



1、Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction土木工程施工合同This CONTRACT is made on the _th of_(month), _(year) by and between_(hereinafter called “Party A ”) of the one part, and _(hereinafter called“Party B ”) of the opart.公司(以下簡稱“雇主”)與 公司(以下簡稱“承包商”)于 年 月 日特簽訂本 合同。WHEREAS 鑒于。NOW THEREFORE THIS CO

2、NTRACT WITNESSETH that it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows:雙方達(dá)成協(xié)議如下: civil engineering 土木工程Chapter 1 Definitions and InterpretationArticle 1 DefinitionsIn the Contract (as hereinafter defined) the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to

3、 them, except where the context other requires: 第一條定義 本合同(按下文所定義的)中的下列詞和用語,除文中另有要求者外, 應(yīng)具有本條所賦予的含義:1.1 “employer m”eans the person named as such in this contract and the legal successorsin title to such person, but not (except with the consent of the Contractor) any assignee of such pers.on1.1 “雇主”是指

4、本合同所指明的當(dāng)事人以及取得當(dāng)事人資格的合法繼承人 ,但除 非承包商同意,不包括此當(dāng)事人的任何受讓人,本合同中的雇主為 _(填入名 稱)。已為雇主接受的當(dāng)事人以及取得此當(dāng)事人資格的合法繼承不指此當(dāng)事人的任何受讓人。本合同中的雇主為 _(填入名1.2 “Contractor ” means the person whose tehnadserbeenaccepted by the Employer and the legal successors in title to such persbount not (except with the consent of the Employer) an

5、y assignee of such pers.on 1.2承包商是指其標(biāo)書 人,但除非雇主同意, 稱)?!?means any person named in the Contract as a Subcontractor for1.3 “Subcontractor a part of the Works or any person to whom a part of the works has been subcontracted with the consent of the engineer and the legal successors in title to such perso

6、n, but not any assignee of any such person.1.3“分包商”是指本合同中指定作為分包工程某一部分的分包商的任何當(dāng)事人, 由工程師同意已將工程的某一部分分包給他的任何當(dāng)事人以及取得該當(dāng)事人資 格的合法繼承人,但不指此當(dāng)事人的任何受讓人。1.4 “Engineer ” means the person appointed by the employer to act asinEeenrgforthe purp ose of the Con tract and n amed as such in this Con tract.1.4工程師”是指雇主為本合同目

7、的而指定作為工程師。本合同中的工程師是指 _填入名稱)。1.5 “ EngineerRepresentative ” means a person appointed from time to time by the engin eer un der clause工程師代表”是指工程師根據(jù)9.2條款隨時(shí)指定的人員。1.6 “ Con tract ” mea ns this Con tract, the Sp ecificati on, the Drawi ngs, the Bill of Quan tities, the Ten der, the Letter of Acce

8、ptan ce, the Con tract Agreeme nt (if comp leted) and such further documentss may beex pressly incor po ratein the Letter of Acce ptance or the Con tract Agreeme nt (if comp leted).1.6合同”是指合同,規(guī)范,圖紙,工程量表,投標(biāo)書,中標(biāo)函,合同協(xié)議書以及 其他明確列入中標(biāo)函或合同協(xié)議書(如已完成)中的此類 進(jìn)一步的文件。1.7 “ Specification” mthanSpecification of the W

9、orks included in the Contractand modificatio n thereof or additi on thereto made un der Clause 95 or submitted by the Con tractor and appro ved by the engin eer.1.7”規(guī)范 是指合同中包括的工程規(guī)范,以及根據(jù)第95條規(guī)定的或由承包商提出 并經(jīng)工程師批準(zhǔn)的對規(guī)范的任何修改或增補(bǔ)。1.8 “ Drawi ngs” mea ns all draw in gs, calculatio ns and tech ni cal in formati

10、o n of a like nature p rovided by the engin eer to the con tractor un der the con tract and alldraw in gs, calculatio ns, sampi es, p atter ns, models, op erati on and maintenance manu als and other tech ni cal in formatio n of a like n ature submitted by the con tractor and appro ved by the engin e

11、er.tech ni cal in formatio n of a like n ature 類似性質(zhì)的技術(shù)資料0 0 0 0 submitted by A and approved by B 由 A提供并經(jīng) B 同意1.8圖紙是指工程師根據(jù)合同向承包商提供的所有圖紙,計(jì)算書和類似性質(zhì)的技術(shù)資料,以及由承包商提供并經(jīng)工程師批準(zhǔn)的所有圖紙,計(jì)算書,樣品,圖樣, 模型,操作和維修手冊以及類似性質(zhì)的技術(shù)資料。1.9 “ Bill of Quantities” means the priced and completed bill of quantities forming ofthe ten der

