



1、Java 練習題、運行程序寫結果1.當在命令提示符后輸入 ”ava SumT est 4 5 ”之后,下列程序的輸出結果為:public class SumTestpublic static void main( Stri ng args)int a, b, sum;a=ln teger.parse In t(argsO);b=ln teger.parse In t(args1);sum=a+b;System.out.pri ntln(a + + + b + = + sum);2.當在命令提示符后輸入”ava PrintStar 8 ”之后,下列程序的輸出結果為:public class Pr

2、in tStar public static void main(String args) int n = In teger.parse In t(args0);int i;for( i=1; i=n; i+) System.out.pri nt(*);System.out.pri ntl n();3.當在命令提示符后輸入 java CalculateTest 5.5 之后,下列程序的輸出結果為:public class CalculateTestpublic static void main(String args) float x,y;x = Float.parseFloat(args0)

3、; if(x1)y = x;else if(1=x&x10)y = 2*x-1;2elsey = 3*x-11;System.out.pri ntl n( y);4.當在命令提示符后輸入” java Factorial 3”之后,下列程序的輸出結果為:public class Factorial3 public static void main( Stri ng args) int num = In teger.parse In t(args0);int result = 1;if(nu m1)System.out.pri ntl n(” 應輸入大于 1 的整數!); elseint

4、i;for( i=1; i=num; i+)result = result*i;System.out.pri ntln (結果是:+result);5._下歹 y 程序的輸出結果為:_public class Xpublic static void main( Stri ng args)String names=new String5;for(i nt x=0;xargsen gth;x+)n amesx=argsx;System.out.pri ntln(n ames2);6._下歹 u 程序的輸出結果為:public class Testpublic static void main(St

5、ring args) System.out.pri nt ( 3.5+1/2+56%10+);System.out.pri nt ( 3.5+1.0/2+56%10+);int a = 4%3*7+1;3System.out.pri ntln( a );7. 下歹 y 程序的輸出結果為:_public class A1 public static void main(String args) int a= new int 5;a0=1;a1=2;a2=3;a3=4;a4=5;System.out.print(a+0+ = +a0+);System.out.pri nt(a+1+ = +a1+)

6、;System.out.pri ntl n( a+2+ = +a2+);System.out.pri nt(a+3+ = +a3+);System.out.pri nt(a+4+ = +a4);8. 下歹 y 程序的輸出結果為: _public class array1D_1 public static void main(String args) int i;int a;a = new in t5;for(i=0;i=O;i_)System.out.print(“ a “ +i + ”= t + i +”,9. 運行結果是:_public class Test1 Stri ng str =

7、new Stri ng(Hi !);char ch = L, i, k, e ;public static void main(String args) Test1 ex = new Test1();System. out .print(ex.str + );System. out .print(;10._運行結果是:public class Test3 4public static void main( Stri ng args) int i;for (i = 3; i = 20; i +) if (i % 2) = 0)System. out .print(i + );11._

8、 運行結果是:public class Test4 public static void main(String args) int i,sum=0;for (i = 3; i = 20; i +)if (i % 2) = 0) sum=sum+i;System. out.print(i=+i+,sum=+sum);12._ 運行結果是:public class Test5 public static void main(String args) int i,sum=0;for (i = 1; i = 100; i +) if (i % 2) = 1) sum=sum+i;System.out

9、.pri ntln( sum);13.運行結果是class Test6 public static void main( Stri ng args) int i;5for(i=0;i10;i+)System.out.pri nt(i+);if (i%2!=0) continue;System.out.pri ntln(” );14、運行結果是: public class Test14 public static void main(String args) int n = 1, m, j, i;for (i = 3; i = 30; i += 2) m = (int) Math.sqrt(do

10、uble) i);for (j = 2; j = m + 1) System.out.pri nt(i + );if (n % 5 = 0)System.out.pri nt(n);n+;15. 下歹 y 程序的輸出結果為: _public class Testi public static void main(String args) int y, x=1, total=0;while(x=10) y=x*x;System.out.pri nt(y+);total+=y;+x;System.out.pri nt(total is +total);616. 下歹 y 程序的輸出結果為: _pu

