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1、精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載pushing a head、 ea st、 north、 we st devel opment、 facilitating shant y、 complete xinche ng west roa d、 stability and re construction of the street 、 star ding garde n built ce ntury gar den district、 subject public housing construction、 heati ng the gas expa nsi on a cce lerated imp

2、leme ntation、 jing rui river and bridge style line soli d shaft、 further expanded t he tow n devel opme nt. beautiful country adhere to t he adva nce a nd ty pical for a group t o lead. according t o "ecol ogical lay base d、 and industry i ncreased income 、 and l ive upgra de civi lization、 and

3、 culture ri ch connotati on" of thought、 caug ht built beautiful vill age、 and whole village a dvance、 a nd easily relocation、 and "five modified threebuilt"、 proje ct near 30 a; depth i nto e col ogical、 a nd i ndustry、 a nd cult ure、 and tourism、 eleme nts、 hig h standards ca ught p

4、arty origi nal city liu、 a nd ja de are xia ao、 m odel vill age、 in province city set has benchmark. f our is e qual be nefits to pr omote sharing、 coordinate d devel opme nt of various social undertakings. in t he ca se of rigid spe ndi ng slowi ng revenue growth、 increas e、 financial 75% t o the p

5、eople's livel ihood、 the masses have m ore access i n the shari ng. cuoban somethi ng good and benefit. a dhere to t he affordabl e、 best 、 carefully cuoban v illage oil 、 water and heat、 cultural、 city and county colum ns pra ctical、 developments benefit families、 bring more w elfare to the mas

6、se s. devel opme nt of social conve nience. a cce ptance of bala nce d devel opme nt of com pulsory educati on through the national assessme nt、 the county vocati ona l education ce nter was named "top s chool of vocational educati on in chi na"、 the thir d batch of nati onal reform and de

7、vel opme nt model t hroug h pr ovincial .five is to deepe n reform and i nnovation to break bottlene cks a nd e ndogenous development of effective fire. as an engi ne of dy namism、 adding reform key to adopting reform measures stress energy and bre ak bottle neck s and prom oting dev elopment. pay c

8、lose attention to the key areasof reform. conscienti ously im plement the provi ncial depl oyment a nd cancel、 adjustment、 t o undertake the a dministrative a pproval items a ccordi ng to regulation 347 to furt her improve a dministrative efficie ncy conti nui ng de epe ning reform for pov erty alle

9、viation、 speedi ng up r ural land right registration certificati on pilot pr oject 、 encouragi ng the orderly transfer of land management、 uti lize the la nd re sources、 i n or der to pr omote scale manageme nt laid the foundati on. a ctively cultivate t he market. firmly establish a market-orie nte

10、d、 nurt uring family farms、 industrial users、 pr ofessi onal coopera tion orga nization new market manageme nt main b ody 456、 effectively improve t he industr y、 inte nsive a nd marketization of encouraging support socialcapital i nto the small micro-cre dit、 ur ban development、 cult ure and touri

11、sm、 public service s and other areas、 easing dev elopment shortfall. to精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載promote mass i nnovation. o support t he rural se ctor to use new thi nking a nd new idea s、 creative w ork incentives such as a ctively pr omoting fina ncial i ntermediati on、 bring added 159 in non public

12、 enterpri ses、 i ndivi dually -1540、 created a物理試題2021.9精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載一選擇題(222=44)1. 如右圖當開關(guān)閉合時, 燈泡兩端的電壓l1和 l2都發(fā)光,此時電壓表測l 2v精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載量的為: .l1 兩端的電壓b.l2 兩端的電壓c.l1 和 l2 兩端的總電壓d.電源的電壓2. 如右圖,當滑片p 向 a 端移動時,以下判定正確選項: a.通過電阻器的電流變小b.通過燈泡的電流不變c.電流表的示數(shù)變小d.變阻器接入電路中的

13、電阻變小a3. 下圖所示滑動變阻器四種不同接法中,當閉合開關(guān),使滑片p向左滑動,滑動變阻器接入電路中的電阻變大的為:l 1sla pb精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載cdcdcdcd精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載apbapbapbapb精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載abcd4. 如右圖所示的電路中,電源電壓為6v,甲乙兩燈規(guī)格相同,當閉···精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載合開關(guān) s 后兩燈都不亮,現(xiàn)用電壓表進行檢測,ab兩點間的電壓為abc精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載零, bc兩點間的

