1、 Restructuring翻譯中的結構調整Outline nI. homework checknII. 英漢語言的詞序差異nIII. Restructuring in English-Chinese Translationn 3.1. Keeping the Original Sequencen3.2 Reversing According to Time Sequencen3.3. Adverbial Clauses in a Complex Sentencen3.4. Cases Involving Adverbialsn3.5. That- Clause Used as a Judgm
2、ent or ConclusionnIV. Restructuring in Chinese-English Translationn4.1 Different Sequences in Customary Word Combinationsn4.2 定語的位置n4.3 幾種定語后置現(xiàn)象n4.4 狀語的位置viii. Omitting synonymsn英語句子中有些短語重復出現(xiàn),或者具有相同意義的詞重復出現(xiàn),英譯漢時可按情況作適當省略。n1 ) To our knowledge, advertisement and commercials do many important things f
3、or society; they convey business information, facilitate communication and help keep the business world moving. n據我們所知,廣告在社會中起著重要的作用:傳遞商品信息,促進交流,使商界正常運作。 n2 ) The undersigned sellers and buyers have agreed to close the following transactions according to the terms and conditions stipulated below. n茲
4、經買賣雙方同意成交下列商品,特簽定如下條款。 ix. Omission of redundant words 冗詞冗詞贅語的省略贅語的省略n1 ) Part-time job hunters who have worked at a job will receive preference over those who have not. n尋找兼職,有工作經驗者優(yōu)先聘用。 n2) There was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, the grass was dead.n沒有下雪,但葉落草枯。n3) There was still t
5、he faith that ordinary men are greater than the powers of nature or the mechanisms of mans hands and will master them all in the end.n仍然具有這種信念,普通的人要比自然的力量或人類造出來的機器更偉大,而且最終會控制它們。Part IV. Omission In C-E Translation:n1. 省略表范疇的詞語n說服工作工作 persuasion 落后狀態(tài)狀態(tài) backwardnessn自滿情緒情緒 arrogance 瘋狂行為行為 madnessn緊張關
6、系關系/局勢局勢 tension 測量辦法辦法 measurementn討論的范圍范圍涉及中美關系、中俄關系。nThe discussion covers Sino-U.S. relation and Sino-Russian relation.n中國現(xiàn)時的農業(yè)生產的發(fā)展狀況狀況nThe present development of Chinas agriculturen今年上半年進口計劃的執(zhí)行情況情況也是好的。nOur import-export in the first half of his year has gone very well.2. 省譯重復詞語n1) 搞好重點重點商品、重點
7、重點市場、重點重點地區(qū)大案要案的清查。nWe should investigate key commodities, markets and areas to clear up major cases.n2) 沉默啊!沉默!不在沉默沉默中爆發(fā)就在沉默沉默中滅亡。nSilence! Silence! Unless we burst out, we shall perish in this silence.n3) 我們黨必須始終代表代表中國先進生產力的發(fā)展要求,代表代表中國先進文化的前進方向,代表代表中國最廣大人民的根本利益。nOur party must always represent the
8、 development trend of Chinas advanced productive forces, the orientation of Chinas advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of people in China.3. 省譯同義詞n異詞同義重復,又稱同義詞重復在漢語中十分普遍,尤其是四字對偶詞組,如殘酷無情、銅墻鐵壁、無獨有偶、直言無隱、橫行霸道、自言自語、字斟句酌等等。漢語語言表達中同義反復,搭床架屋的現(xiàn)象按西方思維就不符合邏輯,視為英文表達的大忌。
9、因此,漢譯英時往往省譯同義詞。n全體員工精誠團結,上下一心上下一心。nAll the staff unite in absolute sincerity.n目標的輕重緩急,孰先孰后孰先孰后,是在那里決定的。nTarget priorities were established there.n他在情況危急時,態(tài)度從容,鎮(zhèn)定自若鎮(zhèn)定自若。nHe showed himself calm in an emergency situation.n男男女女,熙熙攘攘,絡繹不絕絡繹不絕。nMen and women hurried by in long, shifting lines.4. 省譯沒有實際意義的