11、blic class WhileExamplepublic static void main(String args)String copyFromMe=Copy every letter un til you encoun ter u.;Stri ngBufer copyToMe=new Stri ngBuffer();/ 創(chuàng)建一個空的串變量int i=0;char c=copyFromMe.charAt(i);while(c!=u) copyToMe.appe nd(c);c=copyFromMe.charAt(+i); System.out.pri ntl n( copyToMe);17

12、. 下歹 y 程序的輸出結果為: _public class BreakExamplepublic static void main(String args)in t array=32,87,3,589,12,1076,2000,8,622;int search = 1076, i=0, j=0;boolea n foun dIt = false;for (i=0; i3; i+) for (j=0; j3; j+)if (arrayij = search) foun dIt = true; break; / 跳出內層循環(huán)if(foundlt) break; / 跳出外層循環(huán)if(fou nd

13、lt)System.out.println(Found + search + at i = + i +, j = + j); elseSystem.out.println(search + is not in the array);18. 下歹 y 程序的輸出結果為: _public class SumDemo2 public static void main( Stri ng args) int sum = 0, i = 0;doif(i%2=0)sum = sum+i;i+;while(i=20);System.out.pri ntl n(其最終和是:+sum);719. 下歹 u 程序的

14、輸出結果為:_public class AddTest public static void main(String args) int nu m1, nu m2;num1 = 10;num2 = 20;System.out.pri ntln(n um1 + + + num2 + = + add( num1, num2); static int add(i nt op1,i nt op2)retur n op1+op2;20._ 下歹 y 程序的輸出結果為: _ class gen eralFunctionpublic static int add(int x,int y) return x+

15、y; 靜態(tài)方法public class StaticF un Testpublic static void main(String args)int c=ge neral Function. add(7, 8);System.out.pri nt(7 + 8 = + c+“,“);gen eralF unction fun=new generalF un cti on();int d= fun.add(5, 8);System.out.pri ntln(5 + 8 = + d);21. 下歹 y 程序的輸出結果為 _class Boxint len gth,width,height;publi

16、c void set In fo(i nt l,i nt w,i nt h)len gth = l;width = w;height = h;public int volu mn()retur n len gth*width*height;public int area()return (le ngth*width + len gth*height + width*height) * 2;8public Stri ng toStri ng()return Le ngth: + len gth + width: + width + height: + height+ volum n: + vol

17、u mn() + area: + area();public class BoxTest public static void main(String args) Box b = new Box();b.setl nfo(5,2,4);System.out.pri ntl n( b.toStri ng();22. 下歹 y 程序的輸出結果為: _public class ExampleString str=new Strin g(good);charch=a,b,c;public static void main(String args)Example ex=new Example。;ex.c

18、ha nge(ex.str,;9System.out.pri nt(ex.str+ and ”);System.out.pri nt(;public void change(String str,char ch)str=test ok;ch0=g:23. 下歹 y 程序的輸出結果為: _arrayParam1.java以數組為參數的方法調用public class arrayParam1public static void mai n(Stri ng args )int a = 8, 3, 7, 88, 9, 23;LeastNumb MinNu mber= new L

19、eastNumb();MinNu mber.least(a);class LeastNumbpublic void least(i nt array )int temp = array0;for(i nt i=0;iarrayi) temp = arrayi;System.out.println(” 最小的數為:+ temp);24. 運行結果是:(B6)(p50 例 4.11)import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; class MemberVar static int sn = 30; final int fn; final int fk = 40;

20、 MemberVar() 10fn = + sn;public class TestIO exte nds Applet public void pain t(Graphics g) MemberVar obj1 = new MemberVar();MemberVar obj2 = new MemberVar();g.drawString(obj1.fn= + obj1.fn, 20, 30);g.drawStri ng( +, 20, 50);g.drawStri ng(obj2.fn= + obj2.fn, 20, 70);g.drawStri ng(obj

21、 +, 20, 90);25. 下歹 y 程序的輸出結果為: _class Astatic int y=3;void showy( )System.out.pri ntln (y=+y); class testApublic static void main(String aaa) A a1= new A();A.y+=1;a1.y+;a1.showy();26. 運行結果是:_public class Test9 static boolea n foo(char c) System.out.pri nt(c);return true;public static vo

22、id main( String argv ) int i =0;for ( foo(B); foo(A)&(i2); foo(C)i+ ;11foo(D);27._運行結果是:import*;public class Test2public staticvoid main( Stri ng args) Sub sb = new Sub();System.out.pri ntln( sb.method( );class Fatherint a=3 , b=2 ;int method() return a-b; class Subexte ndsFatherint met

