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1、高校教師資格證試講教案 篇一:高校教師資格證試講-英語 高校教師資格證 (教案) 申請人: 申請科目:英語 工作單位: 身份證號: Teaching Plan Teacher: Target Audiences: second-year college students of non-English major Material Selection:from New Standard College English, Text A, Unit 1, Book 4 1. To promote the students to know the individual examples of job

2、searching and problems after graduation. This unit is intended to provide some effective suggestions of finding a job for the undergraduates. After learning it, students are expected to understand the present employment condition and make necessary preparations for their future job hunting in advanc

3、e. 2. Scan the text and understand the structure and useful expressions. 1st period: careful explanation of words and expressions 2nd period: understanding the text 3rd period: post-exercises and extensive exercises Knowledge objects To study the usage of new words and phrases. To make the Ss know h

4、ow to understand the word meaning from the aspects of the text context. To finish some exercises. Ability objects To develop the Ss abilities of speaking, reading and writing. Focus on ability of speaking. Key point: how the parents should do when helping their sons or daughters find a job. Difficul

5、t points: 1. usage of new words and expressions; 2. organizing a talk about the experiences of finding jobs by their own words. 1. Students centered approach 2. Group discussion Teaching procedures the social background in the year of 2021 to 2021 In 2021-2021, because of the global financial crisis

6、 and the recession, many employers were reducing their workforce. So for the graduates in that period, finding a job became harder and harder. After their final exams, some students rested in the summer before looking for jobs and then they found that it was difficult to find a job in their field or

7、 at the level they wanted. The passage addresses the problems of such new graduates who might be stuck at home and advises their parents to support their children. The passage also recommends finding jobs in a bar or supermarket than sitting unemployed at home is a good choice. Moreover, maybe this

8、is more likely to lead to better employment later. Key question: What is the effective way to find a good job as a new graduate according to the passage Analysis: 1. fork out: to spend money on something especially when you do not want to /pay for e.g. They had to fork out $100 to get the car repair

9、ed. 2. odd: not regular or fixed/occasional e.g. I take the odd bit of exercise, but nothing regular. 3. galvanize: shock sb into action. e.g. the managers arrival galvanized the workers into action. 4. fraught: full of (worry and anxiety) e.g. Their marriage has been fraught with problems. There is

10、 no need to look so franght. 5. revert: go back to something or doing something e.g. After a few weeks, everything reverted to the normal. He reverted to smoking under stress. 6. proceed: continue to do something e.g. work is proceeding according to the plan. Dont let me stop you, proceed with your

11、work. Contrastprecede: happen or exist before something else/to go somewhere before sb else e.g. This is a type of cloud that precedes rain. The guard preceded them down the corridor. 7. slump: to lean against because not strong enough to stand e.g. Tom slumped against the wall, defeated. decrease s

12、uddenly e.g. Sales slumped by 20% last year because of financial crisis.bend forward e.g. Her shoulders slumped and her eyes filled with tears. 8. look on: a) watching something happen without taking part in b) to consider sb. or sth. in a particular way e.g. Nobody tried to help the old lady, they

13、all looked on in silence. I look on him as a good friend. Intensive reading (interpretation of the text): 1. Those memories of forking out thousands of pounds a year, so that he could eat well and go to the odd party, began to fade. Until now. Meaning: parents were proud on seeing their son graduate

14、. But now they were thinking of the money they paid for his study and occasional social event because he could not find a job. 2. This former scion of Generation Y has morphed overnight into a member of Generation Grunt. Meaning: The distinguished son of Generation X(the parents generation who worke

15、d hard, got jobs, and had good careers and expected their son to do the same) had changed into a member of Generation Grunt-he doesnt seem to communicate much, lies around and doesnt get a job, or can only do a low-status routine job. 3. I passed the exams, but at the interviews they accused me of b

16、eing too detached and talking in language that was too technocratic, which I didnt think possible, but obviously it is. Meaning: Jack passed the entrance exams for a government post, but he was criticized in the interviews. They said he was not personally involved and used the language of a technica