10、詞語n漢語修辭語在程度上往往強于英語,“大詞”的使用頻率偏高。漢語表達習慣于在形容詞和動詞前加上副詞,只是起強調作用,或便于閱讀時朗朗上口,這些副詞都沒有實際意義,翻譯時可以省略。如:十分十分重要、真真抓實實干、切實切實加強、認真認真執(zhí)行、徹底徹底粉碎n我們要大力發(fā)揚求真務實,勇于創(chuàng)新的精神。nWe must carry forward and promote the spirit of practicality, truth-seeking and courage in innovation.n狠抓管理,安全生產。nImproving management and ensuring safe
11、 production.5. 調整句法結構,省譯某些詞語n馬克思主義的發(fā)展史充分說明:解放思想,實事求是是引導社會前進的強大力量強大力量。nThe history of Marxism fully shows that the principle emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts leads to great social progress.6. 從文化角度省譯詞語1)因為他長得伶俐可愛,大人們都愛跟他玩;這個說:“二黑,算一算十歲屬什么?”那個說:“二黑,給我補一課!”nAs he was such a lovely chi
12、ld, all grown-ups enjoyed joking with him.2)當他六歲時,他爹就教他識字。識字課本既不是五經、四書,也不是常識國語,而是天干、地支、五行、八卦、六十四卦名等學起,進一步便學些百中經、玉匣記、增刪卜易、麻衣神相、奇門遁甲、陰陽宅等書。nWhen he was six, his father started teaching him some characters from books on the art of fortune-telling, rather than the Chinese classics.金縷衣 杜秋娘n勸君莫惜金縷衣,勸君惜取少年
13、時。n花開堪折直須折,莫待無花空折枝。nSpare not, my friend, the gold-embroidered gown, nMiss not, the years of youth- enjoy them now. nCome, pluck the flower while the plucking is good, nWait not until you pluck the empty bough. Background Knowledge and Explanationn杜秋娘,本為金陵女子;生卒年不詳,唐代金陵(今南京市)女子,能歌善舞。杜牧有杜秋娘詩述其事。n詮釋該詩的
14、故事:一個年輕人在一條花徑上,要選擇摘下一朵最大最美的花,但條件是不許回頭。年輕人走啊走的,見一朵不錯的,想伸手摘下,回心一想,前面也許有更大更美的吧。往前走果然又見一朵屬意的,想伸手摘下時,又希望前面有更大更美的,于是再往前走。如此周而復始,結果走盡花徑,空手而歸。n“花開堪折直須折,莫待無花空折枝”,“花”是生命中所有珍貴的事物:生命中的感情、時光、理想、自由、精力、健康、金錢這一切都是生命的寶藏。Definition and ExamplesnRestructuring,as one of the translation techniques,means the necessary or
15、 inevitable change of word order in a sentence according to the usage of the target language. It is also called rearrangement or inversion. 翻譯時根據譯文的語言習慣,對原文的詞序進行調整,使譯文做到最大程度上的通順,這就是換序譯法。nIt is odd to watch with what feverish ardor the Americans pursue prosperity and how they are ever tormented by th
16、e shadowy suspicion that they may not have chosen the shortest route to get it.n 美國人以瘋狂的熱情追求富足生活,卻又懷疑自己是否真正選中了致富的最佳捷徑,因此深受自我折磨之苦。見到美國人如此生活,旁觀者真是百思不解。nAn American will build a house in which to pass his old age and sell it before the roof is on.n 美國人會為安度晚年去興建一幢房子,卻又會在房頂還沒架上屋梁時就把它賣掉。 I. Different Word
17、 Order in English and Chinesen English sentence patterns: MinorMajor NearFar Specific-General Weak-Strongn漢語一般把重要的、語氣強的詞語緊靠中心詞,而英語恰恰相反。nHis address is 3612 Market Street,Philadelphia,PA. 19109,USA. n他的地址是美國賓夕法尼亞州費城市場街3612號,郵政編碼19104。n My uncle passed away in hospital at 2: 30 a. m. on September 12,1
18、999. n我的伯父于1999年,月12日凌晨2點30分在醫(yī)院逝世。n一定要分清敵我。 nWe must draw a clear distinction between ourselves and the enemy.Analyze the long sentence and judge the Chinese order:nI believe(1) that I speak for every sincere and serious representative in the United Nations(2)- so I am encouraged to believe by the s
