1、范文最新推薦四川峨眉山英文導游詞峨眉山(Mount Emei)位于中國四川省樂山市峨眉山市境內,是中國四大佛教名山之一,地勢陡峭,風景秀麗,素有峨 眉天下秀之稱,山上的萬佛頂最高,海拔3099米,高出峨眉平原2700 多米。峨眉郡志云:云鬘凝翠,鬒黛遙妝,真如螓首蛾眉,細而 長,美而艷也,故名峨眉山。下面是由小編為大家?guī)淼年P于四川峨 眉山英文導游詞,希望能夠幫到您!四川峨眉山英文導游詞Mt.Emei is one of the four famous mountains" Chin a. It liesabout 168km from Chengdu, the capital of
2、 Sichuan Provinee.Before the tour of the holy mountain, it is important to obtain someinforationabout the spread of Buddhism in China, Buddhismin Mt. Emei and its hik ing routes.The Spread of the BuddhismBuddhism was founded in India around the 16th eentury BC. Itis said that the founder was Sakyamu
3、ni. Sskyua was the name of the elan to which his family belonged. Sakyamuni was a prince and was brought up in luxury. In his 20s, he becamediscontented with the world. Every day he had to face with sights of sickness, death and old age since the body was inescapably invoIved with disease, decrepitu
4、de and death. Around the age of 30 he madehis break from the material world and plunged off in search of en lighte nment.Sakyam uni bega n by study ing Hindu philosophy and Yoga. Thenhe joined a band of ascetics and tried to break the power ofhis body by inflictingsevere austerities on himself. Howe
5、ver,no matter howhe held his breath until his head burst and starved his body un til his ribs jutted out, he failed to en lighte n himself. Fin ally Sakyam uni followed the pri nciple of the middle way in which he would live between the extremities of asceticism on one hand and in dulge nee on the o
6、ther. As the story goes, he devoted the final phase of his search for en lighte nment to meditation and mystic concentration. Oneevening he sat beneath a fig tree, slipped into a deep meditation and achieved en lighte nment from his mystic concen tratio n.Sakyamuni founded an order of monksand for t
7、he next 45 years or so peached his ideas around 480 BC. Sakyam uni teaches that all life is sufferi ng. Every one is subjected to the trauma of birth, to sick ness, decrepitude and death. Real happ in ess cant be achieved until suffering is overcome. The cause of un happ in ess is desires,specifical
8、ly the desire of the body and the desire personal fulfillment.In order to overcome thedesirs and achieve happ in ess,it requires the follow ingeight-fold path.1. Right kno wledgeBuddhist followers should believe that all life is suffering.It is caused by the desire for personal gratification.2. Righ
9、t Aspiratio nBuddhist followers should becomw passi on ately invo Ived withthe kno wledge of what lifes problems basically are.3. Right SpeechBuddhist followers shousd avoid lies, idle talk, abuse,ala nder and deceit.4. Right BehaviorBuddhist followers should show kindn essand avoidself-seek ing and
10、 pers onal fulfillme nt in all acti ons.5. Right LivelihoodBuddha considers spiritual progress impossible if one hasoccupied himself/herself with slave-dea-ling or prostitution.6. Right EffortThe effort os the will to develip virtues and curb paddi on.7. Right Min dful nessBuddhist followers should
11、practise self-exami-natio n and cultivate themselves to overcome the state of semi-alert nessand become aware of what os happw ning to them.8. Right Absorpti onThe absorption invoIves the techniques of Hinduisms raja yoga and leads to the same goal.呼倫貝爾草原位于大興安嶺以西,由呼倫湖、貝 爾湖而得名。地勢東高西低,海拔在650700米之間,是中國
12、保存完好的草原,有牧草王國之稱。伊利集團在此地建有專屬伊利牧場, 并于2018年7月作為湖南衛(wèi)視爸爸去哪兒第二季拍攝地進行拍 攝。下面是由小編為大家?guī)淼年P于呼倫貝爾草原英文導游詞,希望能夠幫到您!內蒙古呼倫貝爾草原英文導游詞Lady and Genlenmen:Welcome to HunLunbeier Grassland! First of all, Id like to tell you why People call this bdautiful grassland Hulunbeier grassla nd. There is a moving lege nd behi nd it
13、. A long, long time ago there lived a couple of lovers on the grassla nd. The girl was a Hu lun. The boy was Bei Er. One day a dem on chief called MangGusi abducted HuLun and dried up the grassland. The grass withered and yellowed and domestic animals died one after another.In order to save the gras
14、sland and Hu Lun, BeiEr traveda great distanee on foot, chasing after MangGasi day and night. Fin ally, he fain ted from exhausti on.In his weake ned state, hedreamt that the dem on chief had magically tur ned Hu Lu,Bei Er traveled a great distanee on foot, chasing after MangGasi day and ni ght. Fin
15、 ally, he fai nted from exhaustio nnhis weake nedstate, he dreamt that the dem on chief had magically tur ned HuLun in to a flower which was and sufferi ngfrom the wi ndy dreamin front of him. He immediately watered the flower and broke the spell. Hu Lun cha nged back into her former self. But the d