17、l expert or high authority. As a new graduate he probably wanted to show his expertise so he can not understand this criticism. 4. For the rest it is 9-to-5 “chilling” before heading to the pub Meaning: the rest of my friends do not have a routine low-status job (like stacking goods on a supermarket

18、 shelf) and chill out(relax) all day and go to pub for a drink in the evening. 5. I went to a comprehensive and I worked my backside off to go to a good university Meaning: Jack went to a school for students of all levels, so he had to work very hard to enter a good university. 6.Carry on life as no

19、rmal and dont allow them to abuse your bank account or sap your reserves of emotional energy. Meaning: the advice from Gael Lindenfield here is that parents should live as usual; they should neither let their children spend their money unnecessarily, nor let the problem use up all their energy and e

20、motions. 7. After that the son or daughter needs to be nudged firmly back into the saddle. Meaning: the parents should push their children firmly so that they get back into control of their lives (continue to find a job) Text Structure: Part I (paragraph 1,2,3): This part tells us the social situati

21、on and employment stress the new graduates confront. Part II (paragraph 4-9): This part shows us the job-hunting experiences of Jack and his parents attitude toward him when he could not find a job Part III (paragraph 10-16): This part tells us how the parents should do when helping their children f

22、ind jobs and how the graduates should do when they cant find a good job. Assignment: 1. Review the text 2. Try to finish the post-exercises 篇二:高校教師資格證試講教案 高校教師資格證試講教案 試講科目 中國哲學史 試講章節(jié) 第一編第二章第二節(jié) 章節(jié)題目 仁學思想 試 講 人 朱 銀 勉 試講日期 2021.04.26 【教學目標】 掌握孔子的仁學思想體系,正確認識孔子仁為核心禮為形式的仁禮觀。 【教學重點】 1.掌握仁的基本性質(zhì)和內(nèi)容。 2.把握仁的兩個

23、基本特點。 3.正確區(qū)分禮和仁的關(guān)系、孝悌和仁的關(guān)系。 【教學難點】 1.理解仁是一種主觀化的道德修養(yǎng),仁的德性的行為是自覺的、主動的。 2.仁為核心禮為形式的仁禮觀。 【教學過程】 課程導入: 我們知道論語是記錄孔子及其弟子言行的一部書,在論語中,“仁”字涉及五十八章,總共出現(xiàn)了109次。這說明孔子平時和他的弟子討論“仁”的頻率是非常多的,也可見孔子非常重視仁。究竟什么是仁呢?孔子為什么要提出仁的概念?仁和孔子要恢復的周禮之間的關(guān)系是怎樣的?這些都是值得我們深思的問題。讓我們帶著這些問題,開始本次課的學習。 講授新課: 孔子生活的時代是一個“禮崩樂壞”的時代,臣殺君、子殺父,局面非?;靵y,孔

24、子認為要制止這種混亂局面就必須恢復周禮的權(quán)威。所謂“周禮”就是西周統(tǒng)治者制定的一整套經(jīng)濟、政治制度和道德規(guī)范、禮節(jié)儀式。它的中心內(nèi)容就是以血緣關(guān)系為紐帶的等級制、分封制和世襲制。孔子要求復興周禮,復興的是這種周禮嗎?不是的,孔子雖然主張復興周禮,但不是完全因襲周禮,因為完全因襲已不能充分發(fā)揮周禮的作用了,所以,他對周禮有一定的補充和發(fā)展,即有所“損益”??鬃訉χ芏Y的補充和發(fā)展的一個重要方面就是提出“仁”作為禮的重要內(nèi)容,這就是孔子的仁學思想。 孔子的仁學思想是其思想體系的核心,孔子關(guān)于仁的論述相當多。論語顏淵篇有一章比較全面地論述了仁,在這一章中孔子說:“克己復禮為仁。一日克己復禮,天下歸仁焉

