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1、資料來源:來自本人網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理!祝您工作順利!2021年臺灣日月潭導(dǎo)游詞3篇 日月潭位于中國臺灣地區(qū)阿里山以北、能高山之南的南投縣魚池鄉(xiāng)水社村,舊稱水沙連、龍湖、水社大湖、珠潭、雙潭,亦名水里社。本文是臺灣日月潭的導(dǎo)游詞,僅供參考。 臺灣日月潭導(dǎo)游詞一: 舊稱水沙連,又名水社里,位于阿里山以北、能高山之南的南投縣魚池鄉(xiāng)水社村。是臺灣最大的自然淡水湖泊,堪稱明珠之冠。在清朝時即被選為臺灣八大景之一,有"海外別一洞天'之稱。區(qū)內(nèi)依特色規(guī)劃有六處主題公園,包括景觀、自然、孔雀及蝴蝶、水鳥、宗教等六個主題公園,還有八個特別景點,以及水社、德化社兩大效勞區(qū)。 日月潭由玉山和阿里山漳的斷裂盆

2、地積水而成。環(huán)潭周長35公里,平均水深30米,水域面積達(dá)900多公頃,比杭州西湖大三分之一左右。日月潭中有一小島,遠(yuǎn)望好象浮在水面上的一顆珠子,名"珠子嶼'??箲?zhàn)成功后,為慶賀臺灣光復(fù),把它改名為"光華島'。島的東北面湖水形圓如日,稱日潭,西南面湖水形觚如月,稱月潭,統(tǒng)稱日月潭。 日月潭之美,在于它環(huán)湖皆山,重巒迭峰,郁郁蒼蒼;湖面寬闊,程度如鏡,潭水湛藍(lán);湖中有島,水中有山;波光嵐影;一年四季,晨昏風(fēng)光,各有不同。在風(fēng)和日麗的春天,翠山環(huán)繞,堤岸曲致,山水交映,改變多端,當(dāng)晨曦初上時,萬籟俱寂,湖水放射出綺麗的顏色,倏忽變易,神奇莫測;每逢夕陽西下,日月潭

3、畔霞四起,輕紗般的薄霧在湖面上漂浮盤旋;假設(shè)遇細(xì)雨蒙蒙。四周山巒如同經(jīng)地沖洗,顯得非常清凈,山光水色,更是碧綠得得意;尤其是秋季的夜晚,明月照潭,清光滿湖,碧波素月一起交相輝映,安靜優(yōu)雅,置身其間,如臨仙境。清人曾作霖曾用"山中有水水中山,山自凌空水自閑'的詩句來贊美日月潭這"青山擁碧波,明潭抱綠珠'的漂亮景觀。游人常把它與西湖相比,畢竟誰美?其實,祖國山河,何處不美!日月潭不僅是臺灣人的民傲慢,大陸同胞亦為它那"萬山叢中突現(xiàn)明潭'的奇景而驕傲。 日月潭湖中風(fēng)光旖旎,風(fēng)光如畫。湖畔的山麓上還建有很多亭臺樓閣,是欣賞湖光山色的極好場所。四周秀

4、美的自然景致中點綴著寺廟古塔,更顯得感想幽雅。其中最引人的是潭南青龍山麓的玄奘寺和潭北山腰的文武廟。山麓建有玄奘寺,供奉唐代高僧玄奘法師,寺中懸有"民族法師'匾額一方。寺前有一座白色柱子的門樓,畫棟雕梁的樓頂,飛檐挑角,富有民族特色。寺中三樓有一小塔,供奉著玄奘法師的頭頂靈骨。寺后的青龍山巔,幾年前建了一座九層高塔,名曰"慈恩塔'。塔仿遼宋古塔式樣,為八角寶塔,每層檐尾垂掛小鐘,迎風(fēng)叮當(dāng)作響,登塔遠(yuǎn)眺,明潭風(fēng)光,盡收眼底。有人說,在天高云淡時,于塔頂可望見西子湖畔六和塔的塔尖,雖近似神話,卻反映了人們對祖國大陸的憧憬之情。 文武廟中間是孔子像,左右是文昌帝群