16、em on chief would not give up. He immediately watered the flower and broke the spell. Hu Lun changed back in to her former self. But the dem on chief would not give up. He seized Hu Lun and took her away aga in. Hu Lun racked her brain for a way to escape.She succeeded in gett ing hold of the magic
17、pearl on the dem on chief's head. On swallowi ng the pearl Hu Lun turned in to a lake.In the mean time BeiEr had killed all of the other dem ons, but failed to find Hu Lun. Heartbroke n, Bei Er jumped in to a lake to kill himself.All of a sudden the earth split open and formed two lakes, Hu Lun
18、lake and Bei Er Lake, with the Wils on River closely connecting them. Later,people living on the grassland n amed the land hulun beier Grassla nd in momory of them.HuLun beier covers an area of 250.557 square kilometers,witha totel population of 2.66 million. The Mongolian natialityisthe dominant et
19、hic group, and 35 other n ati on lities,such as Dawoer, Ewen ke, Elunchun, Han, Man chu, Russia n, etc. live in harmony with them on the grassland. Hunlunbeier is called green and clea n land because it is relatively free of polluti on.(En teri ng the grassla nd)Now were setting foot on Hunlunbeier
20、Grassland. All of us have escaped from the city and its clamour and entered a place like a dreamland,Look! The grassland looks like asoft, green cerpet, Nowyoucan enjoy the beautiful scenery in the distanee; numeros kinds of wild flowers are in bloom, and wisps of smokeare rising con ti nu ously fro
21、m the yurta scattered on the grassla nd. When the gen tle breeze brushes aga inst the grass, herds of horses and cattle and flock of sheep seem to be drift ing from here ro there. What a beautiful picture!(Visit ing a yurt)This is the yurt we saw from the bus just now. Look!The host and his family h
22、ave comeout of the to greet us. Of couse, this is not an arran ged recepti on, to be sure. But before we en ter the yurt, Idlike to make a brief in troducti on on the folk costoms here. No matter which yurt you happen to visit, you will finethat on hesring your footsteps the Mongolian people willext
23、end a warm welcome outsite the yurt, to do justice to their reputed hospitality. When greeting you, they will put their hands against their chests and bow slightly. With a how do you do, They invitetheir guestsin.Male guests are invited to siton the left and female on the right, while host sits in m
24、idle.The mome nt you take your seats, your host will have milk tea and various kinds of milk products pleaced in front of you.After a white, you will most probably probabyly be asked to help yourself to a special course called shouba lamd. As a way of showing respct to his distinguished guest, your
25、hast will prsent you with a hada( a piece of silk used as a greeting gift), Together with a cup of lacal wine. Mongolians are well known for theirtalent in singing and dancing.Their beautiful songs are as entertainingand pleasant as the blue sky, white clouds,greengrass and fresh flowers, In folk cu
26、lture, there is a saying that a feast is not a true feast without the compa ny of son gs.Every person in the grassland, man or woman, old or young, can sing folk son gs. Whe n propos ing toasts to their guests, they will show their hospitality by sin gi ng folks ongs and playi ng special fiddles. Th
27、e Mon golia n people have lived on the vast grassla nd for a long time, and they have refined their tale nt for sing and dancing. You can not only please your eyes with their traditi onal eth nic dancing but also with their mondern ones featuring merry rhythms and vigorous steps.Now let's enter
28、the yurt and take adva ntage of this opport unity to be guests in a Mon golia n herdsma n's home.(Stepp ing out of the yurt)Un der the blue sky and white clouds, you will see a vividpicture of flocks of sheep and herds of cattle,galloping horsesand skillful herdse n on horseback bra ndish ing ho
29、rsewhips. Do you want to go for a ride ? If you are skilled at ridi ng, why not ride a Mon golia n horse for a while or wan der about on camelback?lf you are afraid of ridi ng horses or camels ,n ever mi nd. You still can enjoy the noman dic life by taki ng a special Mon golia n vehicle called a Lel
30、e.(Briefi ng on the physique of Mon golia ns)Now you have had a look at the grassla nd with your own eyes,but did you no ticed that the Mon golia n girls are graceful,elegantand vigorous, and the young fellow are robust,heroic and muscular? It is said that this has much to do with their life styles
