divide the rule of the world with his brother?Zeuss portion was the heavens,Poseidons the ocean and Hadess the realms of the dead.4. How was Venus married off to Vulcan?Jupiter gave her to Vulcan, in gratitude for the service he had rendered in forging thunderbolts.5. How did the Fates mete out human destiny?The three goddesses were assigned distinct task:Clotho spun the “thread” of human fate,Lachesis dispensed it and Atropos cut it.C21. What was Zeus usual way of hiding his scandals?He raised a cloud to hide some of his doings that would not bear the light and He turned the girl into an animal.2. How did the musical instrument “panpipe” come into being?Pan fell in love with A nymph called Syrinx,who was a faithful worshipper of Artemis.He chased her to the bank of river .With the water nymphs help,Syrinx was turned into reeds.Pan was so sad and he made an instrument with the reeds,which called Syrinx.And that is the panpipe.3. How can you account for Zeuss promiscuity?The promiscuity of Zeus serves more than entertaining purposes.It is out of political purpose.Men have a powerful ability to reproduce in order to reproduce more offspring, . For most of the people in the world flows his blood, is one of the methods can have more faithful follows.And the number of the faithful follows decide whether his regime is firm.C41. What was the direct cause of Prometheus obtaining fire for man?When Epimetheus created man ,he had nothing left for him.2. What attitude toward women is shown through the story of Pandora?The story shows the ancient Greeks thought women were inferior and affiliated to men,and they were the root evil and trouble.3. Which age of man applies to our own age?Please elaborate.I think we are in the Iron Age.People work day and night and mans character is more complex,though mixed with kindness, but more evil.Human wants to rule everything.People no longer trust each other.Married people do not love each other.Vows are regarded as dust.Kindness and justice are no longer seen as the norm of conduct, but merely violence.4. How is the first woman often described as a “l(fā)ovely evil”?How does she compare with Eve in the Book of Genesis?Pandora is described as a “l(fā)ovely evil” because she was the most beautiful and sweetest woman,but she opened box and made many evil things free.Both Pandora and Eve are beauties.They are also described as the root of troubles to take the blame for the male society.But they were created out of different purpose.Pandora was created as the cost of Prometheus stealing the fire for man.She symbolizes a great temptation and human misery.Eve is inferior and affiliated to the man and just like a slave and she was created to help man.5. Why did Zeus try to withhold fire from human beings?nBecause fire is a symbol for technology and civilization. Abasicdistinctioninmythbetweenraw&cookedandwild&civilized. AsarevengeforPrometheusearliertheftofthefinestsacrificialportions.Bywithholdingfire,Zeusmakesthedivisionofthesacrificeimpracticable.ThehumiliationofZeuspromptedhimtotaketheextrememeasureofwithholdingfirefrommankind,withoutwhichmanwouldsoonbelittlemorethananimals.C61. What led to Bacchus wanderings?Bacchusinventedhowtoplantgrapesandbrewwine.Hewaswanderingaroundandspreadthiskindofknowledgetobringpeoplethejoyofdrinking.C71. How did Midas acquire the power of turning everything to gold?BecauseMidasrescuedBacchuss teacher,Slilenus,andtreatedhimhospitably,entertaininghimfortendaysandnightswithanunceasingroundofjollity.Inreturn,Bacchusgavehimthepowerofturningeverythingtogold.C81. What made Hades fall in love with Proserpine?Assignsofwomanlybeautybegantoshinealongsideherchildlikeinnocence,theadolescentgoddessPersephoneunwittinglyattractedtheattentionoftheGreekgodHades.2. Why was Venus displeased with Athena,Diana,and Proserpine?Because she thought all of them looked down upon the power of her and her son.3. What prevented Proserpines freedom from the Underworld?Three pomegranate.4. From what aspects can the Demeter myth be interpreted?Change of seasonsC91. Where are the different ghosts conveyed in the underworld?The evil ghosts will be sent