5、和關(guān)羽神像,廟中還祭祀神農(nóng)大帝、岳王、玉皇大帝、元始天尊、三官大帝、城隍、海龍王等,可謂集神圣之大成,廟宇建筑非常華美,從湖邊山腳到廟門,共有陡峭石階365級,有人戲稱要走過"一年'才能到達(dá),謂之"登天路'。 日月潭附近的德化社,是高山族聚居的村落,現(xiàn)已建為山地文化村,山胞歌舞翩翩,尤以表現(xiàn)春米的"杵舞'吸引著眾多游客。日月潭西邊,是一座特別的孔雀園林,養(yǎng)有數(shù)十對孔雀,每見艷裝游人便競相開屏,羽羽五彩繽紛,光榮耀目,更添游人光致。 如今,環(huán)湖而游,至西北岸山腳,遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)就可聽見水流怒吼如雷鳴,原來就是日月潭水源的入水口。這是從濁水溪上游通過18

6、公里長的大隧道引來的水,入水口噴出的水花,高達(dá)四五米至七八米,勢假設(shè)蛟龍吐水,湍激排空。使日月潭有了源源不斷充分的水源,如今潭邊修堤筑壩,湖面更加寬闊,成為一個水力發(fā)電站的蓄水池。雖然潭邊低地被水吞沒,月潭樣子變得像一片楓葉,日月潭名稱已名不副實,但其水光山色依舊布滿詩情畫意,不愧為臺灣秀麗風(fēng)景的突出代表。 臺灣日月潭導(dǎo)游詞二: 大家好,我叫黃欣,很榮幸能當(dāng)大家的向?qū)В瑸榇蠹抑v解。今日,我們的目的地是臺灣漂亮的日月潭。 日月潭位于臺灣西部的南投縣,是臺灣省最大的自然湖泊,臥伏在玉山和阿里山之間的山頭上。湖岸周長35千米,面積7.7平方千米,水深二三十米,水深超過西湖10多倍。臺灣省自然泊很少,

7、最大和最出名的就是日月潭。它水域面積9平方公里,平常水深30多米。日月潭中有一個小島,遠(yuǎn)看似乎浮在水面上的一顆珠子,所以這個小島被叫做"珠子嶼',如今也叫光華島、拉魯島。以這個島為界,湖的北半局部圓圓的像太陽,湖的南半局部彎彎的像月牙,這就是日月潭名字的由來。 關(guān)于日月潭的名字,還有一個漂亮的傳奇哩。話說很久以前,這個大潭里住著兩條惡龍,有一天太陽走過天空,公龍飛躍起來,一口將太陽吞食下肚。晚上月亮走過天空,母龍也飛躍起來,一口將月亮吞下。這對惡龍在潭里游來游去,把太陽和月亮一吐一吞,一碰一擊的。他們只圖自己好玩,卻沒想到人世間沒有了太陽和月亮。當(dāng)?shù)匾粚η嗄昴信?,聰慧英勇的?/p>

8、尖哥和水花姐,決心為人世間找回太陽和月亮。 他們跋山涉水,歷盡艱險,最終來到阿里山下,找到了惡龍們可怕的金斧頭和金剪刀。然后他們又回到大潭邊,與惡龍惡戰(zhàn)了一場,兩條惡龍最終死了,可是太陽和月亮還是沉在潭里。大尖哥摘下公龍的眼珠,一口吞下肚;水花姐摘下母龍的眼珠,也一口吞下肚。他們變成了巨人,站在潭里像兩座高山,大尖哥用勁把太陽拋起來,水花姐就拔起潭邊的棕櫚樹向上托著太陽,把太陽頂上天空。接著水花姐用勁把月亮拋上了天空,大尖哥也用棕櫚樹把月亮頂上天空。太陽和月亮又高掛在天上,光耀大地,萬物復(fù)蘇,人們歡呼雀躍。而大尖哥和水花姐從今變成了兩座宏偉的大山,永久矗立在潭邊。后來,人們就把這個大潭叫做日月

9、潭,把這兩座大山叫做大尖山和水花山。 好了,我的講解到此完畢,接下來的時間里,游客們可以自己到日月潭去觀光巡游,九點整準(zhǔn)時在此地集中,并且盼望大家能愛護(hù)好環(huán)境,當(dāng)一個文明旅客。最終,盼望大家能玩得快樂! 臺灣日月潭導(dǎo)游詞三: taiwan lies like a leaf in the southeast of asia. it is a rare tropical(熱帶的)mountain-island in the world, two thirds of which is covered with high mountain ranges. the most famous of the