31、which are connected with horse sports,running and pursuing.Further,theimportant role played by milk tea and milk products in develop ing their muscles and bones canot beun derestimated.(Briefing on the dietary habit of Mongolians)Lets start with milk tea,The host minces the tea and put itin a kettle
32、 to boil it. When the kettle starts boiling with agurgling sound, the host pours the fresh milk into it. Thus the herdsma n coming in from a sno wstorm will warm up immediately after having such a cup of milk tea. A bowl of milk tea, stir-fried rice, several piece of a dry milk product and some lamb
33、 is regarded as a delicious meal by the ordinary Mongolian herdsma n. Milk products in clude the skin of boiled milk, milk curd, milk wine, cheese, butter and so on. The formal meal may be served with meat and a flour-base product.While you are here on the grassla nd, it will be a great pityif you d
34、o not try Shouba Lamb(boil meat which is eate n usinga knife and your hands).The lamb is first cut into big slicesand then put into boiling water to cook.When it is half done,you cut it into smaller pieces with the Mongolian knife and eat it. TheMongolian people think that half-done meat contains mo
35、re nutrie nts.(Briefing on Mongolian clothing)The Mon golia n robe is unique to this eth nic group. The robeis often matched with a belt and head decorations.With its high collar and long sleeves, the robe protects people from mosquitoes. The middle part of the robe is made loose for the convenience
36、 of ridi ng horses and is long eno ugh to keep the kn ees warm. You can find all kinds of clothes here today, but the robe is the cultural heritage of the Mon golia ns and has become a symbol of their n atio nal con scie nee and ide ntity.(Briefi ng on Mon golia n yurta)You can see mon golia n yurta
37、 here and there on grassla nd.Butdo you know the history and structure of the mongolian yurta?Accord ing to the historical records of the Xiongnu,an an cie nt eth nic group, their an cestors lived in the Northla nd long ago. Their living quarters were called yurta. In this sense Mongolians, as a eth
38、nic group, can date to 4,000 years ago. So the Mongolian yurtaare a symbol of the history of this ethnicgroup. Now let's talk about the con structi on of a yurt are a symbol of the history of this ethnic group, Nowlet's talk about the constructionof a yurt. Herdsmen first build a roundfounda
39、tion with pieces of stones, Then they set up the structure with wodde n wods and beams lin ked together with wolle n or fur ropes,Lastly, they cover the structure with an imal skins orfelt blankets.The ceiling of the yurt is round. With such astructure, the yurt can withstandsnowstorms and heavyrain
40、 falls. The door of the yurt is small and dow n to the ground. The yurt can be easily moved and this is suitable for no madic life.This accounts for the reason why the structure of the yurt rema ins un cha nged till today. If the Mon golia n yurt is see n as the home of the herdsmen, then the leleca
41、rts can be viewed as their mobile homes. lelecarts move slowly with big no ise. It is hard to tell when the history of lelecarts began. All the carts are made of birch, so they will reain in good con diti on even in wet weather. The wheels of the carts are tall and can easily roll across the un eve
42、n roads, lush bushes, thick snow and marshes. lelecarts are indispensable for herdsmen whenthey move cross sno w-covered areas.(Briefing on Mongolian festivals)There are a lot of Mogolia n festivals held every year on the grassla nd, but the most famous one is Nadam,the car ni val the grassla nd.Nad
43、am in the Mon golia n Ian guage means recreati on orentertainment. When it comes, there will be a lot of performances,such as horse racing, wrestling,archery and someother specialethnicperformances.The Nadam fair is a time-h onored festival and was known world wide for 700years, Nowadaysthe Nadamfai
44、r is ofte n held duri ng the harvest seas on of the grassla nd, either in June or July.Duri ng that period, herdsme n ofte n take the opport unity to sell domestic ani mals and livestock products and purchasse daily n ecessilties and livelihood-related goods.Acturally, the herdsme n have few cha nce