14、電壓為6v,造成故障的緣由可能為:乙甲a.電源接觸不良b.甲燈接觸不良或燈絲斷c.開關(guān)接觸不良d .乙燈接觸不良或燈絲斷開s精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載5. 如右圖所示,已知兩只燈泡l1 和 l2 為并聯(lián) 、a .b 表示電壓表和電流表,以下說法正確選項:a.a 為電流表, b 為電壓表c.a.b 都為電流表b.a 為電壓表, b 為電流表d.a.b 都為電壓表6. 對歐姆定律公式i u / r 的懂得,下面哪一句話錯誤? a對某一段導(dǎo)體來說,導(dǎo)體中的電流跟它兩端的電壓成正比;b在相同電壓的條件下,不同導(dǎo)體中的電流跟電阻成反比;c導(dǎo)體中的電流既與導(dǎo)體兩端的電壓有關(guān),也與導(dǎo)體的

15、電阻有關(guān);d由于電阻為導(dǎo)體本身的一種性質(zhì),所以導(dǎo)體中的電流只與導(dǎo)體兩端的電壓有關(guān),與導(dǎo)體的電阻無關(guān);7. 如下列圖,電源總電壓為6v 保持不變, r1 =5,r2=10,當開關(guān)s 由閉合到斷開時,電壓表v 的示數(shù)將 a由 2v 變?yōu)?6vb由 4v 變?yōu)?6vc由 4v 變?yōu)?2vd6v 保持不變8. 如圖 2 所示, ab 和 bc為由同種材料制成的長度相同.橫截面積不同的兩段導(dǎo)體,將它們串聯(lián)后連入電路中比較這兩段導(dǎo)體兩端 的電壓及通過它們的電流的大小,有al 1·l 2 ·b精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載auab>ubc,i ab<i bcb

16、 uab<ubc,i ab=i bcc.uab>ubc,i abi bcd uab ubc,i ab<i bc9. 甲.乙兩爐子通過的電流之比為2: 3,兩端的電壓比為1:5,就它們的電阻之比為 a10 : 3b 3 :10c 2 :1d 3 :510. 一段導(dǎo)體兩端的電壓為5v時,導(dǎo)體中電流為 0.5a,假如電壓增大到10v,導(dǎo)體的電阻和電流分別為 a100.2a b 102ac101ad 201a11. 將"220v、100w的燈泡接入 110v 的電路中,燈泡的實際功率為a.12.5wb.25wc.50 wd.100 w12. 有一接在家庭電路上的燈泡,開關(guān)閉

17、合時不亮了,用測電筆分別接觸燈頭的兩個接線柱,精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載pushing a head、 ea st、 north、 we st devel opment、 facilitating shant y、 complete xinche ng west roa d、 stability and re construction of the street 、 star ding garde n built ce ntury gar den district、 subject public housing construction、 heati ng the gas

18、expa nsi on a cce lerated impleme ntation、 jing rui river and bridge style line soli d shaft、 further expanded t he tow n devel opme nt. beautiful co untry adhere to t he adva nce a nd ty pical for a group t o lead. according t o "ecol ogical lay base d、 and industry i ncreased income 、 and l i

19、ve upgra de civi lization、 and culture ri ch connotati on" of thought、 caug ht built beautiful vill age、 and whole village a dvance、 a nd easily relocation、 and "five modified threebuilt"、 proje ct near 30 a; depth i nto e col ogical、 a nd i ndustry、 a nd cult ure、 and tourism、 eleme

20、nts、 hig h standards ca ught party origi nal city liu、 a nd ja de are xia ao、 m odel vill age、 in province city set has benchmark. f our is e qual be nefits to pr omote sharing、 coordinate d devel opme nt of various social undertakings. in t he ca se of rigid spe ndi ng slowi ng revenue growth、 incr

21、ease、 financial 75% to the people's livel ihood、 the masses have m ore access i n the shari ng. cuoban somethi ng good and benefit. a dhere to t he affordabl e、 best 、 carefully cuoban v illage oil 、 water and heat、 cultural、 city and county colum ns pra ctical、 developments benefit families、 br

22、ing more w elfare to the masse s. devel opme nt of social conve nience. a cce ptance of bala nce d devel opme nt of com pulsory educati on through the national assessme nt、 the county vocati ona l education ce nter was named "top s chool of vocational educati on in china"、 the thir d batch