19、peeches to which we have already listened this morning(3)-when I say(4) that the anniversary must be an occasion for an honest assessment of our failures in the past(5), matched by an equally determined will to do better in the future(6), so that we can escape from frustration(7) and turn the annive
20、rsary into an inspiration and an achievement(8).n漢語表達習慣:5-6-7-8-4-1-3-2Chinese Versionn 這次周年紀念會應該是一個老老實實地評估我們過去的失誤的時機,同時也應該是一個表達我們有同樣決心要做好今后工作的時機。這樣,我們就可免遭挫折,并可把這次周年紀念變成一種鼓舞和成就。當我講這番話時,我相信-今天上午我們聽到的發(fā)言也使我相信-我是代表聯(lián)合國每一位真誠和嚴肅的代表講話的。II Restructuring in English-Chinese Translationn2.1. Keeping the Origina
21、l Sequencen Laid out in the early 15th century, the Forbidden City unfolds powerfully in courtyard after courtyard, as if the power of the emperor himself could never quite be reached.n 早在15世紀初,紫禁城就形成了現(xiàn)在的格局:重重庭院錯落有致,氣勢顯赫,猶如皇帝的龍威,可望而不可及。n In order to survive, to feed, clothe and shelter himself and h
22、is children, man is engaged in a constant struggle with nature.n 為了生存,為了自己和子孫后代的衣食住行,人類和大自然不斷進行斗爭。2.2 Reversing According to Time SequencenEnglish sentences are generally bound by syntactical rules,and they are often arranged in order of importance;while Chinese sentences are more flexible,and usual
23、ly arranged according to the sequence of time.nHe had to quit the position and went into exile,having been deprived of his power.n 他被剝奪了權力之后,只好離職,流落他鄉(xiāng)。nWe had been dismayed at home while reading of the natural calamities that followed one another for three years after we left China in 1959. n我們于1959
24、年離開了中國。此后,中國連續(xù)三年遭到自然災害。當我們在國內讀到這方面的消息時,心情頗為低沉。n As was cleared up some time later, news came from a distance that an earthquake was felt the very day the little copper ball fell. n 過了一些時候,從遠方傳來了消息:小銅球墜落的當天,確實發(fā)生了地震。這一切終于得到了澄清。這一切終于得到了澄清。2.3. Adverbial Clauses in a Complex SentencenAdverbial clauses o
25、f condition,concession or cause,and so on in English may stand either before or after a principal clause,however, when translated into Chinese,they are normally placed before the principal clause.nThe government is determined to keep up the pressure whatever cost it will pay in the end. n不論最終將付出什么代價
26、,政府決心繼續(xù)施加壓力。nThe librarians have compiled a card-index catalogue so that they can afford facilities for reference.n為便于參考起見,圖書館館員們編制了索引目錄卡。n No matter how hard he tried, he failed at last. n不管他怎樣努力,最后還是沒有成功。2.4. Cases Involving AdverbialsnThere are cases in which an adverbial(or an adj. phrase)in Eng
27、lish functions as an adverbial clause(or non-restrictive clause)In Chinese the adverbial(or adj. phrase) is usually placed at the end of the sentence and is amplified into a sentence.nThey,not unexpectedly,did not respond. n他們沒有答復,這完全是意料之中的事。nIllogically,she had expected some kind of miracle solutio
28、n. n她滿以為會有某種奇跡般的解決辦法,這顯然不合情理。nWith the fear of largely imaginary plots against his leadership,his self-confidence seemed totally to desert him. n由于害怕有人陰謀推翻他的領導,他似乎完全喪失了自信。但所謂的陰謀在很大程度上是他自己假想出來的。2.5. That- Clause Used as a Judgment or ConclusionnThat-clause is usually adopted in expressing a judgment