10、mountains, ali mountain, is the symbol of charming taiwan. located in the subtropical ocean, taiwan offers tourists comfortable weather and has no winter all the year round. with the pleasant climate, taiwan can sustain vast biology resources. it is worth to visit taiwan for its natural sights, such

11、 as the high and steep mountains and the dense atmosphere of seashore holidays. in addition, taiwan has many wonderful man-made tourist recourses, such as the famed matsu temple and taipei national palace museum. overlooked from fujian province, taiwan is neighbored by japan in the north and philipp

12、ines in the south. unsurprisingly, the island has become a hub(輪轉(zhuǎn)) for travel between places in asia and is one of the tourist destinations with the most convenient transportation in the world. concurrently(同時) home to different groups mainly from the southern fujian province, hakka and the local pe

13、ople, taiwan also features various colorful human cultures. you will detect the harmonious(和諧的調(diào)和的)atmosphere in taiwans religions, architectures, languages and dining. tourists should take special care not to miss the dainty(美味的) dishes here - in fact, taiwan is dubbed the kingdom of delicacies by g

14、ourmets. during the past decades, taiwans economy emerged as a miracle(奇跡), thus making it possible to provide complete and high-quality tourist services and facilities. the beautiful island will offer you an appealing trip that you will find it hard to tear yourself away from 臺北故宮博物館taipei palace m

15、useum the taipei palace museum and the famous forbidden city in beijing are derived from the same institution, which was split into two as a result of the chinese civil war. the splendid architecture of the structure is modeled on the forbidden city in beijing and incorporates elements of traditiona

16、l chinese royal design in feudal society. the museum itself has four floors. the first, second and third floors are used for exhibitions, while the fourth floor is a lounge where visitors can rest. the taipei palace museum houses large collection of priceless chinese artifacts and artwork, including

17、 ancient bronze castings, calligraphy, scroll paintings, porcelain, jade, and rare books, many of which were possessions of the former imperial family. the full collection, which consists of some 650,000 pieces, spans many dynasties. each exhibit, however, puts on display only about 1,700 pieces at

18、a time. at this rate, assuming a duration of three months for each exhibit, it will take 100 years to cycle through the entire collection! on the left side of the museum hall is chih-shan garden, which showcases many of the elements of traditional chinese gardening art. inside the garden, pavilions,

19、 little bridges, flowing water, winding paths and green trees combine to create an atmosphere of simplicity and serenity. on the right side of the museum hall is chih-te garden. strolling through it, you will marvel at the beauty of the pavilions, bridges and ponds that grace this garden, especially

20、 in autumn, when the cool wind carries the fragrance of the lotus and sweet-scented osmanthus. 臺灣日月潭英文導(dǎo)游詞sun moon lake sun moon lake is surrounded by mount shuishe and mount dajian. the lake covers an area of 7.7 square kilometers and has an average water depth of 40 meters. the lake is divided into

21、 northern and southern sections by an island called guanghua. the lake gets its name because the northern section resembles a rhombus-shaped sun while the southern section looks like a crescent-shaped moon. according to legend, a white deer contributed to the discovery of the lake. three hundred yea

22、rs ago, a group of peasants were hunting when they discovered a large white deer running to the northwest. they followed this amazing creature for three days and nights, but it finally disappeared in the forest. on the fourth day, after they had moved through the forest, they came upon an impressive

23、 vista. they saw rolling verdant mountains and a shimmering lake shining brightly under the sun. a small round island covered with trees divided the lake into two parts. one part was like the sun and the other part was like the moon, so they called it sun moon lake. originally called shui shalian an

24、d long lake, the sun moon is the largest natural lake in taiwan. the climate in this area is quite temperate with the highest summer temperature being less than 22c (71.6f) and the lowest winter temperature bottoming out at 15c (59f). with such a pleasant climate, it is a top choice as a summer reso

25、rt. besides the cool weather, visitors are drawn by the magnificent scenery. the beauty of the lake lies in its tranquil crystal water that clearly reflects the surrounding mountains. rain or shine, winter or summer, the lake offers visitors a plethora of picturesque sights. if the scenery of the lake were a wall calendar amazing and breathtak


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