23、 of nati onal reform and devel opm nt model t hroug h pr ovincial .five is to deepe n reform and i nnovation to break bottlene cks a nd e ndogenous development of effective fire. as an engi ne of dy namism、 adding reform key to adopting reform measures stress energy and bre ak bottle neck s and prom

24、 oting dev elopment. pay close attention to the key areasof reform. conscienti ously im plement the provi ncial depl oyment a nd cancel、 adjustment、 t o undertake the a dministrative a pproval items a ccordi ng to regulation 347 to furt her improve a dministrative efficie ncy conti nui ng de epe nin

25、g reform for pov erty alleviation、 speedi ng up r ural land right registration certificati on pilot pr oject 、 encouragi ng the orderly transfer of land management、 uti lize the la nd re sources、 i n or der to pr omote scale manageme nt laid the foundati on. a ctively cultivate t he market. firmly e

26、stablish a market-orie nted、 nurt uring family farms、 industrial users、 pr ofessi onal coopera tion orga nization new market manageme nt main body 456、 effectively improve t he industr y、 inte nsive a nd marketization of encouraging support socialcapital i nto the small micro-cre dit、 ur ban develop

27、ment、 cult ure and touri sm、 public service s and other areas、 easing dev elopment shortfall. to promote mass i nnovation. to support t he rural se ctor to use new thi nking a nd new idea s、 creative w ork incentives such as a ctively pr omoting fina ncial i ntermediati on、 bring added 159 in non pu

28、blic enterpri ses、 i ndivi dually -1540、 created a氖管都發(fā)光,就此燈不亮的緣由可能為a.燈絲斷了b. 零線斷了 c. 火線斷了 d. 地線斷了13. 安裝家庭電路時,為檢測電路安裝為否正確,在接通電源前將火線上的保險絲取下,換成一個額定電壓為220v 的白熾燈泡,同時斷開全部用電器的開關(guān),接通電源后發(fā)覺燈泡正常發(fā)光,由此可以判定 a.電路安裝正確b. 電路安裝不正確,某處有短路c.電路安裝不正確,某處有斷路d. 條件不足,無法判定14. 同學(xué)試驗用的電壓表,當使用“+”和“ 15”兩個接線柱時,電壓表的量程和最小刻度值分別為 a15v,0.5v

29、 b 15v, 1v c 3v, 0.1v d 3v,0.05v精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載15. 如下列圖,將電壓表先后并接在ab處.bc處.ac處,當開關(guān) s 閉合后,電壓表讀數(shù)最大時,為接在a ac處bab處cbc處d三處一樣大16. 有 l1.l2.l3.分別標有“ 220v 100w”.“110v 100w”.“ 36v 100w”字sabc l 1l2精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載樣,它們都正常發(fā)光時,就a.l1 亮b.l2 亮c.l3 亮d .一樣亮17. r1 .r2 兩個電阻并聯(lián)后接入電路中,它們的電功率之比p1:p2=9:4 就有 r1.r

30、2 兩個電阻阻值之比為: a.9:4b.4:9c. 3 :2d.2: 318. 一只“ 10v 5w”的甲燈和一只“ 6v 1.8w”的乙燈串聯(lián)后接入電路中,兩燈均能發(fā)光,比較它們的實際功率(不考慮溫度對電阻的影響)就:a.甲燈大些b.乙燈大c.兩燈一樣大d.無法判定19. 教室里裝有多盞電燈,每多開一盞燈,就教室內(nèi)電路的a總電阻增大b總電壓增大c 總電流增大d總電壓.總電流都不變20. 小寧的探究小組在練習(xí)使用電壓表時,軍軍把電壓表接成了如圖2-2 所示的電路當閉合開關(guān)時所發(fā)生的現(xiàn)象為:燈泡亮.電壓表有示數(shù)燈泡亮.電壓表無示數(shù) 燈泡不亮.電壓表有示數(shù)燈泡不亮.電壓表無示數(shù)21. 如下列圖的電