29、or conclusion. When a that- clause which serves as the subject(of a sentence or a clause)is too long and consequently “it” is simultaneously used as the formal subject,restructuring is often called for,so as to conform to the Chinese usage.nI believe equally that it is in the interests of the world
30、as a whole that Europe should increasingly unite and speak with a common voice. n我同樣認為,歐洲應該日益團結起來,并且用一個共同的聲音說話,這是符合全世界的利益的。nIt is not surprising that,when humidity is low,the water evaporates rapidly from the fruit. n在大氣濕度低的情況下,水果里的水分蒸發(fā)就快,這是不足為奇的。More Examples:nIt was a keen disappointment that I ha
31、d to postpone the visit I had intended to pay to China in January. n我原打算在1月訪問中國,后來又不得不推遲,這使我深感失望。nIt is easy to see what weight can be overcome and what thrust is necessary to maintain flight.n 要知道應該抵消多大重力并需要多大推力才能保持飛行,這很容易這很容易。III. Restructuring in Chinese-English Translationn3.1 Different Sequence
32、s in Customary Word Combinationsn3.2 定語的位置n3.3 幾種定語后置現(xiàn)象n3.4 狀語的位置3.1 Different Sequences in Customary Word Combinationsheart-warming暖人心的 tough-minded 意志堅強的East China 華東 north and south, east and west 東西南北rain or shine 無論晴雨Inconsistency of deeds with words 言行不一the iron and steel industry 鋼鐵工業(yè)quick of
33、 eye and deft of hand 手疾眼快Food, clothing, shelter and transportation 衣食住行you, he and I 我、你、他前前后后,來來去去Back and forth, to and fro 一切可能的手段 Every means possible3.2 定語的位置定語的位置 n英語中單詞、短語、從句等都可作為定語。一般來說,單詞放在所修飾的名詞前,短語與從句放其后。n精湛的工藝 (工藝精湛) fine workmanship n一支落敗的軍隊 a defeated army n社會主義的現(xiàn)代化強國n a modem,powerf
34、ul socialist countryn一位美國現(xiàn)代優(yōu)秀作家n an outstanding contemporary American writern各條戰(zhàn)線上的先進工作者們 nadvanced workers from various frontsn英國是第一個承認中國的西方大國。 nBritain was the first Western power to recognize China .3.3 定語后置現(xiàn)象(I)修飾以修飾以some, any, every, no 為詞根的詞匯定語要后置為詞根的詞匯定語要后置n他想找一個可靠的人幫助工作。 nHe wanted to get so
35、meone reliable to help in the work. n今天報上有什么重要的消息嗎? nIs there anything important in todays paper? n咱們到一個安靜的地方去吧。 nLets go somewhere quiet. n醫(yī)生為救病人,盡到了一切必要的努力。 nThe doctor did everything necessary to save the patient. n這個句子沒有什么不對的地方。 nThere is nothing wrong with this sentence.3.3 定語后置現(xiàn)象(II) 表語形容詞作定語必
36、須后置表語形容詞作定語必須后置,某些分詞用作定語時也須后置某些分詞用作定語時也須后置 n他真是一個活雷鋒。 nHe is indeed a Lei Feng alive.n他們收下贈送的禮物,十分高興。 nThey were very glad to have accepted the presents offered. n 那些唱歌的人大部分是婦女。 nMost of the people singing were women. n 他要求有關的人員都積極參加這項工作。 nHe urged those concerned to take an active part in the work. n日本和我們是一衣帶水的鄰邦。 nJapan is our close neighbor separated only by a narrow strip of water.3.3 定語后置現(xiàn)象(III)某些表示位置,方向的副詞后置某些表示位置,方向的副詞后置 n 這是唯一的出
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