25、。為仁由己,而由人乎哉?”又說了行仁的具體條目:“非禮勿視,非禮勿聽,非禮勿言,非禮勿動。” 這幾句話是什么意思呢?要理解這幾句話,有幾個關(guān)鍵的字詞我們必須先了1克已復禮:克:擔當,承受。復:往來,引申為踐履。克己復禮就是克解。 制自己的過多的私欲,使自己的行為都符合禮。一日:一旦,等到。歸:興。由:靠,憑借。為仁由己:為仁全靠我們自己。理解了這幾個關(guān)鍵字詞,這幾句話的意思大家應(yīng)該就能理解了,我給大家五分鐘時間,請大家思考一下這幾句話的意思,一會兒我請幾個同學試著翻譯一下這幾句話。 (五分鐘過后,請同學們試著翻譯一下這幾句話。老師糾正翻譯不準確的地方。) 字面意思:孔子說:“約束我自己來踐行禮

26、,那就是仁了。只要一天能這樣,全天下就興仁了。為仁全靠我們自己,難道要靠別人嗎?”實行仁的具體條目就是不合于禮的事不看,不聽,不說,不做。 深層內(nèi)涵: “克己復禮為仁。一日克己復禮,天下歸仁焉?!边@兩句話說明了仁的基本性質(zhì)和內(nèi)容,仁就是約束自己的行為使其符合禮的規(guī)范,一旦能做到這一點,全天下就會興起仁。 “為仁由己,而由人乎哉?”這句話說明仁的一個特點:求仁完全是自覺的,是由自己決定的,并不依靠他人。 “非禮勿視,非禮勿聽,非禮勿言,非禮勿動?!边@句話說明了仁的另一個基本特點,即仁是一種全德。 孔子的仁學思想散見于論語各章,僅從顏淵篇中的這一章我們還無法 把握仁的全貌,為了更好的把握仁的基本性

27、質(zhì)和內(nèi)容,以及仁的特點,必須結(jié)合其他章節(jié)來作進一步說明。 一、 仁的基本性質(zhì)和內(nèi)容約束自己的行為使其符合禮的規(guī)范。 孔子著重從政治角度理解仁,即只有恢復禮制、鞏固禮制所制定的政治秩序 的行為才能叫做仁。對于統(tǒng)治者來說,孔子認為:“能行五者于天下為仁矣。”這五者就是:“恭、寬、信、敏、惠。”“恭則不侮,寬則得眾,信則人任焉,敏則有功,惠則足以使人?!?論語陽貨) 4敏:勤快。5惠:慈恭:恭敬,禮讓。寬;寬厚。信:忠信。 惠,好處。 (給大家五分鐘時間思考這段話的含義,五分鐘后請同學們試著翻譯這段話。老師糾正翻譯不準確的地方。) 這段話的意思是:能奉行恭、寬、信、敏、惠這五個方面,就可以為仁了。恭

28、敬禮讓,就不會受到侮慢;寬厚,就能獲得眾人擁護,忠信,別人才愿意為你任用;勤快,就容易取得成就;慈惠,就能使人盡心盡力地、心甘情愿地為你效力?!?做到恭寬信敏惠這五個方面就被稱為是仁,這五個方面的品德是合格的君主應(yīng)該具有的,它既是君主的內(nèi)在品德又是駕馭人民、統(tǒng)治國家的手段,這里的仁的作用其實就是禮的作用,孔子把這種恢復禮制、鞏固禮制所制定的政治秩序的行為稱為“仁”,仁具有非常濃厚的政治性。 我們知道,周禮是建立在宗法制度“親親”的基礎(chǔ)上,所以孔子非常重視孝 悌,認為孝悌的品德是人之為人最基本的品德。 二、 實行了孝,便實現(xiàn)了仁的基本要求(孝悌和仁的關(guān)系) 孔子說“弟子入則孝,出則悌?!?(論語