45、s to get together on such a vast grassla nd, so Nadam also plays the role of a big trade fair for them, Whe n we talk about Nadam, we should also talk about offering sacrifice at Aobao.Aobao in Mogolian means a pile of rocks or earth. On the vast and en dless grassla nd, it is hard to tell directi o
46、ns, so people thought of pilli ng rocks or earth to mark them, In its long historicaldevelopmentAobao has become the shri ne to offer scrifices to the God of the Mountain and the God of the Road.During the sacrifice offeri ng cere mony ,people in sert tree bran ches into the Aobao and put pieces of
47、colorful cloth or paper flags with writte n scripture on the bran ches There are four types of memorial cerem oni es, n amely blood,w in e,fire and jade. No matter what type it is, a lama will be in vited to but n incen ses, cha nt scriptures and pray for the bless ing of the people and their livest
48、ock. Participa nts will walk around the Aobao clockwisethree times.After the ceremony, the herdmen will not only enjoy horse races,wrestl ing and archery, but also singing, dancing and dr inking to their heart's content. Around that time, young lovers will probably leave the crowd to be in a wor
49、ld of their own.Dear,dist in guished guests,after this tour of this grassla ndI believe you must have a gen eral idea of how the Mon golia npelple live here and may een feel reluctant to leave the beautiful hulunbeier Grassland. I belive the grassland and its people enjoyed your visit as much as you
50、 did and look forward to your n ext one.Ladies and Gentlemen,l hope to have another chanee to meet you again on this very land, the Hulunbeier Grassland. Goodbyeand good luck.都江堰是世界文化遺產(2000年被聯(lián)合國教科文 組織列入世界文化遺產名錄)、世界自然遺產(四川大熊貓棲息地)、 全國重點文物保護單位、國家級風景名勝區(qū)、國家AAAAA級旅游景區(qū)。 下面是由小編為大家?guī)淼年P于四川都江堰英文導游詞, 希望能夠幫 到您!
51、四川都江堰英文導游詞The Dujiangyan Dam, 45km north of Chengdu, is an ancient tech no logical won der of the coun try. More tha n 2000 yers ago, Li Bing(250-200BC), as a local governor of the Shu State, desig ned this water con trol and irrigati on dam and orga ni zed thousands of local people to complete the
52、project to check the Min gjia ng River.For many years the river,flooded the Chen gdu agricultural area and local farmers suffered a lot from the water disaster. Due to the success of the project, the dam automatically diverts the Mingjiang River and channels it into irrigati oncan als. For many year
53、s the damhas continued to makethe most of the water con serva ncy works.Expa nsion has bee n un dertake n since 1949 and at prese nt the system does a good job of irrigatingfarming land across33counties of the western part of Sichuan Province. Local people feel proud of the system becaude it has sup
54、ported a large amount of people in their daily life.What makes this system so good?The system is a large hydraulic water project which con sists of three main parts: the Fish Mouth Water-Dividi ng Dam, the Flying Sand Fen ce, and the Bottle-Neck Chann el.The Fish mouth fun cti ons to divide the flow
55、 of water into an inner river and an outer river. Long ago, whe n Li Bing workedas the local gover nor of the Shu State, he found the old rivercanal was too narrow to hold muchwater, which often overflowed the banks and caused disastrous flood. Based on natural geographic conditions,he organized the
56、 people to build aman-made dam. The whole dam looks like a fish, and the front damhas a circular cone shaped like a fish mouth. It is the dam that cha nn els water into an outer canal and an inner can al. The outer water canal functions as the main stream and holds sixty percent of water in the rive
57、r. The extra water goes through the inner canal for irrigation in Chengdu areas.The Flyi ng Sand Fence joi ns the inner and outer can als. Thefence fun cti ons to con troll the flow of water and discharge excess into the inner canal from the main stream. During the dry seas on the fence does nt work
58、 much, but whe n floods occur, the river rushes forward along the outer can al. As it approaches the fen ce, the fen ce,the river beg ins to turn round fast and soon many whirlpools are formed. The volatile whirlpools sweep away sand and pebbles and, throw them into the outer can al. For many years huge bamboobaskets were used as the fen ce. They were filled with stones and pebbles. However,at prese nt, rein forced con crete weir has replaced the an cie nt fen ce.So no w, lets discuss the Bottle-Neck Chann el. A trunk canal was cut through the
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