31、路中,閉合s、當開關(guān) s 1 從斷開到閉合的過程中,以下說法中正確選項as1閉合后電流表a 1 .a2 示數(shù)相等bs1閉合后電流表a 1 的示數(shù)比 a 2 大cs1閉合后電流表a 1 .a2 示數(shù)大小無法判定ds1閉合后電流表a 1 的示數(shù)比 a2 小22. 如圖電路,電源電壓恒定,滑動變阻器r2 的滑片滑到a 端時,電阻r1 消耗的功率為7.2w,滑動變阻器 r2 的滑片滑到 b 端時,電阻 r1 消耗的功率為 0.8w,此時電壓表示數(shù)為4v;就滑片在 b 端時,電流表的示數(shù)為 a.1.8ab.1.2ac.0.4ad.0.2a二·填空題( 1 35=35)23. 一節(jié)干電池的電壓為

32、 ,對人體的安全電壓為 ,家庭電路的電壓為 ;24. 完成以下單位換算(1)7.8m= ,(2)5×104v= kv= mv(3)250ma= a= a25. 把 r1.r2 兩個阻值不同的定值電阻接入電路,已知 r1 兩端的電壓為 u1,r2 兩端的電壓為 u2 ,通過 r1.r2 的電流分別為 i 1.i 2;如 u1=u2 ,就 p1:p2 =,如 i 1=i 2,就 p1: p2=;26. 在家庭電路中,表用來測量用戶消耗的電能;標有“220v 2000w”字樣的電熱水壺正常工作 3 分鐘,消耗電能千瓦時;27. 城市交叉路口通常都裝有紅. 黃.綠三色燈來指揮車輛. 行人通行

33、,如每只燈規(guī)格都為“ 220v 300w”,就每組交通指揮燈(含紅.黃.綠三種顏色燈)工作15 小時要消耗電能焦;28. 三個阻值相等的電阻 、串聯(lián)后的總電阻為180,那么 、它們并聯(lián)后的總電阻為;29. 有一根鎳鉻合金線,兩端電壓為6 伏時,通過合金線的電流為0.3a,就鎳鉻合金線的電阻2精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載pushing a head、 ea st、 north、 we st devel opment、 facilitating shant y、 complete xinche ng west roa d、 stability and re constructio

34、n of the street 、 star ding garde n built ce ntury gar den district、 subject public housing construction、 heati ng the gas expa nsi on a cce lerated impleme ntation、 jing rui river and bridge style line soli d shaft、 further expanded t he tow n devel opme nt. beautiful country adhere to t he adva nc

35、e a nd ty pical for a group t o lead. according t o "ecol ogical lay base d、 and industry i ncreased income 、 and l ive upgra de civi lization、 and culture ri ch connotati on" of thought、 caug ht built b eautiful vill age、 and whole village a dvance、 a nd easily relocation、 and "five

36、modified threebuilt"、 proje ct near 30 a; depth i nto col ogical、 a nd i ndustry、 a nd cult ure、 and tourism、 eleme nts、 hig h standards ca ught party origi nal city liu、 a nd ja de are xia ao、 m odel vill age、 in province city set has benchmark. f our is e qual be nefits to pr omote sharing、 c

37、oordinate d devel opme nt of various social undertakings. in t he ca se of rigid spe ndi ng slowi ng revenue growth、 increase、 financial 75% to the people's livel ih ood、 the masses have m ore access i n the shari ng. cuoban somethi ng good and benefit. a dhere to t he affordabl e、 best 、 carefu

38、lly cuoban v illage oil 、 water and heat、 cultural、 city and county colum ns pra ctical、 developments benefit families、 bring more w elfare to the masse s. devel opme nt of social conve nience. a cce ptance of bala nce d devel opme nt of com pulsory educati on through the national assessme nt、 the c

39、ounty vocati ona l education ce nter was named "top s chool of vocational educati on in chi na"、 the thir d batch of nati onal reform and devel opme nt model t hroug h pr ovincial .five is to deepe n reform and i nnovation to break bottlene cks a nd e ndogenous development of effective fir

40、e. as an engi ne of dy namism、 adding reform key to adopting reform measures stress energy and bre ak bottle neck s and prom oting dev elopment. pay close attention to the key areasof reform. conscienti ously im plement the provi ncial depl oyment a nd cancel、 adjustment、 t o undertake the a dminist

41、rative a pproval items a ccordi ng to regulation 347 to fur her improve a dministrative efficie ncy conti nui ng de epe ning reform for pov erty alleviation、 speedi ng up r ural land right registration certificati on pilot pr oject 、 encouragi ng the orderly transfer of land management、 uti lize the la nd re sources、 i n or der to pr omote scale manageme nt laid the foundati on. a ctively cultivate t he market. firmly establish a mark


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