23、hod2( ) return a+b; 28._下歹 y 程序的輸出結果為 _class Aclassvoid go()System.out.pri ntl n( Aclass);public class Bclass exte nds Aclassvoid go()System.out.pri ntl n( Bclass);public static void main(String args) Aclass a=new Aclass(); Aclass a1= newBclass();12a.go();a1.go();29. 下歹 u 程序的輸出結果為:_class Ball privat

24、e double r;public void setR(double x)r = x;public double getR()return r;class Billiards exte nds Ballprivate String color;public void setCol(Stri ng col)color = col;public void show()System.out.println(” 臺球的顏色是+color+,半徑是+getR();public class Demopublic static void main(String args)Ball b1 = new Ball

25、();b1.setR(10);System.out.println(” 球的半徑是+b1.getR();Billiards b2 = new Billiards();b2.setR(5);b2.setCol(藍色);;30. 運行結果是:public class Test12 exte nds TTpublic static void main(String args) 13Test12 t = new Test12 (Tom);public Test12(Stri ng s)super(s);System.out.pri ntln (How do you do?);publ

26、ic Test12()this(I am Tom);class TTpublic TT()System.out.pri ntln (What a pleasure!);public TT(Stri ng s)this();System.out.println(I am +s);31.運行結果是: public class Test13 exte nds TTpublic static void main(String args) Test13 t = new Test13 ();public Test13(Stri ng s)super(s);System.out.pri ntln( How

27、do you do?);public Test13()this(I am Tom);class TT14public TT()System.out.pri ntln (What a pleasure!);public TT(Stri ng s)this();System.out.println(I am +s);32. 下列程序的輸出結果為 :_in terface IShapepublic double area();class square impleme nts IShapedouble len gth ;public square(double l)len gth = l;public

28、 double area()retur n len gth*le ngth;public class Test public static void main(String args) square s = new square(5);System.out.pri ntl n( s.area();33. 運行結果是:_class Test11class Dog private String name;private int age;public int step;Dog(Stri ng s, i nt a) n ame = s;age = a;step = 0;public void run

29、(Dog fast) 15fast.step+;public static void main(String args) Test11 a = new Test11();Dog d = a. new Dog(Kate, 5);d.step = 35; n(d);System. out .println( + d.step);34._運行結果是:public class Test15 private static int count;private String name;public class Stude nt private int count;private String nam

30、e;public void Output(i nt count) coun t+; un t+; un t+; un t+;System.out.pri ntl n(count + + unt + +Test15.cou nt + + Test15.this.cou nt);public Student aStu() return new Stude nt();public static void main(String args) Test15 g3 = new Test15();g3.cou nt = 10;Tes

31、t9.Stude nt s1 = g3.aStu();16s1.0utput(5);35. 下歹 y 程序的輸出結果為: _public class Q1public static void main(String args)trythrow new MyExceptio n();catch(Excepti on e)System.out.println(It s caught! ” );Fi nallySystem.out.pri ntl n(It s fin ally caught! ” );class MyExcepti on exte nds Excepti on36. 運行結果是:p

32、ublic class Test10 public static void aMethod() throws Excepti on trythrow new Excepti on();catch(Excepti on e)System.out.pri ntln (exceptio nOOO);fin allySystem.out.pri ntln (fi nally111);public static void main(String args)tryaMethod();catch(Excepti on e)17System.out.pri ntl n(exceptio n);System.o

33、ut.pri ntln (fi ni shed);37. 運行結果是:public class Test10 public static void aMethod() throws Excepti on trythrow new Excepti on();fin allySystem.out.pri ntln (fi nally111);public static void main(String args)tryaMethod();catch(Excepti on e)System.out.pri ntl n(excepti on);System.out.pri ntln (fi ni sh

34、ed);38. 運行結果是:public class Test10 public static void aMethod() throws Excepti on trythrow new Excepti on();18catch(Excepti on e)System.out.pri ntln (exceptio nOOO);public static void main(String args)tryaMethod();catch(Excepti on e)System.out.pri ntl n(exceptio n); System.out.pri ntln (fi ni shed);39._運行結果是:public class Test1 public static String output =;public static void foo(i nt i)tryif(i=1)throw new Exception(); output += 1


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