to Tartarus.The virtuous ghosts will be sent to Elysium.2. Describe the difference between Elysium and Tartarus and the situation of their respective inhabitants?Elysium ,ruled over by Cronus, lies near Hades dominions.It s a happy land of perpetual day,without cold or snow,where games,music,and revels never cease,and where the inhabitants may elect to be reborn on earth whenever they please.In Greek mythology ,Tartarus is a deep chasm surrounded by three heavy curtain and three bronze doors.In Roman mythology,it is a vast river of lava.It is a painful place in where the Furies live.Inhabitants in it suffer a lot.C111. How were Atalanta and her husband changed into lions?TheyforgottopayduehonortoVenusandthegoddesswasprovokedattheiringratitude.ShecausedthemtogiveoffencetoCybele.Cybeletookfromthemtheirhumanformandturnedthemintoanimalsofcharactersresemblingtheirown.C121. what was the cause of Apollos love for Daphne?Cupids golden arrow struck Apollos heart.2. What did Peneus mean by “ Your face will forbid it”?He meant Daphnes wish would not come true because of her beautiful face.C131. What did the oracle of Apollo say about Psyches future husband?He said her future husband awaited he on the top of the mountain and he was a monster whom neither gods nor men could resist.2. What tempted Psyche to open the box she was bringing back to Venus?A longing desire to put the beauty on her cheeks to become more beautiful.3. What is the significance of the union of Cupid and Psyche?Love itself is really a happy and painful pursuit of the process,and the process of love must be ups and downs.C141. Why did Venus advise Adonis against attacking wild animals?Because the wild animals were dangerous and she didnt want to lose her beloved Adonis.2. What did Venus do to commemorate her ill-fated lover?Shechanged his bloodintoshort-lovedflowersanditsblossom openwhenthewind blows.C151. What aspect does this story show about love?Themiserableandbeautiful aspectoflove.C161. What incurred Junos anger towards Echos?HertalkthatcontrivedtodetainJunotillZeusandthenymphsmadetheirescape.2. What was Junos punishment for her?Nopowertospeakfirst.C181. What was the cause of Perseuss adventures?Polydectes wanted an easy access to Danae and got rid of Perseus.So he sent Perseus to kill Medusa.2. How was Medusa killed?Perseus borrowed the shield from Minerva and winged shoes from Hermes,approached Medusa while she slept. He was guided by her image reflection in the bright shield and cut off her head.C191. How did the Argonauts pass through the Clashing Rocks?They went along the passage found by the dove they sent out and passed the Clashing Rocks safely.2. What made Medea kill her own children?The fury with jealousy and the thought to punish Jason further.C201. How did Heracles demonstrate his prowess in his infancy?He strangled two snakes which Zeus jealous wife Hera had sent to attack him.2. What incident motivated the Labors of Heracles?He was told by the Delphic Oracle to serve Eurystheus for 12 years and win immortality by performing the labors the king imposed upon him.3. What does the last labor of Heracles symbolize?C211. What was the cause of Cadmus adventures?BecausehissisterwascarriedawaybyZeus,andhisfathercommandedhimtogoinsearchofhissister.C221. How did he kill his own s father?Inordertoavoidkillinghisfatherandmarriedhismotherof,heescapedfromtheCollins,ontheway,hekilledhisfatherbyaccident.2. What do you know about the Sphinx riddle?Sphinxriddleisoftenusedtodescribetheproblemswhicharecomplex,mysteriousandhardtounderstand.C241. Who presented the apple of discord and for what purpose?Eris was angry because she had been left out of the feast. She threw among the guest the apple of discord inscribed “for the fairest” to make an issue between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite.2. Why was Paris as a baby left in the wilderness to die?Because when her mother Hecuba was pregnant, she dreamed she was giving birth to a torch from which streamed hissing serpents and it would bring unfortunate and disasters to the kingdom.3. Why w
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