29、學而) 弟子:在這里指年紀幼小的人。入:在家。出:外出學習或做事。弟:同“悌”,尊敬兄長。這句話的意思是,年輕人在家就孝敬父母,出門在外就要尊重兄長。 孔子弟子有若也說:“孝弟也者,其為仁之本與!”(論語學而)孝順父母,敬愛兄長,這兩種品德就是行仁的基礎(chǔ)。 在孔子看來,孝和忠是統(tǒng)一的,孝敬宗族長輩,就是忠于國家朝廷,實行 了孝,也就是實現(xiàn)了仁的基本要求??鬃釉谔┎姓f:“君子篤于親,則民興于仁”就是說,統(tǒng)治者能身體力行孝悌,老百姓就都具備了仁的品德,無形中就消滅了犯上作亂的現(xiàn)象。 基 礎(chǔ) 內(nèi) 容 宗法制周禮 仁 基 本 要 求 (孝悌) 仁 孝悌與仁的關(guān)系 上面我們分析了仁的基本性質(zhì)和內(nèi)容,

30、下面我們接著分析仁的兩個特點。 三、仁的特點之一:為仁由己而不由人。 孔子說:“仁遠乎哉,我欲仁,斯仁至矣?!比孰x我們很遙遠嗎?我想要仁,仁就來到了。他還說:“有能一日用其力于仁矣乎?我未見力不足者?!?論語里仁)有誰能在某一天使用他的力量于仁德呢?我沒見過力量不夠的。仁的德性的行為是自覺的,主動的,實現(xiàn)仁依靠本人的決定和努力,是每個人完全可以做到的??鬃有麚P為仁的自覺性,就是把“禮”這種外在的約制,通過“仁”的德性修養(yǎng),完全變成一種內(nèi)在的、自覺的道德規(guī)范。 所以孔子說:“人而不仁,如禮何?”一個人如果不具備仁的品德,又如何 能去實行禮呢?他又說:“禮云禮云,玉帛云乎哉?樂云樂云,鐘鼓云乎哉?

31、”沒有仁的內(nèi)涵,光有玉帛、鐘鼓等禮的形式,是不能稱作禮的。 仁是禮的內(nèi)在元素,是孔子思想體系的核心,禮則是仁的外在表現(xiàn)形式,這就是孔子的仁為核心,禮為形式的的仁禮觀。 這樣,仁成為一種主觀化的道德修養(yǎng),一種主觀的道德標準,那么人們?nèi)绾巫杂X地實現(xiàn)仁呢?孔子提出了實現(xiàn)仁的簡易方法忠恕 四、 實現(xiàn)仁的簡易方法忠恕 在里仁篇孔子說自己的一以貫之之道就是忠恕,在雍也篇中孔子說:“夫仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲達而達人。能近取譬,可謂仁之方也已?!?作為仁人,自己要想立身,就要幫助別人立身;自已想要通達,也要幫助別人通達。凡事都能從切近的生活中將心比心,推已及人,可以說是實行仁的方法啊。 在顏淵篇中,子貢問孔

32、子有沒有一句可以終身奉行的話呢?孔子說:“其恕 乎!己所不欲,勿施于人?!?論語顏淵)我們終身都要奉行一個原則,自己所不想要的任何事物,就不要加給別人。 忠恕是孔子待人的基本原則,是一個問題的兩個方面,忠是從積極的方面說,也就是孔子在雍也篇里所說的: “己欲立而立人,己欲達而達人?!弊约阂肓⑸恚鸵M心盡力地讓別人也能夠立身;自已想要通達,也要盡心盡力讓別人通達;恕是從消極的方面說,就是“己所不欲,勿施于人。”即我不愿意他人如何對待我,我也就不要這樣對待他人,這就是所謂的“恕”。 總起來說,忠恕之道就是人們常說的將心比己,推己及人。忠恕是為仁之方, 是“仁”的具體運用,也是儒家處理人際關(guān)系的