12、.1.9工程量表是指構(gòu)成投標(biāo)書一部分的已標(biāo)價(jià)的以及完成的工程量表。the Priced bill of quantities forming of the tender 構(gòu)成投標(biāo)書的已標(biāo)價(jià)的1.10 “ Ten der ” means the con tractor s p riced offer to the empio yer for the executio n and comp leti on of the works and the remedy ing of any defects therein Article 26con tract agreeme nt.1.10 “投標(biāo)書”是

13、指承包商根據(jù)合同的各項(xiàng)規(guī)定,為工程的實(shí)施,完成和任何缺陷的修補(bǔ),向雇主提出并為中標(biāo)函接受的報(bào)價(jià)書。for the executi on and compi eti on of the works and the remedy ing of any defects為工程的實(shí)施,完成和任何缺陷的修補(bǔ)1.1 Letter of Acce ptance mea ns the formal acce ptance by the engin eer of the ten der.1.1中標(biāo)函是指雇主對投標(biāo)書的正式書面接受。1.12 “ Con tract Agreeme nt ” means the co

14、n tract agreeme nt (if araferred to inClause 26.1.12合同協(xié)議書是指本合同第26條所訴的合同協(xié)議書。1.13 “ Appen dix to Ten der” means the con tract agreeme nt fanye d to inClause 16.1.13 投標(biāo)書附件是指本合同第 16 條所訴的合同協(xié)議書。總結(jié):referred to in Clause XX本合同第XX條所訴的。1.14 “CommencemenDt ate” means the date upon which the contractor receives

15、 the including plant in notice to commence issued by the engineer pursuant to clause 74.1.14 開工日期是指承包商接到工程師根據(jù)本合同第74條發(fā)出開工通知書的日期。1.15 “ Time for Completion” means thfeorticmoempleting the execution of andpassing the Tests on Completiofnthe Works or any Sectionor part thereof as stated in the Contracct

16、alculated from the Commencement Da.te1.15 竣工時(shí)間是指 合同規(guī)定 從工程開工日期算起 到工程或任何部分或區(qū)段 施工 結(jié)束并且 通過竣工檢驗(yàn) 的時(shí)間。1.16 ”eTst on Completion“ means the tests specified in the Contract or otherwise agreed by the Engineer and the Contractor which are to bemade by the Contractor before the Works or any section or part ther

17、eof are taken by the Employer.1.16 or otherwise agreed by the engineer and the contractor 或由工程師與承包商 另行商定的??⒐z驗(yàn)是指合同規(guī)定的或由工程師與承包商另行商定的檢驗(yàn), 這些檢驗(yàn)是由承 包商在雇主對工程或其任何部分或區(qū)段接收之前 進(jìn)行的。Which are to be翻譯的時(shí)候要注意,處理成”這些檢驗(yàn)“the Works or any section or part thereof 工程或其任何部分或區(qū)段 before the Works or any section or part there

18、of are taken by the Employer. conj.在 之前;在以前1.17 “ Taking-over Certificate” means a certificate issued pursuant to Clause 81.1.17 移交證書是指根據(jù)第 81 條頒發(fā)的證書。1.18 “ Contract Price ” means the sum stated in the ALectcterptoafnce as payable to the contractor for the execution and completion of the works and th

19、e remedying of any defects therein accordance with the provisions of the Contract.1.18 合同價(jià)格是指中標(biāo)函中寫明的按照合同規(guī)定,為了工程的實(shí)施,完成及其 任何缺陷的修補(bǔ)應(yīng)付給承包商的金額。1.19 “ Retention Money ” nms ethae aggregate of all monies retained by the Employer pursuant to Clause 92.2(a).1.19保留金是指雇主根據(jù)第92.2 (a)規(guī)定留存的所有金額的總和。1.20 “ Works” mea

20、ns the Permanent Works and the Temporary Worekisthoerr of them as appropriate.1.20 工程是指永久工程和臨時(shí)工程或 視情況為二者之一 。1.21 “ Permanent Works ” metahnespermanent works to be executecdoncluding plant in accordance with the contract.1.21 永久工程是指根據(jù)合同 將實(shí)施建造的永久工程 包括工程設(shè)備。1.22 “ Temporary Works ” means all temporary w

21、orks of every kind (other than Contractor s Equipmreenqt)uired in or aboutthe execution and completion of the works and remedying of any defects therein.1.22 臨時(shí)工程是指在工程實(shí)施,完成和修補(bǔ)其任何缺陷時(shí) 需要的或有關(guān)的 所有 各種臨時(shí)工程,但承包商的設(shè)備除外。1.23 “ Plant ” means machinery, apparatus and theinlitkeended to form or formingpart of the Permanent Works.1.23工程設(shè)備是指預(yù)定構(gòu)成或構(gòu)成永久工程一部分的機(jī)械,儀器以及類似設(shè)備。1.24 “ Con tractor Equipment” means all app


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