33、基本原則之一。 五、 仁者愛人(愛有差等) 實現(xiàn)了忠恕之道,也就是實現(xiàn)了對他人的愛,所以孔子也說仁就是“愛人”。這里的人是指在奴隸.中處于各種階級關(guān)系中的人,如君臣、父子、朋友,孔子是在肯定宗法關(guān)系的基礎(chǔ)上,通過忠恕之道來教育人、啟發(fā)人自覺遵守這種關(guān)系。 “君使臣以禮,臣事君以忠。”(論語八佾) 這就是說,做臣子的愿意君對他以禮相待,他就應(yīng)推己及人,自覺地“事君忠”,而君愿意臣子對他盡忠,他就應(yīng)該自覺地“使臣以禮”。 六、 仁的特點之二:仁的品德的全面性 論語中記載孔子關(guān)于仁的言論很多: 子曰:“剛毅木訥近仁“(論語八佾) 司馬牛問仁。子曰:“仁者,其言也讱。”(論語顏淵) 樊遲問仁,子曰:“

34、愛人?!保ㄕ撜Z顏淵) 子曰:“巧言令色鮮矣仁?!?(論語學而) 子張問“仁”于孔子。孔子曰:“能行五者于天下,為仁矣?!闭垎栔T唬骸肮?、寬、信、敏、惠。恭則不侮,寬則得眾,信則人任焉,敏則有功,惠則足以使人?!?論語陽貨) 樊遲問仁。子曰:“居處恭,執(zhí)事敬,與人忠。雖之夷狄,不可棄也?!?論 語子路) 以上所提德目只能在一定程度上體現(xiàn)仁的部分內(nèi)容,只有部分之和才能 顯示仁的全貌。從廣度上說,仁是一種全德,是所有德目的總稱。從高度上說,仁是一種至高的德性,是一個人生活的最高準則,很少有人做到了仁,所以孔子不輕易許人以仁。子路、冉求、公西華都是孔子的優(yōu)秀弟子,他們分別具有軍事、 篇三:高校教師資

35、格證試講教案 高校教師資格證 試講教案 試講人: 試講教材:戰(zhàn)略管理 教材出版社:高等教育出版社 工作單位: 試講時間:二一五年六月 各位領(lǐng)導、老師大家好: 我是,今天我所要講的是“企業(yè)的一般競爭戰(zhàn)略”, 這節(jié) 課是選自高等教育出版社戰(zhàn)略管理第六章的內(nèi)容。 一、 教材內(nèi)容、地位及作用 本節(jié)課的主要內(nèi)容是一般競爭戰(zhàn)略的講授,這是在學習了企業(yè)戰(zhàn) 略管理基本理論之后,開始涉及競爭戰(zhàn)略的一個關(guān)鍵步驟,也是企業(yè)在行業(yè)市場上開展競爭活動的綱領(lǐng),學好本節(jié)課的內(nèi)容有助于為后續(xù)內(nèi)容打下堅實的基礎(chǔ),對學生日后進行各種戰(zhàn)略分析與選擇有積極的指導作用。 二、 教學目標 知識目標:理解企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略的具體步驟及掌握三種基本經(jīng)營戰(zhàn)略; 能力目標:培養(yǎng)學生運用所學知識解決實際問題的能力; 情感目標:鼓勵學生積極參與課堂互動,調(diào)動學生學習的積極性和主動性。 三、 教學的重點、難點 根據(jù)教學大綱的要求,本節(jié)課的重點是一般競爭戰(zhàn)略的的定義與 形成動因,難點是區(qū)分三種基本經(jīng)營戰(zhàn)略以及使用情景。如果單從理論來講的話,可能學生不容易理解,所以可以通過引用格蘭仕、如家酒店、吉列剃須刀等案例的分析,來突出重點和突破難點,鼓勵學生積極思考并主動回答問題。 四、 教學方法 本節(jié)課采用案例法與啟發(fā)式教學,結(jié)合現(xiàn)實案例,通過在授課中 不斷設(shè)問,指導學生開動腦筋,尋找問題的答案,在學生看書,討論的基礎(chǔ)上,再


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